Goddess divine {complete ✔️}

By ghost1643

10.3K 292 7

"Please don't leave me. Please, I need you." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Along tim... More

Demon awoken.
Still standing
Five steps
Wedding crasher
Demon flu
Meet adopted momster
Demon markings
Statue frog
Demon heart hunt begins
Story of Aphrodite
The end of a life time
Ban learns about Migas
New cover for the book


621 19 1
By ghost1643

Mel woke up to.... crying? Was someone crying? He looked around the cave, it was around midnight or something during the night. You could see the stars outside. Next to the fire was Migas. She was crying in her sleep.
"Is this normal?" Mel asked sitting up. He face palmed. Of course it wasn't. Mel looked at his friends. She was mumbling something in her sleep over and over again. In one swift swing his legs were over the edge of the bed. He stood up. Maybe he'd be able to walk more than five steps this time. With inquisitor five steps he was inches away from Migas. He ignored the pain and took another step. The another. And another. Soon he was up to ten. He was an inch away from Migas. With a sigh of relief (since he'd get to sit) he got on his knees and began shaking Migas.
"Hey. Wake up." He stated. Yet, it did nothing. The girl's eye were still shut tight. Since he was closer he could hear what she was saying.
"Please stop. I-I won't tell anyone. Just put me down." She mumbled.
"Tell anyone what?" He asked looking at his friend. Was she having a nightmare? Night terror? Flashback? Mel had no idea.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry mommy. I won't say it ever again. I'm sorry." She began sobbing. Meliodas began shaking her like crazy. One off her sleeves slid down revealing her wrists. In a bit of terror Mel let go of his friend. On Migas wrist was a bruise that definitely had definitely been from hand cuffs. Without thinking that much on it her pulled down the rest of her sleeve revealing bruises and marks that were definitely from chains. There were also faded bruises in the shape of someone's hand. What the actual hell. Who did this to her? Who ever it was they were so dead when he got his hands on them.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She sobbed over and over again in her sleep. What was he supposed to do? Mel pulled her sleeves back up so she wasn't embarrassed or something. If she wanted to have it seen she would have shown him by now. Migas sobbing got louder. With a sigh Meliodas pulled her into a hug.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She sobbed. She was still sleeping. Wow. This girl could sleep threw anything.
"Shh. It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." Mel stated without thinking. He wasn't really sure on what to do right now. So instead he did the first thing that came to mind. He felt hands wrap around him hugging him back. Migas buried her head in his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry I woke you." She sobbed.
"Stop. You have nothing to apologize for. I would have woken up anyways." Meliodas stated. Migas just kept crying. Why? He just sat there holding her for a couple moments before speaking up.
"D-do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. Migas shook her head no but, it was obvious to tell she was lying.
"How about I tell you something about me in exchange for you telling why you're crying?"Mel asked. Migas nodded her head yes as she broke free of the hug. She sat right in front of him teary eyes began drying.With a sigh Meliodas told her one of his secrets.
"Once when I was three I walked in on my dad arguing with this lady-" he was cut off by Migas.
"Let me finish." Meliodas stated.
"Alright fine."
"They were arguing about their affair. I was smart enough to hide behind a wall or something. That the only part that I can't ever remember. They had been doing it for years. One of which my mom was going to have me. Then she mentioned a baby. After that I couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the room to find mom. I didn't find her though. Dad found me first. He said if 'I said a word about it to my mother or anyone else I would be dead in a ditch and no one would care.' Okay your turn." He stated.
"God, your father's a dick."
"I know. You know it's still your turn no matter what you say in order to change the topic, right?"
"Yes. I wasn't supposed to exist. My mother is a........umm......well she never liked me. I was locked in a basement for years chained to a wall with a prisoner. The worst part is mom would toucher me for existing. Every time I screamed I hoped someone would rescue me. Yet, no one ever came. Well the other prisoner tried to protect me. She was the only person who ever liked me."
"How'd you escape?"
"There was a girl. Her mom was my mother's best friend. When she was six she went exploring and found us. She ended up breaking us out over five months ago while my mother was to busy focusing on the war to worry about us. Since then me and the other prisoner were split up for our own safety. Yet, as for the girl who saved us, she didn't come with us. She's probably still back home though making sure we're going to get found."
"Wow. Nice friend. I never had a friend that would do that for me. So what's her name?"
"Hella? That's a nice na- wait a second. Isn't that a goddess name?"
"Maybe. I was locked in a basement for so many years so, I have no f'n idea. Now let's get you back to bed." Migas stated getting back up. Soon Mel was back in his bed.
"Well night." Migas smiled as she began walking off. Mel grabbed her wrist stopping her.
"If you need to talk or anything at all wake me." He yawned. Migas nodded her head.
"Don't worry, I will." She stated freeing her wrists and walking away. Within a couple blinks Meliodas was fats asleep. Meanwhile Migas had another nightmare which left her covered in sweat. She glanced over at Mel with big teary eyes. Nah. She didn't need to talk. Besides he was a demon. He should hate her by now. Her eyes fell back on Mel.
Meliodas blinked a couple times as the sun light made his eyes sting. As his eyes adjusted to the morning light he giggled a bit. Migas was laying next to him on top of the blankets with her arms wrapped around him as tightly as possible. Scaredy cat.

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