Monster You Made//Loki Fan Fi...

By herhardest-huetohold

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CURRENTLY BEING EDITED "Take a good look at me now. Do you still recognize me? Am I so different inside? This... More

Monster You Made//Loki Fan Fiction
The Golden City
Leaving with Loki
Cat's Out of the Closet
His Mind in My Brain
Nothing but a Pointless Monster
Pain of Remembering
Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
Swing Life Away
Should've Would've Could've
Not Dead
Back in Town
I'm a What?
Unofficial Royalty
A Shot in the Dark
Cold Awakenings
Taken and Prisoners
Belle and the Beast
I Do Not Love You
In His Veins
Brothers Again, Not by Blood, yet Deeper than Skin
Hope through the Storm
I Love You
It's Not Over, Say It's Not Over
Author's Note - Sequel Announcement

Escaped, Returned, Convicted, Invited

6.6K 262 188
By herhardest-huetohold

I sat down in the parking lot of David's and burried my face in my hands. Alflyse had just conjured herself away and I couldn't bring myself to move. My heart was lead and my body was stone. I didn't want anyone to see me like this, let alone Loki. I heard the door open and Calelle crawled through my barriers and onto my lap. My arsm wraooed around her and I started to cry. I wasn't crying because I was a dark elf or because Alflyse had hidden this from me for my entire life. I wasn't crying because I was the daughter of Malekith or because I was engineered for war. I was devistated that a mother, even if she was the all evil queen of the dark elves, would arrange for so many awful things to happen to their child. She made me want to kill myself and twisted my mind into believing that it was right to kill all of those people. She let people hurt me in ways I never would have thought possible and she feels no remorse for it.


"No, not now Loki," I said then wiped the tears from my cheeks. Calelle clung to me as I lifted her back into the truck. Loki stood next to me and glared down at me. "Please, I don't want to hear any smart remarks about this. Just...just don't!"

"I'm not looking to further your pain. Just to take the keys."

"No thanks, I'd have to live to kill my parents," I said solumnly.

"Let me drive. I've opporated spaceships much more complicated than this vehicle. Please." I threw the keys at him and slammed the door as I slid in. Calelle looked to Loki for the approval to slid into my lap but Loki shook his head no. I leaned against the window and tried to think of a plan. The number one thing we had to do was tell Thor what was happening. Which means going back to Asgard. Great. Odin already hates me, and now he know's I'm an engineered sociopath, assuming he has Heimdall still keeping an eye on me.

We pulled into the James' home and Loki took Calelle inside while I slammed the truck door.

"What the hell are you doing?" Will gasped.

"We have to go. I'm sorry, but you have to too. You both have to leave and take the kids. Now." My sentences were choppy and short and I was breathless.

"What? Why? What's going on?" Lex asked.

"Does your cousin still live in the Caribbeans?" I asked Lex.

"Yeah, but I don't know why that's-"

"Take the kids and leave, tonight!" I demanded.

"What's happening?" Will asked pulling Lex close to him.

"I ran into my mother," I said shortly.

"Big deal, why is that so bad?" Will asked.

"Well my mother failed to tell me that she is Alflyse, Queen of the Dark Elves and my father-whom of which she did know-is Malekith the Accursed. An infamous, notorious, and dangerous dark elf. They plan to start a war between themselves, the frost giants and Asgardians. I don't want you getting caught up in this or them tracking us and end up at your house. Please," I begged. For someone who had never dealt with this side of me before, Lex took everything fairly easily. 

"Listen to her Will," she said pulling him into the house and toward their kids. Loki sat among them and he had a strange protective quality over them like he had over me at the store. I hadn't seen him like that before. It was a different side of him that expressed something besides hate. Progress I thought to myself. Somehow, in the midst of this chaos, I found the smallest bit of good imaginable. That was the difference between my parents and me; I have hope and faith.

"Kids, pack a bag. We're going to visit our cousins!" Lex tried to say with enthusiasm but came out like she had a gun to her head and was being told to drive a get away car.

"What about Aunt Tasia and Uncle Loki?" Calelle asked.

"She's not our aunt and he's not our uncle," Chris snapped at his sister resulting in Zachary hitting his brother.

"They've got to go back to work. This was just a weekend visit," Will said picking up his daughter. She writhed against him and stretched her arms out to Loki. Will allowed Loki to hold his daughter and she leaned her head close to his and whispered something inaudible in his ear. He nodded and then placed her back on the ground so she could run to me and wrap her arms around my legs. Chris and Zachary said goodbye to Loki and then came over to hug me, not wanting us to go.

"We'll visit you again," I said looking at all of them. "I promise." Loki agreed to make my statement appear more truthful. Will wrapped an around me and said his goodbyes while Lex ran at me and threw her arms around me.

"Be safe," she whispered in my ear. I nodded and tried to hide the rapid beat of my heart from the adrenaline surging through my veins.

"I'll call you when everything is safe and you can go home," I said. She nodded and wiped away a few tears then let go of me and went to help her kids pack. Loki and I walked outside and looked around. The ominous clouds overhead loomed with depression and the threat of horrible weather to come.

"Aren't we leaving?" he asked. I shook my head no and then turned back, looking through the screen door at the family that were panicing to leave. 

"Haven't you seen the movies? Just when the protagonist warns someone of something they leave and the antagonist takes over and destroys everything. I would never leave them to die."

"You really think that waiting here, drawing either dark elves or frost giants closer is going to keep them safe?"

"No, but having us here will help to protect them if something were to happen."

"Then I'll go keep guard around back," he said.

"No!" I shouted and grabbed his hand. Crap. Dang it Anastasia. "Don't leave me alone. Not now." I tried to slip my fingers out of his but his only tightened around mine. I decided not to fight him for my hand and I kept scanning the sky and it's swriling clouds. The James' ran out of their house and piled into Lex's car and said short goodbyes before speeding toward the road.

"We have to go now. They'll find us for sure." Loki said looking down at me, his glance tightening. I nodded and decided the fastest way for us to travel would be to teleport. I conjured the black mist and a pulling feeling entered my stomach. It was as if my stomach muscles were ripping apart sending tendons springing away and organs falling out of place, but just as quickly as it had started, it passed and we stood in the conference room of S.H.I.E.L.D in front of the Avengers and Director Fury.

"What the hell is this?!" Fury gasped while gaping at Loki. He quickly dropped my hand before anyone noticed and I scanned the room for Thor.

"It's a long story," I said turning to face him, disappointment rising.

"I've got time," Fury said full of sass.

"That's good, but sadly I don't." I could hear Tony laugh behind me and I turned to snap at him but was already experiencing the fury of Fury.

"I asked for an explanation!"

"Technically you said you have time, which I don't remember asking for your shcedule," I said while running toward the glass panels and peering out of them in search of Thor.

"VANDAL! I swear that if you do not explain why this criminal is standing in front of me right nowyou will be fired!"

"You don't want to do that," Loki said and I started laughing.

"And why would I not want to?" Fury asked raising his eyebrow at Loki.

"Because, armies of dark elves and frost giants want to wage war over Earth to gain attention from Asgard so Malekith the Accursed, my bilogical father, can steal the Aether, which is some all powerful weapon of darkness." My explanation shut him up and I was glad that it did because the sass I used leading up to it was more than enough to get me fired.

"That doesn't explain him being here!"

"You sent me to Asgard with Thor. This was the assignment."

"Babysitting Loki?" Natasha asked.

"She's not babysitting me like Agent Barton had done to you!" Loki snapped at Natasha.

"Loki," I sad softly coming to stand by him. I saw his muscles tense and his jaw clench, preventing himself from insulting Natasha further.

"He was sort of banished to Earth rather than forced to spend eternity in a cell," I explained.

"And you allowed a psychopath worse than Norman Bates to live with you?" Bruce asked.

"Hey! I don't know who you think you're talking to, Banner, but I will not be addressed in such demeaning ways!" Loki snapped.

"Loki, please just get Heimdall to take us to Asgard," I said touching his back lightly, feeling his muscles under his shirt.

"You can not take him back there! If Odin banished him here, returning him will only-"

"Will only what? Cause more trouble on top of the war that is hovering over our heads. I think that Loki returning to Asgard is nothing compared to that. Besides, he's different now!" I said.

Fury scoffed at me then laughed at Loki. "Him, different?!"

"He is, because unlike you, he's throwing himself into the middle of this and willing to risk everything instead of sit back in his stupid office and send your soliders to do your dirty work! The Avengers won't be enough to fight the Jotuns and the Svartalfar. You'll need someone who can influence both sides. That's him!!" I walked over to Loki and grabbed onto his arm. Thankfully he took that as his signal to take us to Asgard. The horrible transportation I had to endure with Thor took over again and the fear of loss of control entered my entire body as I slithered my arms around Loki's torso rather than his arm. He held onto me like when we were dancing and I gave up on trying to avoid close physical contact with him by  pushing my face into his chest. I felt my feet on solid ground again and Loki's posture straightened as he stood before Heimdall.

"Thank you," Loki said.

"Manners? Midgard has taught you well I suppose," Heimdall remarked.

"Anastasia did, so do not try and see into her life again when she does not wish it, or else you'll have be to answer to," Loki snapped.

"She was is danger," Heimdall said, "I was just doing my job."

"It's okay, Loki," I said standing too close to him for comfort but still not trusting Heimdall as much as everyone else here seems to. Loki's eyes drifted and he noticed a horse.

"Again, thank you, Heimdall, but we should be going now." Loki got on the horse and offered me his hand. I took it and swung myself on behind him and holding on to the sides of his shirt as we headed toward the palace.


Frigga was standing outside, waiting for us as if she knew we were coming. Goddess of prophecy, duh, Tasia. She immediatly hugged Loki as he jumped off the horse. I slid off and landed beside them.

"Thank you so much, darling," Frigga said to me while smiling.

"For what?" I asked her.

"You'll see," she said slyly but still hugging me nonetheless. 

"I have to talk to Odin," I said when she pulled back. She stood aside and stretch out her arms ushering me toward the massive doors I remember all too well. I opened them with my mind and Loki and I ran inside standing in front of Odin who sat promptly in his chair.

"Anastasia Vandal, here to throw him back so soon?" Odin asked. "Was this task too difficult for you?"

"He's not a project, Odin. He has more power than you and you need to excercise that power. Prefferably soon," I said rudely.

"What are you talking about?" Odin asked, his tone changing to concern.

"Father, the dark elves live. They threaten Midgard with war with the frost giants, all to gain your attention and to steal the Aether. I don't understand why they think the Aether is here but-"

"Because it is, brother," Thor said entering the room with a woman walking behind him with a silverish blue Asgardian dress on. Suddenly I felt bad for the humiliation Loki probably felt while wearing these clothes in his father's palace. "It feeds of Jane and is using her energy and life to sustain itself."

"Odin, I just ask that you allow Loki and I to travel to Jotunheim and try to reason with Laufey. You know he came to us before we went to Texas, please. It might slow down Alflyse and Malekith!" 

"Alflyse and Malekith? They are allied in this scheme?" Odin asked. I nodded shamefully. "You are their offspring, this I know. I knew something horrible had to come of you since I first say you at Loki's hearing. Guards!!" Odin bellowed and instantly, two burly Asgardian men grasped my arms and held me. I threw my weight around but it was nothing compared to them. I writhed and struggled to be free, screaming at Odin the entire time.

"You're a fool! Why are you punishing me?! I haven't done anything to you! I came here to help!"

"Heimdall told me to watch out for you. I didn't believe him when he said you would be more cunning than anyone I've ever encountered. Daughter of Malekith and Alflyse," he scoffed, "come to help the Asgardians. That's the exact plot they would conjure to trick me."

"I'm not lying!" I screamed trying to pull away from the guards but they started to be rough with me by shoving me around and pushing me into the ground, bending my neck down and grasping my head in one hand.

"Thor, they're hurting her," Jane stated while I continued to fight with the guards who were starting to shove me around more.

"Father, stop this," Thor said, his voice stern and unwavering.

"If war is waging then she sall be the first prisonor of war we take. Throw her in a cell," he said waving his hand away and I turned my self into dead weight, trying to make it harder to move me.

"NOOO!!! Stop it, please! Father let her go. She is not a thing like her kind. She's nothing like Malekith or Alflyse! Please let her free. Take me instead. She didn't do anything!" I looked up and saw Loki on his knees pleading for my freedom to his father. "Please," Loki begged, his green eyes swelling with tears as the guards gained control over me by slinging me over their shoulder. "Don't take her from me," he murmured. Odin's face was stern but the guards hesitated and waited for Odin's command to release me.

"You care for her?" Odin asked.

"I-I relate to her in ways no one will ever understand."

"I banish my boys to Earth and they come back with mortals that they are infatuated with. Release the girl." I fell to the ground and ran to Loki's side, wrapping my arms under his arms and crossing them behind his back as he put his arms around me and put his head next to mine.

"Technically, Loki's isn't mortal."

"I do not find love in her! I simply care for her well-being!" Loki snapped at his brother. Relief swept over me as I heard Loki's words.

"Whatever you say, brother. Tomorrow we will go to Jotunheim with Sif, Hogun, Volstagg and Fandral. Anastasia will acompany us, but for tonight, father wishes to have a welcoming feast for Jane and, well since you have brought your girl home, for Anastasia as well." Thor glanced at Odin as if to demand to include me.

"Anastasia, will you acompany Loki to our family feast tonight?" Odin asked.

"Like a date?" I hesitated. Thor, Loki and Odin all exchanged confused looks and my eyes drifted to Jane and she nodded. I sighed reluctantly and agreed.

"Good. Loki, show her to your room to wait and Frigga will come by with some proper attire for her to wear." Loki nodded and placed his hand in the small of my back to guide ma way from this room. "As for you, Miss Vandal, if you place one hair out of line, I will personally throw you into a cell and leave you to rot. See you tonight at dinner."

So Loki and Anastasia are back on Asgard. Odin thinks Loki loves her, Frigga thanks Anatsasia for something that hasn't happened yet and Anastasia meets Jane. Am I killing anyone by not putting Loki and Anastasia together yet? Can anyone justify why she's afraid to care about people or is it just Loki she doesn't want to love? Why would she be afraid of loving him? Leave comments, I'd love to hear what you think about everything. :) or message me and I'll reply.

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