Sophia's Love

By Place_Name_Here

878K 21.1K 3.2K

#2 in Father Books #3 in Daughter Books #7 in Adopted Books! The rewritten version is up!! Description is ins... More

Sophia's Love: Halloween Special
Sophia's Love: Christmas Special Part 1
Sophia's Love: Christmas Special Part 2
This is not chapter 31
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 30

12.3K 355 28
By Place_Name_Here

"Oh Caden what happened? Where is Sophie?" I looked down to see a head of blonde hair and I could feel tears soaking into m t-shirt. Embry. I was confused by the fact that she was here until I looked up at Albert to see a smirk on his face. I hugged Embry back and shooed the detective away. I just need to be with my family right now.

My head was laid up against the window of the car while the seatbelt felt like it was cutting off all of the air "how much longer?" I whined and pushed my head off of my arm. We have been in this car for a whole day. I never thought I would say this but I am tired of candy. That is all they have been feeding me and if only Daddy knew of this. My butt would be getting vegetables for the rest of my life.

"We're almost there kid" Ms. Julie said from the front of the car. She seems nice even for the little incident of putting me in the trunk. She explained to me that the man who put me there doesn't know that you don't put children in trunks and that it was a honest mistake. That's understandable, everyone makes mistakes.

I popped another peach ring into my mouth and chewed "alright" I mumbled and looked back out of the window.

"Alrighty then Miss. Sophia lets get started." Julie sat in a chair across from me on the hotel couch. I sat in my pajamas with a Coke in my left hand and another bag of peach rings in my right. Ms. Julie sat with a laptop in her lap with her legs crossed over. Once this was over Ms. Julie is going to call daddy and let him come pick me up.

"Okay, lets start off easy. What is your full name?" Julie asked me

"Sophia McKenzie Davidson." I said proudly. She tried down my answer quickly and then looked up at me.

"How old are you?" I held up my hand to show her all five of my fingers. She nodded and typed again.

"Who is you father?"

"Daddy." I laughed a little. Doesn't Ms. Julie already know this?

"No Sophia, what is your father's name?" she asked again.

"Uhm Dad?" I ask while tilting my head to the side. Why is she asking the same questions?

"Okay next question!" She types quickly then looks up at me "Alright now for some hard questions," Ms. Julie typed some more before looking up at me "Who is this Embry Ellis?" Does she mean my Embry? Who is Ellis?

"She is my friend from daycare who comes and watches me when Daddy has to work in board meetings. He says that he doesn't really like to leave me but he trusts Ms. Embry to watch me." I said.

"Mhmm, is she your fathers girlfriend?" she didn't look up from her laptop while she typed

"I dunno..." I ate another peach ring.

"Is it true your biological father is filing for full custody of you?" she asks and looks up when I don't answer "Sophia?"

"I don't know what those big words mean..." I whispered wringing my hands together in. I hear her sigh and sets her laptop on the chair.

"Does your old daddy want to take you back?" By now her hands stopped typing on her computer and was staring me down. 

"Daddy says that he won't let anyone take me away from my family." We sat there staring at each other for what felt like forever. Her glasses sat on the tip of her nose and some of her hair fell out of her pony tail. Quickly she pushed her fly away hair out of her eyes and stood up. She closed her laptop and walked across the room and pushed it into her bag.

"Your farther will be here to pick you up in 7 hours, so around 10. That means you need to stay in this room until then. A pizza will be sent to you around lunch time. You like cheese right? I hope so because we have already ordered. You have TV and a mini fridge filled with water, soda, and juice." she roughly threw on her jacket and zipped it up. "Just please don't leave this room. Keep the door locked and don't answer for anyone. You father will have a key to the room."

"Where are you going Ms. Julie?" 

"I am leaving Sophia. But don't worry I will come back to visit." she closed the door behind her and I could hear her heels hitting the floor down the hallway. 

And now I am alone once again. Not on the streets anymore but in a hotel room.

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