By theMadMarsz

131K 4.1K 1.2K

Kimani, 16 going onto 17, has straight A's and is going onto College to face her A-levels, she has her two be... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Character List #1
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Character List #2
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 17.

2.2K 105 21
By theMadMarsz

Deja Vu

1 week later

Kimani's House, Thursday, 3pm.

It's been a week since everything has happened, I still haven't spoken to Jermaine since he's been so up Dora's ass, my mom and dad are still fighting amongst themselves, and maths still a rubbish subject. Luckily it was the last week, tomorrow we broke up for our Halloween holiday which was nice. The last two weeks breezed by so quickly which was shocking for all the events which had just taken place, but I guess it was due to the mock week which was just had, today I had a Business mock exam, I think I did OK but I guess we'll see once I get my results back. Asia's flyers were done and handed out in school and the party would be this weekend. I still didn't know if I was gonna go. Social event when I'm feeling all types of anti-social, not really the best fit.

In all honestly I just want this holiday so that I can escape from all the drama. Dora is always smirking when she sees me, Jermaine looks past me which I'm fine with, I was over him and his whole girlfriend over friend antics. Having a relationship is fine but once you start putting them over your friends that's when the relationship becomes a problem. If he valued that relationship than our own then I'm cool with it.

My school day was over and I was just chilling in my room, waiting for all the girls to come over. We were gonna sort some things out and just chill. I had already cleaned my room up so it was just a matter of them coming over to my house so that we can hang out. I went into the kitchen and checked if I had any drinks and food for them, luckily I had enough ingredients for my homemade egg fried rice and some fizzy drinks stocked up in the kitchen. My mom was at work, as usual and I was home alone. I sat in the living room waiting for them to come. I was so bored it was beyond me.

I hadn't taken any pictures recently so there was nothing to edit and no one I liked lived near me, so going over to people's houses was a no, no.

Once it had gotten to 4pm the girls had finally arrived. I hugged them all. Even though we go to the same school it feels as though we haven't seen one another in so long. A-Levels was finally settling in I guess. "I'm hella thirsty, do you have something to drink?" Brianna asked as she took of her trainers.

"Yeah, in my fridge help yourself baby girl." I said as I walked into the living room with the other girls. We had congregated in the living room. First order of business was the party. Asia brought out her notebook and laid down the details of the party which she had already organised. It was gonna start at 6pm (8pm most probably) instead of being at her house she rented out a hall due to the amount of people asking to come, made sense. It was a dress up party so you couldn't come in without some sort of outfit, even if it was just fangs and some fake blood, everybody needed to be wearing some sort of outfit. The party was gonna end at midnight and that was all.

"I don't know what type of refreshments to serve, normal food or some Halloween kinda things." She asked tapping her pen on my centre table.

"A mixture of food would be good, so you could have some normal finger food and stuff and then some 'scary food' like brain sweets, pimple cupcakes like this." Kaylah said showing us some videos and pictures of cupcakes which looked like pimples.

"ewww, I'm not eating that are you dumb." Shemika said screwing up her face in disgust. I'm not gonna lie, it looked cool but I don't know if I could actually eat it myself.

"Yeah, I hear what you say but I don't know about those not gonna lie to you Kaylah." She said smiling awkwardly at the thought of the cupcakes.

We went over some more changes and ideas for the event and then just went ahead and chilled talking about general things and topics. "I actually think Mr. Angelo loves me." Shemika said causing us all to roll our eyes and laugh. "Naah, I'm not joking the way he looks at me, like he just want to rip my clothes off." She said smirking. He was one of the good-looking teachers in our college and you know Shemika, she always as something against or towards one of these poor teachers.

"Anyways, what are you gonna wear to the party Mani?" Brianna asked.

"Am I going is the real question." I said in response, they all looked at me as if I had just said something controversial, everyone knows I'm not the party type, its not my scene.

"So, whose taking my pictures with your quality?" Asia said looking at me with the 'bish whet' face. "That's what I thought." She said before I could say something. She knew I was going to say an excuse because I don't know any other person like me. Not to toot my own horn but a bitch got skills.

We continued to talk and gossip before they had to leave once they left, I felt at ease. That feeling of loneliness was slowly becoming something which I enjoyed, loneliness was now my comfort. In love, life and everything I was alone and more time I was better once I was alone.

I ate my crisps and put them in the bin once it was finished. I went upstairs and fell asleep.

Friday, 7am, Kimani's House.

I got my bag and checked everything over, my file which had my draft for my essay and that was all I really needed for the day since we broke up early since it was a holiday. I got on the bus and went to school with girls, the normal routine. Once I got into school I went to my classroom and waited for everyone to get into class. "Why hello early bird!" Ms Nagouri's chirped as she walked into the classroom smiling, as usual.

"Hi Miss." I replied sinking into my chair waiting for her to settle down and ignore me. Luckily she left the room to go and get something so it was me again,  by myself. As the time progressed the class began to get filled with people in my Tutor group, yet I was still alone on the table, no Tristian yet.

"Do you know where Tristian is?" Miss asked me. That was weird, how did she know that was what I was thinking ... Weirdo.

"No." I said in response. I'm gonna have to change/switch class because this right here was not normal, every time I think something she replies to it verbally, like where they do that at? As the time passed on I started to become agitated, the lesson was dragging as she was going over the plan for the day and nothing else. The door swung open and there appeared Tristian with a cup of Starbucks in his hand. THE CHEEK.

"Nice of you to join us Mr. Smith." Miss said in response to his startling entrance.

"You're welcome." He said sitting down. He looked extremely happy for some reason, as the door was about close it flung open again.

"Why did you leave me bro, I said wait for me." Christian said out of breathe. How was he here, I thought he was but .. I jumped up and rugby tackled him to the floor. I hugged him whilst we both lay on the classroom floor as people were most probably watching.

"Awe, isn't that sweet." Miss said watching us from an aerial view.  I then got up and composed myself as my cheeks began to hurt from how much I was smiling but to see him after a month of being, a month of no cheeky Christian, it meant a lot to see him being him.

"I didn't know you were coming back today!" I said as I punched him in his arm. What kind of twisted life was he living please?

"Well you didn't visit me, so how was I supposed to tell you, dummy." He said shoving my head. He pushed my head pretty hard for some one who just came out of hospital. I wanted to punch him again but realised how much damage I had just inflicted onto his body already and thought against it.

As Miss talked we both stared at each other grinning bare teeth (smiling a lot), causing Tristian to kick me under the table. Why he kicked me I don't know.

"Oh shit, my bad wrong leg." He said in reaction to my wincing. He smirked with Christian as I watched them both.

"You like the hospital don't you Christian, try me." I said smirking, causing them both to give me the based God look. I lowkey started feeling uncomfortable as reality began to kick in and my confidence began to drop. I was acting to hype right now. I wasn't being myself. I shut down and became quiet for the rest of the session.

Once the session was done we had to go to the main hall for an event which was being held by a Theatre company talking about Gang violence and culture, the whole of the first year had to be in attendance whilst the second years were given the green light to go home. Annoying much?

We took our places within our Tutor group in the main hall. Tristian, Christian and then I.

"You missed me, don't lie." Christian whispered, he watched me with his brown eyes, those same brown eyes he looked at me with when we were at my house. The deep brown which you could get lost in, a sea of memories and hopes.

"Not really." I said causing him to chuckle.

"Is that why you tackled me when I walked into the classroom?" He said continuing his chuckle.

"Not gonna lie, can you lovebirds, shut up." Tristian said whisper yelling causing us both to screw him and shut up. We listened and watched the play, bussing jokes in between the cringe parts, like when they were over doing certain aspects like talking slang and other extra stereotypes of that nature.

"Say swear Christian's back." Shemika said hugging him after the performance was over.

"In the flesh babyyyyyy." He said feeling himself up whilst cheesing at us. We all laughed until Kofi came and punched him in the arm. Why would he do that, doesn't he know what this boy has been through and you're just gonna come and punch him up.

"Where have you been you bitch." He said embracing Chris as he moaned in pain.

"What the fuck man, I've been sick, I'm only just recovering now." Christian lied. Wait, why did he lie and say he was sick? Sick for a whole month, really? Why didn't he just tell the truth and say he was in the hospital. I didn't stress over it and looked past and of course as I look past that I'm looking at Dora. She smiles and waves at me and then goes on to leave the school hall with Jermaine who, didn't even turn to look at me or in my direction. Ain't that a bitch, she's all nice and shit once I'm not longer around but when I was close with Jermaine I was getting the coldest shoulder, like Ice cold type of shit. That uncertain feeling I had towards her had now grown into a strong dislike.

She was sketchy and I didn't like it, not one bit. Christian wrapped his arm around my neck as we walked out of the school building with the rest of the gang. Once we reached the bus stop we waited for the bus to take us all home.

I sat in my bedroom as I looked at the outfit I had planned on wearing tomorrow, I was gonna go as a girl who had been burned alive, I was wearing a cheap £5 dress which I burned at the bottom and at the sleeves and was gonna use my sfx makeup kit that auntie bought me, don't ask me why, if it was on sale and 'artsy' she would get it for me. I guess it was handy for tomorrow.

Saturday, 2pm, Asia's House.

Halloween was in about a week or so, so this party was kind of early but Asia wanted to throw it, so she did. We were all getting ready  for her party as we had to get things prepared at the hall before everyone else came through. I had on my outfit and of course, my dress was thigh high, it looked longer when I bought it and I knew no one was gonna let me singe their clothes. I sighed and prayed for the best. I left my hair out and let the curls run wild, I then put some bobby pins on either side to keep it out of my 'scarred' face. I had put some scars on my face and had done a smokey eyeshadow look to add to the darkness of the look, I matched that with a grey ombre lip.

"You look .. ASHY." Shemika said cracking up amongst herself. I glared at her and shook my head as she wiped her imaginary tears, this girl really had some unresolved issues. The other girls looked good, Harley Quinn, Two Vampires and Poison Ivy and then me, burnt alive ..


We got to the hall and started preparing the hall for the nights festivities. The hall was decorated with fake cob webs and pound store decorations. The refreshment table had 'non alcoholic' wink wink punch and some generic food which had been Halloween-ified. The hall looked really put together. "Say hi to snap Mani!" Kaylah screamed. I hid my face as she shoved the camera into my face. Girl, if you don't move from all up in my face, please.

The DJ's area was also decked out in cob webs to add to the Halloween vibe in the party. The DJ was dressed in a werewolf costume from his neck to toe, his face was uncovered .. obviously.

It had now reached 7pm and the hall was slowly filling up with people which was scary, not just the way people looked but how quickly it filled up, we thought that the hall was going to be half empty but people actually took part and came dressed up, girl like cats and vampires whilst the boys had on ghost and 3D masks.

The party was livening up as the DJ started playing some drilla music, I went to the backroom and got my camera and placed it around my neck as I headed back out to take some images of everyone. I tried to capture a mixture of people, from people in the midst of the party to people actually wanting to take pictures posing.


Once I was tired of taking pictures I put the camera back where it was, in the locked backroom and returned to the party, this time I drank one cup of the punch and ate some of the 'finger foods.' I sat down on one of the chairs as I watched people grinding on one another to the bashment songs. "Boo!" a boy in a mask which was pouring blood on itself. I looked at the mask and laughed at the thought of someone trying to scare me at this party. A Halloween party and you're trying to scare me .. No.

"Really?" I said taking off the persons mask. Christian was there smirking, exposing his pearly whites. I don't know what it was but he was really attractive all of a sudden. I was starting notice his features more and I would look at him and focus on certain aspects of him, from his clear skin, to his deep dark eyes to his plump, juicy, kissable lips.

I think I have a crush on Christian ...

He wrapped his arm around my neck, like he always does and leaned in and whispered into my ear, "So what about this dress problem Kimani?" He asked causing me to laugh.

"Awww, you guys are cute." I heard Brianna squeal as she took a picture of us both. He and I together with his neck burrowed into my neck. I looked at the picture and we looked like a couple. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Naah but forreal, what about this dress problem Mani?" He questioned, I guess he was questioning the length of my dress. "Why is it all burnt and short like that?" He said whilst he analysed my body. It was as if I was naked, he was analysing all of my body, from head to toe. It was as if he was tracing my whole body with his eyes, every section he looked over was becoming undone.

"I,It's part of my outfit." I said lowly.

"What did you say, you can't whisper in a party!" He said as a result of his inability to hear me, he was right though the sound of the music was loud as fuck. I pulled him away and into the backroom so we could talk.

"I said it is part of my outfit, I'm burnt alive." I said twirling showing off my outfit. He smirked causing me to grow shy and sit down on my knees next to him. We had isolated ourselves from the party, it was getting hotter and louder by the minute, which wasn't nice for me or good for someone who just got out of the hospital, at least I don't think that environment is meant for him. He fanned himself as he took small breathes.

"Take of that big ass bomber jacket Chris, you look like you're gonna collapse." I said in response to his actions. I was in a dress and sweating rivers and he was sitting there boiling in a hot ass jacket instead of taking it off. He shook his head and refused causing me to walk over to him and fight him to take it off. "I don't want to be visiting the hospital again this month." I said as I tugged on his jacket.

"I'm fine Mani, don't worry." He said continuing to fight me. Luckily, I was able to strip him of his jacket and watched as he hid his arm. It had cuts and on one arm was a long scar going across his forearm.

"Chris, what is that?" I asked concerned, as I tried to touch him he moved back in an attempt to hide his scarred arm.

"This is why I didn't wanna take off my jacket, it's ugly." He said tracing his biggest scar with his pointer finger.

"Not at all." I said reassuring him, it was only scary that there was one long scar long the length of his arm but other than that there was nothing wrong with his scars, they looked kind of good looking. I don't know why but I really wanted to touch them and feel them, feel his battle scars. This was a clear depiction of struggle, his struggle. I always wondered why he would never take his jacket off or would always wear long sleeve tops, it was his insecurity he was trying to hide.

"No need to lie Mani, I already know they ar-" Before he could finish I stopped him and shook my head.

"No, no they're not, they are the wounds and struggles you've carried over the years, there's nothing wrong with showing your battle scars Chris." I said restoring his hope. He smiled as he watched me with compassion in his eyes, we sat there for a moment before he pulled me close and .. kissed me.

Our lips danced as our hands followed the rhythm of the kiss. He began to rub his hands over my back and bum as I held myself up on him. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy as we kissed both fighting for dominance and control in the kiss. We broke apart and we watched each other shyly as we both caught our breathes.

"Not gonna lie, I've been wanting to do that for the longest." He said smiling at me. I looked away and smiled to myself. I guess the feeling was mutual. He took my hand which was resting on my lap and lightly tugged on it to gain my attention. "I really do like you Kimani, you're such a beautiful person inside and out and I just want you to know that, I do care for you, the same way you cared for me, I appreciate you." He said looking straight into my eyes.

He edged closer and went in for another kiss, this time it was deeper but softer. No fight for dominance just acceptance. I was straddling him as he wrapped his arms around my waist as my arms wrapped around his neck. He then released from the kiss and followed with passionate, tender trails down my jaw to my neck.


Haaa, I finally gave you guys what you wanted, took 17 Chapters but I got here and that's all that matters in the end.

I hope you all love it and enjoyed reading it, I actually enjoyed writing this but got worried when I skipped ahead like I did in Chapter 14 but I wanted to get to this point because it was lowkey overdue but at the same time I feel as though it was fine to do so as I want you to be able to connect with characters and create a bond with them.

- Christian and Mani!?

- Can she put some respeck on Delora's name?

- Is the beef between the former best buds extra?

Thanks for reading, I hope you found this enjoyable and fun to read. It is currently 01:50am and I'm up posting this Chapter as I finish it up, I don't know why I always post things so late but here it is.

Don't forget to comment, vote and share!!

Have a good morning, day, afternoon, evening and/or night. - MadMarsz xo

Love y'all!!

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