Somebody That I Used To Know

By Bowtiesouffles2015

2.1K 157 27

(Sequel to "Little Talks") Following the events of John's death, Clara tries her best to move on, but nothing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

152 12 2
By Bowtiesouffles2015

Somebody That I Used To Know- Chapter Five

       Alex only stared as Clara's father dropped to his knees and his only child held him in her arms.

       "No, you can't be dead!" She screamed.

       "He's not dead, I swear. Only knocked out." A voice said. The location of this mysterious voice was unknown, and no one could get up to find out. It sounded familiar though. Very familiar. Clara would have confirmed her suspicions, but Alex was still bleeding. Luckily, there were sirens in the distance that sounded like they were getting closer.

       Moving from her father to Alex, she stroked his cheek and said, "Hold on.

Help is almost here. You just need to hold on for a few more minutes and you'll be okay. I promise."

       He breathed shallow breaths, unable to take full ones without causing too much pain. "Listen, if I don't..." He started.

       "You're not going anywhere except to the hospital, so don't even begin to talk like that! I'm not losing anyone else." Clara said, pressing her forehead to his.

       Suddenly, the ambulance showed up and the EMTs came running into the backyard with all the necessary supplies.

       "Are you family?" One of the technicians asked.

       "No. I'm his girlfriend." Clara replied.

       "What about that man over there? Is that your father?"

       "Yes. I think he's going to be okay though, so I'll take care of him.

Please just help my boyfriend." She pleaded.

       "He'll be okay, miss. We'll do everything we can, but he should be fine in a few hours." The technicians picked Alex up carefully and placed him on the nearby platform, carrying him back to the ambulance. Before they left, Clara leaned over Alex and kissed him, not knowing if the technicians were telling the truth or not.

       "I love you." She told him.

       "I love you, too. I'll be okay. I promise."

       The ambulance left in a hurry, letting the sirens pierce the silence of the night. Clara couldn't go back to her father, and she wasn't sure what to do, so she took a walk. She walked through the city alone, trying to get her head wrapped around that voice. She knew that voice. That voice wasn't supposed to exist anymore. That voice was dead. HE was dead. How was that even remotely possible?

       As Clara walked on, she passed an alleyway barely lighted by a small lamppost lantern. Looking down it, she noticed a tall figure looking at a pocket watch. Thinking nothing of it at the time, she continued walking. Realizing what she just saw, Clara ran back to find no one standing there. Must have been because of Alex that she thought she saw...him.

       After that little experience, she went home. As soon as she got there, she found Dave passed out on the couch. Did he wake up and go there by himself? No. He couldn't have. It was then that she realized that the back door was open.

It wasn't like that when she left. Who had done this for her father? Was it the man with 'the voice'?

       Clara walked to the back door to close it, but as soon as she looked outside, she saw John standing there in the faint light of the moon.

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