By LieveVanSoom

847 36 12

Follow us on an European tour with some laughter, but also with some tears too. This time it's going to be a... More

it started again and some great news
I'm going with Måns & The Zappanones on tour!!!!
POLAND !!!!!!!
GERMANY part one
Germany part two
Back Home !!!!
Back on the road
Back on the road + karaoke time !!
MADRID, SPAIN part one
Madrid, Spain, part two
some extra help + Italy part one
Italy part two
Italy part 3
Italy - Greece
GREECE part one
Meeting a friend and a big surprise
finally some quality time????
Greece - Paris
I just discovered a big secret.
we really need some time off
who's behind all this??????
He finally admits to it
Meeting Nicky and her grandkids
Just don't insult his family or friends !!!!!!!!
is this tour cursed or ????????
Meeting Nicky's kids
And just when we thought that nothing else would happen
Some things of the past are turning up again
visiting my gran and going to the cinemas
A few days of rest
Is he still doubting about my love for him???
The final concert
Heading back home
The truth revealed

The Netherlands - Belgium

11 0 0
By LieveVanSoom

'Ok, something else then, something fun to do, 'said Alexander, but that twinkle in his eyes already said enough.

'Oh no, I'm so tired of playing that game, 'I said with a wink.

'Oh c'mon, you're so good at playing that, 'said Marcus.

'A game? That's not a subject? Or am I wrong here? 'asked Nicky.

'No, you're not wrong. But someone has to give up a subject and then you'll had to tell a story around that and the one with the best story, wins the game, 'said Peter.

'Oh that would've been perfect for my Sophie, she's so good at those things. It's such a shame that Danny and Dutch Gretchen didn't allowed them of coming with us, 'said Nicky.

Indeed, it was a shame and the tears were streaming down when we said goodbye to her and Tommy.

'He , I got an idea. What if we keep that game until next year? Then they can play too, 'said Måns.

'He, what do you mean? Next year?? Are you coming back to the Netherlands then ? 'asked both Chantal and Melody.

'No, but then you're all coming for two weeks to Sweden, 'I said to them.

'Wow, for two weeks. And are we're gonna stay at your place or do we have to stay somewhere else ?' asked Melody.

'Well, we have to see about that, but those two weeks are certain, 'said Måns.

Ok, it was kinda big at our place, but to put Nicky and her whole family down??? That would be something else.

'We can always put a few tents into our garden, 'said Måns.

'Well, then I will go to a hotel, I'm not gonna sleep in a tent, 'said Nicky.

'We still have some room in our house and the boys are sleeping on the couches, 'I said to her.

'Are they also gonna stay at your place, when we're there too? I mean for those two weeks, 'said Chantal.

'No, they're not. But sometimes it happens that they just passing by and after a couple of beers, then they don't ride back home, 'said Måns to her.

But Nicky knew exactly what we meant with that. She's the only one that knows what we're gonna do next year. Even Kirstin doesn't know it and when the boys were upstairs, together with the kids, Måns said to me: ' That was close, you almost made a slip.'

'Yeah, I know. But luckily you could give a twist, 'I said to him.

'Yeah indeed. We have to be very careful with what we're saying. But Nicky knows it too, so she can also give it a twist, 'he said.

'Yes, and with that staying over, we will solve that too, 'I said.

But we still had a year the time and thanks to Nicky we knew when they had their summer vacation.

'Mum, are we already in Belgium ?'asked Alex me.

I looked quickly on my phone, no that wasn't possible. Then had Kirstin really stepped on the gas.

'No, we can't already be in Belgium, 'I said to him.

'Wait here. I will see what's going on, 'she said.

Ok , a traffic is always possible. But we were close to the boarder and there was no notification of an accident.

'Border check, 'said Kirstin when she came back on the bus.

Border check, between the Netherlands and Belgium? Ok, which criminal did escaped now???

'Ok, don't you found this weird ?'I asked Nicky.

'Yes, very weird. But, we just can ride through, that's also weird, 'she said.

'Maybe they saw the side of the bus or the badge of Kirstin, 'I said .

Honestly I didn't care, I was happy, when after thirty's minutes, saw the sign : België.

Home sweet home, I thought by myself.

'You will be glad that you're back home. After all that happened, 'said Alexander to me.

'Yes, but not for the reason that you just said. I'm mostly happy that I'm gonna see my gran again. I only wished that she was there on my wedding day, but she couldn't, 'I said to him.

'And is that the only reason ?'he asked.

'Yes, why should I have another reason? I hear my mum and the rest of the family on a very regular base. Only with my gran is that not so easy, 'I said.

'But now you can also clear your mind and some real family time. Cause lately you didn't really had the time for it, 'he said.

'I honestly admit that those few days at sea are gonna do us so good, 'I said.

'And that's all we need to clear our heads, a sea breeze and some time off, 'said Måns.

'But first we're gonna visit gran and mom, 'said our Sophie.

'Yes of course, besides gran is expecting us tomorrow around 3°clock, 'said Måns.

'And the day afterwards we're going to mom. And then we're going for a few days to the sea, 'said Alex.

'EUHM no, we've changed that a bit. Mom is coming for a day to the sea, because of all those setbacks we recently had, 'said Måns to him.

'But then is it really gonna get busy at the sea, 'said Sophie. Yeah, she was quite observant . I wonder from who she has that?

'We will see about that when we're there. First we're going to our hotel and then we're gonna pay mom a quick visit, then she already saw you, 'I said to him.

'Can't we just stay at moms? 'asked Alex, he was clearly disappointed

'But my dear Alex, mom doesn't have that many rooms, 'I said.

'We will discuss this later on, 'said Måns.

But I knew my kids, this wasn't over. But they also can't forgot that Chantal and Melody were here too and at sea, they slept in one room. But at my mums wasn't that possible, those rooms weren't that big.

'But what if we just lied some air matrasses then it's possible , 'said Sophie.

'Like I just said, we will discuss this later on. And now I don't want to hear it anymore, 'said Måns to her.

And she could also be very cocky. HHMM, I know someone that can be that too.

'But daddy , I just want....... 'she wanted to say, but the look that Måns gave her said enough.

And that was something she still needed to learn, when we said that it was enough, then she was still insisted of having a final say. And then we had to interrupt her, with raising our hand or give her a certain look.

And the closer we're got to Antwerp, the more that I felt myself more relieved. But then I asked myself of it was kinda normal that I had that feeling. Cause, although I live more than 7 years in Sweden, it never really felted as home. Don't get me wrong, I really happy now and maybe I start to myself there as home when all our problems are gone.

'Your first home stays special, no matter where you live in the world. There's no better place then where you lived your whole childhood , 'said Måns to me. He knew exactly how I felt myself now.

'But don't you find it weird? I escaped Belgium so many years ago and I rebuild my life somewhere else. But now I'm here, it still feels like coming home, 'I said to him.

'Not at all. And you had some good times here too, that's something you never may forget, 'he said.

'No, I won't forget that, 'I said.

And when Kirstin parked the bus at the hotel and of course it was in the middle of Antwerp city, I couldn't get any faster of getting off that bus.

'He, be careful, otherwise you fall through that knee again, 'said Alexander.

'HAHAHA, very funny, 'I said to him.

'It's a very busy city. With all those people and traffic, 'said Alex.

'Yeah that's true, but is also a very charming city. If you know where you have to be, 'I said.

'Ok, so guide us through your lovely city, 'said Peter.

'I think it's better that we first are gonna check ourselves in and then going into the city, 'said Måns to him.

'Yeah, I think so too, 'said Kirstin.

And once we were checked, this time were our rooms normal , we went into the city.

Only a few of the boys and Nicky stayed in the hotel.

'I really would've join you, but I just gonna give that ankle some rest, 'said Effe.

But the kids happily joined us.

'So, what do you want to see first ?'I asked them.

'Manneken Pis, 'said Alex.

'Yeah, no. Cause that's in Brussels and we're in Antwerp, 'I said to him.

'Oh yeah, that's right, 'he said. Ok, was he serious now??? But when I saw that cute smile on his face, I knew enough.

'Nice try, but I can show you the cathedral, 'I said.

And after a small tour, we went back to our hotel.

'When are we're going to mom ?'asked Sophie.

'You can go now, if you want. You don't have to look to us, 'said Nicky.

'Are you sure? Cause, otherwise they have to wait till we're at sea. We're going on Thursday, so 'I said.

'Yes, I'm sure. Then I can help Chantal and Melody with unpacking and then I can take some rest, 'she said.

'Ok then, we're going in a few minutes to mom, 'I said to Sophie.

'And how are we getting there? Will Kristin give us a ride? Or are we're taking a taxi? 'asked Alex.

'Well, we're going with the bus, but a normal one this time. We can the city bus here at Roosevelt and that bus almost stops at mom's home, 'I said to him.

'But doesn't that cost a lot ?'asked Sophie.

'No, it's still cheaper than taking a taxi, 'I said to her.

'Yippie, with a city bus to moms ,'said Alex enthusiastic.

Ok, this time we didn't had much luck, cause it was very crowed on that bus. The sales were almost done and then everyone planned of going to the city for the cheapest discounts.

'Otherwise we'll take the next one. We only have to wait for another 20 minutes, 'said Måns.

'No, we're taking this one. Otherwise is it not worth it that we're going to her, 'I said.

OOH, it was so cosy on that bus. But, no-one wanted to give their seat to our kids. Was it really that difficult to stand up for them??? But then I saw an older women signalled me, I walked to her and she said that she gladly would stand up for my kids. But I didn't want that she did that, she had already some difficulties with walking and then SHE wanted to stand up.

And from the moment that there was a seat free, another person quickly took that seat.

'Ok, I have enough of  it, 'said the bus driver.

He pulled over, a few persons starred with mooning, but he didn't care less.

'I only ride further, if someone knows the reason why I just pulled over. And if none of you will give their seat to those kids, then I just won't ride further. And then some of you will miss their train, but the station isn't that far anymore, so you can always go on foot, 'he said.

I glanced quickly to Måns and then a few people stood up, so that our kids could sit down.

The bus drove further and the bus driver looked in his rear – view mirror, 'thank you', I whispered to him and he answered me back with a wink.

'Well, that was something else on that bus. Does that happens more often that they don't give their seats to the little kids or older people ?'asked Måns. We were just off the bus and walked to moms.

'No, and then we had the luck that it wasn't a school day, cause then it's even worse, 'I said to him.

'How long do we need to walk before we're at mom's house ?'asked Alex.

'It's not that far anymore. Look, we're already there, 'said Måns to him.

'Who wants to ring the bell ?'I asked them.

'Me, me, me, 'they both said.

They ranged the bell together and it didn't take more than 2 seconds, when moms opened the door.

'I already heard you coming, but I thought I just let them rang. That's something they always want to do, 'she said.

Indeed, that was a good idea, for not causing any drama's afterwards.

'And? Is everyone fine? No more people been sick ?'she asked us.

'Yeah, only that he has to be very careful of what he's doing with his ribs, 'I said to her.

'Oh really, you only forget to mention the fact that you felt through your knee this morning, 'said Måns.

'What? Already? Probably you just did too much . But it seems that you both did too much, cause you both look very tired, 'she said.

'Yes, we are very tired. It's been a few heavy weeks for us. But that week that we've stayed in the Netherlands did us really good. Expect the fact that he had the flu and that I felt through my knee. Oh yeah and that Effe , when he tumbled down the stairs, sprained his ankle, 'I said.

'So, no crazy fans or ex- boyfriends that were chasing you, 'she said.

'No and let us hope that it stays that way. We just want to enjoy this vacation, 'I said.

'Yes, for you and the kids it is. And I have to work the whole time, 'he said with a wink.

'Oh you poor fellow, but you just enjoy to perform on that stage. Just admit it, 'I said to him.

'Yes, that's true and it's because of the fans that I still enjoys it, 'he said.

'So, what are the rest of the plans, while you're here ?'she asked us.

'Well, tomorrow we're going to grans. We've called her and she said that we were more than welcome, 'I said.

'Yes, I'll bet that she's gonna be very happy to see you again. And maybe she will come , with you, to Sweden too, 'she said.

'Well, we don't think that. But we're gonna try to persuade her for coming next year, 'he said.

'Well, you can always ask her. You'll never know what she's gonna answer, 'she said.

We'll see that tomorrow.

'Can't we just stay here by mom? Please mum? 'asked Sophie.

'If it goes for her, why not .But then we're gonna pick you up, when we're going to grans, 'said Måns to her.

'Yes, that's not a problem. But only if you both agree on that, 'said moms.

'Will you just excuse us for a second? We need to discuss something, 'I said to her.

'And what do we have to discuss ?'asked Måns me.

'I thought that we had said to our kids that they couldn't stayed at moms, because Chantal and Melody are here too, 'I said to him.

'Ok, that's true. But for this one time. And besides, they can't go with us, when we're going to grans. So , what are they gonna do then ?'he said.

'And the boys and Kirstin? What are they gonna do then? And Nicky????' I asked him.

'Maybe they can all do something together, ' he said .

'Yes, there's a big chance for that. Maybe they can play some music on the big market, 'I said.

'The Zappanones playing music on the big market of Antwerp. I think that the Belgium fans will go crazy when they find it out, 'he said.

'And then they all gonna ask them where you are, 'I said.

'Spending some time with my family and going on family visits, 'he said.

'Maybe you can play, once we're at the sea, some songs too, 'I said.

'Good idea, maybe I find some inspiration for writing a new song, 'he said.

'The most important thing is that we just enjoy out time there. Just clearing our minds and indeed, maybe you will find some inspiration, 'I said.

'We'll see once we're there, 'he said.

'Ok, but for now. What we're gonna do with that staying over? Are we gonna say yes or no ?'I asked him.

'If we want to avoid any drama's , then we have to say yes, 'he said.

'Ok, for this once we agree on it. But, you have to be ready on time, when we're gonna pick you up for going to grans. And you both had to listen to moms, 'I said to them.

'Yes mum, we'll be listening to moms. And we'll be ready in time for going to grans. And can you bring that portrait of us, that we've had made in France, for her? 'asked Alex.

'Of course we'll bring that with us. She will be so happy with that, 'said Måns.

Yes, she will and I have to admit that, when I saw that portrait , the tears were standing in my eyes. It was really beautifully done.

'Ok, but we do have one problem. Where are your sleeping stuff ?asked mom.

'I guessed that there are still in the hotel and our toothbrushes too, 'said Sophie.

'No, I already thought that they would stayed here, so, 'I said and showed them that travelling bag.

'PHEW, otherwise you had to go back to your hotel, 'said moms.

'No thank you. We just sat on a full loaded bus on our way to here, 'said Måns.

I glanced quickly to him and saw ,with the expression that he had on his face, that his ribs were still sore.

'I'm gonna make, once we're back at the hotel ,a doctor's appointment. You still have painful ribs and don't say that you're not. I just can see it on your face. But hey, when you just decide for lifted me up and carries me over the doorstep, 'I said to him.

'Yes, you're right. But sometimes I forget about those ribs being bruised and then I just think that I can handle everything, 'he said.

'Well, you're not superman. Maybe in the eyes of our kids you are. But we know better than that. And there's nothing wrong to admit when you're in pain, 'I said.

And with that said, I made, once we were back in our hotel, a doctor's appointment.

But that was easier said than done, we had to wait for two weeks.

'Otherwise we'll just go to the emergency , if we can't go the doctor's, ' said Måns.

But then I thought, why don't I just call to my family doctor.

And indeed, we had an appointment for that evening.

'So, what's the problem? Oh, I already see what the problem is. And for how long are you walking around with those ribs? 'he asked Måns.

'I think about four weeks now, 'he said to him.

'And now you still have some problems with those ribs?? Did you anything in those last couple of weeks?? Like lift something heavy or??? 'he asked Måns

'I did some concerts in the meantime and maybe it's that, 'he said.

Yeah, right, those concerts are the real reason that, oh c'mon.

'Ok, I think that your wife don't agree on that. So, tell me again what you just did, 'said the doctor.

'Yeah, ok, I lifted my wife a couple of times up. So, maybe that's the reason that I still have some pain, 'said Måns.

'Yeah, lifting someone up when you have bruised ribs, is not the smartest idea. And how long is this tour gonna be ?'he asked him.

'After this concert here, we're going back to Sweden, 'said Måns.

'Ok and when is that concert here ? 'asked the doctor.

'Next week, on Saturday, 'said Måns.

'Ok, so for this week, I'm gonna prescribe you some heavy pain medication for those ribs and you need to take so proper rest as well. Besides, cause of that medication you're gonna sleep a lot, 'said the doctor.

He wrote the prescription and gave me a note for the medical insurance.

'Yeah, well. I don't live here anymore. All my insurance's are now in Sweden, 'I said.

'Oh yeah, that's right. I completely forgot about that, 'he said.

'No problem, but I just think that they are gonna look weird, when I'm give them that note and they see that it comes from Belgium, 'I said.

'Yes, you're right. But you can always try, 'he said with a wink.

Once we came outside, we went first to the pharmacist. We just had to cross the street for that.

'Ok, so do you know the use of this medication ?'asked the pharmacist Måns.

'No, I've never had to take them before so, 'he said.

'We only know that there are very heavy and that he can fall asleep when he takes them, 'I said.

'Indeed, so no driving of any kind. And also you have to eat something when you're taking them. And also no alcohol while you're taking them, 'said the pharmacist.

'Back already? They are playing upstairs, 'said mom.

'Yes, we were in the neighbourhood. I went back to the doctor's with him. His ribs are still sore, so. And we could only go to our family doctor and then we picked up his medication. And we've got again an excellent explanation from our pharmacist , 'I said.

'Yes, you can say what you want about him, but he knows his profession, 'said moms.

'Indeed, I even think that we never get that sort of explanation from the pharmacists in Sweden, 'said Måns.

'Yeah, but they know that your father is a doctor, so they will think that he already explained it to us,' I said.

'So, are you gonna back to your hotel? Or are you gonna stay for dinner? The kids wanted pizza so, and I know that he adores pizza, 'said mom.

'Yes, that's true and I want some pizza too. But, only on one condition, we're gonna pay for it, 'I said.

'HHHMMM , yummy pizza, 'said both Måns and the kids.

'But mum, I thought that daddy was punished and that he can't have pizza, 'said Sophie.

'That was then and I did something what I've promised for not doing that again, but I did so, 'said Måns.

'Oi, then you did something very terrible, if she had to punish you with that, 'said mom to him.

Måns and I looked to each other and we had it very difficult for not bursting into laughter.

'Ok, we're not allowed to know what's so funny. So, I would say, enjoy your dinner, 'said mom.

If only she would know, I think that she will looked very weird when I would told her that.

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Hey this is part 2 of book three because apparently you can make a book too long anygays enjoy.
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If you haven't read Part I, go ahead and read that! Enjoy the ride as I continue to revise the story and thank you all so much for all of the support...
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Enjoy!! ok but like actually read it