The Journey Continues - Seven...

By HeyGurl587

2.7K 69 2

Sequel to 'Seven And Ten Thousand'. More

Part One - The Murphy
Part Two - White Light
Part Three - Zombie Road
Part Four - Z Weed
Part Five - Batch Forty-Seven
Part Six - Escorpion of the Zeros.
Part Seven - Another Loss
Part Eight - Zombaby!
Part Nine - Zombie Baby Daddy
Part Ten - Down The Mississippi
Part Eleven - A Near Miss
Part Twelve - The Collector
Part Thirteen - Teck
Part Fourteen - Rozwell
Part Fifteen - UFOs, Aliens, Are They Real?
Part Sixteen - We were nowhere near the grand canyon
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen - Corporate Retreat
Part Nineteen - Hotel Break
Part Twenty - La Reina's Offer
Part Twenty-One - Party With The Zeros
Part Twenty-Two - Adios Muchachos
Part Twenty-Three - Day One
Part Twenty-Five - All Good Things Must Come To An End

Part Twenty-Four - Zeros Attack

81 2 0
By HeyGurl587

Seven followed Ten K up a steep grassy hill, using her tomahawk to help keep herself stable and forward moving. The rest of the group trailed behind them. An hour later they were in the bush, and it was no surprise when Murphy started asking the same question again.

"Are we there yet?"

"You've been asking that for the past three thousand miles," Warren replied in a nonchalant voice.

"Yeah I know, but this time I really mean it." Murphy grumbled. "I mean seriously, shouldn't we be there by now?"

"Ya we're close," Addison looked down at her GPS. 

"How close?" Doc wondered. 

"Like, it should be through those trees close." Addison pointed just ahead. She sniffed,

"Oh what's that smell!?"

Seven smelled. 

"That's fresh air girl." Warren stated as they walked out of the woods and onto a road. 

"The ocean." Both Ten K and Dax said in sync. Ten K glanced at him and frowned, Dax didn't notice this, but Seven did. Dax smiled and looked back at the others.

"Who's keen for a swim?"

Everyone looked at the view of the ocean.

"After we get Murphy to the right spot." Seven laughed at him. 

"I can't believe we made it." Doc sighed. The waves echoed and wind blew stronger.

"Well we haven't made it yet." Vasquez said. Addison nodded in the direction,

"Come on, it should be through there."

They walked through more bush and trees and finally stopped to see a cabin of a sort. As they neared it, they realised it was more like a cafe/diner. Few cars parked around it. 

"That's it?" Murphy pointed, he gawked in disbelief.

"According to the GPS." Addison nodded. Seven grinned, she bounced excitedly beside Ten K and she squeezed his hand. They had finally made it.

"Are you sure?" Doc questioned and looked at the gadget. 

"That's it." Addison nodded.

"Doesn't look very high tech."

"Maybe it's just another front for an underground lab." Ten K told them, Seven nodded.

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"Maybe it's exactly what it looks like. An abandoned, greasy, spoon." Murphy waved his hands. "One last cosmic joke at my expense."

"Either way we're going to check it out." Warren walked forward a few steps with Vasquez.

"How do you want to handle this?" Vasquez asked her quietly.

"Well I don't want us all to go walking into some trap." She murmured. "So you and I will go in light, and check it out." Warren then turned to the others and took her bag off to pass to Seven. "You guys, stay here with Murphy and get him into this." Seven caught the bag and glanced down at it in question. Seven then looked at Murphy who scowled,

"Oh hell no."

"Oh hell yes." Warren said. "I don't want anybody recognising you. "There;s probably some bounty hunters lurking around that heard some of those broadcasts. We did not get you this far to lose you to Neal Nancy Numbskulls."

Murphy sighed in defeat. "Yes dear. Anything you say dear." He muttered wryly. 

"Thank you."

Warren then turned to Addison and Seven. "If we're not out in ten minute,"

Addison nodded, "We'll come busting in after you."

"No. You protect the package. Contact Citizen Z for instructions." Warren instructed. Seven's eyebrows furrowed.

"After we come busting in after you." Doc hoisted his crow bar. Warren looked him dead in the eye.

"Ten minutes. Then G.T.F.O." She said. She saluted Addison and Seven with two fingers, and they did the same. Then Warren and Vasquez made their way to the building.

"We aren't really going to leave them behind are we?" Seven asked once Warren was out of ear shot.

"Of course not." Addison answered. Murphy took the bag from Seven and went behind a tree. Ten K squatted and held his sniper up. Seven pulled her scope out of her pocket and looked through it to see Warren and Vasquez darting from car to car and eventually approaching the entrance. They then disappeared inside. Seven held her breath.

Minutes passed. Murphy was growing irritable. "What is taking so long?"

"I hope it's not another top secret, underground lab. That last elevator made me cautious for a week." Doc said.

"Another what?" Dax raised a brow.

"Another story for another day." Seven told him.

"Whatever it is, I just want to get it over with."

"You got that right." Ten K said and he stood back up. 

"So what's the plan once we get Murphy to whoever it is we get him to?" Dax asked. The door to the restaurant opened before anyone could reply. 

"Here she comes." Ten K said as Warren popped out and waved a hand. Seven was first to start walking down. The group followed.

"I never thought I'd see Murphy in a dress." Seven giggled. Ten K and Dax glanced back at the bundled up Murphy and they chuckled. When they entered, Seven noticed how dark it was. The windows were partially boarded up and the tables and booths were covered in dust. 

"So is this a real working restaurant?" Doc piped up. The old, chubby woman behind the counter stood up,

"Well except for Black Summer, we've been in continuous operation since 1967!" She answered. "We've had a limited menu at times," She said as she picked up a tray of drinks and took it to the table they sat down at. "Where are you folks from?"

"New York." Warren answered. Murphy walked over to a table further back to sit down. Dax sat beside Seven, Ten K remained standing.

"New York?" The woman repeated, surprised and intrigued. "I didn't know anybody could still be from New York."

"Up state, the city's gone 100% Z."

"Oh, long drive." The woman shook her head. She looked between them all. Seven took one of the cups of tea and sipped it. 

"Thank you."

The woman smiled at her in return. "What was it like out there?" She then asked.

"Oh nothing but Zs." Doc said. "And those soon to become Zs." He shrugged.

"Wasn't there anybody safe? Anywhere?"

Warren nodded, "There are. A few and far between."

The woman then smiled, "So what does bring you to California?"

As Warren went to answer, a car pulled up outside. Vasquez stood up and all looked at the door.

"Bounty hunters." Vasquez said. The woman smiled and stood back up,

"Oh. Busy day." She laughed and took the now empty tray back to behind the counter. Seven kept her eyes trained on the table when a group of five men entered. One of the men had a bag over his head and chains around him, he was being led. 

"Can I get you boys some tea?" The woman asked.

"Got any brown liquor?" the one with long hair asked.

"Oh I think I can squeeze some out of the still." She smiled and walked off.

"Are you Auntie?" The bald man asked. She turned back to look at him,

"I am."

"We heard you're the one to talk to about the Murphy. Show her," he said to one of the men. One of the men took the bag off the other man's head. Seven glanced over to see it was clearly a zombie. In some ways, it looked similar to Murphy. "We're here to claim our bounty."

The woman looked uneasy. "Let me get you those drinks."


"Another round of drinks for my men. This time make it the clearer stuff." Baldy said. He then looked over at Warren. "Hey! We're celebrating over here. How bout I by you a drink?"

The man with long hair looked at Seven and smiled with a wink. Seven grimaced and looked up, behind her at Ten K to see him glaring. She smiled giddily at Ten K. 

"No thanks." Warren said. "Already got one."

Baldy stood up and started to walk over, "Well if you won't come drink with me, you won't mind if I just mosey on over and have a drink with you?" As he neared the table, Doc, Dax, Vasquez and Addison stood up. "Oh relax fellas. I'm gonna buy you a drink too. Hell, drinks for everyone." His companions walked over to join, leaving their version of the Murphy over by their table. "Oh don't worry about the Murphy, we got him sedated."

Auntie placed a tray of drinks on the table. Seven stared but didn't touch. She noticed the guy with the fluffy hat, sitting down next to Addison. Seven went to snicker but the forth man of the group looked at her and walked over, ready to sit down. Seven quickly looked behind her, grabbed Ten K's arm and pulled him forcefully into the seat next to her. Ten K fidgeted nervously with the drink in his hand

"How bout a toast? To the Murphy!"

"To the Murphy." Warren repeated and all with drinks clanked. 

"Hey Auntie, we could use some music." She put a tune on and Baldy nodded, "Yeah that's better." He then leant closer to Warren, "So what brings you people here to Aunties?"

"Passing through."

"Well you sure are a shy one." Long haired man said. He sat at the other table behind Murphy. Murphy kept his back turned to long haired man. Seven almost laughed when the long haired man spoke again but didn't as she knew the risks if Murphy was caught out "How bout a dance then shy girl?" Murphy waved his hand as though to say no, go away. The zombie version of the Murphy, did the same. "Come on, baby." The man slurred. "It's a slow song." He leant over the table.

"No, no, no, no." Murphy said, then quickly made his voice a little higher but quiet, "i don't dance." Again the zombie waved his hand like Murphy. Baldy walked over to them. Seven looked at Ten K then whispered in his ear so no one else could hear.

"Can I have one of your guns?" 

He nodded, and slipped her the hand gun under the table. They both stood up subtly. Ten K held onto his rifle, the barrel pointed at the roof.

"Hey shy girl." Baldy said. Seven gritted her teeth when Baldy stood facing Murphy. "Shy girl. Think fast," He tossed the empty beer jug at Murphy. Murphy caught it with two hands and the zombie clapped. 

And just like that, everyone had their guns out and pointed at one another.

"Now that's interesting." Baldy grinned, his gun pointed at Murphy. "When shy girl here moves, my Murphy moves the same way. Like they're connected or something. It's, Interesting. Why don't you take off that hat?" He sneered.

"No." Murphy replied. Baldy laughed,

"Take off the hat."

Murphy turned around to look at long haired man and his pistol that also pointed at Murphy. Murphy took off his hat.

"Wow that's life like. That's good works. Hell if I didn't know any better I'd think you were the real deal. Wouldn't be hiding any bites under that dress, would ya?" Murphy was silent and Baldy scowled, "Take off the dress."

Seven glanced at Ten K, his rifle was aimed at Baldy, just as Vasquez' gun was too. Seven's gun was aimed at the man with the fluffy hat, who's gun was pointed into the back of Addison's head.

"Take off the dress." Baldy repeated. Murphy sighed, took his sunnies off. Then he looked up and the zombie that stood behind Baldy, bit into Baldy's neck. The guns went off, shots all around. Seven ducked when shots fired her way, then she turned and aimed at the man with the fluffy hat, and shot him in the head. Multiple gunshots were fired before all the bounty hunters were dead on the floor. The music stopped. Seven was breathing heavily.

"That will be enough of that." Auntie said. All looked at her to see her loaded bazooka. "Put down, your weapons. Please."

Warren did as told.

"You're name Murphy?" Auntie asked.


"Well it's about time."

Seven quickly looked around at the others, all were staring at Auntie. Then she realised that she couldn't see Ten K. Instantly her eyes dropped to the floor. "T-Ten K!" She screamed and fell to the floor beside him. He lay in a pool of blood clutching her stomach. He groaned in pain. Seven's heart pounded, her ears rung and tears swelled in her eyes. She felt sick.

"I been shot." He said.

"Yeah you have baby but you're going to be okay," Seven snivelled as the others raced around. Doc squatted by them,

"Don't move kid," he quickly reached into his pockets,

"Doc, do something." Seven hissed. He nodded,

"I'll try to stop the bleeding." 

Ten K lay still, he looked up at the roof. 

"Ten K." Seven croaked, She held his bloody hands. "Stay with me," she whispered. 

"Auntie do you have a first aid kit?" She faintly heard Warren's voice. 

Seven took her jacket off and slid it under Ten K's head so it wasn't on the hard tile. She cupped his face gently, "You're going to be okay. Just keep talking to me okay? Stay awake Ten Thousand."

Ten K nodded. His breathing became short and quick. 

"I'm going to die." Ten K panicked. Seven shook her head.

"D-Do you remember when we first met?" Seven asked him. He nodded. "You had a bullet wound then too. Remember?" Ten K nodded again. "You survived then baby, you'll survive now."

"Help me get him onto a table." Doc said. Seven nodded and stood up. She, Dax and Dox got him onto a table. Vasquez now paced around the room, he said that a submarine with Doctor Murch had been signalled and they were on the way to collect Murphy and possibly help Ten K. Addison, Doc, Seven and Dax stood around the table. Doc shook his head, "Oh he's losing a lot of blood."

Tears streamed down Seven's cheeks. She looked down at Ten K's face and forced a smile and nodded at him, "You're going to be fine." She told him. 

"Can't you do anything?" Addison asked quietly.

"Way out of my league, sorry kid. Maybe the submarine has a surgeon or a sick bay."

"Seven I-" Ten K choked. Seven stroked his cheek, 

"It's okay. You're okay. I'm right here."

"Seven I love y-you."

Seven squeezed his hand. "I love you too."

"What's the deal with this whole submarine anyway? Is that where Doctor Murch has been hiding this whole time?" Murphy asked Auntie.

"Sorry hun. That's classified."

"Classified? From who? The zombies?"

"He's going to be okay." Dax told Seven. Seven nodded and continued to gently run her index finger over Ten K's cheek. Vehicles were heard arriving outside. Seven lifted her head, hope sparking.

"Alright Doc, you stay with Ten K. Vasquez, Addy and Seven, you guys cover us." Warren said, she paused when she saw Seven's determined eyes. "Seven you can stay with Ten K, Doc you cover us instead."

Doc nodded, "Just keep pressure here and don't let him move."

"Deary,  put your guns away." Auntie said. "They have a nuclear submarine."

"She has a point." Warren muttered. She turned to Murphy. "Hey, you ready?"

"No. But when did that ever matter?"

The door opened and two men entered, dressed in uniforms. Auntie walked towards them.


"Auntie. Looks like you had a busy morning." He said as he took his hat off. She glanced at all the dead bodies. 

"Ehh we had a bit of a lunch rush." 

"That's not him is it?" He looked at a zombie. 

"No sir."

Seven gritted her teeth. She wanted to yell at them for having such a casual discussion whilst Ten K was bleeding out of the table. Warren walked towards the captain, saluting as she approached. 

"Lieutenant Roberta Warren, Missouri National Guard. We have the package here. Safe." She waved a hand at Murphy.

"A-Are they here?" Ten K's voice was feeble. Seven nodded and continued to cup his face. 

"Yes Ten K." She whispered.

"So. You're the Murphy?"

"Actually it's just Murphy." Murphy frowned from the back of the room. Warren caught Seven's glare and she nodded. "I don't know where this who the came from." Murphy said.

"We have a wounded man," Warren cut back in. The other man in the uniform stepped forward. 

"I'm the ship's doctor. Who am I looking at?" 

Warren pointed back at the table where Doc and Seven stood. As the dark skinned man walked towards them, the captain spoke.

"A lot of people have been looking for you mister Murphy."

"Well you found me. Now what?"

"First we have to make sure you are who you say you are."

Murphy stepped into the light. "Um. I am."

"How do we know you are who you say you are?" Warren countered. 

The doctor examined Ten K carefully. Seven had to take a step back, but she refused to let go of Ten K's hand.

"I understand your reluctance Lieutenant Warren. We've been tracking Delta-X-Ray-Delta for two years. If I'd been through what you've been through, I'd make damn sure I was giving that package to the right person too. Doctor would you mind joining us?"

As he said this, a woman in a white coat entered the room. She walked over to the Captain and stood beside him, looking straight at Murphy.

"Is that him?"

"I don't know." She shook her head. "I'm sorry. I only saw him for a minute before we were evacuated. Everything was so chaotic there was-"

Murphy snapped and walked towards her, "Perhaps this will jog your memory. Pike me! PIKE ME! OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND EAT YOUR BRAINS!" He roared, stopping a few metres from her.

"That's him." Murch said. Murphy then looked at the Captain.


"Very. Now let's get you back to the sub. We've got a lot of work to do."

"What happened to your Delta escort Lieutenant Hammond?" Murch asked.

"He didn't make it." Murphy said, no change in tone. "A lot of people didn't make it." Garnett, Mack, Cassandra and Tamaris crossed Seven's mind. 

"We have to get him to stand. We can carry him to the quads." The doctor said to Seven and Doc. Both nodded. Seven walked behind them as the two carried Ten K outside. The group followed. Ten K was placed on a stretcher and hoisted onto the back of a quad. Seven continued to hold the bloody cloth on his wound as Ten K wheezed in pain. Doc put Seven's rolled jacket under Ten K's head.

Seven glanced back to see Murphy standing next to Warren, facing the Captain and Murch.

"You have my word Lieutenant Warren. We'll treat him like the celebrity that he's about to become." She heard the Captain say. Murphy laughed,

"Celebrity. You hear that? I'm about to become the first post apocalyptic reality star. Yay me."

"Well don't forget the little people." Addison said. 

"It's going to be okay Kid." Doc said and nodded, "They got a real surgeon. They gonna fix you up."

Ten K pressed his lips in a flat line and squeezed his eyes shut. Seven looked at the doctor.

"Where am I sitting?" 

"Sorry Miss, we barely have room for these two."

Seven's eyes widened and she shook her head, "I can't leave him!" 

The doctor placed a hand on her shoulder, "It's okay miss, don't worry. We'll take good care of him."

"You damn well better take good care of him." She snapped, "Or I'ma send a fleet of water loving Zs into your little hide out." Doc hugged her,

"Seven calm down, it's going to be okay."

Seven jumped and shoved Doc away, "Don't." She cried. She turned to Ten K, 

"Ten K, not if you can hear what I'm saying." She said. Ten K nodded once. "When you get healed up, find your way back to land. I will see you again." Ten K nodded again. "I'll wait here for you."

Warren walked over to look at him. 

"Sorry about your family," Seven heard Murphy say to Vasquez. A short silence followed and then Murphy began to walk off.

"Whoa, whoa, hey!" Doc stopped them. Ten K hissed in pain and he groaned again. He was growing paler by the minute. "That's it? No goodbye? Nothing?"

Seven glanced up to see Murphy walk up to Doc and extend a hand. 

"A hand shake?" Doc said in disbelief. "After all the shit we've been through?" Doc then hugged Murphy who hugged him back. Whilst they hugged, Murphy caught Seven's eye. He nodded and she nodded back. Murphy pulled away from Doc and looked him in the eyes, 

"Hey, I have something for you." He pulled an ace playing card out from his sleeve. Doc took it with a proud smile,

"I knew it! Damn it Murphy." Doc chuckled. Seven felt Ten K's grip on her hand slacken. 

"Just trying to survive man."

"I got something for you too brother." Doc said. "Incase you get sea sick."

"Guys can you hurry it up please!?" Seven called.

"Thank you brother." Murphy nodded.

"We're ready mister Murphy." The Captain said. Warren quickly walked away from Ten K and over to Murphy to say their final goodbye. 

Seven continued to press the cloth into Ten K's wound, and hold his hand. "Hold on Ten K." She glanced back at the door of the restaurant to see Dax standing there patiently. He caught Seven's eyes and he walked over and stood in the middle of Seven and Addison. He looked down at barely conscious Ten K.

"Hey man, I just wanted to thank you. For saving our lives back in Kansas."

Ten K nodded in response. Seconds later, the quads started up. Addison stepped away and hugged Doc. Seven couldn't move. She couldn't let go. But when the quad moved forward, she had to. His hand slid from hers, and she stared after him and the quad until it drove out of sight. Dax put his arm around her shoulders.

"He'll be alright."

"I know." She whispered. Or at least, that's what she told herself so she could hold onto that small shred of hope.

"So that's it then huh?" Vasquez asked. 

"I hope the kid's going to be okay." Doc said.

"He will." Warren nodded. "Let's get these bodies out of here." 

In pairs, the group carried the dead corpses out of the restaurant. Vasquez and Addison brought the last man out. 

"I give you mercy." Addison sighed.

"Hey!" Doc called, he was dragging the zombie corpse over. "What about this poor, blue son of a-" He was cut off by a gun firing. Seven jolted at the sound. Doc dropped the dead zombie and ran for cover, as did everyone else. They ran to the front of the restaurant and hid between the cars. A large line of zeros stood by the edge, all firing. 

"Who the hell are they?" Dax asked.

"Zeros!" Seven shouted and loaded the handgun Ten K had given her before. Seven ran and ducked behind a car, the metal clinked and clanked as bullets hit the cars they hid behind. Dax and Seven hid behind one, Doc and Addison behind another, Vasquez and Warren behind a third.

"Warren." La Reina's voice echoed. 

"How the hell did they find us?" Seven muttered. Rapped gunfires followed. Seven had her back against the tire. 

"I take it your group is the kind that brings trouble and death wherever it goes?"

"More like trouble and death follows us. We don't mean to bring it." Seven shrugged. At that time and moment, she felt completely useless. She couldn't move without getting shot, and she had to move to get a clear shot herself. Vasquez stood up and shot twice before ducking again. Then Dax did the same. Neither man hit a Zero.

Addison, Seven and Warren exchanged looks. Seven nodded as did Addison and Warren, then the three girls stood up and fired a few times each before ducking and hiding again. Seven had fired five bullets, she grinned when she realised she had shot one Zero's head. She glanced past the back of the car to see the zeros running forward. And then gunfire came from behind them. Seven looked back to see Auntie firing away.

"Everybody inside!" She called to Seven and the group. They didn't need to be told twice. Seven grinned, 

"Old lady's got style!"

Dax chuckled.

"How is it that you manage to smile in the life and death situations?" Addison asked Seven and Dax as they entered the Restaurant. 

"It's a gift." Seven shrugged. In reality, she was just trying to distract herself best she could, so her mind wouldn't drift back to Ten K. Finally everyone was inside.

"How the hell did they find us!?" Vasquez yelled.

"Hell if I know." Seven muttered.

"Ammo, who's got what?" Warren asked. 

"One clip." Seven said. Dax checked in his bag,

"Three clips." 

Seven looked at him surprised. "You're loaded!" 

Dax shrugged. "Been saving them."

"I'm good, Doc?" Addison called to him. Doc stepped away from the window, 

"Oh I'm okay, but I left my bag out there. I don't know how far I'm going to be able to chuck the damn crowbar." He muttered.

"I'm out." Vasquez said as he checked his. Dax tossed him a clip. "Thanks. But with little range, this cover won't do us much good."

"Well if you just asked nicely." Auntie interrupted, she pulled down on a beer bottle which was attached to a leaver. A sheet of cupboard fell down to reveal  several rifles.

Doc beamed, "Well aren't you full of surprises?"

"Well I'm a little low on ammo." She sighed, then smiled, "But I think we can give them hell in the mean time."

So the team loaded up, Seven should have been excited to finally have her hands on her very own rifle. Besides Ten K's, Seven hadn't held a rifle in a long time. She stared at the rifle.

"You okay?"

Startled, she looked up. Seven nodded and tucked a few stray hairs behind her ear. Her hair had been tied in the same ponytail for the past four days. She needed to brush it. But there was never any time anymore. Or hair brushes.

"Alright!" Doc was loaded, he walked across the room, "Let's rock and roll."

"The fact that they haven't started beating down these doors yet, worries me more than if they just kept attacking." Warren said as she crouched by a window. "Mindless mayhem, we can handle. Whatever the hell they're planning? I'm not so sure."

"Oh come you. From the limited stories I've heard from Seven and Doc, you guys sound like a bunch of bad asses." Dax encouraged. 

"Damn straight we are." Addison nodded and grinned. She then walked over to a boarded up window and peered out it.

"Anybody tries to come in that front door, is stepping right into our kill box." Warren sneered. "Now what are they up to?"

Seven walked over to the window Warren stood by, and Seven looked the grimy glass to see blurry figures lined up and moving closer.

"Hey Roberta!" La Reina shouted. "Hey! It's not you I came after, it's just Murphy! Hm? I only want Murphy! You give him to me, and we can still be friends." Dax and Vasquez too had come to look out the window Warren and Seven were by. Addison stood by the other window, Doc and Auntie took the back of the room.

"Too late chicka!" Warren mimicked La Reina's accent. Then in her normal voice; "He's gone!"

La Reina said a couple words in Spanish, and she finished the sentence off with Murphy's name. Boom! Vasquez fired at them once.

"Shit." Vasquez whispered. "Missed." 

Seven squinted her eyes when the back line of Zeros pulled out machetes and stabbed the front line. "What. The. Fu-"

Bullets firing at them cut Seven off. Seven and the others started firing back, but the back line, walked right behind the zeros they had pinned on their machetes. They weren't slowing down.

"UGH THAT'S IT!" Seven heard Auntie yell from the other room. Seven jumped away from the window when bullets came smashing through it. 

Seven glanced at Dax before she caught her breath and went back to shooting. She shot two down, but that didn't go without karma. Seven hissed in pain when a bullet skimmed her forearm. She leant back and rested her back against the wall. "Shit."

"Seven!" Dax yelled, and he ducked to run past the window and to Seven's side. 

"I'm fine," she said. 

"You were shot, you're not fine." Dax slipped off his jacket. 

"Dax, I mean it." Seven stood back up, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. He wrapped her arm up tightly. Seven rolled her eyes. More shots were fired and then they slowed. Warren nodded and Addison and they walked off and around the corner. Seven went back to looking out the window with her rifle propped up. Not a zero in sight. She frowned.

"Where did you minions go?" She asked the air.

"I'm going to go see how Doc's doing." Vasquez said and he too left the window. Seven looked back, "Come on," she nodded at Dax, and the two quickly ran to another spot to look out of. Minutes later, the front door was kicked down and a man in a suit entered. He held a staff with a skull at the top. Seven stood behind the counter, staring at the masked man. He swung the staff around. Warren crept out from the shadows, her gun raised and aimed at the intruder. She shot at him, but her gun clicked and nothing came out. "Shit!" she whispered and ducked behind the wall, not realising Seven stood only metres from her.

Seven looked back to see Dax was not in sight. She checked her own ammo to see she had two bullets left. She aimed at the man in the suit and shot. The bullet skimmed his shoulder and he looked straight at Seven. Seven shot again, and again she missed. She huffed and threw her rifle aside, only to pull her tomahawk and machete out, she held one in each hand, then leapt over the bench and charged at the man. 

The man swung his staff, Seven ducked and skidded along the floor on her knees. She went to slice his leg, but he jumped and she messed. Seven spun back around and ducked to the side as he flung his staff down. Addison ran at him from behind with her Z Whacker. She swung at him, but he blocked it. Seven swung her tomahawk, but the man was swift in blocking her move too, and then he jabbed her. Seven wheezed when it knocked the wind out of her. And then the staff whacked her head, and Seven dropped to the ground. Her vision grew blurry. She saw the man and his staff walking towards her, but was distracted and sent off course thank to Addison.

Addison and the masked man fought, blurred and cut images Seven saw. The last thing she saw before she blacked out, was the staff cutting Addison's Z Whacker in half. 

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