Part Nineteen - Hotel Break

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"My God! Look at all that food!" Meg exclaimed.

"That's more than a hundred thousand calories there." The dark skinned man pointed out.

"I found this hidden on top of a cabinet near where Murphy was shot." Vasquez said.

A man sitting down looked around, "We knew someone was stealing the food! But we thought they were eating it."

"Well, looks like someone has a getaway stash." Vasquez looked between them. "Murphy must have stumbled upon it, and got shot."

The zombies outside were growing restless and louder.

"Well if it turns out to be true that one of us, has been stealing food, it's our agreed upon policy, that the punishment, is immediate banishment. Now there's only one person, other than myself who has access to our food supply." Gideon said and all looked at Iggy.

Iggy pointed, his breathing becoming uneven, "I-I didn't do this!"

"Where were you when the shots were fired? Did anyone see you?"

"I didn't steal that food!"

Meg shrugged beside him, "It wouldn't be the first time."

Iggy glared at her, "That was a few candy bars, more than a year ago." he defended. "And I've been on lowered rations since."

"Well you sure don't look like you've been on nine hundred calories a day." another man bickered.

"What are you talking about?" Iggy snapped.

"Iggy," Gideon held two fingers then closed them, like before. "Iggy," he tilted his head and gave a knowing look. "We've had these issues with you before. You're the only one with a key." Iggy began to freak out and his eyes watered. "And you've made it clear for a long time, that you wanted to leave."

Iggy stood up and lifted his arms, "I wanted all of us to leave! This place is a death trap!" he began to push his way past the chairs.

"Iggy." Gideon held his hand up, Vasquez and Warren blocked him from going either way. "Iggy," Gideon said louder. "Brother, if you want people to start believing what you say, you gotta start telling the truth." Gideon then pointed the staff at him, "THE TRUTH!" he bellowed.

"I am telling the truth you bastard!" Iggy then tackled Gideon to the ground. Seven's eyes widened and she stood up instantly. Two of Gideon's men hauled Iggy off him. Iggy struggled and cried. "Please." he begged. Gideon snatched the keys from his belt. "Don't do this!"

"Washington, secure the food in the kitchen, keep it on guard." he told one of the men holding Iggy. "You made your decision for us Iggy."

"Don't do this." Iggy pleaded. Seven frowned and walked over to Warren.

"I don't think he did it. Warren, I don't think he did." she shook her head. Warren and Vasquez glanced at her.

"Are you sure?" Warren asked.

Seven nodded. Iggy was dragged out of the room and down the stairs, begging.

"We can not tolerate, any violence." Gideon said. Seven and the others followed quickly.

"What makes you so sure he's the guilty one? Where's your proof?" Vasquez spoke up. Gideon pointed a finger,

"He knew the consequences."

"You call that proof?" Seven snapped.

"Look, if you send him out there now, that's a death sentence!" Warren said. "He'll be killed and turned for sure."

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