Part Three - Zombie Road

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Once again, the group ran the streets of Cheyenne, dodging the bullets from the bounty hunters and following the trail of Murphy. 

"Where's Mack and Addy?" Seven shouted over the ruckus. 

"I don't know!" Warren yelled back.

"Look!" Ten K pointed up the road. A car had pulled out of the drive way of a house, Addison had run up towards it and smashed the window with her Z Whacker. She hit the man inside then dragged him out and head butted him. Seven noticed the man was Murphy. The group ran towards them as Addison continued to beat Murphy up. From the side of the house, Seven spotted Cassandra sprinting towards them also and just before Cassandra lunged at Addison, the tanned man in their group stepped forward and pointed his gun at her.

Murphy pointed at Cassandra, "Stop! Stop." he told her. Addison's breathing was uneven and she appeared to be crying. 

"Addy!" Seven yelled and ran towards her.

"Addy," Warren helped Seven pull Addison off Murphy. 

"That's enough!" Seven snapped. Doc went to aid Murphy, Tamaris and Ten K stood to the side, Ten K's rifle pointed at Murphy. Addison calmed slightly, "You okay?" Seven asked her, she held both of Addison's shoulders and looked at her face. Addison stared at the ground. Warren stood beside Seven, looking at Addison concerned. 

Addison nodded then she began to cry. 

"Hey, hey," Seven cooed. 

"Where's Mack?" Warren asked. Addison looked between them, tears streamed down her face. "Where's Mack!" Addison shook her head. Seven's face fell, her heart pounded.

"H-he- He- He can't-" She stammered, her throat all choked up. Addison pulled away from her grip, gasping. She then walked to the front of Murphy and pointed at him.

"You." she whispered, breathing heavily. She then walked backwards, grabbed her Z Whacker off the ground and got in the van Murphy had driven out of the house garage. Tears swelled in Seven's eyes. She forced them back and glanced down to see Doc tying Murphy's hands up. Cassandra watched sadly as Murphy was pushed towards the car. The man from before still had his gun trained on her, now Ten K had his rifle trained on her.

Seven stared at Cassandra, her mouth and chin was covered in blood. Seven slowly walked to Ten K's side. Ten K stared at Cassandra and nodded his head at the van, signalling for the hybrid to follow Murphy. He licked his dry lips then Cassandra went into the van. Seven placed her palm on the top of Ten K's rifle when he went to follow her in. She gently pointed the barrel at the ground. Ten K looked down at her glossy eyes and he lowered his rifle entirely. Seven rested her forehead into his chest and silently cried. Ten K wrapped his arms around her. Tamaris stood a few feet away, watching them. The tanned man whispered a couple words to her and she nodded and got in the van.

Then only the man, Warren, Seven and Ten Thousand stood outside. Seven had her eyes squeezed shut as she stood in Ten K's arms. Warren had her hands on her hips and she looked at the ground, disappointed and upset. The man sighed,

"Can't go west." he shook his head. "That storm is kicking up all that fall out. Got to out run that cloud."

"Yeah." Warren whispered.

"Come on, let's get inside," Ten K murmured and nodded at the van. Seven nodded, Ten K took hold of her hand and let her to the side door. Once they got in, they moved to the back of the van and sat against the back door. Seven brought her knees up to her chest and buried her face into them. Yes she was devastated to know that Mack had passed away so quickly, and she felt horrible and sympathetic for Addison, but now, all she thought of was Ten K and how beyond devastated she would be if she were to ever lose him.

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