Part Eighteen - Corporate Retreat

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The van didn't last long for the group. A week tops. So before they knew it, the group was off and running through the enflamed bush. Seven had pulled her tank top up so it sat above her nose as she ran. Zombies chased after them, barely seeable through the thick, orange and black smoke. The group spread out, and prepared to take the zombies on. Seven knew it was only a matter of time before the rest of the heard of zombies would reach them. They had to find shelter.

Seven squinted her eyes, they stung. She coughed when she inhaled the smoke. Seven's back hit a tree, she pulled out the tomahawk and swung it in a loop, she then held it with both hands and waited as three zombies approached her. It didn't take much to pike them.

Addison was already using her Z Whacker to give mercy to others. Seven panicked when she could no longer see Warren, Vasquez or the others. She ran to Addison, the only person she could see. "WARREN!" Addison yelled. 

"Warren! Murphy! Doc!" Seven yelled with her. She then pulled the tank down and took her jacket off. She wrapped the jacker around her shoulders and her chin, and used it as a mask instead. "At this rate the Zs are going to consume us before the fire," Seven told Addison. "We need to find shelter."

Addison nodded. "You go find Doc and Ten K, I'll get Warren, Murphy and Vasquez." Seven nodded and the two split up. Seven ran through the smoke, keeping her jacket in place with one hand, and her tomahawk at the ready in the other. She spotted Doc, several metres ahead, his back again the tree and he held his crowbar across his chest with both hands. Two zombies ran from behind the tree, one on either side. Doc turned to his left and piked one of them then he spun and slapped the other in the face then as it fell he piked it.

Three more zombies ran at him from his right, and one from his left. Seven looked behind her to see Ten K leap over and squatted on top of a pile of rocks, he held his rifle and aimed at the three zombies to the left of doc. His first shot it one's head and it dropped to the ground. Second shot hit another. The third zombie, it went straight through its head, hit the gold nob on Doc's chain and bounced off then went through the zombie charging at him from his left.

Doc looked at Ten K with wide eyes and held four fingers up. "Four!" he shouted. Seven heard more feet running, she looked back to see Murphy. 

"Ten K! Doc!" she shouted. They looked at her to see her waving her hand and pointing in the direction. "Murphy!" The three ran after him to see Addison, Warren and Vasquez were with him. They made there way to a clearing on the top of a slope. Seven looked down at a building that stood alone. Seven huffed and took her jacket away from her mouth, the air wasn't much fresher than what it was in the bush.

"It looks like a hotel." Warren stated.

"I thought will killed all those zombies last week." Doc frowned.

"Maybe the Grand Canyon filled up." Seven suggested.

"Not funny." Murphy grouched. 

Seven shook her head slightly, "Wasn't kidding."

"Heads up, let's check it out." Warren pointed and the group continued to walk to the hotel, coughing and spluttering. Shortly, they made it to the front entrance doors, still coughing and still surrounded by smoke, less thick smoke. 

Seven tried to open the doors. They were locked. She banged her fist on the door, Warren knocked too. "Anybody in there!?"

"You think it's deserted?" Doc questioned. 

"Give me that," Warren snatched his crowbar then began to pry the door open.

"Anytime now Murphy!" Addison snapped as a few more zombies approached them.

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