Mindless Or Not...They're Not...

By Cinderellaxx

26K 290 61

Tracey Anderon is visting her best Friend Harmony Alexander for the weekend. Good News: their hanging out aft... More

Mindless Or Not...There Not My Type!
Don't TOUCH Me!
Break A Party or Break A Nose!
Are We REALLY Friends?
Mini Golfer
I Got A Thing For...

Its My Diary & I Need It Now!

2.2K 35 8
By Cinderellaxx

Two days went by after the miniature golfer date thingy, and let me tell you Mindless Idiots grew on me, or at least Roc, Prod and Prince did because every time Moni and I hung out with them her and Ray would disappear from the group. She never got into details on what they ACTUALLY were doing when we were alone, but it doesn’t take a rocket science to figure it out.

They were coming over our house today, well Moni’s but you know what I mean. the bad news was that her parents were there but then again they seem kind of cool-ish. If her dad’s cool with us wearing dresses shorter then short then I don’t think he would have a problem with guys coming over.

“Can I get something to drink?” Roc questioned sitting on the couch.

“We don’t have sugar.” Moni shrugged sitting close to Ray as he slung his arm around her neck. Her parents were upstairs, but every once in awhile you could hear her father walk to the top of the steps and peer down which caused Moni to jump up from Ray’s grip. I had a feeling he knew nothing about Liam, and Mr. Alexander knew nothing about Moni and Ray’s little affairs.

“Yal ain’t got no sugar?” Prod exclaimed. “Daaamnn!” he said mocking Chris Tucker from Friday.

All joking and laughing ceased once we heard Mr. Alexander walk down the steps slowly. He was a scary looking guy I have to admit, well built like he was in the army since pre-school. He could kill with his bare hands if he wanted to. Now don’t think he just looks like the Beast walking around the castle and shit intimidating people, Mr. Alexander was handsome and if he wasn’t three times my age I would totally try to ‘hit’ that he was kind and the nicest parent you would probably meet. Moni jumped up off the couch and came to sit close to me, leaving Ray confused and shaken. I felt bad for the pig-tailed boy he resembled a lost cat or puppy.

Mr. Alexander finally reached the landing eyeing each and every one of us, it was kind of suspicious that the four boys set on one couch while Moni and I set on the other. But he didn’t question it, he grunted and walked into the kitchen.

“your dad’s huge!” Prod choked out glancing towards the kitchen then at Moni who didn’t say anything but shrugged.

Roc and Prince looked bored and uninterested either they didn’t see him or they were used to girls acting frightened around there dads when they come around. I bit my lip hoping that wasn’t the case and they didn’t see him, but Mr. Alexander was hard to miss, and even though Roc tries his best to hide his player side from you girls out there he was NO DOUBT a huge player.

“Where’s your pool?” Ray said looking around the room. Moni and I exchanged glances.

“We don’t have one.” Moni replied. The guys gasped and made slight remarks.

“where are you game systems?” Prod said.

“downstairs.” Moni began causing the guys to get up from the couch. “but its my dads.”

They sat down back into their positions it was no way they were gonna mess with Moni’s gladiator looking dad.

“Man lets go to our place, we cant do shit over here!” Roc snapped causing the other three to get up off the couch and walk towards the door.

I told you they were jerks in the flesh, they just insulted Moni’s house but instead of getting offended like I was she smiled and called to her dad. “Daddy, Tracey and I are going out.”

“Where?” I heard Mr. Alexander deep voice say from the kitchen.

“Out.” Moni said pushing everybody out the house and locking it from behind. Once again she was deciding for me, not that I had a problem with it anymore as much, like I said before Prince is a new guy he’s not trying to throw his tongue down my throat the only one whose constantly bothering me is Prod and I think its cute. Roc not so much with his wandering hands.





It wasn’t the hotel where they had the party, it was like a condo, the first floor included the kitchen and the living room with three different game systems sitting in the entertainment storage. On the wall was three 32’ flat screen TVs’ . what the hell did they need three flat screens for? I shook my head viewing more of the condo. It was TOO much if you think about it, they had unnecessary things but then again they are twelve well to Prince he’s sixteen.

“welcome to our island of awesome.” Prod said throwing his hands into the air smiling then running over to the couch jumping on it.

“We should go swimming.” Ray suggested his hands clasped around Moni’s waist. It was kind of odd how close they were after about three days!

“we don’t have bathing suits.” I implied.

“I think your underwear would do.” Roc said winking at me, I could still punch him right?

Prince laughed. “we got extra bathing suits, come with me.” he said pulling on my arm gently. He took me to the pool outlet closet, which was full with different types of girl bathing suits in sizes, colors and styles.

“Why do you have so many bathing suits?”

“Because we have many girls over.”

“Do you make out with all of them?” I questioned not really caring but just wanting to know.

“why do you care?” he said folding his arms against his chest leaning on the door frame.

“I don’t” I said way too quickly walking into the closet and picking out two bathing suits for Moni and I.

“You two can change in here.” Ray said opening a door, it was one of the bedrooms, probably a guest room because there was no sign of life inside, there was another 32’ flat screen TV plastered up on the wall, a huge walk in closet that was empty and a queen sized bed that was ACTUALLY made other then that there was nothing left inside. I closed the door behind us after repeatedly telling both Prod and Roc they can’t watch Moni and I change.

“this is great.” Moni exclaimed jumping onto the bed, I watched her with wide eyes. Throwing both of our bathing suits onto the bed.

“which one is mine?” she asked still jumping up and down removing her shirt.

I shrugged I could care less we wore the same size so it didn’t matter if she chose the green bikini or the pink bikini. She jumped off the bed, “could you be a little more enthusiastic?”

I thought she held more enthusiasm for the both of us, so it was no use in me acting loopy.

“Whats going on with you and Ray?” I asked removing my shirt, reaching for the green bathing suit. She looked at me then at the door.

“nothing, I’m just having fun.”

“it doesn’t look that way.”

“Forget what it looks like because your just on the outside looking in! I do have a boyfriend.” she said folding her arms.

“did you have sex with him?” I questioned ignoring the fact that she mentioned having a boyfriend, because these pass few days I forgot all about her and Liam even dating.

“no! damn what you think I’m a whore? I am a good girl Trace.” she said with a smile and a wink, putting on the pink bathing suit and leaving the room without me. This was going to be tense, and how long could this really last for? Her and Ray I mean, they are DIE HARD teen sensation ‘oh my god Mindless Behavior!’ if this goes out into media that Ray has a new beau not only will Liam be crushed but her parents too and his, plus all Ray Ray’s ‘# 1 wifeys’ will being coming after my best friend with pitch forks and knives. Problem is in some way I’ll still be in the middle of this bullshit even if I don’t want to. I finally got the rest of the bathing suit on, walking towards the pool. They were already inside. Moni sitting on the edge and Ray inside the pool standing between her legs hands wrapped around her waist. I walked over to the other half of the pool where Prince, Prod and Roc were playing with a beach ball. I sat on the side just watching, waiting for them to notice I was there and it only took Prod to throw the ball my way for them to see I was there. They swam over, Roc being on one side, Prod being on the other and Prince being in the middle. They exchanged looks with each other then looked up at me obviously up to something.

“don’t you dare.” I said peering down at them, Prince smirked which looked hot, right now he could be on my smash list. The water from his hair dripped down onto his naked chest and slid down slowly into the water. I love water I really do! Something yanking my foot pulled me out of my thoughts and off the ledge of the pool. I yelped and shot up, they pulled me in! I heard there laughs and someone’s hands around my waist.

“your alright! Your alright!” it was Prince or at least it sounded like him, I couldn’t see anything, Oh god I have gone blind, now can I blame them for being total jerks they blinded me!

“I’m blind! I cant see!” I shouted. Which caused more laughs.

“Your not blind.” Prince, I think said, pushing my hair out my face causing my vision to come back, I wanted to slap myself, idiotic paranoid me! I slapped his chest, which was so toned and if I was a guy I would be so HARD right now! “that was not funny!”

“Says you!” Prod laughed “that was fucking hilarious.”

And charming Prod was out the door the one whose been flirting with me non stop. I glared at him which caused him to suppress his laughter I glanced over to the other side of the pool where Moni and Ray were suppose to be, but surprisingly they weren’t. once again leaving me, I’m starting to feel like this is going to be a habit.

“Lets play tag.” Roc said .

“that’s a great idea.” I nodded, then turning towards Prince noticing that he still was holding me, I blushed, I confess I’m a mess! He was hot and don’t judge me cause you girls are jelly in the knees for him too. I cleared my throat and moved away from his grip.

“I’ll be it.” Prince running his hand through his hair, flashing me a quick smile.

We each got a turn to be it. We were back to Prince being it when the phone rung and Ray came outside fully dressed.

“guys, we gotta go.” he said sternly house phone in hand. Moni wasn’t by his side which was kind of weird, maybe Mr. Alexander was here. We got out of the pool one at a time.

“What are you talking about?” Roc said drying himself off with the towel.

“Walter just called he said, he’ll be here in a hour to pick us up, nothing more.”

“how long this time?” Prince said grabbing the towel and placing it around his body.

Ray shrugged. “He didn’t say.”

And with that they left the pool side and was getting ready to go with this ‘Walter’ guy. Maybe it was more to them then just being singers maybe they were top spies or…Vampires! Hopefully not because I’m team Jacob. But anyway I walked into the living room in search for Moni.

“she’s in the guest bedroom.” Ray said to me from the kitchen eating a bag of chips. This was it for them I guess for all of us, never to see Mindless Behavior again, I know I should be jumping for joy because I didn’t want to hang out with them anyway but I grew onto them they…were nice to be around minus the fact that Prod was flirting non stop and Roc kept touching me inappropriately, The person I would miss most was Prince he was shockingly sweet, funny and smart, which reminded me of Jake. I remembered that night after I left the party he said he liked a girl that very much resembled a description of myself. Maybe its good that mindless Behavior were ‘leaving’ now because lets be honest could an average girl like me really deal with a guy whose always gone and on tour. Wait! Now I want to be in a relationship with this dude! Kill me! Kill me now!

I suck at relationships anyway, you already experienced that I’m not emotional and if I started dating Prince and him being gone for part of our relationship, I won’t show that I care even if I really do.

“did you hear me?” Ray said still standing in the kitchen with the bag of chips. I zoned out again.

“Yeah, she’s in the guest room.” I repeated what he said earlier, I walked towards the bedroom, to find it cracked open, Moni was sitting on the bed facing the window. Please don’t be crying! Please don’t be crying! I screamed in my head. “Moni…” I said grabbing for her shoulder.

“did you hear?” she screeched, shit she was crying!

“yeah…I’m sorry.” I said rubbing the back of my wet hair.

“we just met they cant just leave!.”

Obviously they can because they are! And what does she mean ‘they’ she hasn’t spent time with none of them, she’s crying over Ray leaving she could care less about the others! I rolled my eyes. “yeah it sucks, but don’t cry.” I said sitting onto the bed, which caused her to lean onto my chest and began to cry hysterically. Not good! Bad move! I want to go back! Where is the remote! Redo! Redo! Redo!

“I-I Come-then -go!” she cried, what the hell did she just say, I looked over at the wall then to the door, where I seen Prince motioning me to come in the hallway. I gently placed Moni onto a pillow. “I’ll be back.” I got off the bed and walked out shutting the bedroom door behind me.

“we’ll be out of here, after I get Moni together.” I said starting off the conversation before he could give us the rude boot.

“why?” he said.

“because your leaving, and this is your house.”

“yeah, but the guys want you and Moni to stay here when we leave.”

Now it was my turn to ask “why?”

“Because we trust you, your different, you go around punching famous people in the face!.” he said giving me that smirk that made me want to take him down right here I mean I already was wet, from the pool water you perv!

I rolled my eyes. “Only when they really deserve it.” I said folding my arms against my chest, which made him glance down for a second and go wide eyed, I met his gaze and noticed that I was still in the green bikini, and when I fold my hands under my chest it made them perkier! I punched his arm .”Hey!”

“you did it!” he shot back, but then began to laugh. “are you going to stay or not?”

“YES!” I heard from the other side of the door Moni was in.

“you heard my queen speak, were staying.” I said causing him to laugh, Moni didn’t say anything back she probably was surprised or enjoyed the fact that I called her my queen which means I’m her servant.

“Great.” he said bringing me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his back, taking in his scent like a puppy would. Mints.

“She said yes?” Prod said walking into the hall from his room.

“Yup.” Prince said releasing me from the hug.

“Walter’s here!” Ray said walking towards the door. The boys filed out taking their bags, they’ll be gone for awhile is all I know.





Day two of them being gone and Moni was actually back to normal believe it or not, she wasn’t moping or being some love sick drunk!. Talking about alcohol they had much of it, and not weak stuff, I’m talking about corona, tequila, whiskey, Golden Star, Afterbirth, Yolanda and the list went on.

We decided to go on a little tour of the house peering through the guys rooms since all we seen since they were gone was the pool the living room and the kitchen and Ray’s room since that’s where Moni decided to sleep till they got back.

“Prod defiantly said don’t go in his room!” Moni mentioned as my hand was on the door knob.


“Constantly when we were on the phone with them last night.”

I remembered exactly what he said but I’m the type to not follow rules.

I shrugged. “I decided not to listen to that part of the conversation.” I pushed the door open and it was a typical boy room, clothes scattered on the floor, 32’ flat screen TV on the wall, like every room in this damn house, a picture of Halle Berry, Megan Fox and Beyonce on the wall, a IHOME sitting close to his bed, but no IPOD in it, the bed was surprisingly made, that was the most clean thing is this room. Moni shrieked. “Can we leave I don’t want to be infected by anything! I already got my shots!” She bolted out the room, as I laughed and shut his door. Next room was Roc’s, it was clean and just like Prod’s he had pictures of women on his wall too, but they were nude pictures.

“whoa, I wish I had boobs like that” Moni said pointing to the blonde in the picture who was topless eating a banana looking at the camera seductively. Being in Roc’s room reminded me of watching a porno, don’t ask It was a long night I thought it was ’Pussy Cat Dolls On Tour’ but instead it was ’Pussy Cat Dolls Hard Core!’ I was wondering when they were actually going to start singing, two long hours of ‘oh bobby! I don‘t wanna grow up! I don‘t wanna grow up!!’ and I was well experienced on the porn business. I shook my head from the remembrance of that night, “We should move onto the next room.”

Princeton was next, and I was prepared to see the worst, I mean if Roc had provocative pictures up on his wall then Prince ought to have the actual thing, I’m talking actual strippers in his room dancing around, it pained me really to think about it but really Roc and Prince were secretly the same, they came off as best friends.

I grabbed onto the handle of his door.

“do it already!” Moni shrieked from behind me, but instead of waiting she swatted my hand away opening the door herself. I shut my eyes.

“Oh god.” Moni said but it wasn’t a horrific oh god it was more calm, I opened my eyes slowly, my thoughts were wrong there were no strippers no trash, his bed was made, another 32’ TV a walk in closet, and a picture on the night stand close to his king size bed. The only thing that was a little cocky was the prince crown on the ceiling of the room. I rolled my eyes, going towards his bed, picking up the picture it was a picture obviously when he was younger, he was smiling hugging on to a women that could be either his mother or grandmother. More pictures were around his room, but they weren’t like Prod’s and defiantly not like Roc’s, they weren’t on the wall but they were in frames sitting on his dresser, ones with him with other celebrities, friends or family. He was different which made me like him more then I already did! Damit no did I just say that? I don’t like him I just like the way he looks? Does that sound better? I told you to kill me!

“look what I found.” Moni said, standing in his closet, she held a small book in her hand. “Its some kind of diary.” she said trying to pry it open.

“what are you doing?” I said trying to grab it from her.

“Trying to open it!.”

“that’s not right! We shouldn’t read somebody else’s diary!”

She gave me a look. “A dude shouldn’t have a diary that we could read! And what if he said something about you…I know you like him!”

She knew or at least she thought she knew. “I don’t like him and its still wrong diary or no diary!”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine then I’ll read it and if he did say something about you then I wont tell you!”

Damn Moni was evil and didn’t I tell you to kill me!? I don’t like drama and if this isn’t drama then I don’t know what is! Part of me did want to rip that freaking book apart to see what Prince said about me, then another part of me wanted to just rip the fucking book apart and burn it, and if he asked about it I’d just say a burglar broke in, and instead of stealing one of the many 32’ TVS you got he wanted the diary.

I bit my bottom lip, “go get a knife from the kitchen.” I said just giving in, she wasn’t going to leave this alone and without me Moni couldn’t get away with this stupid crime. The trusted me, he trusted me and here I am betraying them all, I’m Judas in the flesh!

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