His Sick Mate

By Squarely_Asleep

231K 5.1K 838

Rhiannon Davis, is sick. Not only does she get bloody noses like it is a regular runny nose, but she also cou... More

Epilogue #2
New Book


19.7K 435 34
By Squarely_Asleep

"I am the ocean
I am the sea
There is a world inside of me"
-Bring Me The Horizon (Crucify Me)

It was the day of the surgery and I felt nervous. There were many things I wasn't able to do and I would be able to do them after this surgery. Like shift for example. I wasn't allowed to shift because it put me at risk of my heart giving out.

We were currently driving to the hospital. I haven't drank or eaten anything since yesterday afternoon and I was starving but I think I could wait a couple more hours. After all, there were times my brother wouldn't let me eat because he didn't want to spend any more money on me.

We have arrived and hand in hand we walked to the front where the lady greeted us and directed us to my room. This hospital was half human and half werewolf and I would have a werewolf doctor doing my surgery because our blood and the anesthesia dosage is different from one of a human. There is even going to be a pack member present because he is an intern at this hospital and was allowed to participate.

I got dressed in a hospital gown and Kaye's down on the hospital bed. Balthazar was holding my hand while we were chatting. Part of the chatter was him listing all the things we are going to do together once I am released from the hospital. He said he's gonna introduce me to junk food almost right away. Pizza is on the top of his list. He also said that we will go for s run in our wolf forms, and when I asked him if I can get a makeover as in cutting my hair and changing my wardrobe he agreed. He also said we were going to go and visit my old pack.

The doctor soon came in with a clipboard, and rolled me away into surgery but not before I kissed Balthazar. For good luck.

They put me on a metal table, with lights above me, putting a mask on my face to give me sleeping gas. I counted backwards from ten and before I could get to one, my world went black.


Balthazar's POV

I sat there on the uncomfortable chair, that was way too small for my huge frame.

I can't believe that I could have lost her. If I didn't knock that bag over that day, she might have had chickened out of telling me and instead of being in there and getting a new heart, she couldn't have been slowly dying.

I saw doctors frantically running around, and when I heard Rhiannon's name I caught one of them by their arm.

"What's wrong with my mate I growled at the werewolf doctor.

"S-s-she's losing a-a lot of blood. And she's an AB negative but with werewolves you know how you can only put a blood type with the same blood type. And it has to be werewolf blood. But we don't seem to have any AB negative in our blood bank." She said and I growled.
I fisted by hands in my hair, breathing out air in anger and agitation.

Then I remembered.

I quickly called Greyson who picked up on the second ring.

"Wassup Alpha?" He asked me, his tone layer back.

"Greyson, what Emily's blood type?" I asked Greyson. Emily is Greyson's adopted little sister who they adopted when her parents got killed by rogues.

"She's an AB negative why?" He asked, not sounding concerned.

"Rhiannon is AB negative and she's losing blood and your sister is the only one I could think of."

"But, she's only eight." He said, worried and protective at the same time.

"Listen, just come here quickly with Emily. Please. She's gonna die." I pleaded, almost crying.

"We'll be there in five." He said and then the line went dead.

"You know somebody who has the blood type?" A doctor who happened to walk by asked.

"I think so. But she's just a child."

"That's no problem. As long as she agrees." The doctor said and just then I heard footsteps behind me and Greyson appeared, holding his sister in his arms.

"Is she okay with it?" I asked rushed.

"Anything for the luna. She's vary nice, and she gave me chocolate so I guess I can do this." She said, looking at me with her big brown eyes and adorable smile.

"Follow me then. The blood bag she has now is running out." The doctor said and Greyson carried Emily after the doctor.

I exhaled and leaned against the wall, sliding down slowly until my ass was flat against the floor.

I can't even imagine what I would do without her. She's already my wild and I would probably kill myself if she didn't make it.


Rhiannon's POV

I tried to pry my eyes open but blinding light hit me making my eyes burn.

"It's alright. You can open your eyes now." A very familiar smooth and dee voice spoke making me all jittery inside.

I tried again and this time the room was significantly darker so it was easy for me to open my eyes.

"How--" I tried to speak but my throat and tongue were dry and felt like sandpaper in my mouth.

"Shhh. Here, it's water." Balthazar said, bringing a cut over to my mouth. I drank it greedily and soon the cup was empty.

"How did the surgery go?" I asked, and Balthazar grinned.

"It went almost perfect. You lost s lot of blood but we were able to find you a donor. From then there were no complications and now you have a brand new, very healthy heart beating inside your chest." He said his voice getting sad when he spoke about he blood, but then brightening up again and tapping my chest where my new heart is with his finger.

I took a moment to feel my heartbeat that felt cleaner, and stronger. I grinned and then launched for him and wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you Balthazar. Thank you so much." I said and we stayed like that until the doctor came in.

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