Fixing Ashton.

By canadianwanker

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"And breaking news; Drummer and singer of the popular Australian band 5 seconds of summer Ashton Irwin is in... More

part || : letters from ashton


495 17 5
By canadianwanker

'There's no way of getting him to talk. Other than 2 or 3 words per sentence everyday.' She jotted down.

'Today is day 4 of being here with Ashton. And I thought it would go a lot better than this. I thought he would atleast talk more, or move more. All he does is stare at the black screen of the tv and stay silent.'

'Ever since that dream I had almost 2 nights ago, I've been having almost the same dreams. Last night I had one where I was in his perspective, I hope these dreams are what actually happened, because if they aren't I have no hope in finding out about Ashton. No hope in Fixing Ashton.'



*Kelly's POV*

His eyes in the picture I was looking at we're hazel, a light hazel. The eyes in front of me we're black. What happened to that shine?

"Calum,Luke, and Michael are coming over today." I whispered, placing my hand on his knee.

His face brightened up. "Really?"

"Yeah. Doctor said you weren't aloud to see them but, I'm the one taking care of you. Not him." I smiled and chuckled.

"How have they been since uh, you know."

"All of them have been beaten up about it. Everyone has really, mostly about why you did you or if it was an accident." He nodded resting his chin on his hand and shutting his eyes.

I took a deep breath. What I was about to say was a huge risk. But it was a risk I was willing to take, and also a risk I was going to pay for.

"I know what really happened Ashton."



*Ashton's POV*

"N-no you don't. You don't know anything." It was meant to come out as a shout but only managed to come out as a whisper.

"Yes I do."

"H-how, well if you do and you're not lying." I asked.

"I had a dream, quite like yours actually. It started that night you woke up screaming. After I went to bed I had a dream that relived the crash. I was sitting on the side of the road just watching the whole thing, couldn't do anything about it. But don't you find it weird that your car was driving on the wrong side of the road while you were completely sober? No drugs, no alcohol was found in your system. I know you attempted suici-"

"Stop!" I shouted covering my ears. "I get it, you know, you know what happened. Are you happy now? Just go and tell Dr.Hynes so he can put me back into the looney bin for the rest of my life! I wouldn't be here if I just.. if I just.."

"If you just what Ashton?" She said, her eyes were mesmerizing me, but not in the way of love. In the way of making me tell her more.

"If I'd just taken more pills before driving."

She opened her mouth but was silenced by the door.

"Well talk later." She whispered, took her hand that was gripping onto my knee, and walked to the front door. Out of sight, out of mind.




(A/n: I'm sorry I haven't updated In about 9 days! I usually only update whenever I get a comment that says 'UPDATE' or 'I really love this story so far' something like that.

The more comments, the more updates! :-)

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