Forbidden Eternity.

By TylerNicole1x

51.2K 951 154

After a should've been fatal crash, Katie Lewis wakes up on her birthday with no recollection of the night be... More

Forbidden Eternity. (1)
Forbidden Eternity. (2)
Forbidden Eternity. (3).
Forbidden Eternity. (4).
Forbidden Eternity. (6).
Forbidden Eternity. (7).
Forbidden Eternity. (8).
Forbidden Eternity. (9).
Forbidden Eternity. (10).
Forbidden Eternity. (11).
Forbidden Eternity. (12).
Forbidden Eternity. (13).
Forbidden Eternity. (14).
Forbidden Eternity. (15).
Forbidden Eternity. (16).
Forbidden Eternity. (17).
Forbidden Eternity. (18).
Forbidden Eternity. (19).
Forbidden Eternity. (19). Katie.
Forbidden Eternity. (20).
Forbidden Eternity. (21).
Forbidden Eternity. (22).
Forbidden Eternity. (23).
Forbidden Eternity. (24).
Forbidden Eternity: (25)
Forbidden Eternity. (26).
Forbidden Eternity. (27).

Frobidden Eternity. (5)

1.8K 31 2
By TylerNicole1x



"Ugh...go away" I moaned, who the hell do they think they are? I rolled over, facing the other way from whomever it is calling me.

"Hey, we seriously have to get up, the pooper of a teacher gets really angry when we're late, so I think your first impression should be a good one."

I rolled my eyes, peeking out of one eye, the room is still quite dark, I turned over to look out the window, which is now as clear as if it hasn't been tinted.

"What's with the weird window? Why does it change colour?"

"It's like them glasses humans wear, the ones where in sunlight they turn to sunglasses, and once out sunlight they go back to normal. Don't ask me how it works cos' I don't have a don..."



I nodded, throwing the covers back and stretching, Ara walked over to the bathroom.

"I call dibs on the first shower."

"Mm K." She doesn't realise now I can turn back over and go to sleep! I grabbed the covers again, but something stopped me. Two piercing blue eyes, to far apart to be human (or Vampire) and the black silhouette around it wasn't human. The eyes are as bright as mine, if not brighter, looking through this window straight at me, the outlining of trees behind it, making it even harder to see its frame. I drew in a shaky breath; this is all too familiar to the day I woke up after the 'crash' except then it was green eyes. Seconds passed, before the eyes whipped to the side and disappeared. Oh shit, what the hell?! I have some weird things stalking me? I stood up quickly, the floor surprisingly creaky. On either side of the bathroom door is a school uniform. The skirts surprisingly short! I'm guessing this is my uniform, the one on the right, as it did have a post it note on it saying my name. The Uniform did look good, a black knit jumper that looked quite comfy. No white shirt with buttons, already on my good side. I hate them white shirts we had at school, the button that went over my bust always seemed like it was clinging for its life, nearly bursting open, its so embarrassing when it is open and you don't know, happened twice to me before I just bought a polo shirt. They had a polo shirt here, on the left breast it had a black diamond with an outline of a silver star, points all coming together in the middle looking like five silver kites fitted together to form the star. Beautiful really, at least tights came with the skirt, black ones with silver outlined diamonds on them. It's a good job I brought a lot of black boots. I grabbed a pair of my ankle boots with a very small heel, well not really small; boots make me feel feminine... so what. They flared out a bit at the ankle, perfect. Ara emerged with a towel wrapped around her, her brown hair just at her jaw line.

"Right, shower is free, but hurry." I hurried past her, the room filled with steam. I quickly showered again, after showering not even two hours ago...

Getting dressed and drying my hair at the same time, my hair has good volume now, so I straighten it leaving the volume in it though. My hair looking glossy and dark, I start with my makeup, black kohl eyeliner to vamp my eyes up, and mascara. That'll do, I smooth myself down in the mirror in the bathroom, my hair falling over each shoulder just below my chest. I walked out and Ara is just putting on her black dolly shoes which had black bows on them. Her hair flicking out at the ends, short hair suits her. The uniform hugged my hour glass figure, a bit too much for school to be honest. I stood at the doorway as Ara came and followed me.

"Oh wait, I nearly forgot" she spun round and headed towards her bed, getting on the floor then in front of me in milliseconds.

"How do you move so fast?"

"I'm fully changed, that wasn't even fast... Daywalker's, even though how much I hate to admit this, are incredibly faster than us normies" She passed me a piece of paper. My timetable I guess...

"Right, since you're still changing you have the full evening till 11pm dedicated to learning about the change, don't worry we all did it, after that you're in all my classes, at dinner meet me at the cafeteria, then I'll show you off to my homies." She smiled, I smiled back, and at least I know I have a friend already. "I'll walk you to your first class, unlucky; you have Dave the Rave... Mr. Rave. He's really strict so I'd be on your best behaviour. Oh hello Ash." Ash came thundering down, perched on her shoulder, its bright red eyes scaring the be-jeebies out of me! I shivered.

"You know you don't pick their names." She said absent minded, stroking Ash.


"Yeah they already have names, when they bite you and your minds connect, they instantly tell you there name, they haven't picked it, but it's just... already there." I bet mine will be called something like Mildred... We walked down the corridor towards the stairs, I checked out a few of the paintings, some of them were quite old looking people who looked surprisingly royal, others where landscapes of some utterly beautiful places. Ash flew off ahead and down the stairs when we were at the top, we followed him down, Ara passed Barry's office and continued down a corridor that looked like it is made out of mahogany wood, all of it. At the end were double doors. We pushed through them and came outside; I think Ara is being quiet so I can take it all in. It reminded me of a box, except of an opening at the opposite end where a church like place is. The school formed a square around us. The west wall had lots of windows, with huge double doors and a sign above them saying 'Dining Hall'. The East wall is basically a few windows spread along the bottom floor; the top floor had a balcony going all the way across it, separated by only an iron black fence to each classroom and on the edge. It ended at the church like thing, and then the north wall began which looked like a new building, as the brick is slightly a different colour to the west wall, also the Big letters sprawled across saying 'Sports hall' helped a lot to. A large plot of grass is in the middle, with a fountain with three tiers in the centre where paths led away from it to each wall.

"Come on then." She started walking again and I had to jog to catch up to her "Sorry, I keep forgetting your still practically human, oh I can't wait till you change, then we can race, and we'll see who's the fastest." She gave me an evil grin which I smiled back at. She turned to the east side, heading towards some open doors. "I suppose your first day won't be very exciting, but hell, anything is better then what I used to have to do." I was about to ask her what she did, but the buzz of noises interrupted us. The corridor is exactly like a normal school, bright white, well I say white, grey would be a better explanation, the floor squeaky linemen, lockers lined either side, and a few classroom windows interrupted them. Ara turned right, we continued down the corridor, until we stopped in front a white brick wall with a metal door, woah, it looks more like a jail door than a classroom one, it even had a little slot at the top were you put food through.

"Well, here you go, and be careful, if you haven't probably noticed it by your own behaviour, not that I'm saying I have, but changing people have temper problems... hence the metal door and no windows." She patted my shoulder before leaving. I stood in front of the door, pursing my lips... Do I dare now that she said that? I pushed it open. It looked like a pretty normal classroom to me, desks which were for two people were filled with normal but very good looking teenagers, some sat on the desks chatting to others. The door creaked as it opened further, and everyone turned the attention to me, the chatter stopping fully as red eyes rested on me. Its worse than I thought, I attempted to smile when someone pushed passed me, making me stumble. A tall grey haired man took stance at the front of the classroom, an interactive white board behind him. He looked at me and his eyes were exactly the same as Barry's if not redder. Then I noticed how none of the others had the black rings that he had, must be a changing thing.

"Well, who do we have here? A new student? Come here and introduce yourself." I confidently walked and stood beside him. He crossed his arms and everyone took their places in desks, only one is free, next to the most Chav like guy I had ever seen, (Chav is like a gangster but England style) He had a Burberry hat on and a black Adidas jacket on, over his uniform which is the same as mine except he had trousers, it would be kinda weird if he was wearing a skirt.

"Well, what's your name and why are you late?"

"Sir, if you think about it, I got to the door first, you just entered the classroom fully before me, technically, you were even later than me, and so if you would like to know why I'm late I have as much reason to know why you're late... And I'm Katie Lewis." He stood there flabbergasted, yeah bitch.

"Well, in all my days I have never... never mind, please take that seat." He finished, pointing to the Chav. My heels clicked as I made my way by, getting a few nods of appreciation and smirks. I sat down; the kid shifted slightly, but remained still next to me. He had short jet black hair and I could just see where stripes were cut close to his head.

"Right, we are going to cover the basics here, as you are all in your first week of changing or so. My name is Dr. Rave, All of you will be in my class for the next few months until you change, and we will be learning such things as, Control, Disguise and how your body will be changing and basically everything to do with vampire's, don't worry you will all remain the same sex..." Awkward pause. "Anyway, who can tell me the average length of the change?" A girl at the front with short light brown curls shot her hand up.

"Around six months... depends itself on the changer." I rested my elbows on the table.

"And in them months, what will happen... no one? Well, your body will change internally, i.e. your muscles will become more powerful and more designed to be a predator, but your body shape will stay the same. Your senses will increase substantially, to the point where you could see miles off in a thick fog as clearly as you would see something right next to you on a clear day, you will be able to smell things that were un recognisable by the human nose, you can hear things so far away you wouldn't be able to believe it, and your ears become extremely sensitive so you will even be able to hear... for example a beating heart, or a moths wing. Taste will be enhanced so much that you will be able to taste the air around you. And finally your sense of touch will become so amplified that you would feel the vibrations of someone let's say, tapping on a table at the other end of the school; you will be able to feel that!" My mouth formed a little 'O' no way!

"All of these senses will combine together for one thing... Finding, hunting, your prey. But all of these would be wasted if we didn't have the amazing strength and speed we have, we are so fast that, we don't appear fully, we appear as a blur. Our eyes can follow normal Vampires, but, if we are confronted by a Daywalker, they would not even be a blur; they would seem to disappear, too quick for our eyes to follow... Wait a second." His eyes locked with mine, his mouth opening and closing and opening again. "You-Your... You're a Daywalker!" Everyone spun to face me. I nodded, he blinked, then blinked again.

"I cannot, believe, I am teaching a Daywalker! Oh Jesus, please, come to the front... again." I pushed my eyebrows together. Damn it, I stood up and walked again to the front of the classroom, all red eyes on me. Some with their mouth open, I felt the red start to colour my cheeks. He stood in front of me, his head bent to my level as he gazed into my eyes with awe. I'm five foot seven, eight if I push it, and a six foot two guy bending down in front of me to gaze into my eyes really is weird.

"Truly amazing, does Barry know?" I nodded. "Oh Christ, Did you know you can always tell who a Daywalker is by their eyes, see, bright sapphire blue, and the black ring around them. Other Daywalker's will have different colour eyes... but my, your eyes are going to be extremely powerful." I played with the end of my jumper, this guy is making me nervous.

"This means your bonding animal will be a four legged one." There was an audible gasp throughout the room, why the gasp?

"How many of you in here have bonded?" A few put up their hands, he looked at a girl closest to the front, with straight blonde hair and fake eyelashes on. Who doesn't love fake eyelashes, they work wonders.

"Miss, what is your animal?" She smiled wildly, her eyes narrowing a bit, on second thoughts; fake eyelashes look evil on her...

"A snake sir... A Python to be exact." There were few appreciative glances towards her.

"Hmm, you seem like a powerful person... oh I should warn you Katie, when your animal does find you, be careful, they aren't like normal animals, although they look like them they are just as powerful as what you will be, so it's possible that when it does find you, it can... kill you, to be honest." My eyes widened.

"Kill Me!" I squeaked. "No, Ara said they just... Bite you, yano..." He nodded his head.

"Yes, they will bite you, but it might kill you in the doing. Watch out for an animal, a four legged one that has the same colour eyes as you... maybe you should go talk to Daniel; he is a fully changed Daywalker. And he has a Wolf." I bit my lip, at no point, did Ara say the animal that's supposed to be my 'best friend' kill me... Dr. Rave waved me back to my seat, and the lesson flew by. My time table said that at 9pm I start this lesson, then at 11:05pm I had break, then at 11:30pm I had English... I expect that to be vampire style. At 12:30am I finished English then had Maths, then after an hour of maths at 1:30am I had dinner, then half an hour later I had 'P.E' for the last hour, yeah I bet P.E will be some freaky kind of P.E, for like Vampires. I headed back outside, and went into the dining hall, tables where randomly set about and at the other end of the room was two corridors, one with a sign over the top saying, 'Normal Food' and the other said 'Donors' Ara emerged just then out of the Donors corridor, wiping her mouth. I shivered; I guess that's where they 'eat'. Ara spotted me straight away and waved me over, then sat at a table with a few people already there. I slowly made my way through the maze of people who were sat at tables, some with a tray of food in front of them, others empty handed. I sat down next to Ara and she beamed at me.

"Hey, you lot, this is Katie." The others turned towards me, I instantly recognised the guy I sat next to in the changing class, except now he didn't have his hat on.

"Hi, I'm Kurt." He smiled. "And before you ask, yes, I'm gay." My mouth dropped, he did not look gay, not one bit, well I suppose I'm being a bit judgemental, he did seem neat, a lot neater than some of the guys here which I must get out of the way now, all of the guys here are 'FINE!' Truly the hottest guys ever! I smiled back.

"Never would've guessed."

"Heyyyyy, I'm Sarah, I'm not gay by the way." A small blonde sat next to him giggled, I laughed as well. She had big red eyes and thick lashes, she looked very pretty.

"Woah couldn't have fooled me... I'm Lauren." A large brunette girl laughed, her hair in thick ringlets. She seemed chubbier than the rest but it just made her prettier in a way, she had high cheekbones and big red lips, and has beautiful dark coffee coloured skin. I laughed along with her, and Sarah pouted heavily. I smiled, noticing all of them except me and Kurt had Fangs, Lauren having the biggest.

"It's good to meet some normal people for once in my life." I sighed, well, Emi is normal, but the others... Meh, even though we're everything but normal now.

"Oh, I smell some bitching coming along; tell me, I will now officially be your shoulder to cry on." Lauren grinned. I laughed, already thanking that at least I have people at the moment.

"It's more like, being dumped, then your best friend jumping straight in to shag the guy." Ara looked at me sympathetically, while the others turned their noses up in disgust.

"What a cow!" Lauren sneered.

"MmmHmm, you should never trust people like that." Kurt nodded. I was about to answer when the most... god like creature walked by me, both our eyes locking, his intense green ones and my blue ones... He seemed so familiar. My breath caught in my throat, he is stunning, his hair a dark brown, messy and stylish at the same time, long at the back a bit, reminding me of Christiano Renaldo sort of, except this guys hair didn't seem greasy or jelled, and it is slightly longer at the back and front and deadly straight, forming a little tail at the top of his neck, not the stupid ponytail thing guys have. His pale white skin in contrast to his hair. He had a slightly broad build, the perfect build; I could see the distinct lines in his chest through his black jumper. His hair slightly on his forehead, looking perfect. God, even his eyebrows are perfect, framing his eyes. The atmosphere crackled, before rising into an inferno and the rest of the world seemed to die away, I couldn't hear anything, except his breath. I must of slavered or something because Ara's hand waved in front of my face, breaking my gaze away, half my mind thankful for being let free, the other wanting his gaze again.

"Woah, you totally zonked out there Katie... You seemed to have noticed Daniel by the looks of it." I quickly turned round to see if he is still there, but he's walking away, I could just see a fraction of his face, and it was set in deep confusion as he walked away shaking his head.

"MMHMMM, I would do him!" Lauren shivered. I grinned at her...

"Me too." I laughed.

"Oh, everyone wants to do Daniel, even I do." Ara sighed. "What? Are you saying you wouldn't Kurt?" Kurt raised an eyebrow and looked up.

"Yeah I'd do him as well" We laughed, and then everything stopped when my stomach did the loudest growl it could muster.

"You hungry?" Lauren smiled. I nodded; Kurt stood up and held his hand out to me.

"Well, so am I, so seen as me and you are still the normies, why don't we go grab something?" I stood up and he hooked arms with me, steering us to the 'Normal Food' Corridor.

"Sorry if I seemed weird in the Changing class, I had toothache..." He smiled apologetically to me.

"Oh its fine, I didn't really notice."

"I think sir noticed you were a Daywalker though... I haven't seen him so lively since... well... never." I giggled. I've been giggling a lot today. We came to a room much the same as the dining hall, except a lot smaller. A large counter is at the front where a few large women with hair nets in had trays of food in front of them, and the kids lined up with their trays. We lined up and when we got there, I must say the food smelled gorgeous, spaghetti bolognaise is the main so we both got that and headed back to our table. Ara and Lauren were laughing at something but when we sat down they stopped.

"What?" I asked, looking into their eyes. Ara bit her lip and Lauren started shaking, her lips glued together in a tight line, before she burst out laughing and so did Ara.

"What?" I asked again, feeling self conscious.

"Oh nothing... anyway, you're a Daywalker!" Lauren almost shouted.

"Erm... I guess so."

"Oh WOW. Can you do like, all them weird things like run so fast that you disappear, or jump like a hundred feet!" I shook my head and Lauren stuck her lip out slightly.

"Hey, don't forget she's still changing poop face!" Ara smiled at me.

"Oh yeah, I know Daniel can do all that stuff, oh god, I saw him once running around the track outside with his top off, let me just say, I almost died and went to heaven." Lauren drooled. "Six pack glory, and a chest so defined I would li-"

"I'm going to cut in there, before you drone off into another one of your fantasies." Kurt interrupted. I chuckled as she frowned at him. I picked at the spaghetti with my fork, almost eating it in one as I shoved it in my mouth; I drew back at how violently I ate it.

"I think I'm finished." I murmured. I stood up and the shrill bell rang, Ara grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, we can walk to English together, wait one sec while I throw this away." She dashed to the other side of the cafeteria and back within seconds, using that vampire speed thing.

"Come on then, we have Miss Count Dracula now, she's big on Vampirism."

"Is Miss Count Dracula her real name?" I asked worriedly, we're walking down the corridors again in the west building, I'm guessing this is where most of the classes are.

"Don't be daft, her real name is Miss Count Vondula, see were the Dracula comes from?" I nodded. "I think she's Russian, as she always says her words like 'V-atch it' and 'Keep V-alking' and she looks about a hundred years old... yeah she is an old vampire."

"I thought Vampire's are immortal..."

"Nope, well, we age so slowly that we live for thousands of years, so like, a year to humans in again is like I don't know, a hundred thousand years. We age so slowly it's unbelievable, the only vampires that are fully immortal are well, you guess."

"Err, really powerful ones..." Pathetic attempt Katie. Ara gave me a dubious look.

"No... Daywalker's Katie, it was pretty much a no brainer."

"Sorry." I bit my lip jokingly; she smiled up at me as she is slightly shorter than me.

"Yeah, you have the benefits of living forever, poor me..." She wiggled her bottom lip, we turned the corner and stopped in front of a bright red door. Entering, I glanced around the classroom, a few posters of poets were hung up on the wall, and tables were in clusters around the room, some fitting four on, others fitting six on. What is most striking is the red walls, blood red. A young woman, looking around her mid thirties with flame red hair, the nice kind not the carrot top kind, is stood at the front shuffling a few sheets of paper, she turned round and started writing something on the interactive white board. Ara went straight for the table closest to the window, she patted the seat next to her and I joined her.

"I really honestly can't wait for you to change, then you will be in all my classes, cos' the school year doesn't fully start till the changers have changed... So when you have fully changed, and the rest have, the school year will begin, finally... the school system is a right balls up really." She gave me a wry glance.

"Hello kids, I'm Count Vondula, we will be studying the v-orks of Leonardo DaVinci, and how he had a great impact in the 15th and 16th century." My eyes brightened at this, I must admit, I find Italy fascinating, so much history in one place, especially Venice. "Who can tell me when he vas born?" I threw my hand up almost bursting, feeling a tad self conscious about my eagerness to answer a question.

"Yes Miss..." She looked as if she was searching for a name badge.

"Katie, and he was born on April the 15th 1452."

"And vwhen did he die?"

"Err... May the 2nd 1519."

"Very good, now, Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity vas equaled only by his powers of invention." She turned to face the board. Writing down his name on the interactive white board she turned t us again after making a spider diagram. "Now, who can tell me what impact he had on Vampire's in them days?" I looked around, nobody put their hand up, and some shifted in their seat. The door burst open and I think I fainted.

"Well Mr. Wolfe, nice of you to join us." Vondula turned towards Daniel, who by the way looked like an angel stood in the doorway.

"Sorry I'm late Countess, I had trouble on the way." His voice is musical, yet clipped and harsh.

"Nothing to serious I hope?" She gave him a questionable look before continuing. "It's too bad you are late as we are studying your home country, Mr. Wolfe." His green eyes flickered with something, before he nodded and took a set furthest at the back. He didn't have that much of an Italian accent, maybe just the tiniest hint, but it seemed lost now. I glanced back at him and he was biting his pencil, his fangs seemed different from the normal Vampire's, more defined and sharp, still looking like a canine, it accumulated his mouth much better than fangs for normal Vampire's, they reminded me of rose thorns, except thicker and longer, not too long to seem weird though. They fit him well.

He caught me staring and our eyes locked again, Damn it, I felt the world start to fade away again until it was black mist around just me and him, tension and electricity crackling in the air, his eyes so bright and dangerous against the darkness, he looked... beautiful.

"...Katie... Miss Katie, answer the question!" It was like being dragged up from under water as the world surrounded me like a whirlpool again, I quickly looked at Vondula, who had an irritated expression.

"What?" Oh I sounded so dumb, she rolled her eyes.

"Answer the question... Seen as though you're the one who knows so much about Italy." Emphasizing the 'you're'.

"What was the question?" Her eyes narrowed, God she should take a chill pill... did I really just think that?

"What famous religious painting did he do?" Duh, no brainer.

"The last supper, at first people thought he painted twelve Apostles including Jesus, but it turned out to be thirteen in the picture." She seemed irritated for a second then let it drop. I relaxed into my seat as the lesson flew by, feeling somebody's eyes on me the whole time.


Very long i hope,

as it was like

7 pages on my comp

Love ya

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