A Clace Remake!

Af my_secret_obsessions

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#themortalinstrumentsmovie #themortalinstruments #cityofbones #cityofashes #cityofglass #cityoffallenangels #... Mere

A Clace Remake!
A new beginning.
Raziel College
Beautiful Friendships
Tall Dark & Handsome
Ouch Times 2
Can't you see?
Will it set us free?
Blast from the past
Grateful <3
What now?
Well well
Thumbs Up
Too long pt 1.
Sneak Peek!
Too long pt2
Finale pt1
Finale pt 2
The end.

Oh boy.

3.5K 88 13
Af my_secret_obsessions

Clarys POV
"Wwhat... wait you know each other?" jace asks surprised

Brad is still fuming and breathing hard.

"Uhhh..... you could say that" I say

"I should have warned you about them!" brad said yelling at me really

"This is awkward" I think to myself

"One of you better tell me what's going on" jace says annoyed

Brad looks at me, as if tell him before I do.

"Ummm" I say and then gulp "It's a long story"

They both stare at me and brad crosses his arms across his chest.

"Shit" I say,

I quickly give jace a kiss on the cheek and say "I've got to go" and then literally run away.

Jaces POV

"Clary wait!" I yell

"Let her go man" brad says "there's no use trying to talk to her when she's like this"

The way he talks about clary bothers me... like they had something between them.

"What the hell man?" I say

"You know I'm not surprised she fell for you....your just like me." he says

"I don't believe you." I say

"You don't believe me or don't want to?"

I say nothing and think out the facts

"You've kissed her, I'm sure.... we'll if you have or do... There's a spot on her neck, that'll drive her crazy." he says pointing to the middle of his neck

"This is bad... I don't know how to handle this... my girlfriend and my best friend..." I think in my head

"I need to find clary" I say and leave.

Clarys POV

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!" I think to myself

Everything was going good here why did Brad have to come here and ruin it.... wait why is he even here?

How am I going to explain this to Jace.... it looked like they knew each other crap crap crap I think

I am suddenly spun around and I look and I see jace, his eyes look worried.

He bends down and kisses me.... I kiss him back.

He pulls away and says

"I don't care about your past"

He kisses me again

"You accepted my past.... I will accept yours"

He kissed me again... as if they gave him strength

"Just tell me, I won't be mad... but I need to know"

He kisses me again until I pull away.

"But it really is a long story" I say

"Come on Garroway, it's a beautiful day outside and we can talk there"

I looked at him and bit my lip...

"Yes we can get your sketch book" he say laughing

I smiled at him and kissed him one last time before he dragged me to my room.

Isabelles POV
"Clary there's someone at he door" i groan as someone keeps knocking on my door.

"Clary... help a sister out" i say

Someone's still knocking

I lift my head and see that Clarys not here and notice my head is killing me.

I get up to get the door and see water and pain medicine next to it and I quickly take it.

I try to get up but it was an epic failure, I feel like I've been hit by a train.

The knocking is still happening

"Come in! it better be worth it" I scream

I am laying on my bed face down. The door opens and someone walks towards me.

They get on their knees next to my bed so I can see them and to my surprise it's simon.

"Simon?" I say

"Isabelle" he says smiling huge

"Everything hurts" I whine

"We'll you did run into a wall" he says laughing

"I what?" I wail

"You were a little tipsy and ran into something's and fell a couple times"

"Thanks for helping me" i say sarcasticly

"We did help! you kept pushing us away and then would call me over and kiss me".

"I'm sorry, i remember nothing" I say embarrassed

"It's okay... I liked it" he said winking

I roll my eyes

"So what brings you here?" I say

"Just coming to remind you... to keep your word and not talk to bass anymore" he said and then kissed me.

Clarys POV
We walk towards my room hand in hand. I look at Jace and smile, I can't believe he knows me so we'll already. I think I really found my soulmate. I've never felt like this about anyone before... not even brad.

"What are you thinking about?" jace asks me

"Nothing" I say smiling

"Mmmmhhhmmmm, your thinking about me" he said

"Maybe...maybe not" I say smiling as we reach my door.

I try to open it as quietly as possible so I don't wake up Isabelle.

Oh she's awake alright I think as I quickly shut the door.

"Never mind I don't need my stuff" I say to jace

"What.. why?"

"Uh I don't want to wake up isabelle" I lie

"What is going on? whose in there?" he says noticing my lie. He tries to get past me to open the door and I grab his face and say

"She's fine, let's go" and smile shyly trying to cover for Isabelle.

"Okay fine" he says

I start to walk away when I feel him spin around and go for the door. I try to quickly stop him and we fight with the door but he's too strong.

"He's been holding out on me" I think as he says

"What the hell?" when he sees Isabelle and simon kissing

They quickly pull apart

"Get out jace!" Isabelle yells

"Simon...?" jace says shocked

"Yep... Simon" simon says grinning

"Sorry... we were just leaving" I say pulling jace out from the room

Once we were in the hall we start walking and I say "what the hell jace! you should have trusted me!"

"I thought you were covering for Sebastian" he said

I smack him in the arm.

"Oww what was that for?" He says holding his arm

"One for isabelle"

I smack him again


"Two for Sebastian...why would it be bad if it was him?"

"I don't know" he says

I smack him again

"Oww clary! for the love of the angel stop smacking me!"

"Three is for me!"

"Huh? what I do?"

"You've been holding back on me jace!"

He tenses up and he looks away, not knowing what to say.

"You can't take it easy on me, no demon will ever show me that curtesy" I say

He flinches and says "clary I just couldn't hurt you"

I feel butterflies in my stomach. He pulls me close and wraps his arm around my shoulder, so I wrap mine around his back

"Clary... maybe you can-" he starts saying

I stop instantly and he jerks a bit and I cut him off

"I'm not going to be on the side lines." I say

"We can talk about that in the future" he says

"The best way to protect me is by not holding back... we were paired because were the best, if you won't go hard on me, then I'll request someone else" I say

"Fine Clary, we will see" he says looking a little sad

We finally get outside and the view is beautiful there is only a couple clouds in the sky and it's warm and not humid.

We lay in the grass on our backs. We look at the clouds for a little bit and we name them I see a elephant in one and he sees a shark... weird I think .

"Jace that's the trunk!" I say pointing at it

"No no no it's the sharks flipper" he says grinning at me

God he's gorgeous.

As if reading my mind he pulls me close to him and kisses me gently. It doesn't last long though.

He pulls away and says "stop trying to distract me... tells me" he says smiling

"Okay but one thing first" I say as he raises his eye brow

I give him a quick kiss

"Okay, umm where should I start" I ask

"From the begining.... how do you know him?"

"We'll I met him when I was a kid.... but he also is my ex." I say scared of how he will react...

To my surprise he doesn't flinch or tense and just asks "how long were you together for?"

"A while.... I think a year maybe"

He shifts to his side and leans his head on his hand and uses his elbow for support

"Why did it end?"

"We'll i need to tell you a little bit more to understand-"

"Go on" he says calmly

"I was dating brad for a few months and then Bass started messing around with brads younger sister Rylie.... they were never official or anything and we'll bass being single and all was talking to other girls"


"And Rylie found out and freaked out, Brad and I promised to stay out of it, but he didn't see how crazy she was over bass.... she stalked him and sabotaged him at every possible way she could"


"She would fight him, and of course he would never hit her back... mom was getting worried and stressing out... finally one night rylie paid some guys to try and beat up Sebastian"

I stopped because I felt like I was going to cry, just thinking about it


"They beat him up and injured him really badly.... he was almost in a coma.... I couldn't help myself at the hospital seeing my mom cry like that"


"So I left and I found Rylie bragging to a group of girls about what she did and I blacked out.... I lost it"

"What did you do?"

"I beat the crap at her... and I told her that if she ever messed with my family, I'd kill her."

"So brad?"

"So I tried to explain to brad everything that happened and he didn't believe me, he swears that Rylie is an angel and he basically said bass deserved everything he got"


"So I smacked him and told him we were over"

"And he accepted it?"

"No..... But I never gave him another chance"

"Wow" jace says shocked

"Family is everything to me.... I don't take things lightly when it comes to them.... Ever since that day we have been at war basically"


"We don't get along, we always end up in a fight somehow"

Jace tenses "has he ever hurt you?"


Jace relaxes

But he's tried" I say

Jace tenses again.

"I'm sorry" I say

"Why are you sorry" he says lifting my chin so I have to look at him

"Because I can tell that this hurts you... are you guys close?" I ask

"We use to be close, he's my best friend I was telling you about"

My heart panged. I feel horrible.... the way jace talked about his childhood best friend yesterday is running through my head

"I don't want you to loose him.... I understand if you pick him and don't want to see me anymore" I say looking away so he can't see how hard it is for me to say this

"Look at me clary"

I hesitate and he pulls my face towards his

"I refuse to loose you... if he can't accept us then he can't accept me" he says

My heart starts blazing and i sigh in relief.... thank Raziel I think as he tries to pull me towards him.

"Not here" I say winking at him. He stands up smiling and pulls me up and kisses me anyways.

Isabelles POV
"So what else did I promise you?" I say too simon

"That we could go on a date" he says smiling

"I can do that" I say teasingly

It takes all my strength to sit up. My world spins.

"Ahhhh" I say squeezing my eyes shut

"Come on, let's get some food"

"I think I should shower first" I say

"I can help... " He says but stops because I glare at him

He smiles and say "or I'll get us some food"

"Okay, gimme an hour" I say

"Okay" he says and gets up and places a kiss on my forehead

I get up and go to the bathroom... I start the bath and turn to look in the mirror and I look a mess.

"OMG Isabelle!!" I say

I quickly wash my face and get in the bath.

Jaces POV
"Where are you taking me?" I ask clary

"To my room" she says smiling

"What are we going to do there?" I ask teasingly

"Your cute jace, but your not getting that lucky" she says grinning at me

"Aww man" i say

We reach her door and she knocks before coming in....just in case.

Nothing we open the door and go inside "isabelle?" I say

"In the bath" Isabelle yells

"Okay.... are you okay?" clary asks

"Yea, simon went to get food... text him to bring you guys some and we can hang out"

So that's what we did. Simon came back just as Isabelle was done with her bath. We turned on a movie and ate an that talked for the rest of the day....it was simple and fun.

It was getting late and I could tell clary was getting tired... Simon and Isabelle were passed out on her bed.

Screw it I thought. I turned off the tv and cuddled with clary and soon we were both asleep.

Clarys POV
I felt Jaces strong arms around me and I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him until Isabelle's alarm went off.

Jace and Simon groaned and I hid under jaces arm knowing I still had 40 minutes to sleep.

It felt like two seconds later when Isabelle yelled at us all I get up. jace kissed my forehead and then went to his room and simon left short after.

"I hate Mondays" I say throwing on a pair of loose grey sweat pants and tie them on my waist so they won't fall of and then I throw on a black tank top and then get ready in the bathroom .

Isabelle dresses in black yoga pants and a Raziel college red hoodie.

We make our way to to the cafe and we run into jace who has a carrier filled with coffee for us and Simon has muffins and fruit

"Eat and walk ladies.... or will be late"

We speed to class and get there just on time.

We throw away are left overs and sit at our desks, were back in the runes room.

A couple minutes later sutton walks I with Brad.

I see Sebastian tense up and look at me shocked.... I forgot I never warned him.

"So class after something's occurred on Saturday we have decided to bump down one of you to the other class" sutton says

Everyone starts whispering and panicking....

"Adam.... you can go across the hall and you'll see Craig there" she says

Gasps exploded from us.

"Bbut that's not fair" Adams says

"Sorry Adam but you've already been replaced by Brad" sutton says

"And I'm here to stay" he says grinning.

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