Catching fire:what if it happ...

By itsaja

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What if Katniss did get married and have a baby. Find out in this romantic story of Peeta and Katniss and the... More

Catching fire:what if it happened
Peeta pov
Katniss POV
Peetas POV
Katniss POV
Peeta POV
Katniss pov
Peeta POV
Katniss Pov
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Peeta pov ( the baby)
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Peeta pov

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By itsaja

Peeta POV

I finally was done laughing at Katniss and went to chill on the couch. Some t.v show was on and eventually I fell asleep. It was only five minutes later I woke up and I heard Katniss talking to Pj. "Sleep tight Peeta." Was what I heard and she sounded tired herself. She finally came downstairs and sat on the couch with me. "Did you fall sleep to? "she asked I guess looking at my tired lines under my eyes. "Yup" was all I said and I leaned in to kiss her. It was a passionate kiss with our lips moving in sync. She finally broke away when we heard a door bell. Who is that? I wondered. I got up and opened the door.

"Hey " I heard as a bunch of people hugged me and fist bumped me. All of me and Katniss friends were here. I'm pretty happy to see them and I invited them in. "Hey me and Katniss said together. We all talked and ate. "Spin the bottle? " Finnck said. "Sure Finn" Katniss said. We got a bottle and began. First I spun and it landed on...Finnick. wtf I'm not kisses Finn so instead I blew him a kiss and he winked. "Finn I'll punch you square in the face if you do that again" I said and the whole group laughed.

Next was Finn and he landed on... Katniss. No. He leaned over and kissed Katniss on the mouth in front of my face and he smiled and in the kiss. She looked at me and smirked. Naw matter of fact everybody looked at me to see what I was going to say. But I just smiled back and said nothing. Now she spinned and it lands on Marvel. They share a deep kiss and this time I cough really pound to break them apart.

They looked at each other for a while and then smiled. What was going on me and Glimmer were looking at our partner and then each other. What ever I put that to the back of my mind. I hear a baby whine and everybody put me and Katniss jump. They forgot about the baby I guess. Katniss goes upstairs and then marches back with Pj. They all gush over how much he looks like me and how cute he was. Ugg girls are so over dramatic. I hold him and then the pictures start. "Why" is all I say and they laugh.

When they stop we all look at Pj and he smiles at everyone. He was so happy all the time. Everybody was saying 'aww' and then more pictures were toke with me, Katniss, and my smiling boy. When we were done everybody held him and he fell asleep in Finnicks arms. He looked frightened and gave Katniss, Pj.

I just laughed at his face and went to watch t.v with Clove and Cato. "This show is stupid, why are you watching this!" I said and then I changed the channel. "Well we weren't watching it Cato said. "Well what were you doing?" I asked joking with them and I saw Clove blush beet red. "Peeta!!" they both yelled, I laughed and went back to the kitchen for some bread.

"Peet get your ass over her!" Finnick yells. I walks over to him and saw he was rocking Pj and Katniss was no where to be seen. "Where's Katniss?" I questioned. "Listen lover boy, I don't know where she is but she gave me your child and I'm giving to you ,so stop wondering and help me with him!" Finnck complained. I looked up for a second and saw Katniss watching us and silently laughing. Oh she's playing a trick. I see he telling me to play along and I obey. "Ok Finn" I reply.

I saw him sigh with great relief and that when I turned around and went upstairs with Katniss. "Haha, Finnick is really flipping out, "she continued after a silence, "but I don't know why he's going to have one soon" she stated as if this was nothing. "Wait a minute what?!" I said. "When was this. How did you find out. How old-" I was cut off by a flinging pillow from Katniss. Because of me not being stable I fell backwards. Laughter. That's all I heard and it was from Katniss. I stood up and saw she was ready to dart. Instead I decided to pretend I'm not going chase her and when she realized, she stood normal again. Bam! right where I what her and then I leaped over the bed and pinned her to the floor. "PEETA!" she yelled. I started to tickle her and she laughed like a crazy person. "Stop.... Peeta.... It hurts stop!" she yelled in between laughs. Wow wait till we get back downstairs. I stood up and picked her up and smashed my lips onto hers. Before she really was able to enjoy the kiss I pulled back and smirked. She pouted and she gets whatever she wants when she does that, so I leaned in again and let her enjoy the kiss this time.

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