Friends Become Lovers

By beronicamixer89

46.1K 1.2K 129

Because Roberto is an idiot and won't make Beronica canon, the story is how I think the show should go More

First Meeting
Closing Night
Secrets and Lies
Affairs Of The Heart
Building Bridges
Somebody To Lean On
Caught Out
Love Is Complicated
Family Secrets
Happy Birthday
Party Time
Fresh Start
Road Trip
Returning The Favour
Daddy Issues
Truth Discovered

Clearing The Air

3.7K 100 27
By beronicamixer89

Veronica felt terrible after what had happened. The worst part was that nothing had actually happened, but she could fully understand why Betty didn't stick around at the party long enough to find out. All Veronica had to do was talk to Betty and tell her what had really happened.

The problem with that was that Betty wasn't answering any of Veronica's calls or texts. She knew she had to do something big to get Betty's attention so she bought her a large bouquet of yellow flowers and had them delivered to school. Kevin noticed the flowers and said "wow they're beautiful".

Betty added: "yeah they are, I wonder who sent them?" Kevin took out the card and read it 'Dear Betty, please let me explain what really happened. V xx' at this point Veronica entered the room and said: "all I'm asking for is just five minutes. You deserve to know the truth"

Betty agreed that she should hear Veronica out and asked Kevin to give them a few minutes to themselves. After they sat down Veronica said: "first of all I totally understand why you ran off, I would've done the same in your position. But I didn't kiss Archie".

Veronica continued: "I asked him if there could ever be anything between you and him because I know how much you like him. He thought I was asking for me but I wasn't, I was asking for you. I want to be your friend and I would never do anything to ruin that".

Betty was the sort of person who always tried to see the good in people, but she was also a pretty good judge of when people were being genuine and when she was being lied to- and she knew that Veronica was being genuine so she said: "I believe you. Oh and thanks for the flowers they're beautiful".

Veronica smiled and replied: "I'm glad you like them, I chose them as the yellow is for friendship. To be honest even if you didn't have feelings for Archie he's not even my type". Betty then asked: "so what is your type of guy then?"

After taking a deep breath, Veronica replied: "actually I'm gay". Betty was surprised but said: "well that shows you were telling the truth about last night!" Both girls laughed, any ill feeling there may have been clearly gone.

Later on that day, after cheerleading practice, Betty said: "you wanna go get a milkshake at Pops?" Veronica smiled and replied: "I'd love that". Veronica was so happy that she'd been able to explain what really happened, while Betty was pleased she'd listened and knew what had actually happened.

As they were having their milkshakes, Veronica said: "thanks for listening, I'm so glad we're friends again". Betty replied: "of course we are. The only problem I have now is trying to work out how I'm going to explain to my mother why another girl is buying me flowers".

They both had to laugh at Betty's comment- as well as admit it was fair to say that Betty's mum wasn't exactly Veronica's biggest fan. A lot of people had made up their minds about Veronica and Hermione before they even arrived in Riverdale but while most people had given them a chance, Alice hadn't.

Not that Betty cared about that. Veronica was her friend whether her mum liked it or not. Betty had never really believed in herself much but being around someone as beautiful and confident as Veronica was already beginning to help bring out a more confident side of herself.

Betty asked: "so did you have a girlfriend in New York?" Veronica explained: "No. I had a girl friend who I helped me realise I'm a lesbian, but as soon as I came out to her she freaked out and went Weird on me, so I've stayed in the closet ever since".

Concerned for her friend, Betty instinctively held Veronica's hands and said: "well that's not going to happen with me. Whatever happens I'm here for you 100% you're stuck with me now". Veronica couldn't hide her smile as she said: "well if I'm going to be stuck with someone it's a good thing it's someone beautiful.

Betty went slightly red at hearing Veronica describe her as beautiful. It was the first time anyone had ever said it to her before and it felt strange, but at the same time flattering, to hear it from someone. Especially somebody as beautiful as Veronica. Hang on, she thinks Veronica is beautiful?

One thing was for sure- whatever had happened in the past and whatever happened in the future their friendship was forged forever. They'd only know each other for a couple of days but to both of them it felt like they were always meant to be friends

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