Love Is Complicated

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It was safe to say that the last few days had been pretty dramatic for Betty. After Polly had finally come home, her mum had thrown her dad out after finding out he had tried to pay for Polly to have an abortion. Oh and she'd moved out after her mum reacted badly to finding out she was dating Veronica.

It certainly wasn't the way Betty had wanted to come out, with her mum walking in on her and Veronica kissing, but that was the way it was. Now the girls had to deal with the gossips at school- oh and Betty had been elected chairwoman of the homecoming organising committee and was expected to be elected homecoming queen.

Veronica certainly felt bad over the way Betty's mum had found out, as well as the effect it had on her relationship with Alice, which was already strained at the best of times. Dealing with the gossips didn't bother them, but she knew family meant everything to Betty.

As they were sat on their bed, Veronica said: "I'm really sorry about how things are going with your mum". Betty replied: "that's not your fault" but Veronica continued: "your family have already gone through so much and I feel like I'm just adding to it. I love you but if you wanted to break up I would totally understand".

Betty couldn't believe what she had just heard. When she asked: "is that what you want?" Veronica replied: "believe me that's the last thing I want, but I want you to be happy and..." before Veronica could continue she was silenced by Betty placing her lips on the brunette's.

When their lips parted, Betty kept close and said: "I'm yours forever. Anyone else can say and think whatever they like I don't care. I love you Veronica Lodge". Veronica replied: "I love you too Betty Cooper, more than you'll ever know" and the girls shared another kiss.

The next day the girls had their first practice with the River Vixens to prepare for their performance at Homecoming. It was also a big deal for Veronica as she was now the captain of the Vixens having overthrown Cheryl in a dance off. She had asked the red head to stay on as a Vixen, but she refused.

Cheryl's pride wouldn't allow her to take instructions from Veronica, although what she actually said was: "I don't want to have to spend every practice watching you and Betty all over each other like a couple of horny kids". To which Veronica replied: "well that's exactly what we are. I tried to be nice but it's your loss".

It was fair to say Betty had no problems concentrating on watching Veronica demonstrating to the rest of the Vixens. When Veronica spoke to the whole squad, she said: "I may be a lot nicer than Cheryl, but I'm still a perfectionist. I have no doubt you girls will be amazing".

The Vixens responded very well to having a new captain, especially one who was actually supportive. At the end Veronica said: "Great job today girls, see you again tomorrow". Betty walked up to her girlfriend and gave her a kiss before saying: "you were amazing".

As the girls were walking home, hand in hand, Betty said: "you know, even though it wasn't the way I'd wanted to come out I'm glad everything is out in the open now so we don't have to hide from anyone- we can just be a proper couple". Veronica replied: "as long as you're happy then I'm happy".

When they got back to the Lodge's hotel they found Alice waiting for them. She said: "I haven't come for an argument. All I want is for you to come home Betty, it's where you belong". Betty replied: "you know what I'm going to say mum".

Alice continued: "if being attracted to girls is who you are then I can learn to get used to that" but Betty replied: "its more than that and you know it. If you want me to come home you have to accept that Veronica is my girlfriend. She's not the person you think she is".

It was clear that Alice's impression of Veronica wasn't going to change. Hermione stepped in and said: "Alice, you've come what you wanted to say so I think you should leave now". When Alice said: "Betty is my daughter" Hermione replied: "maybe you should ask yourself why one of your daughters would rather live with me than with her own mother".

At this point Betty and Veronica had decided to leave the room and leave their moms to their argument and retreat to their bedroom. As they were snuggled up on the bed, Betty said: "I'm worried about going downstairs" and Veronica joked: "yeah I don't want to have to clean up blood from the carpets".

Veronica then added: "I do have to say one thing though. You're seriously sexy when you're angry". Betty laughed and said: "well you're seriously sexy all the time" and gave her girlfriend a kiss, the girls lost in each other

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