Closing Night

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Betty, Veronica, Archie and Jughead were hanging out at Pops but it was fair to say that Jughead was not the best company at this point. He was angry because the local drive-in theatre was closing down that night. What not everyone knew was that not only did he work there, he also lived there.

Veronica pointed out 'in this age of Netflix, do people really want to watch movies in a car?' but Jughead claimed it was 'one more nail in the coffin of the American dream'. Eventually they decided which movie they were going to watch and went with Betty's suggestion 'Rebel Without A Cause'.

As Betty and Veronica didn't have a car, they got Kevin to persuade his dad to let him borrow his. Although Sheriff Keller seemed nervous about the idea he eventually agreed, saying 'OK but no cruising guys tonight' much to the dismay of his son.

It was clear to see why Sheriff Keller was nervous as the drive in was right next to where the local biker gang, the Southside Serpents, hung out. Fortunately for Kevin and Betty, Veronica was well used to dealing with people like that from her time in New York.

After getting some drinks and snacks the trio settled into the back of the car, with Veronica instinctively snuggling into Betty and the blonde responded by putting her arm around her friend and pulling her in closer. Both girls smiling as they snuggled up to each other.

The closeness between them certainly didn't go unnoticed to Kevin. When Veronica temporarily left them to refill the popcorn, Kevin turned to Betty and said: "well you two are looking cosy. Something you wanna tell me?"

Betty tried to claim she didn't know what Kevin was talking about but he continued: "I've been practically third wheeling you two all night". At that point Betty admitted: "OK so yes I think I have feelings for Veronica. To be honest I'm feeling things for her I've never felt for anyone before".

Kevin then gave her some advice, saying: "I cooled things with Moose because he wouldn't be honest with himself, don't make the same mistake he did. If you need some time to figure out how you're feeling that's fine, but you've got to talk to her at some point".

Before Betty could respond, Veronica returned having not just refilled the popcorn, but got an extra one 'to save her having to go back again'. She then resumed her original position snuggled up to Betty, which was definitely something she could get used to.

After the movie Sheriff Keller picked them all up and dropped Betty and Veronica off at home before he and Kevin went home themselves. When they got back they could see signs of a break in so the Sheriff took out his gun and both of them went in slowly.

When they got inside they were both stunned by what they saw. The murder board which Sheriff Keller had put up to help his investigation had been stolen, as had a number of his files. Whoever killed Jason probably broke in.

After she got home Betty went to her room but she couldn't get to sleep, she was thinking a lot about what Kevin had said to her. At first she had just dismissed how she was feeling as simply being happy at finally having a good female friend, but the fact someone else had noticed a spark between them meant she couldn't ignore it any longer.

Little did anyone know it, but Veronica was having similar thoughts. The difference was that, as was the case generally, Veronica was a lot more sure of herself. She was fully aware that she had fallen for Betty, but she was still nervous about telling her the truth in case she didn't feel the same way.

The fact Sheriff Keller's house had been broken into and his files stolen proved two things. Firstly, that the killer was still at large. Secondly, they would do anything to avoid being caught- until whoever it was got found out, no-one was safe

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