Family Secrets

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Hermione was going through the books of Lodge Industries. With Hiram in jail a lot of the dealings of the company were down to her- and she was determined that she was going to turn the company around and make it go legitimate. It wasn't going to be easy but she was nothing if not determined.

With her mum out of the room Veronica couldn't resist having a look for herself. Betty said: "are you sure that's a good idea" to which Veronica replied: "I know my dad is dodgy, I doubt anything I'll see in here will shock me".

However, this proved to be famous last words as she quickly found payments to Clifford Blossom which dated back years. Veronica then said: "look when the payments stopped". Noticing the date of the last payment Betty asked: "is there something significant about that date?"

Veronica explained that the date of the last payment was only a few days before her dad was arrested. Betty asked: "wait, do you think Clifford was responsible for your dad getting sent down?" Veronica replied: "well looking at this it makes sense to me. With my dad in jail their deal is off".

At that point she could hear her mum coming back so she quickly returned the books to the point her mum had been at so she couldn't tell Veronica had been looking. Her and Betty agreed, without needing to say it out loud, that it was best to say nothing.

The next day at school Betty said: "you still thinking Clifford sent your dad down?" Veronica replied: "I wouldn't put it past anyone in that family to try anything. The timing is too much of a coincidence- the payments stop as soon as daddy gets sent down. It's the perfect motive".

Betty held Veronica's hands and said: "you don't know that for sure. Don't do anything rash until you know the facts". Recently Veronica had been a great support to Betty and now it was time for the blonde to return the favour and provide the support for her girlfriend. Betty knew how close Veronica and her dad were.

Unfortunately for them, they had been overheard by Cheryl- the absolute last person they wanted to hear them. The red headed girl said: "so, you think my dad is responsible for your dad going to jail? Don't blame him if he did".

Veronica wasn't going to take that and squared up to her rival. Not backing down, Cheryl said: "your dad is a criminal- and criminals belong in jail. Whether it was my dad who got him sent down or not your lowlife dad got what he deserved".

Veronica snapped and firmly slapped Cheryl across the face, knocking her flying to the floor. As Cheryl lay on the ground, Veronica yelled: "you know nothing you bitch, you're poison just like the rest of your family. I'm glad I got you kicked off the Vixens".

Before things could get more violent Betty held Veronica back and said: "leave it Veronica, she's not worth it". Betty let go when she could be sure Veronica had calmed down and the brunette promptly left the room. Betty squared up to Cheryl herself and said: "I did that for her not for you".

Cheryl was unmoved and said: "you don't scare me, get out of my face and get back to your little girlfriend". Betty left but not before looking back and glaring at Cheryl. She immediately went looking for Veronica and, when she found her said: "a lot of people have been wanting to do that for a long time".

Later on the girls were lying on their bed snuggled up to each other and Veronica said: "do you think there will ever be a day where we don't have to deal with some kind of drama from one of us?" Betty replied: "eventually, although when I have no idea".

Betty looked directly into Veronica's eyes and said: "no matter what dramas get thrown at us I'm gonna be by your side through everything. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love you more than you'll ever know".

Veronica felt a tear coming down her cheek and said: "I'll never understand how I got so lucky to find someone like you Betty. You're perfect and could have anyone you wanted and for some reason you chose a high maintenance screw up like me".

Betty wiped away the tear on Veronica's cheek and said: "I told you, I love you. When I met you, I found my soulmate. The only thing I'd change is that I would've realised sooner" and gave the brunette a soft kiss

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