Competition | NEW EDITION STO...

By StoriesInParadise

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Lauren's brother Luke invites his friends over the house one night and all his friends start to like her. Who... More



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By StoriesInParadise

But yeah Keith liked it on twitter this morning, I heard my phone went off but I didn't check it til I woke up and it made my day to be honest with you guys.

Setting: Hours later after the kiss.


What happen earlier shouldn't have happened. The scene kept on re-playing in my head over and over again, I never saw Elijah like this before. I mean I never liked him like I did with Algee and Keith, I didn't make it to stop either but I had to cause its wrong. I mean Keith and I are done I don't even try to think about him but when I look at Kaydence I see his ass in her. I checked on Kaydence as I put her in her room after that happen so I want to see her so I got up, I was walking into her room as I heard Elijah singing to her causing me to smile.

He was singing can you stand the rain, he was on the part that I love so much.

"No pressure no pressure from me baby (this we know for sure) cause I want

You and I need you and I love you girl." Elijah sunged as he done that high note.

Kaydence started to squeal as I guess she liked it causing me to laugh, Elijah turned around and stopped singing.

"Please don't stop singing." I said.

"She likes it." I added with a smile as he blushed.

"Lauren we need to talk." Elijah said as he was still holding Kaydence.

"What we did earlier shouldn't had happen and I apologize." He added.

"Its okay." I said.

"I didn't know I was going to kiss you, and I just couldn't control myself." Elijah said.

"Elijah its okay... really." I said walking towards him.

"I know it was a mistake that shouldn't had happened." I added.

"I know you still care about Keith still." Elijah said.

"If Keith still cared about me he should've been still seeing Kaydence... I know I told him to not come see me or her, but I didn't mean it." I said.

"I can talk to him for you." Elijah said.

"I don't know Elijah I don't want you involved you got more important things to be worry about." I told him.

"I am doing a friend what would do, I will just tell that Kaydence wants to see him and stuff." Elijah said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Anything for you." Elijah said.

"Can I tell you something." I started off to say.

"Sure, wassup?" Elijah asked.

"After the kiss that we shared, is it bad that I didn't want you to stop kissing me?" I questioned.

"Well I don't know Lauren... The kiss shouldn't had happen and plus you just broke up with Keith and you having mix feelings about everything that has happen." Elijah said.

"I guess your right Elijah." I said.

"I'm always right!" Elijah said causing me to laugh.


I miss Lauren so much, what I did was wrong. I was dumb to get caught up with some girl, she was cool at first but then she was becoming someone that wasn't her so I had to call it quits. I couldn't tell her that I have a daughter with my girlfriend from home... well EX girlfriend because I was acting like someone that I wasn't either so it did't really matter. College started to get stressful and I didn't know what I wanted to be anyways so I dropped out, I didn't tell my parents about it cause I am eventually going to go back to college but right now its now the time for him to be in college. I started do some modeling that paid really good but I was staying with one of my home boys and he told me that I can stay with him, and out of nowhere I started to be in short films and TV shows.

Phone rings

"Hey wassup man!" I answered.

"Nothing much I am in New York for this musical that I am doing." Elijah said.

"That is so great Elijah!" I said.

"Thank you, and I see you doing some big thing too!" Elijah said making me laugh.

"Yeah I am doing some things." I said.

"I ran into Lauren, and I am staying over her apartment for a few weeks for this musical! She told me everything." Elijah said causing me to sigh in frustration.

"I am not going to say anything bro, its not my place! But I do know that your daughter misses you." Elijah said.

"Lauren told me that I couldn't go see her." I said.

"Ya know Lauren didn't mean it. She still cares about you Keith, and I know you still care about her." Elijah said.

"Of course I care about her, what I did was so fucking dumb to do and I regret it." I told him.

"I know Keith... I know." Elijah said.

"If you want to make things right with them, then come up to New York and see them." He added.

I was dumb enough to think that Lauren didn't want me seeing her or Kaydence so I am going to catch a flight to see her, ima try and win my girls back don't care how hard it takes but I am going to try until the wheels fall off.


I came knocking on her door as I heard someone unlocking the door she opened the door she gasped. She jumped on him as I hugged her.

"Damn it took you long enough to visit me." Lauren said as I laugh.

"Sorry I was busy busy busy." I said.

"I know! Elijah here too!" Lauren.

"Damn forreal!" I said.

"AYO E-MAN!" I yelled.

"Wassup lil bro!" Elijah said as we did our handshake and hug.

"Glad to you one of my bros." He added.

"Same here! what you doing here?" I asked.

"I am doing a musical of "The Wiz" so I decided to crash here until the musical is over.

"Damn that is so great Elijah so proud of ya." I told him.

"Thanks man!" Elijah said.

"Where's ya bags?" Lauren asked.

"Its still in the Uber car I just wanted to stop by cause I got a hotel waiting for me." I said.

"Okay, just let me know the hotel so I can stop by... Elijah about to head out in a few." Lauren said.

"Aight I will let ya know.. I will see ya soon E-man!" I said.

"You know it bro!" Elijah said.

I gave him another man hug and I gave Lauren another hug as well and then I headed out to my Uber so he can drop me off at the hotel.




"She's so beautiful!" I said holding Kaydence.

"Thank you! She looks like Keith." Lauren said.

"Yeah she do! How are you holding up?" I asked.

"I am doing alright! just keeping myself busy." Lauren said.

"Yeah that's the one thing you can do." I said as she nodded.

"You wanna get something to eat? My treat?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Lauren said with a smile.

So we stopped at this pizza place and just having a great time talking. Just hearing her laughing is something that I miss so much.

"I think Kay Kay is getting sleepy." I said.

"I guess so." Lauren said with a laugh.

Kaydence fell asleep on me chest as I didn't mind as I rubbed her back.

"You so good with her." Lauren cooed.

"Babies just love me I guess." I said with a smile.

I grabbed her hand as she smiled.

"I need to take her back home so she can sleep." Lauren said.

"You can stay over my crib til you ready to head back to the hotel." She added.

"Aight that's cool." I said.


I was back in my crib so I put Kaydence in her room so she can take a nap. Algee was in the living room as he cut on the TV trying to find something to watch.

"Theres a lil marathon of Moesha, wanna watch?" Algee asked.

"Yeah!" I said with a smile.

So I took off my shoes and jacket and made myself comfortable and I sat next to Algee.




I heard Kaydence crying so I got up to see if she was okay, and she just needed her diaper changed as I did that and she was all cleaned up.

"You all cleaned up baby girl." I said as she smiled.

"So beautiful." I added.

She started waving at someone as I turned around and it was Algee.

"Wanted to see if everything was okay?" Algee questioned.

"Yeah, everything is good just had to change her diaper." I said.

"Aight, cool!" Algee said as he walked out.

He can still make my heart stop some times.

I went back to the living room with Algee as we continued to watch TV, some random movie came on so we just watched that. I laid my head on his chest Kaydence was in her play pin playing as I heard her making noises. Algee wrapped his arms around me as I didn't mind, he kissed my head causing him to pull me closer to him.

"I missed you so much." Algee told me.

"I miss you too Al." I said.

The only thing I felt was his lips onto mine, I was pushing him off of me but he wasn't trying to pull away but I was still kissing him but I found a way to push him off of me. I got up and went into the kitchen as tears came down my face. I heard someone knocking on the door so I went to get the door maybe it was Elijah. I was wrong, it was Keith he started to smile at me as I didn't smile back.

"What's wrong? Have you been crying?" Keith asked.

"I'm okay Keith." I said wiping my face as I let him in.

"Heres Kay Kay at?" Keith asked.

"She's in her play pin playing." I said.

I let him inside as I closed the door, as he paused were he was seeing Algee.

"What is he doing here?" Keith asked.

"He came to visit, and also Elijah hes staying in the guest room for a few weeks." I said.

"And Algee?" Keith asked.

"I am staying at a hotel." Algee said.

"I know something happen before I came, so what happen?" Keith asked.

"He kissed me." I said.

Keith was walking towards him about to punch him but I stopped him.

"Don't!" I said.

"I pushed him off of me before anything went any further." I added.

"I need you to get the fuck out Al." Keith said raising his voice at Algee.

"Why you acting like her boyfriend for? you wasn't trying to her boyfriend when you was in college seeing another girl." Algee said.

Keith was about to charge him again but I wasn't having it.

"Algee I think you should leave." I told him.

"Aight.. Ima catch a Uber, I see you whenever." Algee said.

He gave me a hug and he waved at Kaydence and he was gone. Keith went to Kaydence and gave her lots kisses while he hugged her.

"I missed you so much Kaydence, I am so sorry that I didn't come up here to see your beautiful face." Keith said as he kissed her face more as she laughed.

"Look I am sorry for what I did, It was stupid of me to do. Having the best thing in my life and I forgot about you and Kaydence I love you guys so damn much, I know its going to take some time for you to forgive me and I don't blame you either." Keith said.

"But I want you to forgive, and take me back." He added.

"And you still have the promise ring on." Keith stated as he held onto my hand.

"It shows that you still care about me." He added.

"Of course I still care about you, I love you Keith... So so much!" I said as tears came down my face he wiped my tears.

"I love you too." Keith said.

He smashed his lips onto mine as I kissed him back as I was still crying but he was still wiping my tears away while still holding Kaydence. We both pulled away from the kiss as he took Kaydence in her room I went back into our room and I sat on the bed, Keith came back closing the door he walked towards me and smashed his lips onto mine once again while I laid back on the bed.

(A/N: Sorry don't feel like doing a sex scene)

After that we were just talking.. Talking about everything, I told him that Elijah and I kissed he wasn't mad or anything but with Algee he was upset about.

"I don't want Algee taking you away from me." Keith told me.

"Hes not Keith!" I said.

"I don't want to see you with anyone else but me." Keith said.

"OH really?" I questioned.

"Yeah really, I know that I fucked up and I apologize for it but I want you some day to be my wife. Having more kids together!" Keith said.

"Keith." I said.

"What? so you don't want to be with me for the rest of ya life?" Keith asked.

"I didn't say that Keith." I said.

"Then what?" Keith questioned.

"I want to take things slow." I said.

"Lauren we just made loved a few moments ago, and you want to take things slow." Keith said.

"Keith... I had to found out from social media that you was with another girl how can I forget about that." I said as he sigh in frustration.

"You right... I am sorry." Keith said.

I didn't say much as I heard someone banging on my door so I put some clothes on. I got up and open the door, and it was Elijah.

"Damn you finally opened the door now!" Elijah said with a laugh.

"Sorry I was doing something." I said.

"Doing what?" Elijah asked as he came in.

"Sup Elijah!" Keith said as he had sweats on and no shirt as he held Kaydence.

"Oh... I see now!" Elijah said.

This book isn't done just yet!


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