One Way Ticket

By DornanJohnsonJD

179K 5.4K 454

Jamie and Dakota have always been close due to their roles in the fifty shades trilogy. Will Dakota finally t... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Thirty Three

2.9K 111 11
By DornanJohnsonJD

8 Months Pregnant.

Jamies POV
Dakota is still asleep. These past few days she hasn't been feeling 100% so Im keeping the kids downstairs, quiet and letting her sleep it off.

"Dadada" I look down at Elva.

"Clever girl!" I lean down and pick her up. Her hand rests on my face and she pulls at my beard a little bit.

"Yeah..I know its long baby girl" I laugh and continue to sort the clothes out with one hand

"Daddy!" Dulcie runs into the kitchen with mud all up her clothes and a muddy Zeppelin.

"What the hell have you been doing?" I drop the tshirt onto the pile and look at her. Elva starts to giggle besides me.

"Out and about" Dulcie shrugs and kicks off her wellies. This girl is getting a right attitude.

"Ey, pick them up and put them on the shoe rack young lady." I look at her then to the boots and then back at her. She huffs a little, grabs the boots and walks into the hallway.

"You Little miss attitude need to stop" I sit Elva in between me on the island.

"Daki?" Dulcie asks from behind Elva

"Shes asleep. Daki and baby arent that well" I smile a small smile at her and Dulcie nods. She doesn't understand I know that but I know if I say Dakota is asleep. She will leave her in peace.

I look at Elva and she's just looking back at me. Shes in her little Manchester United Kit with white little adidas superstars on. Dakota helped me pick out the shoes. Apparently I have no taste.

"Right, I think its naptime for you two" I pick Elva up and shes rested on the right side of my hip. I lean down slowly and pick Dulcie up. She rests on the left side. I slowly head upstairs and get into their room.

"Im not tired!" Dulcie screams out. I set Elva down in her bed and she just lies there. Atleast one of my children is giving me a break!

"Dulcie. Its nap time." My voice is stern. She just looks at me from the middle of the room and shrugs.

"Dulcie Dornan. Get into your bed right now. Daddy isnt playing anymore." I stand up and she runs to her bed and climbs in beneath the covers. I walk over and pull them up to her little chin.

"Daddy doesnt want to shout at you okay? I just want you to listen to me." I lean down and kiss her head. She turns onto her side and faces the wall. I walk back over to Elva and shes still lay with her eyes wide open.

I sit on the side of the bed and with my hand stroke across her forehead over and over again. Shes always liked this, ever since she was a baby. Her eyes start to close and her hands come up to her mouth. Dakota and I decided to take away the pacifiers for naptime. That way the girls will eventually get used to not having them. I look at my beautiful little girl and shes finally asleep. 2:00pm on a tuesday afternoon. Not bad for me. I stand and look over at Dulcie. Shes completely gone. I knew she was tired.

"Jamie?" I hear a faint call from the bedroom. I shut the girls door quietly and head in to Dakota.

"Whats up?" I ask. I shut our door and turn on the baby monitor.

"Why is Zepp all muddy? Its literally everywhere" she giggles and points to the carpet and the bedding. Brilliant. More washing!

"Sorry, Dulcie and Zepp were in the garden. I was folding the clean clothes." I itch the back of my neck and she pats my side of the bed. I walk over and lie besides her. She instantly cuddles up to me.

"I love you so much" She whispers. I rest my arm around her and with my finger start to draw patterns on her back.

"I love you too. I love you both" I look down at our bump and she grins.

"He's been really quiet these past couple of days. No kicking or anything. Im starting to worry." Its barely a whisper and I sit up.

"When did that start happening?" I ask. I try to keep my tone as calm as I can. I don't want Dakota to panic or worry.

"Uh, maybe two days ago now. There was a little kick yesterday but not much movement." She shrugs and she sits up too.

"I think we should head to the hospital. See whats going on. I dont think thats normal.." I look at her and her eyes widen

"Ill ring my Mum, see if she can look after the girls." She stands quickly and pulls on some joggers and a plain black tshirt. She grabs her phone and disappears into the bathroom.

I quickly gather myself up. Change into my jeans and a new tshirt. The other had baby food all over it. Dakota comes back into the room and shes still on the phone.

"No Mum, the baby hasnt kicked since the other day. Just one kick." Shes stood infront of the mirror and she winces.

"Baby what?" I look at her and shes dropped her phone and moved her hand to her stomach

"Jamie, its hurting. Its really hurting" Its almost a cry. I roll over the bed, grab her phone and Melanie is still on the line.

"Mel, shes in alot of pain. When can you get here?" I ask. Dakota sits down on the little puffet near the bed and holds our bump. I can see tears falling down her face.

"Ill be there as soon as possible Jamie. Im in the car now. You're on bluetooth. Stay with her okay? Ill be about five minutes." The phone hangs up and I move over to Dakota. I kneel and keep my hands on her thighs.

"Okay, dont panic okay? Deep breaths remember?" I start to show her and she grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly.

"Jamie, it hurts." She leans forward and her head rests on my shoulder. Shes eight months. I know some babies can be born at this stage but the thing that is worrying is he isnt kicking or moving.

"I know, I know. Just squeeze my hand okay?" She nods and immediately squeezes. I adjust my hand a little and look at the door. Cmon Melanie.

"Wheres the bag you made up for the hospital? We will probably need that." I look back at Dakota and her eyes are closed and shes focusing on her breathing. Her grip on my hand is light again and I take that chance to move and look for her bag.

"Near the wardrobe" she manages to get out. I walk over to her side and grab the bag. It has everything we need in there.

"Hello!" I hear from downstairs.

"Up here Melanie!" I shout down. I hear her climb the stairs and before I know it shes besides Dakota.

"Whats going on?" She asks.

"I dont know. I can only imagine shes getting contractions. Im not sure. We are gonna go to the hospital, please can you mind the girls?" I ask. She nods and stands up.

"Let me know whats going on okay?" She kisses Dakotas head and walks into the girls room to check on them.

"Right, lets get you to the hospital." I lean down and pick Dakota up. I head downstairs and manage to open the front door. I get her in the car and she fastens her seatbelt herself. I jog back to the front door and shut it. I can't even hide the fact that im terrified too. I know I should ring my Dad but I doubt he would answer.

"Deep breaths okay? You're both going to be okay" she grabs my hand and squeezes it again. Her eyes are bloodshot and tears keep rolling down her face.

"Here, squeeze my thigh instead. I need my hand to drive babe" I move her hand and she grips my jeans. Im not going to lie. Its hurting me! I move out of the drive and into the ongoing traffic. Fuck sake. I dont need this. None of us do.

The lights change and I find myself driving faster than I should be. I guess its instinct. Im in and out of cars to avoid the traffic and the nuisances that are driving to slow. Yes I am being that dickhead. My girlfriend is in pain and we have no idea whats going on with our child. Dakota squeezes again, this time her nails dig into me. Fuck. I look at her then look through the mirror. Fuck. Paps.

"For fuck sake" I mutter. I continue to drive and finally im met with the hospital sign. I pull in and drive around. I pull onto a parking space and undo both mine and Dakotas belt.

"Okay. Steady okay?" I look at her and she nods. She opens her door and I open mine. I walk round, grab the bag and her hand. She shuts the door with her other and we slowly make our way inside.

"Dakota Mayi Johnson. Shes having bad pains. Shes 8 months pregnant. she hasnt felt the baby kick for about two days." I quickly tell the receptionist. I put on my american accent so she can understand me. Right now, there is no time to piss about.

"Can i get a midwife and a wheelchair please!" The receptionist calls out. A nurse comes out with a wheelchair and I lower Dakota into it gently.

"Whos your doctor?" The nurse asks. I walk besides her and explain its Lydia and explain what's happening.

"Ill fetch her. She will know the progress more than our new midwife." We are shown to a private room and the nurse shuts the door behind her.

"Hey, hey its going to be okay." Dakota sits on the bed and hides her face. I know shes crying, I know shes scared and I know i need to be strong for her.

"Im so scared. what if there is something wrong with our little boy?" She starts to cry and I pull her into my chest.

"He is a little fighter no matter what okay? He is going to be okay and so are you. I promise." I kiss her head and the door flies open. Theres two doctors and Lydia.

"Okay. Let me quickly do a scan and look for a heartbeat." The lights go down and the machine is operated. Dakota pulls her top up and moves her joggers down a little. Lydia does what she has done on the past two scans. Applied the gel and is now using the probe. I watch the monitor.

"Okay theres baby." Lydia whispers. I look at her and then to Dakota. Theres no sound. My heart starts to pound against my chest. Before I can say anything our little boys heartbeat fills
the room.

"Okay, Dakota. Your little boy has managed to get the chord trapped around his neck. Don't worry, before his shoulders are born we will cut the chord. You're 8 and a half months. It is a little early but im positive he will be okay. You're going to be having an emergency c section okay?" I sit down and let everything sink in.

"Mr Dornan. Mr Dornan!" Im brought back by one of the nurses handing me scrubs.

"Put these on if you want to be in the theatre room" The nurse says. I take off my jacket and pull on the scrubs over my clothes. I pull the hat on over my hair and rest the mask under my chin for now. Dakota has been changed into a gown.

"Okay, lets go to theatre" Lydia says. I walk besides the bed and Dakota holds my hand.

"Im so scared" She whispers.

"Its gonna be okay. We get to meet our little boy" I hold back my tears and she squeezes my hand.

Today is the day our little boy comes into the world.

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