Princess of All (Nalu Fanfict...

By xxcutiebluexx

122K 2.3K 668

Lisanna came back after the GMG. Everyone was partying for 3 months but they ignored Lucy except for her true... More

Kicked by Team Natsu
Goodbye Fairy Tail
Wendy and Carla
Dragon Realm
We're caught
Sky Labrinth
GMG - Day 1
GMG- Day 2
GMG - Day 3
GMG- Day 4
Matchmaking Day- GrUvia
Matchmaking Day- GaLe
Matchmaking Day- ZerVis
Matchmaking Day- HaRla/CaPpy
Matchmaking Day- RoWen
Matchmaking Day- JeRza
Going to Dragon Realm
Dragon Slayer Sickness Season
3 demons
Sleep Over!
After 15 years

Back to Normal

2.1K 52 0
By xxcutiebluexx

Lucy's pov

Ahh........ we are now back to normal. Everything is now fine. Though there are still dark guilds around we are ready to beat them.

"1 strawberry milkshake please." I said.

"Okay Lucy." Mira said. We just got back from Dragon Realm but it doesn't mean we will stop partying. It's good to be back. Mira comes back and placed my milkshake.

"Arigato Mira." I said.

"Any time Lucy." She said and walks to Wakaba and Macao with 2 bottles. Zeref and Luke didn't come back with us. They said they're gonna do something. I know that something is something crazy. A portal appeared and they went out with an evil smile.

"What were you 2 doing?" I asked in a deadly tone.

"Nothing." Luke said.

"It's better not be something in my room or else I won't hesitate to torture you." I said. They gulp and nod in fear. They sat down beside me and ordered strawberry milkshakes. I read their minds to see what they did.

Zeref's mind

'I'm so so so dead. I wish I was never born. Why did we have to do that? Before I die, I want to tell Mavis I love her again.'

Hmmmm..... what did they do? Maybe Luke will give me the answer.

Luke's mind

'Oh no. Lucy-nee will kill us. I wish  we didn't paint her wall using ketchup and mustard? What is our punishment if she finds out? I want to say I love you world! I'll die sooner or later.'


"Zeref, Luke," I said in a deadly but sweet voice. A murderous aura formed around me and the guuld backs away. Zeref and Luke begins to shake in fear.

"Y-Yes?" They both asked in unison.

"WHY THE H*CK DID YOU PAINT MY WALL USING KETCHUP AND MUSTARD!!?!?" I shouted which made them flinch.

"H-How did you know?" Zeref asked.

"I read your minds Black head. YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!" I shouted and begin torturing them. The guild just watched while shaking in fear. I finished torturing them and they fell unconcious.

"Let's party for Lucy torturing Zeref and Luke!" Someone shouted and I just sweat-drop. That someone is drunk. For real? They are gonna party because of that? That is Fairy Tail for you. I drag the 2 to the infirmary and place them on the beds. I healed them and stormed out of the room. I went down and continued sipping my millshake.

"I thought you won't hurt your brothers Lucy." Mira said while wiping a cup.

"Their fault. Now Mira for their pubishment, any ideas?" I asked and smirk evilly.

"Oh, oh yeah Lucy. Thanks for asking." She said and smirk evilly. She whispers the punishment in my ear and I laugh.

"Good one Mira." I said. Natsu walks up to me and sit beside me. He puts his head on the counter.

"What's wrong Natsu?" I asked.

"I feel tired and sick." He said. I check his forehead and his temperature is so hot! I then remembered something I read. I immediately run to Gajeel, Wendy and Laxus. I touched their foreheads and their hot. It's dragon slayer sickness season.

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