Wake. UP. [Book Two]

By excuse_my_charisma

32K 1.1K 342

Mariah is the daughter of Lisa Lovely and Chresanto August. Because of the terrible relationship her parents... More

Wake. UP.
Nothing Wrong With Being Different...
The Final Straw
The Prince and The Pauper
He Really Cares
Father Figure
Pinky Promise
Broken Promises And Tech Class
An Artist's Excuse
The Hangover Prt. 1
Binding, I Mean Bonding
Love Potion 24
The Hangover Prt. 2
Children Are Everything
First Class Trip To Hell
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Baby, I Want You
Birds & The Bees
Poolside Ambitions
I-I Did What!?
Playing With Fire
Forced Love Or No Love
Jealousy Looks Good On You
A Sick Game Called Confusion
What's Done In The Dark...
...Comes To The Light
Second Chance [The Truth]
Welcome Home, Mija
A Letter To My Unborn Daughter
Getting Back To Me
Last Dedications & Appreciations
Book Three!!

Mr. Perez

1.1K 33 10
By excuse_my_charisma

*March 8th 2029 - Midnight*

I was whisked to the emergency room, after what happened. Mr. Perez came into my room, and saw me half dying. He thought I was having an asthma attack, but after giving me my inhaler, it only made it worse. I still couldn't breath and he became scared, so he drove us to the emergency room, where I lay now in a hospital gown. I'm plugged up to the machines, with IVs in my arm and staring at my hands, not wanting to make contact with Mr. Perez. His knee was shaking, and he looked tired. It was silent between us, and I'm sure he was rethinking the whole "Mariah's new guardian" situation.

"Ahem, good evening Mr. Perez."

The doctor came in the room, shaking hands with a nerve wrecked man.

"G-good evening doctor. How is she?" He hastily asked, as the doctor readjusted his glasses.

"She'll be okay. We weren't able to figure the cause of her lungs failing. We're going to assume that with the big move, and the sudden changes, her heart couldn't handle it."

They wouldn't believe me if I told them what really happened. Mr. Perez just inhaled, deeply, before taking off his glasses to rub his face. He looked genuinely concerned for me. They shouldn't worry, I'm fine.

"Okay, thank you doctor."

"You're welcome. We're glad you brought her here in time." He checked his clipboard. "She'll be able to go shortly."

The men shook hands a final time, and the doctor finally left. Mr. Perez looked my way, and I quickly dropped my head. I didn't want to see the hurt in his face. He took my hand and made me look at him.

"Please, don't scare me like that. Okay?"

Why is he touching you?

I don't know, he-

You know how I feel about him. Pull your hand away.

I did as told, pulling my cold hand out of Mr. Perez's warm one. I tucked my arms under my legs and looked down. He only sighed and stood there, waiting for my answer.

I woke up early, considering my nervousness from last night. All that had happened in only a few hours, frightened me. I never knew my friend was so strong, or demanding. He's dealt with me before, but it never left dark red marks. They hurt whenever I touched them. I didn't feel like being questioned about it, so I threw on a long sleeve black t-shirt after I did my hygiene routine. I stood in front of the full length mirror, seeing my skinny figure. I had smaller boobs than the average girls at my school. My curves hadn't come in yet, and my ass was small. There was absolutely nothing attractive about me. I was ugly.

"Knock knock. Are you decent?"

I raced to get denim shorts on, they were laying on my bed covers. Once they were on, I cleared my throat.

"C-cooomeee in..." My throat was dry and raspy, making my voice unclear and unrecognizable. He still heard me, and entered into the room. His hair was going all which way. He wore a white beater, showing his tattoos and chiseled, veiny arms.

"I-I made breakfast."

I looked his way, seeing the sun beam through my window on his skin. His aroma filled the air, Old Spice maybe. I nodded and he disappeared behind the door. I fixed my shirt, pulling my shorts down a bit.

You can eat, but just because I feel bad for you.

Feeling the pain from last night, I pulled my sleeves down. I proceeded downstairs and into the massive kitchen, where Mr. Perez stood at the stove, fiddling with the pans of food. There was a wide spread, enough to feed an entire dinner party. Mr. Perez piled the food onto plates, setting the table.

"I don't really know what you like, so I just made a little bit of everything...."

Eggs, bacon, hash browns, pancakes, waffles, a fruit salad, yogurt, sausage links and patties, even breakfast burritos. Any type of breakfast food was laid on this countertop and kitchen table. He also had milk, orange juice and coffee. How the fuck was this a "little bit"?

"Go ahead, you can sit down."

I took the seat opposite Mr. Perez, staring at all the food. His head was bowed, and I soon followed, as he blessed the food. Moments later, we brought our heads up and he started piling up his plate. I watched as he ate. He took his time with his food, showing table manners. I had yet to pick up my fork. I didn't know what to eat first.

After some time, and the burn of eyes on me, I began to eat. The sultry taste of light and fluffy pancakes took my tastebuds on a wild ride. Praise this man's cooking skills. We had been sitting in silence for a good twenty minutes, when the doorbell rang. I twisted my head in the direction of the front door. I had thought it was my grandparents coming to check up on me. Or probably here to tell me they wanted me back home.

"Who could that be?" Mr. Perez asked, throwing his napkin on the table. He went for the door, while I continued chewing my breakfast. He reached for the doorknob and sounds of greetings and welcomes filled the air. I wasn't able to see the person, but it was evident they were male.

"Long time no see, bruh."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about missing out on the party, I had some important business to handle."

"No biggie. Just wondering why you not dressed."

Their footsteps were getting closer and closer.

"I was having breakfast..."

"Oooh food!"

The guest stepped fully in the kitchen, followed by Mr. Perez. It was a man; brown skinned, tall, skinny, long hair that was just....everywhere like mine. He stopped when he saw me, eyes broadened. He was dressed differently. Wearing many layers and heavy combat boots, it actually complimented his figure.

"Jacob, who's this?"

Mr. Perez stood behind me, looking back at our guest.

"Ray Ray, this is Mariah. Mariah, this is my friend, Ray Ray."

Ray Ray's eyes got wide and his mouth dropped. He pointed to me, but no words came. I felt embarrassed, so I hid my face.

"Wait...this is Mariah? Wow, she's gotten so big!"

I blushed at his comment, then soon questioned how he knew me.

"Yeah, she's living here now. Her folks, just couldn't handle raising another child."

I rolled my eyes at that statement. They couldn't handle it, cause they don't want to handle it. They hate me, but I don't care anymore. Stabbing my food with my fork, I stuffed my face to avoid answering any questions.

"Oh word? That's crazy, the last time I saw you was just a few months after you were born."

Face full of food, I gave a closed mouth smile.

"And it's been, what.....fifteen years now? Damn, time flies fast."

I still couldn't remember who this man was, nor could I comprehend what he was talking about. I just decided to continue eating, hoping the two men would take their conversation into another room. I was wrong when Ray took a seat right next to me, piling a plate of food for hisself. For a very skinny man, he could eat.

"You probably don't even remember me, do you?"

I shook my head and he nodded.

"I didn't think so...But I am surprised you living here with this fool. Can't believe he ain't got you burning incense and on a blue mat, meditating and shit."

"Ray, could you not, curse in front of a minor? Thank you!"

Ray put his hands up in defense, one hand holding a bitten waffle dripping syrup.

"My bad. I'm pretty sure she's heard curse words before. Not that big a damn deal...."

Mr. Perez just gave him en evil glare, as he stood by the counter on his phone. I ate more slowly, trying to gain clarity on what Ray knew about me.

"Prince, why haven't you gotten somebody to do this child's hair? She looks like she just woke up."

"That's cause we both just did, not more than ten, twenty minutes ago."

"That's not an excuse to have a girl looking a hot ass mess."

Ray wiped his hands on a napkin, quickly washed them at the sink and walked over to me. He ran his hands through my hair, playing in my strands. I let him, only because he knew what he was doing. I usually never let people touch my hair.

"You should let me do something to it."

"And what do you know about hair?"


Ray pointed to the majestic curls that flowed from his own head. I chuckled at their back and forth bickering.

"Uh hello, what?"

"Uh hello, I know more about hair than you ever will."

"Uh hello, then become a fucking hair dresser."

Ray gave a fake gasp, clutching his chest.

"Not in front of the child."

Mr. Perez rolled his eyes, walking towards the foyer.

"Whatever. I'll be back in ten, I'm about to get dressed."

"Good, cause you smelling a little musty, witcho stank ass....."

Mr. Perez flipped him off, and I laughed to myself. I've always dreamt of a friendship like this one.


I stood off the floor and Ray came off the couch. He pulled his jeans up, before directing me a mirror. My eyes widened at the sight before me. I raised my hand to touch my newly done hair.

"Well.....do you like it?"

I was at a lost for words. I looked so different. I nodded my head rapidly, never taking my eyes off my hair. Ray smiled and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Good, I'm glad."

"So we ready to go or..."

We both looked up at Mr. Perez, who stopped and inspected me.

"Wow Mariah, you look....really pretty."

I blushed in the mirror, playing with the micro twists that Ray gave me. The three layers of twists fell down my face, curling at the ends. I loved it.

"Yeah I'm ready. Let's go."

"Wait Mariah, you should probably change."

I didn't say anything. I just nodded and headed upstairs. I took off the shorts and replaced them with ripped denim jeans., and soon laced up my favorite black boots. I inspected myself before running back downstairs.

"Okay, let's go then."

Mr. Perez and I got into his car, as Ray got into his own car. Mr. Perez followed behind Ray, to this tall building. It had many floors and widows, giving off this business like impression. We exited our cars, after parking and I traced a few steps behind the two men. Looking over the building, there stood a huge fountain right outside the double doors. The inside was very posh and clean.

"Good morning Jacob, Ray. Oh, who's this?"

The female receptionist asked, giving off a huge smile. She flashed her bright white teeth and looked down on me. I just hid behind Mr. Perez. Her flashiness surprised me.

"Hello Angela, this is Mariah. She'll be living with me for a while."

"Aww she's so cute. And I love her hair."

The two men continued their conversation with the pretty receptionist. I stood behind Mr. Perez, trying to keep myself occupied, until I saw this room. The door was open and it was dark.

".....she's in high school....."

I looked twice, before strutting over to the dark room. I pressed open the door, noticing no one was in the room. I turned the lights on and saw many musical instruments. They looked shiny and brand new. I stepped further into the room, only to trip and fall flat on my face. I looked down towards my foot, seeing I was entangled in the wires. I undid the wire, only to try to stand and hit my head on the piano.


I heard my name being called, but I became dizzy and couldn't move. That's when I felt a stinging pain in my head. I lightly touched my head, but there wasn't any blood.

"Mariah....Mar-Mariah, why'd you leave my side!?"

Mr. Perez rushed to me, pulling me into him. He pushed my hair out my face, inspecting me to make sure I wasn't hurt.

"Mariah, are you alright?"

"Oh my gosh, what happened?"

"Yo, I'm sorry I let her just walk off like that. I know you probably wanted me to watch her and-"

"It's not your fault. I should've been watching her. Mariah, what happened?"

"I-I-I hi-iit my he-eeadd o-oon t-t-hhe pi-pi-piannoooo."

I had a hard time getting my words out, only because I could feel an asthma attack coming on. I reached for my inhaler, just in case.

"Ooh, I'll get her an ice pack."

"Come on."

They made me lie down on this really puffy sofa. The receptionist gave me an ice pack and Ray laid his jacket over me, in case I wanted to go to sleep. Which I did, after ten minutes. I had a weird dream, though. Instead of one where I'm being chased, I had a dream that I was falling. I was falling for a very long time, but I wasn't afraid. In fact, I embraced my fast descent to nowhere. Then, instead of hitting the ground really hard, I just landed back in my own bed. It was weird, for me, but I think it had some meaning to it. I just don't know what.

"I'm bringing the sound up, just hold on."

I looked up, seeing a man in an office chair with wheels. He had on a snapback, some heavy looking jewelry and expensive clothes. His back was to me as he spoke through some microphone. He sat in front of a control panel, which I'm assuming to be an 808 beat box. The man pushed buttons and turned knobs, before a beat started playing. Then someone started rapping.

See, breaking up is hard to move along is even harder.

It's over she got colder now can't locate where her heart is.

And I'm just being honest, since we not even talking.

My mind won't let you go, Shit even considered stalking naw.

You know I be teasin' though, You know that my ego won't.

Thought this was forever love , Guess that was just seasonal.

She got back with her old boy. She's probably had a reason though.

Although thought that we would grow. Guess I wasn't feasible.

But we ain't gonna be beefin though. I missed you at my recent show.

I speak to CJ Often and Sometimes I just wanna speak you up......

I sat all the way up, noticing it was Mr. Perez's friend Ray, rapping along to the familiar beat. I opened my mouth to speak, but the door opened and Mr. Perez looked my way.

"Mariah, why are you up? You should be lying down."

"Wh-wh-aaat i-i-isss th-h-hat sooooo-nngg c-c-called?"

God, I hate the way I talk.

"Oh, I didn't even know she was awake."

"It's okay Myles. Mariah, please lie back down."

I hesitantly did as told, putting my hands over my stomach.

"I brought another ice pack."

Mr. Perez switched the warm ice pack with a cold one. To me, it's amazing how some man who barely knows me, could care so much. I don't know, maybe underneath his bad boy image is a really caring person.

I wouldn't bet on it.

But we should give him a chance. He means well, right?

You can take a chance all you want, but once you get hurt, don't come crying to me.

Wait....don't leave me!

I never said I would leave you, I never could. I'm like not him, or anybody else, that put you in harm's way.

I know and that's why you're my friend.

You're best friend.

I smiled to myself, thinking of how my friend has taken better care of me, more than anybody else. He's looked out for me and let me know who was real and who was fake. I do appreciate him. If only he were real...

"Okay, Ray when we get to the chorus, I think you should let Prodigy come and step in."

"Okay Myles."

Seconds later, Ray stepped out the booth and listened as Myles played back the track. So, is Mr. Perez a producer?

"And Prince, I think you should get the hook."

"Alright, got you."

No, he's a singer. Hm...

I waited on that couch for another couple hours, having random people check up on me. Even the receptionist came and brought me a lollipop. I gratefully took it. Finally, by late evening, Mr. Perez allowed us to leave. Considering I hit my head, Mr. Perez decided he would carry me to the car. I didn't fuss, only because I didn't feel like walking anymore. He sat me in the passenger seat, then said his goodbyes to Ray, Myles and Prodigy. They waved at me, before Mr. Perez got in the car and drove out the parking lot.

"Mhmm.....what a day..." He groaned.

"Are you hungry, cause I know I'm hungry."

I just nodded, clearing my throat.

We sat across each other, in this inner city American deli. It smelled like homemade sandwiches and heavy spices. We both ordered our food, and were silently waiting for our food. Mr. Perez had been on his cell phone the whole time and I've been sitting, akwardly. I watched as he's laughed or smiled at something, for the past fifteen minutes. I don't know why, but I desperately want to know what's so amussing. I doubt he'd ever tell me. But for once this whole time, he put his phone down and looked my way.

"You don't talk much, do you?"

I was shocked by his question, only cause it was true. I rarely talked, but it's mostly cause of my stuttering problem. If I wasn't so messed up, I'd probably be like other girls at my school.

I simply shook my head, answering his question.

"Mhmm, well that'll have to change. You're living with me now, and I like to talk."

He took a sip of his lite beer. I cleared my throat, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"How come you don't have a cell phone?"

It's true. I don't have a cell phone, and it's for many reasons. My grandparents couldn't really afford to buy one and pay the bills. They also didn't think I was responsible enough to have one.

But I just tell people....

"I-I do-don't waaaa-nnt oo-one..."

He looked at me sideways, like he could see past my lie. Of course I wanted one.

"Oh. Well, if you change your mind, let me know. I don't feel comfortable knowing you leave the house, without me having a way to communicate with you."

I blushed. Why did I blush? I just feel...secure around him. It's weird.


Finally, our food came. We said a quick grace, and dug right in. I couldn't eat too fast though, because I started having troubles breathing.

"You know, you never answered my question."

I looked at him, confused.

"Why don't you like high school?"

He ate a french fry, before staring intently at me. I tensed up, feeling like a perfect moment had been destroyed. I didn't say anything after a while, I didn't even eat.

"Is it because it's too hard?"

I shook my head no. I've never had a problem with my grades. They were always good. The academics were never my problem, never will be.

"Are the teachers annoying?"

I shook my head. They never noticed me, and I never noticed them. We had an agreement.

"So, it's the students?"

Sadly, yes. One in particular, who can't seem to get it through his thick skull that I have no interests in him. He's always been a nuisance, a pest, that I couldn't shake. He was my main reason why I was too afraid to go in on Monday.

"Mariah....please tell me something. I know being around new people is hard, but I'm here for you. I want to be here for you."

I looked down, my hands resting on the table. I had seemed to lost my appetite. It's amazing how one person, that wasn't even here, could do that. That's when I felt a warmness and looked to see Mr. Perez grabbed my left hand. I felt a redness in my cheeks.

"Mariah, I know it'll take some time, but I want us to be close. I just ask you give me a chance, please."

Is it hot in here, or is it just me? Am I having an episode? Is this really happening?

"Mariah, you can trust me."

So, how do y'all feel about Prince now? <-- I'll be asking that question a few times....

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