Sincerely Angelica

By PhDof6

1.7K 86 51

When Angel reluctantly agrees to complete a long term pen pal project for her best friend, Angelica, she find... More

Sincerely (Angel)ica
Chapter 1 - The Red Head
Chapter 2 - Dear Diary
Chapter 3 - AP Calculus
Chapter 5 - Sincerely (Angel)ica
Chapter 6 - Favor Number Two
Chapter 7 - Sincerely, Desmond Williams
Chapter 8 - The Right Hands
Chapter 9 - Sincerely, Desmond W.
Chapter 10 - It's Blue
Chapter 11 - Stay Sharp
Chapter 12 - Happy Holidays
Chapter 13 - No Big Deal
Chapter 14 - Warm and Fuzzy
Chapter 15 - How have you been?
Chapter 16 - I'll be Okay
Chapter 17 - With Love, Angel Gray
Chapter 18 - What are the Odds?
Chapter 19 - Raquel
Chapter 20 - The Power Couple
Chapter 21 - Guilt is a Merciless Thing

Chapter 4 - Two Favors

113 5 3
By PhDof6

Don't forget to VCF! :)



Chapter Four 

One week later 

Luke never personally gave his name to me. That was one detail that never failed to perplex me--let alone annoy me. I didn't bother to ask him for it, either. To ask him, "Hey, what's your name again?" would be a sign of welcoming, of interest. Frankly, stabbing myself in the eye was more appealing than hinting towards some type of moronic interest in the guy.

I will admit, however, that while Luke did not look the part, he was intelligent. And because of this, I took a major competitive disliking to him. It was the minor details that struck me the hardest; the looks of satisfaction he gave me when I encountered problems I couldn't understand but he could, the pretentious reactions when I would ask an innocent question in class, the subtle glances he'd throw at me while working silently. I never felt such a need to prove myself in front of anyone, and the sad reality was that I was letting him get to me.

We rarely talked to one another, but when we did, neither of us could hold back the scorn in our voices, or restrain ourselves from rolling our eyes at everything we did. Things would get physical, especially when his elbow would decide it needed more room than what was necessary. Next thing I knew we would be digging into each other, battling for wooden territory while Adams lectured towards the front. Of course, neither of us would speak up. I suppose what we had--it was more of a silent hatred. 

I figured if things got any worse, I could always ask Adams to move me to another table. 

"I'll be there in ten minutes." 

"That's fine. Thanks, dad." I hung up the phone just in time to see a preppy red head bouncing towards me, the golden inferno on her head lashing in every direction. Angelica's hair wasn't quite like Luke's. Angelica's hair was vibrant and reflective, with specks of golden locks here and there that would make you blink twice. Luke's was almost a maroon color, dark. I blinked a few times to get the jerk out of my head.

She held up a pair of manicured fingers. "Two favors." She said breathlessly.


"One," She breathed. "I need you to complete an assignment for me."

I eyed her suspiciously. "How long is the essay?" 

She shook her head. "No, no, no. It's not an essay--at least, not yet, but I think one's coming up--It's actually a long project that I hope you'd be willing to take over..."

"Alright well, go on." I urged. 

"We're doing a pen pal project for English," She gripped her hair in frustration. Angelica seemed to be already spiraling into a state of senior panic, and it wasn't even a month into school. "Can you believe it? A fucking pen pal project! I thought we would start reading Shakespeare or something but this? This is ridiculous, I have no time for crappy letters--no wonder the woman is single! Anyway, That's why I was wondering if you could kinda do it for me, as in the writing, maybe even the sending--I'll pay you!" 

I blinked. I was seventeen years old and I had never sent a letter in my life. The closest to a letter I ever sent was a love note to James Matthews  back in elementary school. I found it in the trash later on.

"I dunno...I don't think I'll have the time..."

She laughed. "Oh please, I know you'll have the time. You stay in your house all day anyway." I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay, sorry. But remember that time you broke one of Christian's ceramic pieces?"

"You wouldn't!" I exclaimed. The audacity! "It was so uneven that it tipped over and fell, it wasn't necessarily my fault!"

"I'm not saying I'll rat you out. I'm just saying I covered for you in an event that likely would've ended in Christian never talking to you again--I'm exaggerating--maybe for like 3 months."

"What, so now I have to write to some old man or woman for the whole semester?" 

"I took the blame." She said flatly, crossing her arms. "If it wasn't for Christian's secret love for me..."

"Okay, fine." I said. "Just walk me through the process." I agreed hesitantly. 

"Uhh--I'm actually in a real big hurry at the moment..." Mumbled Angelica.

"Okay, fine, fine, go on then, what's favor number two?" I asked, irritated. 

"I need you to dress up the best you can and accompany me on Saturday."

"Accompany you where?" I asked exasperatedly. 

"It's a party. Not like beer pong and weed, but like food and snobs. It's a community reception."

I groaned. "Angelica, I have no time to find a dress, let alone a date." 

"I got you covered for the dress. And that's why you're going with me. It's one thing showing up alone without a date, but it's another showing up with a friend." 

"Tony's coming with us, too!" She added. 

I scoffed. "So you really just want me to be a third wheel."

"Oh come on!" She exclaimed. "It's your senior year. What better way than to start with a little class?"

"I can't and won't go. You understand, right?" Crossing her arms, she looked at me like I was the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"No, I don't, Angel. You act like I can read your mind. Is this because you can't find a date? Because if it is I can find you one in the blink of an eye." She flipped her ruby hair over her shoulder. Who was I really kidding? Angelica had the power to find me a man in a suit and tie in seconds, but the problem was I just didn't want to go. I didn't have the heart to tell her.

"I just really am not in the mood for--"

"--I really like this guy and I'm seriously shitting bricks that I'm gonna blow it, and I need my friend to support me." Angelica blurted, only to receive a snivel of laughter from my part. 

"You really are delusional. Have you looked in a mirror recently? How can a girl like you be nervous to hang out with a guy like him?" I grasped her shoulders gently. I paused, bracing myself for words that would require strength and will of a thousand bulls to even grit through my teeth.

"I'll go." What a shocker.

"Really! Oh my gosh, I love you so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..." she squealed, squeezing me tightly. She paused for a second, letting me go. "About your date...?"  

"I guess I'll figure it out..." I mumbled. I was enveloped in another sweet, warm hug.

"Kay then, we'll discuss this more later, See ya!" She abruptly stopped. "Oh, and about that letter, do you think you can come up with something by tonight? I'll send you the details later."

"Fine by me. Imma need some incentive, though!" 

Angelica bounced away, leaving me to my own disorganized and chaotic thoughts. What have I gotten myself into, I wondered, can't wait to be a third wheel.

"In need for a date?" I whirled around to see Luke leaning against a wall, hands in hi pockets. He began to make his way towards me, a careless stride that made me want to vomit at the sight of him. I hated these types of cliche situations. 

"Eavesdropping? Seriously?" I exclaimed. 

"Not really, you just happen to appear everywhere I go. I'm beginning to think you're obsessed with me." He was smiling with a look I've become so familiar with, a look that always enjoyed me being in a predicament. 

"Forget it," I scowled. "Not likely."

"Ouch, the hostility," He articulated. "You're so unapproachable. Won't be able to find a date with that attitude."

"For your information, I already have a date..." I sneered. "...In mind." I whispered the last part, but apparently I hesitated because he looked thoroughly amused. 

"Who? Is it that Tim?" He teased. "I honestly think he'd rather bury his face in a textbook than go out with you on a Saturday night. It'd be his loss, though." He said quickly as he saw my flared up reaction. 

"I've had enough of you today." I muttered, turning on my heel. 

"Wait!" He called to me, grasping my arm. 

"Don't--" I said, yanking myself from his very touch. He held his hands up in defense. 

"Relax, Grey!" He said. "I want to help you."

"I sincerely doubt I'd ever need your help." I spat, but his gaze bore into mine. My cheeks were probably the color of his hair at that moment, and the very bastard knew it.

"Hey if I can't help you in calc, then let me at least help you out Saturday." He paused before he cautiously proceeded. "I'll be your date for whatever the hell strawberry short cake wants you for." 

I didn't know what was funnier: The fact that he referred to Angelica as strawberry short cake or that he actually considered us going out public.

I laughed. "The guy who can't go one minute without insulting me is offering to be my date at a community event! You! I won't believe it for a second."

"Come on, It's an offer, don't get it twisted." The blood rushing to his face was simply a delight. 

I crossed my arms. "So, what's in it for me?" I joked. 

"Ha-ha. You get the pleasure of being in my undeniably charming presence." His fox-like smile was enchanting as it was repulsive. 

"You're about as charming as that tree over there," I gestured to the green giant right behind us. "Thanks, but I don't think I could handle being seen with you in public." 

"You'll regret it..." He teased. There was a glint of mischief in his chocolate eyes. 

"And why is that?" As silence enveloped us; our staring contest lasting for what seemed like eternity. 

"You need me."

"I'll take my chances with Tim." I said, right before turning on my heel and walking away. 

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