Harry Potter: Harry Slytherin...

By littlejadelady

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Second instalment of my harry slytherin series. (re-written) because I felt the other one didn't make sense a... More

Insert new story
Section One (new)
Section 2 (new)
Section 3 (new)
Section 4 (new)
Section 5 (new)
Section 6 (new)
Section 7 (new)
Section 8 (new)
Final Section (new)
Chapter 1: House Elves
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3: Slytherin's Business
Chapter 4: Who is the Target?
Chapter 5: Try Outs
Chapter 7: RavenClaw VS Slythrin
Chapter 8: Marcus Flint off the Deep End
Chapter 9: The Problem with Myrtle
Chapter 10: Secrets of the Diary
Chapter 11: Secrets of the Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 12: End

Chapter 6: A New Resolve

445 14 0
By littlejadelady

Harry had the same dream that night. The voice called for him but he couldn't find it and ever since that first night no gills appeared to give Harry the air he needed to make it to the surface and he had woke up every time after drowning. "I don't understand Draco. What does this mean?"

"Oh come on Potter, you've obviously gone crazy. There isn't any meaning to pointless dreams where you drown." Draco glared at Harry and Harry felt the heat of embarrassment on his face.

Harry had told Draco about his dream and he thought it had something to do with stopping whatever plan was supposed to happen his friends had laughed at him.

Faith came into the room having heard the majority of what they were talking about. "You won't be able to learn what the dream is about until you learn to control the dream..." Faith put her hand on Harry's head and gasped. "Harry you've got a fever... have you been sleeping and eating ok?" Harry hadn't noticed but now he felt a little tired and his stomach churned when he thought of food. "How can you not have noticed that your sick Harry?" Faith then looked over at Draco and glared. "And how could you not notice how pale he is!" Faith screamed.

Harry had been up late the last few nights thinking about the dream and thoughts of the dream often came to him again during lunch and dinner. So Harry hadn't much to eat as of late and sleep was becoming less and less.

As Faith stood yelling at Draco, Harry's ears fogged up and all he could hear was his name being called in the dream. His mind drifted to the yellow light he had seen the first time he dreamed when had sprouted gills and a fin and swim easily through the water as if he were a fish but he had woken up before he found the source and now he had not been able to breath long under water. "There must be a way... Faith said I have to learn to control my dreams... perhaps I first have to learn a spell that can help me to breath underwater." Harry's thought was cut short when he was struck across the face by a violent blow which he was sure was meant for Draco because Draco was standing in front of him with his wand up.

"Take it back Draco!!" Faith yelled and landed her tightly coiled fist into his gut.

"You mudbloods and your filthy muggle parents have no business in this school! I for one hope the chamber monster gets you!" Draco snarled, pushing her to the floor.

Faith's eye swelled up and she began to cry. She got up and ran out of the room looking back only one time to glance at Harry who now had a big red mark on his face where Faith had slapped him. She put her hands over her eyes and ran out the common room door and down the hall. As soon as she was gone Draco's smile turned into a frown and he sat on his bed with his hands on his face.

"Woo what happened? Why where you guys fighting?" Harry says looking from Draco back to the door.

Draco looked up at Harry. "Honestly Potter, don't you pay attention... she was yelling at me about letting you get sick... I... I admit I may have over reacted." Draco looked out the window and sighed. "I got fed up with her yelling so I told her to shut her stupid mudblood mouth or I'd do it for her... that's when she got angry and tried to slap me... which is why you've got a red mark on your face."

Harry thought about it for a second, had they really fought like that while he was day dreaming about his night dream? Harry couldn't think of a way to comfort Draco and really in all honesty he didn't care too, it was after all his own fault she was mad at him. "It's fine Draco, I'm sure she'll forgive you, eventually..." then Harry hears something that makes his stomach turn over. "It's going to kill again... I can hear it. Let's go find her before she gets herself hurt."

Draco nodded and stood up. Harry and Draco ran down the hallway. Harry turned a corner and gasped with alarm. There was Faith, lying on the floor. He turned to stop Draco from seeing her but it was too late. Draco had seen her and fell to his knees. "This is my fault... I said I wanted the monster to get her and it did!"

Harry walked over to Faith and touched her hand. "She's cold as ice... Malfoy what will we do?"

Draco stared forward eyes strait not looking at anything but deep in thought. Just then Snape and Lockhart turned the corner and saw them.

"What's going on here Mr. Potter?" Snape said, glancing behind them and noticing the girl on the ground. "Who is that? poor girls been petrified. friend of yours Mr. Malfoy?" Snape grabbed Draco's arm and pulled him up off the floor.

A single tear had formed in Draco's eye and he wiped it on his sleeve. "Sir... yes... a friend... is there anything that can be done for her?" Snape raised an eyebrow. Clearly this girl meant something to Draco, it was very unlike Draco to ever be sad or cry or care.

"Professor Sprout is in the process of making a potion of mandrake to heal those who have been petrified and return them to their normal state. However, her well-being is not my top concern at the moment. You two seem to be wandering about the halls at night, and this just happens, you guys didn't happen to see who did this did you?"

Draco looked up at Snape, the expression on his face changing to anger. Harry was sure he was about to yell something at Snape.

"No sir... we were actually just out looking for her when we saw this... we didn't see anything." Harry said before Draco could form his thought.

Draco flashed a look at Harry of both gratitude and anger then pulled himself away from Snape. "You know very well Snape, no student could have done this... and she was our friend... weather it took me this long to realize it or not." Draco spat the last part then looked back down at Faith's cold body.

"I suggest Mr. Malfoy... you watch your tongue when speaking to a professor." Snape retorts with a scowl at Draco then stuck his large nose slightly upward. "I think perhaps, you should both go back to your dorms now..."

Lockhart piped up from behind Snape. "Quite so boys... I should give you both detention for being out so late but seeing as you had to find your friend in this state I believe that shall be fit enough punishment."

Harry and Draco exchanged a glace and started down the hall towards Slytherin common room. Harry looked back one last time and saw Snape talking to his wand. Suddenly a bolt of light shot past them, down the hall, and up the staircase towards the headmaster's office. Harry and Draco walked up to the staircase and headed the opposite way down toward the common room. Harry looked back as they turned the corner and saw Dumbledore running down the steps with Professor McGonagall right behind him. Harry was tempted to stop and watch but Draco grabbed his arm and pulled him around the corner. "Don't let them see you Potter! What, are you crazy?" Harry looked around the corner and saw the two professors disappear down the corridor.

Back in the Slytherin common room Harry and Draco sat on their beds watching the lake water ripple back and forth against the window.

A figure appeared in the door way. "Hey, have you two seen Faith tonight?" It was the voice of Elle. Harry could see Draco was trying to avoid the question. "She was... the monster's latest victim..." Harry said, not looking away from the window.

They could hear the sadness in Elle's voice now as she spoke to him. "The monster attacked a Slytherin... so then. It wasn't a Slytherin that set the monster loose?" Elle's words stuck in Harrys mind. It indeed wasn't a Slytherin who opened the chamber but if someone else in the school could open the chamber, then why was he needed to open it as well? Elle left the room with a sigh and shuffled down into the main common room to tell everyone else about the new attack. "Who is the heir of Slytherin?" Draco looked over at harry.

"And I thought you were smart Potter." He threw himself onto his bed and looked at the ceiling. "I suppose anyone would have come to that conclusion though... no Potter... Voldemort is in the castle remember?" Draco looked thoughtful for a moment. "Potter... as I am mostly all for his return I can't help but feel the time is not quite right and the monster attacked Faith. We can't let him come back Harry, not yet. Harry the time for you to open to chamber is drawing near." Draco turned away from Harry and pulled the covers up to his neck. "Harry, when the monster we have to go into the chamber itself and stop the beast. it's the only way to make sure it will never attack the school again."

Harry pulled his sleeve up and looked at his arm. The spot where the mark he had been given his first year at Hogwarts used to be. 'The first time I stopped him had been by mistake... how will he take it if he knows we stopped him on purpose?' Harry glanced one last time at Draco then rolled over and went to sleep.

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