Section 7 (new)

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"Hey wait up." Harry calls. He steps over a root on the ground. "Jade slow down."

Jade stops and turns toward harry. "I'm sorry. I'm not sure what came over me."

Draco pushes through a bush into the clearing they are in. "will both of you please listen." he says. He trails off looking up at a big tree with a huge spider web under it. "The little spiders are all going into that hallow?"

"They are frightened." jade says.

"What are you doing out here?" Dobby asks, appearing out of nowhere.

"Dobby?" draco and harry both say at the same time.

"Us? What are you doing here?" draco hisses.

"Your dad asked me to come check on you." Dobby says. "Why are you in the forest? It is most dangerous sir."

"We need to keep going." Harry says.

"Why did father send you?" draco questions.

"He was worried." Dobby replies. "With many student's falling ill he hoped you might go home."

"He wants me to go home?" draco questions.

"For your protection." Dobby says.

"Can we do this first?" Harry says. "Before you decide. I want answers."

Draco nods. "Alright since you are here shut up and stay behind me." he grumbles. "And do not breathe a word of this to father."

Dobby nods and follows instructions.

The four go through a hollow under a tree and they see the spiders running quickly toward a large thick web on the ground.

"That's odd." draco mumbles.

"Hagrid?" a voice rasps.

The three children jump.

"What was that?" Draco asks.

"Hagrid? Is that you?" the voice rasps again.

"No. we are friends of hagrid." Harry replies, not wanting to lie.

"He's in trouble." jade says. "They've just come and arrested him."

A large spider big as a tree crawls forward. "Friends of hagrid? Did he send you?"

"Sort of." Harry says. "We were hoping you might know something about the chamber of secrets?"

"No." the spider rasps. "I have not seen it, but I know they blamed Hagrid for that girl's death. It wasn't true Hagrid was harmless."

"So you aren't the monster from the chamber that's been attacking people?" Harry asks.

Draco looks all around growing more and more panicked. "They're everywhere," he says.

"I am not." the spider replies.

"What is it then?!" Harry says.

"We do not speak of it, it is a beast which we spiders fear." he replies. "But I can not help you."

Harry glances at draco and sees him holding onto Dobby with a panicked face as he looks around. "I think that's all we needed."

Jade looks around at all the spiders. "There are so many." she says looking at the larger spider. "How do you feed them all?"

The larger one kind of laughs. "People wander in the dark forest. My children do not attack Hagrid on my command, but others are not so lucky." the larger spider slicks back into its cave. "Good bye, friends of hagrid."

The spiders from all around lurch forward. Draco grabs Harry by the arm and Dobby grabs Jade's. Dobby teleports them to the Slytherin common room.

There is a gasp from Harry and Jade as they had not been expecting to jump from one place to the other so quickly. Dobby steps back looking at the three of them. "That was very dangerous sir." he says to draco. "Lucky Dobby was there."

Draco frowns and points angrily at Dobby. "You listen here! Not a damn word about it to father. You tell him I was studying in the common room, or else I will make your summer unbearable! Do you understand?!"

Dobby nods. "I understands sir." he snaps and disappears.

Draco slumps down onto the sofa and looks at the fireplace, still burning with green flame. "We could have died."

"We would have died if Dobby hadn't showed up." Harry says. "That was very dangerous."

Draco glares at harry. "I told you both didn't I? I said we should not go?! I said let's not go into the dark spooky forest didn't I?"

Jade nods. "Yes but..."

"No more." draco says firmly. "No more scary adventures into the forest. No more getting involved in drama. No more risking my life."

Harry nods. "I would like to not do any life risking activities. I can agree to that."

But what neither of them knew was Jade had the diary. It was slowly seeping into her mind slowly taking control of her. No she couldn't feel it happening, she didn't even know it was in there.

Days pass and everything seems normal. There aren't any new attacks and everything seems to calm down. Everyone thinks this is a sign that Hagrid really was the culprit.

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