Section 8 (new)

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About 2 weeks later there was a new attack. This time Hermione Granger was petrified. The next day a new mudblood and the day after that as well. On the fourth day of the new strings of attacks draco is considering going home and getting out of the school a little early. He had written to his dad and his whole family had agreed Harry and Draco should return to Malfoy manor early this year.

They still had a week before the early train would run. They decided to play it safe and stay in the common room at night. They hadn't seen jade back from her extra class and it was nearly midnight.

"Maybe we should go find her?" Harry suggests.

"Whatever the beast is you can hear it in the walls right?" draco says. "So you will know if it is coming after us."

Harry nods. "Yeah so we should be safe."

They grab Harry's cloak and head out. Harry doesn't hear the voice so they keep going till they get to mcgonagall's office. She isn't there and neither is jade. They walk down the hall a bit and swear they hear teachers talking. They round the corner and find a handful of professors standing near blood writing on the wall.

'Her body will lie in the chamber forever.'

"It is as we feared." mcgonagall says. "The chamber has indeed been opened and this time it's taken a young girl."

Snape looks at her then at the wall. "What poor soul was taken?"

"Had to be firegem." mcgonagall replies. "She didn't show up for her extra class." she looks at the wall worried. "I'm afraid the school is no longer safe."

Draco whispers to harry. "Did I hear her right? Did she say, firegem was taken into the chamber?"

Harry nods. "That's exactly what she said."

Snape turns to professor Lockhart who is staring blankly at the wall. "I believe you were just boasting the other day about how you located the chamber a few weeks ago. Should be no small task for someone as accomplished as yourself to go get the girl back."

Lockhart stares at snape. "Small... right, no small task!" he says nervously. "Of course I can." he heads toward his office. "Post haste! Not a moment to spare!"

Harry and Draco follow Lockhart to his office. When they arrive they see lockhart packing quickly.

"I knew it." Harry growls, dropping his cloak. "You're leaving!"

Lockhart looks up surprised. "You two shouldn't be out of bed."

"She needs help. You are supposed to be helping her." harry says looking at all the stuff lockhart is packing. "You are the most experienced person in the whole school."

"Well that's the thing about stories isn't it." lockhart replies frazzled. "They can be a bit of tall tales." he packs faster.

"You're just a liar." Harry snarls. "Faith had nearly convinced me I was wrong about you but I was right from the get go. You're no hero. You are a fake."

Lockhart pulls his wand. "You two are nosy."

"Expelliarmus!" draco yells, knocking lockhart's wand from his hand.

Harry pulls out his wand. "You won't bail on jade. The other's think you are going to help her so you are going to help her."

"I lied ok! I don't know where the chamber is." he says raising his hands in surrender. "It's too late anyways. She is probably already dead."

Draco steps forward and picks up lockhart's wand. "If she is dead I will feed you to the chamber monster. Move it." he grumbles pointing at the door.

Harry Potter: Harry Slytherin 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora