Chapter 3: Slytherin's Business

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Sitting at the Slytherin table with Draco it felt right to be back at school. Harry waved at Sed when he saw her look towards him and she waved back. Ever since the train Draco and Faith had sat next to each other, ogling each other without the other noticing. Harry couldn't stop thinking about Sed Hoffmire. 'She said I could call her Sed... I like that name.' Harry thought, and then professor Dumbledore began to speak. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts students... without delay professor McGonagall, would you please bring in the first years." The old transfiguration teacher brought a group of students in and led them to the front of the room.

"Now when I call your name you come forward... I will place the hat on your head... and you will be sorted into your houses..." Harry looked at the group of students and then recognized the first name that was called. "Ginny Weasley" a small red headed girl stepped forward and sat down. McGonagall put the hat on her head. "GRYFFINDOR!" Ginny smiled and ran to sit at the Gryffindor table with her brothers. "Erised Goldman!" Harry watched as a young looking boy stepped forward confidently and sat down the hat was placed on his head. "SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled and the boy ran over to the Slytherin table with a big smile on his face.

"Diamond Flightwild!" A girl took the seat looking so happy and the hat was placed on her head. "Ravenclaw!" The hat called and the girl ran to the Ravenclaw table and sat down next to Sed. "AJ Seniorflame!" Another girl stepped forward and the hat was placed on her head. "SLYTHERIN!" the hat called out and the girl ran off to join the Slytherins. "Goblet Mcknack!" another girl stepped forward and the hat was placed on her head. "Hummm... tricky very, very tricky. You've got an interesting mind... I know... SLYTHERIN!" The entire Slytherin table erupted again. Harry was so glad that the sorting only happened once a term, he wasn't sure if his ears could take anymore loudness like this.

After the sorting had finished three other students had been sorted into Slytherin, 5 into Gryffindor, 4 into Ravenclaw, and 6 into Hufflepuff. Everyone sat at their new tables and it was time to eat. Harry reached for some turkey and asked for the gravy. Draco was busy attempting to make an object from Gryffindor table spill on Ron.

"Hey!!! WHO DID THAT?" Ron stood up and looked at his robe, which was now drenched in piping hot gravy. Ron shot an extremely angry look at the Slytherin table and Harry was the only one caught off guard by his sudden turn, leading Ron to believe Harry had caused the gravy to spill. Ron gave Harry an angry look then sat down. Every now and then he would give an angry glance over at the Slytherin table. After Harry finished eating, he leaned over and told Draco he was going to the common room.

Harry was walking when he heard someone behind him. "Stop right there, Harry! I know you are the one that spilled that gravy on me! turn and face me!"

Harry turned around just in time to see a red flash go right past his ear. "You'll regret this, Weasley!" Harry yelled, pulling his wand out. "Stupefy!" Harry yelled.

"Expelliumas!" Ron shouted back, but missed again.

"Stupefy." Harry heard Draco's voice as Ron went flying across the room and landed on his wand. Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco now had their wands pointed at Ron and when Ron pulled his wand back up to fight back, it fell apart. He stared in dismay at his half wand and looked up at the gang of Slytherins that would soon pummel him.

Harry joined the group, pointing his wand at Ron. "You three stand down this is my fight!" Harry spat. Crabbe and Goyle backed away, Draco however stayed.

"Ha, typical Potter wants all the good fun for himself... So what should we do with him? Pimples? Chicken pox? Or maybe we could just beat him." Draco stared down at Ron.

Ron was so terrified he was beginning to shake. 'I shouldn't have started a fight with slytherin students.'

"No Malfoy, I think we'll do something else..." Harry thought for a moment about the spells he knew. "Eat slugs!" Harry yelled and a flash of green flew from his wand and struck Ron in the chest. For a few minutes Harry didn't think it worked and of course how could it, he'd only read the spell for the first time in his new spell book during the train ride. Then suddenly Ron turned a greenish color and started barfing up slugs.

"Ha, good one Potter!" Draco yelled with his wand still pointed at Ron. "Let me have a go Harry."

The poor barfing Gryffindor writhed in pain as he was struck with multiple spells from Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. Then suddenly his freedom sounded from down the hall.

"RON!!! Are you ok?? What have they done to you...?" Ginny Weasley ran over and propped her brother up against the wall, glaring at the Slytherins. "Why did you do this?" She screamed, and then noticing Ron's wand was broken, she grabbed the other piece up off the floor.

"How could I?? Excuse me but he attacked me first!" Harry yelled, wand at his side but ready in case the first year tried to pull hers on him. Draco on the other hand, wasn't going to take any smack from a first year and his wand turned on Ginny. Her eyes got big and she began to back up reaching for her wand.

"Expelliumas!" Harry yelled then put his wand away again. Ron continued to hurl slugs out of his gut while his sister was now the target. He reached for Ginny's wand and even though he was able to grab it he couldn't speak with his mouth full of slug so he couldn't do any spells.

"You wouldn't!" Ginny shouted then glanced around hoping someone would save her.

"Weasley I could blast you so easy right now, but it would be too easy, And not even worth my time." He said, turned back on Ron, deciding Ginny was no threat without a wand. "One last gift for you, Weasley." Draco shouted as a bright flash of blue shot from his wand.

Ron had stopped barfing up slugs now and reached up to feel his face, eyes wide as pimple after pimple sprung up around his lips and nose. Draco put his wand away symbolizing that the fight from the Slytherin side was now finished. Ginny ran to Ron's side and helped him up and they walked off to the hospital wing "My wand... what will I do now." Ron complains.

Harry and Draco glared at the two Gryffindor's as the stumbled away and Draco snickered. "Maybe next time they'll put up a better fight, but I doubt that will save the weasley girl." Draco said turning around walking to the common room. Harry learned from staying with the Malfoys not to question Draco when he talked about things Harry had no idea about.

"Draco... we still don't know if Potter is the one that can open the door and without someone to open the door, it won't matter if Ginny has the book or not..." Crabbe whispered to Draco only just loud enough that harry could tell they were talking about him. He strained his ears to hear more.

"Shut up Crabbe, I have a plan to test Potter but I haven't got the perfect moment yet. now be quiet before I smack you." Draco walked forward with confidence then suddenly spun on Harry and shouted. "Serpensortia!" A snake erupted from Draco's wand and came at Harry, causing him to fall down the few steps they had gone up, down to the bottom.

Harry wiggled trying to get free but couldn't, suddenly his eyes rolled back in his head and he began to speak a completely different language. "come on snake you don't want to hurt me I'm not your enemy." Harry got up and the snake slithered by his feet. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR DRACO?" Harry yelled.

"Vipera evanesca." Draco hits the snake with a spell and it disappears.

"Good show Potter, you've got the makings of a great wizard. Now, we have a task for you from the dark lord. but first we have to wait for the opportunity."

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