Harry Potter: Harry Slytherin...

By littlejadelady

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Second instalment of my harry slytherin series. (re-written) because I felt the other one didn't make sense a... More

Insert new story
Section One (new)
Section 2 (new)
Section 3 (new)
Section 4 (new)
Section 5 (new)
Section 6 (new)
Section 7 (new)
Section 8 (new)
Final Section (new)
Chapter 1: House Elves
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3: Slytherin's Business
Chapter 4: Who is the Target?
Chapter 6: A New Resolve
Chapter 7: RavenClaw VS Slythrin
Chapter 8: Marcus Flint off the Deep End
Chapter 9: The Problem with Myrtle
Chapter 10: Secrets of the Diary
Chapter 11: Secrets of the Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 12: End

Chapter 5: Try Outs

541 19 0
By littlejadelady

Harry and Draco sat with Crabbe and Goyle at the Slytherin table that morning having a nice chat until somebody nearby mention Quidditch. Harry grabbed a piece of toast and ran down to the Quidditch pitch. He had completely forgotten that try outs were being held that morning and was nearing being late. Harry got there just in time for seeker try outs. Harry got on his broom and flew out onto the field and within a few seconds Harry had caught the fake snitch and was made seeker for the coming year. Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco showed up right afterwards. Crabbe and Goyle were made beaters and Draco a chaser. Marcus Flint, the new Quidditch captain was changing everything about the teams and boy was Elle mad that all she had been able to get this year was keeper. Marcus gave himself the spot of being another chaser. Harry wasn't sure who the other chaser was but was sure her name would come up eventually.

Marcus gathered his new team around him for a meeting. "Alright guys, so I've booked the Quidditch pitch for us to start practice... I've spent a great deal of time this summer devising a new training plan... which will include first years... so they can get good for next year's teams." Marcus said, scanning his team. "Does anyone here know any first years that can fly yet?" Marcus scanned the crowd of on looker who had gathered to watch but also some had tried out and failed. Then Erised Goldman came forward.

"I can't fly yet but I'll sure try..." The first year looked up at the fifth year captain with big shining eyes.

"Fine boy, I suppose you might be worthy, after a bit of practice... Go take that bat over there and swing it good for me..." Marcus watched him go over to the bat, a small grin crossed his face. Erised rushed over to the bat and swung as hard as he could, sending the bat flying out of his hands and straight at the crowd of gathered on lookers.

"Expelliumas!" a voice from the crowd cried as a red flash hit the bat, sending it back in the other direction. Then a small girl stepped forward and picked it up. She took the bat back over to erised and picked up the quaffle.

"I like this ball..." She proclaimed and threw it to the captain. Marcus stared at the little girl. "You girl, I suppose you want to play too?" He snickered. "So you like this ball hm? well I tell you what, if you can catch it, you can play." Marcus threw the girl a broom and jumped on his own. When they were both in the air Marcus grinned. "So what, You can fly. it takes a lot more than that to play Quidditch. See if you can get a goal before me." Marcus shouted and took off toward the hoops. The girl gained quickly, harry wasn't sure where all her speed came from. She hit the ball from his grasp, diving down to retrieve it. She took off toward the hoop in the other direction and threw the ball. "Not bad girl. What's your name?" Marcus flew in beside her.

"Jade sir... Jade Firegem..." She looked down at the crowd of on lookers, noticing Erised staring at her and she couldn't help but blush.

"Not bad Jade, you've made the first year team as a chaser... in fact you did so well how bout you be their captain." They both touched the ground and of course Goblet and Aj came running out of the crowd screaming and demanding to be put on the first year team. They became the two other chasers that would learn to handle making points.

"You have a good arm Erised, but you need to work on your grip." Marcus was now having a chat with Erised Goldman. This whole first year team thing really made Harry wonder. Why was Marcus doing this then suddenly it hit him... 'He's going to have us use them as target practice!' Harry didn't want to hurt first year slytherins. He only wanted to hurt Gryffindor's but that was only if they started a fight.

"Our house is supposed to be like our family here at Hogwarts... not our punching bags!" Harry shouted, glaring at Marcus. "Silence Potter, and do not question my methods. Besides, you want to win don't you... what are a few first years in the hospital wing going to hurt for the sake of achievement." Marcus spat then looked back at this new team he had fixed together. "You first years will be here EVERY PRACTICE! No acceptations... got it..." The first years all nodded and were dismissed.

Elle, who was now standing beside Harry, snuffed her chin up. "I would never use first years to train my team, Flint! You're going to get them hurt!" She shouted, anger showing more and more on her face so much so that Harry thought she might turn pink and explode.

Flint ignored her and started to take the equipment to the shed.

Harry watched the first year's head off, most likely to lunch. Try outs had gone longer then Harry thought and he was glad they had not had class on that day. Harry walked with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle the whole way. Crabbe and Goyle talked about how they were going to put Oliver Wood in a coma during their match against Gryffindor. Draco talked silently to himself about how best to score points once Crabbe and Goyle took care of the keeper. They all knew with Harry on their side that they would win.

"The whole school is scared to death of our team this year..." Crabbe spoke up at the Slytherin table.

"Yeah, because they're afraid that Harry will petrify them ha-ha." Crabbe and Goyle laughed loudly and Draco glared at them.

"Hush, you guys are going to get us in trouble." Draco hissed and returned to looking for something to eat.

"You guys are really pathetic you know." A familiar voice behind harry made his skin crawl and also made him want to vomit.

"Professor Snape..." Draco sneered at Snape.

"Harry... your so like your father... but then again you are different too... all the same don't talk about your private business out in the open you fools." Snape turned and left leaving Harry with a creeping feeling in his spine that sent chills through his body.

Sed Hoffmire sat at the Ravenclaw looking up just in time to see Snape leave the Slytherin table and walk away. Sed wondered why Snape was talking to Harry and decided to investigate. She poked Diamond Flightwild's arm and she looked up at her with a confused look. "What Sed?"

"Look Flight, Harry has just been talking with Snape... and why does he keep looking over here? I swear that boy is so confusing..."

"You like him don't you?" Flight squealed and smiled.

"No! ... Well maybe a little but... he's a Slytherin... the enemy on and off the Quidditch pitch... plus I'm sure he's the one behind these attacks... still though I wonder about him..." Sed put her head low and whispered. "I think he's a deatheater."

Flight shook her head and looked at the ceiling. "Clear as day Sed... deatheaters could never enter the great hall, the ceiling would be angry..."

Sed stared at Flight and Flight pulled out a book.

"I read it just here in 'Hogwarts, a history'." Flight said smiling "The ceiling is enchanted to catch dark wizards... so you see, he couldn't be a deatheater." Flight looked at Slytherin table. "You should go say hi. I bet he likes you too and that's why he keeps looking at you."

Sed got up and walked over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Harry on his empty side. Draco was the first to notice there was a Ravenclaw at the Slytherin table and he nudged Harrys arm. "Hello Harry..." Sed spoke, not looking up from the table. She was now staring intently at the empty plate in front of her. "I um... just wanted to say hi... I um... hope I'm not being a bother..." Harry stared at the Ravenclaw. Either she was brave to come over and sit with the Slytherin or she was really stupid.

"Hi Sed... how are you?" Harry said looking over at Draco for support which was no offered.

"I'm fine... I heard you made the Slytherin team again this year. Seeker just like last time I suppose..." She looked at Harry for the first time since she had sat down.

"Your eyes are beautiful..." Harry muttered then realizing what he had just said tripped on word play. "What I mean is... um... yeah I did... and you... did you make the team this year as well?"

Sed stared at Harry "Yes I did... I get to be chaser again. They were going to let me be captain but I guess someone else got it. By the way, your eyes are nice too." Sed looked back at the plate and Harry looked back at Draco for support. This time he noticed that Faith had been sitting just at the other end of the table and when he looked at her she burst into tears and ran out of the room. Harry looked back at Sed, without the heart to tell her he had to go, he turned to Draco.

"Man, you're more into Faith then I am. Why don't you go try and cheer her up?" Harry and Sed continued to talk after Draco left. Harry and Sed were enjoying their talk but Harry noticed a lot of Slytherin and other houses had begun to stare at them. "Maybe we should um... go talk somewhere else... we are attracting a lot of attention." Harry muttered.

"Well I don't mind let them looking, it only makes talking to you more fun." She said, smiling.

Draco sat back down next to Harry and pushed a meatball around with his fork. "I wasn't able to catch her... she ran into the girl's bathroom and I didn't want to go in there." Draco said then looked at the great hall doors.

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