The four lettered word (LOVE)

By stringofthoughts

545 25 12

LOVE - A simple four lettered word. Hundreds of languages and thousands of civilizations and several hundred... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

chapter 8

28 1 0
By stringofthoughts

Twenty minutes later we were standing before a two storey building. Nithya was awed by its décor and was standing there mesmerized. Though the building had a rich and elegant exterior with its glass finish and everything, somehow it had a homey look to it. The whole building was painted in a dark red that  didn’t look too sparkly or too dull. It was just right just like its name which was displayed in a big circular emblem at the centre of the building.

“JUST RIGHT” Nithya read it out aloud and turned towards me and said, “You didn’t say you were taking me to the restaurant where Jenny works”.

I let out a laugh and said, “Did she say she works here? The truth is she owns this place.” She seemed surprised and looked at me like questioning, “Really?” I ushered her in and asked the receptionist to let Jenny know that we have arrived.

Few minutes later Jenny came to us with a wide smile and greeted, “Ash and Nithya” she nearly squealed and I groaned in frustration at the nickname she used for me. She would never stop calling me that no matter how many times I asked her to stop. She gave a small peck on Nithya’s cheek and Nithya returned it too. Seemed like that was the way they used to greet each other whenever they met.

“You never told me you owned this place” Nithya said with a pout. Jenny cast a look at me that said ‘I knew you are the one who said that to her so don’t even try to act like you don’t know anything’. She turned towards Nithya and said, “Oh honey I didn’t want to keep it as a secret. Besides I don’t own this place by myself. I am a working partner and this man right here also owns this place. He is the financial partner of this place”

Nithya suddenly turned towards me with a disbelieving look and I quickly answered, “Jenny I gave you money when you started this place and it was five years back. I have never set foot on this place after that and it was you who made this place a success with your hard work. I have told you so many times that I will not claim any right over your hard work. So stop saying to people that I own this place too.”

“All right Mr.Grumpy. As you have said, you never come here often. So what brings you here now?” Jenny asked with a hand on her hip, the trademark Jenny’s posture that meant no bullshitting.

“Well I came here to ask you a favor.” Both Nithya and Jenny looked at me curiously and I explained about ‘Love for everyone’ and Nithya’s part in it. I also explained about their need for money for the children’s day celebration. “So I thought if you would cater for their function then it would reduce some of the expenses. I will pay you too. It’s not much but it would help.” Nithya started to protest but Jenny cut her off, “It’s okay Nithya. What you are doing is something great and we would be happy to be a part of it. And Ash you don’t have to pay me. I will do it for free.” I started to protest but someone called for her and she gave us a bright smile and said, “I will be right back and we will have lunch together and it’s on the house. Sam here will take you to your table and I will join you in few minutes. Say no more and go get seated. Shoo!” She left us with that and sprinted towards the office. Sam, the waiter, took us to our table. As soon as we were left alone Nithya started, “You don’t have to do that you know”.

I gave her a small smile and said with utmost sincerity, “I know I don’t have to but I want to”. She stared at me for a while. The look she had on her face was a mixture of many emotions like happiness, relief, gratitude and besides that there was something in her eyes that I couldn’t exactly put my fingers on. Our eyes locked for a second and the air around us got thick for a moment. It all happened too quickly that I would have even convinced myself that I have imagined that look on her face. Nithya averted her eyes quickly and started fiddling with the flowers on the table. I threw her a confused look but she acted like she didn’t notice it which confused me more. I couldn’t explain what those few seconds meant. Whatever it is I was sure that I didn’t want to explore it further.

I let my eyes wander around the restaurant. Truthfully, I haven’t been to this place often as Jenny had said. I came here a few times when Jenny decided to buy an old warehouse and turn it into a restaurant. I wasn’t very happy with the idea then. But you could never even imagine arguing with Jenny when she has already made a decision. Once she has decided, there is no turning back. That was the case with her family too. Thinking about it will only ruin my mood and so I turned my wandering mind to the day when we started renovating the old warehouse. We started with Jenny, Gowtham and I and after few days Jenny brought some professionals. Those days were fun. I couldn’t exactly say that I was very happy with the outcome after renovation. But Jenny was sure about it. She said that the place would be a great success. I couldn’t say that myself on that day but knowing Jenny I was sure that she would make that happen. I was also worried about the customers. Not everyone in this world treats the transgender persons as normal people. I didn’t want Jenny to be hurt but at the same time I didn’t want to be an obstacle in her road to fulfill her dreams.

Looking around the place I could say there were many regular customers, by the way Jenny was chatting with them. Once they come to know what a great person Jenny is they could never resist seeing her again or talking to her. She is a people’s person and her honest nature and friendly attitude always earned her good friends. Like the one she was making now, which made me smile with content. I have always believed in Jenny and she has proved herself right, once again. That somehow made me feel proud and happy at the same time.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by Jenny as she joined us at our table. Before Nithya could say a word she quickly said, “No it’s definitely not a burden and yes I do want to help. It’s for a good cause honey and I am always happy to help for such causes.”

“Thanks Jenny” said Nithya with sincere gratitude.

“Ok enough of that. Let’s eat. I am hungry and I could eat a whole elephant” said Jenny and we ordered our food. Jenny and Nithya started chatting obviously about girly things and they didn’t even consider me a human sitting there. I rolled my eyes at that and I honestly didn’t mind them not including me in their plans for their next manicure appointment.

My eyes darted towards the entrance and I saw Gowtham enter the restaurant. I smiled at that and asked Jenny, “Jenny did you invite Gowtham too?”

Both Jenny and Nithya followed my eyes and spotted Gowtham enquiring the waiter. “No, what is he doing here?”

“Guys, this is a restaurant. He might have come for lunch”, Nithya reasoned. Meanwhile the waiter took him to the private cabin. Jenny turned towards me and said, “He works on the other side of the town and he couldn’t have come here just to have lunch. And why does he want a private cabin if he is going to have lunch by himself. Is he meeting someone?” I shrugged and Nithya gave her a how-do-i-know look. Suddenly Jenny rose from her chair and announced, “I am going to find out.”

I tried to stop her, “Jenny don’t. He might be meeting someone important. Besides it is rude to interfere when you are clearly not invited.” My words fell on deaf ears as Jenny had already started walking towards the cabin. Nithya and I exchanged startled looks. Since we had no other choice but to follow Jenny, we rose from our seats and trotted behind her.

Jenny opened the door to find a nervous looking Gowtham pacing to and fro. “One thing I could say he is dressed nice and as you have said Ash, I am sure he is going to meet someone important” said Jenny accompanied by a smirk. That’s when I noticed Gowtham wearing a blue formal shirt and black slacks that looked good on him. Jenny was right about Gowtham being dressed nice today. He usually wore some kind of torn or faded jeans and t-shirts. His hair was always messed up, unlike now, which gave him a just-out-of-the-bed look. It seemed that today was very important to him and everything from his dress to his shoes and even his hairstyle mattered a lot.

Gowtham stopped pacing when he spotted us at the door. He looked like a child caught with his hand in a cookie jar and any other day it would have been comical if we were not curious about his secret meeting. His eyes did a quick sweep on the three of us and he directed his gaze towards Jenny to ask “What are you doing here?”

“Oh! I never knew the owners are banned at their own property!” Jenny replied sarcastically emphasizing each word. Gowtham tried to defend himself, “I didn’t mean it like that Jenny. I thought you were out of town”

“I returned yesterday night. Well it doesn’t matter. What are YOU doing here now? Or should I ask who are you meeting, might I add, secretly?” Jenny asked with her hands folded over her chest and her right foot tapping the ground that clearly meant she demanded honest answers. Gowtham stammered and started blabbering that not even a single word he said made any sense. “Oh stop it Gowtham. You could never lie especially to someone like me who could see right through you. So quit giving lame reasons and spill it. Now” Jenny demanded with a stern voice. He looked at me as if asking me to save him. I turned towards Jenny and opened my mouth to talk but she glared at me daring me to say a word, which instantly made me drop that idea.

She turned towards Gowtham and waited expecting him to say something. He realized there was no way out and let out an exasperated sigh and started talking. “All right guys. I was…”

His words were interrupted by Nithya’s which made us turn around, “Priya what are you doing here?” Priya seemed a little bit shocked to find us there. But it vanished from her face within a second.

Her sudden shock made us frown in confusion but she quickly tried to cheer up the situation and said, “I didn’t know it was a get-together. I was a little bit surprised to find you guys here. That’s all” said Priya with a sheepish smile.

“Ok guys what is happening here? Priya you were supposed to be at work now and we never planned a get together. So tell me… mph…” Jenny had covered Nithya’s mouth with her hand to stop her ranting. I was curious why she did that and saw her looking intensely at something. I followed her line of sight and only then I saw that Gowtham had neared Priya and took her hand in his. Priya was caught off guard by that and was staring at him wide-eyed but before she could protest, Gowtham had started talking.

“Priya, you are an amazing person. If I say I knew the moment I saw you that you and I are going to be there for each other longer than we think, then it isn’t totally untrue.”

“He wrote that down” murmured Jenny. By this time Jenny had removed the hand that covered Nithya’s mouth yet she remained quiet and was watching priya and Gowtham intensely like she was trying to figure out what was happening. Gowtham seemed oblivious to Jenny’s comment so he resumed his talking.

“You are beautiful, smart, intelligent, kind and so many other adjectives that if I list out them now, I will be standing here the whole day” A little smile played across priya’s face on hearing that and Jenny’s comment made us laugh quietly, “Yep. He definitely wrote that down.”

Gowtham continued, “I like many things about you. Like when you are being protective of your friends and family, when you take up a job you put your full effort, the way you love your dad more than anything else in this world, the cute expressions you make when you are confused or embarrassed, your unexpected mood swings and the resulting rants, the way you talk without a single pause even for an hour when you are excited and the way you go crazy over a bunch of red roses.” While saying the last sentence he had fallen to his knees and a bouquet of red roses has magically appeared before him or he might have hid it behind him and I might not have noticed it before. Jenny had a hand clasped over her heart and looked like she was about to cry. If Priya was not shocked before then she was definitely now. She took a step back and had both her hands clasped over her mouth. Gowtham continued, “I love everything about you Priya. I love you just the way you are. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

He reached into his pocket and fished out a golden ring and showed it in front of her. He spread both his hands wide and said with an air of pride, “I know I am prince charming and will you be my princess?” Though he sounded confident I could sense the nervousness rolling off him in waves.

Priya’s eyes glazed over and she simply nodded her agreement, too overwhelmed to answer with a yes. Gowtham’s grin stretched wider and occupied half of his face. He slipped the ring on her finger and she was admiring it like it was something out of the world. Gowtham looked like he still couldn’t believe this was all happening.

“That was so romantic!” exclaimed Jenny and wiped her tears. Nithya and I exchanged a glance and I asked, “Jenny Are you alright?”

“Oh shut up Ash. I am perfectly fine.” She composed herself and walked towards priya and Gowtham. She hugged priya and said pointing a finger at her, “You stole my knight in shining armor.  I should be angry with you but I am too good to do that.” Priya let out a little laugh at that. Jenny gave a little smile and said with a sincere tone, “I am so happy for you guys.” She hugged Gowtham too and said to him with an authoritative tone, “Treat her nice” Gowtham nodded with a smile that said he need not be told twice.

Nithya neared Priya and she was having a ticked off look which made Priya nervous. “I knew you were in love with someone. You thought you were hiding it well from me but actually you were making it more obvious. What I never guessed was it would be Gowtham.” She cast a quick glance over to Gowtham who suddenly found the floor more interesting. Priya started to explain but Nithya continued, “I am not angry with you for not telling me. I just wish I knew before. Anyways I am happy for you guys. My best friend is going to get married.” She said with a bright smile and hugged priya.

I gave Gowtham a hug and patted his shoulder and congratulated them. Gowtham seemed to be really happy. Of course you must feel like you are the luckiest man in the world when the love of your life has just agreed to marry you and spend the rest of the life with you. He must be on cloud nine.

 “Finally! Reckless Gowtham entering a committed relationship. Its about time someone tightened your leash man!”, I said and he let out a hearty laugh.

“Ok guys if you have forgotten its lunch time and I am starving. So let’s eat and my treat today”, said Jenny and started walking towards the table. Everyone followed her and once we were seated Gowtham said to Priya, “I was a little bit worried about how you would react. I wanted to say so many things, even practiced them, but at last I ended up saying what came to my mind.” He finished with a nervous smile.

Priya quieted him by placing her hand on his. She looked into his eyes that spoke volumes of love and said, “It was just right” which brought a huge smile to Gowtham’s face.

Jenny ahh-ed at that and Nithya made a face and added, “Really Gowtham? What have you done to my friend?” she asked with mock concern. Priya glared at her and threw a napkin in her face which earned a round of laughter from all of us.

Our laughter was interrupted by a voice, “Hey guys!” Everyone turned towards the voice and the sight brought different emotions to all our faces. Priya’s face had paled with shock and fear and Gowtham visibly tensed beside her. Nithya and I had a surprised look when Jenny uttered an “Uh-Oh!”

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