Loving Mr. Perfect of All Imp...

De amatif_zbad

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"I love you jagiya... And I will never be tired of loving you. I will never be tired of surprising you." The... Mais

Prologue: Park Eun Jae
Chapter 1: Sweetest Proposal
Chapter 2: Getting Married!
Chapter 3: Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Chapter 4: Stepfather and Ms. Cheri
Chapter 5: Eun Jae's Innocence
Chapter 6: Extra sweet ^^
Chapter 7: Truth
Chapter 8: Just Another Fine Sweet Day
Chapter 10: Smile and Tears
Chapter 11: A Blessing?
Chapter 12: Gift; Pretentions; Who?
Chapter 13: The Beginning of Separation
Chapter 14: Giving up
Chapter 15: Unexpected Truth
Chapter 16: Indiscreet Concern
Chapter 17: A Chance?
Chapter 18: It's Another Misunderstanding
Chapter 19: Concern Out of Curiosity
Chapter 20: That One Moment of Sweetness
Chapter 21: My Lost...
Chapter 22: Little Angel is Born
Chapter 23: Cohabitation
Chapter 24: First Day in the Dorm
Chapter 25: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 26: He's Sorry, At Least...
Chapter 27: The Three of Us in Your Bedroom
Chapter 28: Tae Woo is...
Chapter 29: Worried Father
Chapter 30: The Two Sides of Him
Chapter 31: Surprise Wedding for You and Me
Chapter 32: The Worried and Jealous Him
Chapter 33: A Step Closer to You
Chapter 34: Fleeing Away
Chapter 35: Fetching Me, but I'm Not Listening to You
Chapter 36: He Who Wants to Revenge
Chapter 37: A Happy Family
Chapter 38: Almost Caught
Chapter 39: Reunited Him and Me
Chapter 40: Spending More Time With You
Chapter 41: Courting Again
Chapter 42: Caught in The Act
Chapter 43: Sorting Things Out
Chapter 44: One Last Stain
Chapter 45: A Pledge From Mr. Perfect of All Imperfections
Epilogue:Loving Mr. Perfect of All Imperfections Eternally

Chapter 9: Coz' You're My Tranquilizer

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De amatif_zbad

"Eomma?" I excitedly call my mother when I open our door. I just came home from work. "Eomma, I bring your favorite!"

But still, there's no reply. "Aigoo... She must be outside again."

I frown when I notice a letter on my bed. There is also a box near it. I open the box and is surprised to see a set of beautiful ruby stoned jewels. It is my birth stone.

I read the card and is teary eyes when I finished reading. Mother's gift for you on your wedding day.

I held the box on my chest. I feel happy that my mother gave me this. I remember the letter.

My happiness is all gone when I read its content.

To Eun Jae,

If you read this and I am not in home, I already walked away. I am really sorry for leaving without a word. I need a time to rethink all over again. I am confident to leave you now since you're already grown up and you can take care of yourself very well. I am happy to see you growing beautifully and having a kind heart. I admit, I never been a good mother to you Eun Jae and I am really sorry for that. No matter how I tried, I cannot just give myself fully to you as your mother because I always see your father's mistake in you. You are not my real daughter. You are the daughter of your father from a girl whom I do not know. I'm sorry to tell you just this moment. I swear, I really wished I could have been better to you... That I could have been a good mother to you, but my heart is just full of hatred that I stopped myself from being a good mother to you. I will be going far away my dear... I am hoping I can find peace in my heart as I travel and that I can be a new me if I will face you again. I am doing this not for myself only, but for you too. I want to change for you. The box beside this letter is my gift to you in case you'll get married soon. I always kept it while waiting for the right time Eun Jae. Again, I am truly sorry for all the heartaches I gave to you. You will always be my one baby girl Eun Jae. I love you.



The letter is already wet when my tears keep on falling. My heart is in so much pain. My head is so confused. I don't have anyone beside me anymore. I feel lost. I feel like a broken vase with some pieces are lost.

"Eomma?! Wae?! Wae?!" I shout in pain. I run towards her room, but all I see is emptiness. I threw the things that my hands grasp as I walk towards the living room.

"Eun Jae-ssi?" I heard Cheri knocks and calls me from outside.

"Go away! I want to be alone!" I shout it to her.

"Arasseo, but don't harm yourself."

I did not answer. I feel numb. Words for me are so hard to say. I sit on a corner and hug my knees. I do not want any jewel or thing. I only need my family.


I fell asleep after I cried and cried so hard. I tried to move away my mother's gift and letter by hiding it away from my sight.

I automatically open my eyes when the door from my room open in a harsh way.

"Why are the things scattered on the floor?!" My step father asks with madness.

My tears stream down again as I remember the reason why. "Eomma... She left us samcheon."

"Mwuh ra goo?"

"Eomma walked away... She said she wanted a space."

My uncle holds my arm tightly. He tries to shake me. "Have you lost your mind? Maybe she is just drinking."

I try to unfasten his hand. "No... She wrote a letter."

"And she's leaving you to me?"

I feel mad as I hear it. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that I am not a burden to you." I said with a stiff voice.

He tries to reach for me and pulls my hair. "Ahh... So now you are becoming ungrateful? After I let you go to school?! Spending my money on you?!"

I push him away. "Let me go! I already paid that! For all the bruises and maltreatment I get from you, do you think it is not enough!?"

"Huh?! You'll definitely pay for this!"

My step father walks away. Leaving me crying in my room.Should I leave too? But where will I go? What if mother will come back?


I tried to be strong as another dayhas passed. I tried to hide all my worries in my heart. I continued smiling.

"Yeoboseyo?" I answer the call without looking at the caller. I am sleepy already as I get inside our house.

"What do you mean by your tweet jagiya?"

I half smile when I hear Jinki's voice. "Nothing jagiya. Just random words."

I tweeted the word broken forthe last two days.

"Jinjja? By the way, mianhe if I just called you. You know..."


"You are not upset?"

I sigh. "Aniyo. I know you are busy."

"Aigoo. I promise, I'll make it up to you."

"I am looking forward jagiya."

"Any problem? You sound so sad."

"Ah... Naleul? Ah, aniyo!" I try to cheer up my voice a little to convince him.

"You are telling me the truth right?"

"Ye. I'm fine okay? Nothing to worry."

"Okay. I am definitely missing you jagiya."

"Nado majingki. Nado." I said sadly.

I couldn't tell him my problem or else he will get worried about me. I don't want to cloud his mind with worriness especially that they have lots of guestings and tours plus also their upcoming concert.

"Have you taken a sleep already?" I ask him.

"Not yet."

"Aigoo... Then sleep arasseo?"

"I want to see you jagiya. Can I go there?"



"Okay. I will just be the one to go to the dorm. What time are you going home?"

"We are already here since we will be leaving Korea for tomorrow early. Should I fetch you?"

"Aniyo. Just rest there while waiting okay?"

"Yey! Arasseo. I am happy to hear that."

I turn off the call and quickly take a shower and change clothes. I frown when I see something on the floor of our living room. I pick it up. "Omo... A pack of drugs?!" I am terrified to see it. I quickly throw it away before leaving. I made sure that everything is lock, especially my room.


"Jagiya?" I am hesitant as I said it to the person covering my eyes. I am already on the street to their dorm.

"I love you." Jinki said as he removes his hands from my eyes.

I smile to him as I hug him. He lost a weight. "I love you too." I pout at him before looking around. "Kaja. Let's get inside."

"Annyeong everyone." I greet the others as well. I hand them the food that I bought for them. They happily gets it.

"You guys look so thin." I comment it to them while happily looking at them as they eat. I turn my head on my left side when I notice Jinki is not eating. "Waeyo?"

He pouts. "Where's my favorite?"

I chuckle. I told Kibeom to hide the fried chickens first when we prepared for the food.

"Omo... I forgot. Ottokhae?" I spoon feed him a spoon of vegetables. "Eat. Haven't I told you not to get thinner than what I expect? Aigoo..."

"Yaa... I can't help it."

"No noona. Hyung is sometimes skipping his meal in exchange for a nap." Taemin reports it.

I narrow my eyes as I look to Jinki. He did not look at me and focus his attention on eating.

I get his share of food. "You are not eating? Why?"

He smiles sweetly to me. "Jagiya... I am hungry. Please let me eat." The others laugh at him while I sigh.

I give him his food and look at Kibeom. "Where did you put that?"

Kibeom gets the chicken and place it on the table. I stand and look at Jinki. "We'll talk later." I walk away and sit on the couch of their living room. I heard the other boys teasing their hyung.

I stop playing on my phone when I feel him sitting beside me after they eat. He looks goofy.

I just look at him seriously. I dare not to speak.

"Jagiya... Please smile."

I sigh. "I am upset to you Jinki. I understand that sleep is important to you, but you have to eat. We talked about it already right?"

He only nods as he fixes his gaze on the ground. "I'm sorry."

I nod. "Don't skip your meals again. I'll be so mad at you if you keep on doing that. Snacks are okay, but meals are important."

He hugs me. "I understand seongsanim."


He hugs me tightly. "I am glad you are here jagiya. All my tiredness are gone."

My heart melts when I heard it. "Jeongmal? No joke for that?"

"Ne. No joke."

"Aigoo... Aigoo... The two are okay again." Minho said. "You should feel lucky to have a caring girlfriend hyung."

Jinki wraps his arm on my shoulders. "I am. Always." He gives a big smile to his chingus.

I hiss. "Ya... You are making them envy again?"

He laughs. "Ani." He merongs afterwards.

After a short talk, I dismiss everyone for I know that they will be traveling early tomorrow. They need to get a sleep.

"Stay here, please? I'll wake you up early." Jinki begs me.

I look at his begging eyes. "Arasseo."

"Yaaa... You are planning to do it right?" Jonghyun asks.

I blush and shake my head when I get what he means. "Aniyo!"

"Aishh... I should ask manager hyung to make my room sound proof the next time." Jinki blurts out as he teases me.

I give him a whack on his shoulder. "Hajima."

We are all laughing as we get inside our rooms.


We stare to each others face as we lie down.

"Sleep." I tell it to him.

He touches my face. "Let's get married soon jagiya."

I smile to him. "Let's talk about it if you will not get busy anymore."

"But... I think I cannot properly talk or communicate to you next month since I'll be shooting a drama."

"Jinjja? You'll have a drama soon? Wow, I will look forward to that. Chukahae!"

"Aishh... You are the first one to know that aside from my chingus. Ya, will you be okay if you see me kissing other girls?"

I fall into a deep thinking. I bite my lips. "Hmm... I will be jealous, of course, but since it is part of your work, I can do nothing about it."

"Aigoo... Don't worry, I won't be kissing them the way I do to you."


Instead of answering me, he kisses me intimately. I pat his chest lightly to stop him before we will go far than kissing.

He chuckles when he figures it out. "Good night Eun Jae-ya."

"Good night too Jinki-ya."

I envelope myself properly in his embrace as I close my eyes.

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