The Admirals Daughter

By SimpleLogics

38.8K 771 66

fanfic about a random charater I made falling for Shanks, the captain of the Red Haired Pirates. More

Author's Note
Lost and Found
Shifting World
Shifted World
Swimming with Steam
Life's Prices
Strong Resolve
Broken World
Truth Unveiled
Past as a Marine
Sweet Escape
An Ever After

Confessions of a Fleet Admiral

2.2K 54 8
By SimpleLogics

I walked down the halls in search of Kazumi but only came across torture rooms that didn't hold her. My thoughts went back to the moments we shared on the ship. Everything I felt for her was driving me wild with want, no need for her. She was perfect in my eyes and no one could tell me anything different. When I first saw her smile is when I started falling hard, and when I heard her laugh fir the first time I fell and couldn't crawl back up. When she cried I felt my heart crack as each tear fell. One thing is definite, I needed her back beside me. The weeks I've been away from her were an utter nightmare. I've barely slept a wink and now she's so close to me that I can barely stop myself from tearing down the entire building to find her. When I finally get her back I won't let her leave me again, no matter what happens.
Kazumi, I will find you. Your mine and I refuse to let you go.
I heard talking and leaned against the wall at the corner.
"She's not looking too good," a guard said.
"Yeah, Fleet Admiral Akainu is ruthless, thats his own daughter down there." I smirked darkly as they continued they're conversation.
"Not to mention the fact that she thinks those pirates she was with are dead. She looked so broken that I thought I'd cry."
"No, the news about Salestien Heartfall being her real mother took me by suprise. This would be a story for the ages."
"Yeah, too bad we can't say a peep or else."
"Thats nice news boys," I said revealing myself before knocking them unconscious, "Thanks for catching me up to speed."
I walked towards the direction they just came from and the smirk fell from my face, replaced with a scowl.
"So, she thinks we're dead, huh? That has to be torture in itself. And she's the daughter of lady Heartfall, never thought that she had a child. But that explains why she disappeared only to turn up dead." I stopped when I saw two halls to take.
"This is a lot for one person to take in. I hope she's okay."

I was still chained up, per my father's orders, and polished my escape plan. Once they bring me down from here I'll be free.
"Kazumi," my father said coming into the room. I didn't look at him, feelimg sick with him being in the same room as me.
"Kazumi, the guards told me your not eating."
I ignored him and he sighed before sitting before me.
"If you want to kill me then you need to eat."
"Tell me about her," I demanded softly before looking up at him, "tell me about my real mother." He said nothing at first, probably contemplating on whether he should tell me or not.
"I was put on an assignment in the North blue. Before this, we were looking for your mother and her crew but she was too quick witted for us to ever catch up to her. Me and Salestien were like Garp and Roger. Every time I would get close to catching her she would slip away. Even before we met in the north blue, I knew everything about Salestien. I always told myself that it was because a good marine new everything about they're targets but that wasn't the case at all.
Me, Kuzan, and a few others went out for drinks since it was our last night there. I wasn't expecting her there, even though it was her territory. Anyways, me and Harleen had separated because of a fight we had about me being away for too long.
Then, your mother came up to me saying that the drinks would be on her. I will admit this, she was beautiful to me. You look so much like her that its almost unbearable to look at you. I never thought that I'd see love at first sight until I met her. I'll spare you the details but I wished that night had never ended."
"Then why? Why kill you if you loved her?" He sighed and grimaced.
"After about nine months of no activity from the Heartfall pirates, the world government got agsty, thinking she was plotting something big. They sent us to her territory in the North Blue and I found out the reason." He paused long as if afraid to talk. I felt sweat drip from my face in suspense.
"I told the crew to split up and find her. I was alone in my search and I found her. She had you in her arms, giving you the look of love only a great mother would give."
"So she went into hiding when she learned she was pregnant with me?"
"There was that, then there was something else. I didn't know this but she was sick before we met at the bar that night. Everytime I saw her she looked like she was in great health. After she had you, though, she knew she didn't have much time left and wanted to turn herself in. She said she was contempt with her life after she met me. I told her then that I loved her, Harleen and Marines be damned. She laughed though and told me to stay in the marines since it was too late. She told me to watch over you and keep you safe when you became a pirate. I told her that you'd be a marine of good standing but she laughed again and told me a pirates blood run from the roots to the leaves. I hadn't believed her until I found out you were with Shanks and his crew." I took in everything he just told me and smiled. So she knew that I'd be a pirate then? Well with them is more like it.
"Wait, so does this mean you didn't kill her?"
"No, I did kill her, though not in the way you think." I stared at him waiting for him to continue.
"I told her that if you became a pirate then there was nothing I would be willing to do to protect you." His words stung me a lot. I think I understand how my mother died.
"You becoming a marine is the only way for me to help you. The only way I can protect you! You being with pirates will put you in danger and I won't be able to protect you anymore. I may even be force to..."
He didn't have to finish his statement at all. Honestly I didn't want to think about it either.
"But, its too late," I said to him, "I could never be a marine, dad. I don't know when or why but I fell in love with Shanks and his crew. They're pirates, yes, but they aren't the bad guys either. I won't turn my back on them, even if they're dead." It was silent again until he smirked and got up to leave. Before he left for good, he looked over his shoulders to me.
"Your just like your mother, stubborn and wild. But then again, its why I loved her."
He left the room and the air grew thick. I was gettimg out of here today.

I've been walking around aimlessly, Kazumi no where in sight. More guards gave me small hints about where she was but still there was nothing.
"Jeez, when will I catch a lucky break?"
"Shanks, I thought you'd make it this far." I smirked before looking back at the fleet Admiral.
"Well, just the man I wasn't looking for. Long time no see, Sakazuki." I turned to face him fully and gave him a smirk.
"Shanks, I don't usually do this, but it looks like my daughter has grown too fond of you and your crew. I care about her happiness so I'll ask you once to leave and don't show yourself again."
"Hmm," Shanks scoffed out, "well well, seems like you do have a heart in that old corpse of yours. Who would have thought."
"Shanks, I don't want to play games here. If you won't leave then I'll have no choice but to kill you. You've already done enough harm."
"Oh I beg to differ. I'm here for Kazumi and I'm not leaving without her."
Akainu sighed before using his Magu Magu no Mi abilities to block the halls.
"My daughter is smart and has always been a great escape artist. If she gets out of her cell then she'd most likely get in the way." I unsheathed my sword and prepared for the fight before me.
"Shanks, this is your last chance."
"Sorry, but I'm prepared to die to get whats mine."
"Yours, huh? I don't think so." With that the fight began.

I fought with the shackles for a little longer but stopped when a guard came in with shackles.
This is my chance!
I pretended to be weak when they let me down and let then chain me to take me back to the cell.
"Jeez, she looks ready to kill over," one said unchaining my feets.
"I wonder what happened to the other guys. They are supposed to handle this not us."
"Yeah, its odd but Fleet Admiral Akainu will find them."
"I'd hate to be them right now." When I was finally down I made sure to sneak the key as they layed me down. They shackled me and picked me up to drag me from the room.
"Hey did you here? Someone has broken into the manor. Lady Harleen is going to handle it but the six gates were called in and were beaten."
"The six gates were beaten? Who are these guys?"
"The Red-Haired Pirates. The Fleet Admiral is going to go and find Shanks now."
Shanks? Here? I thought-
"Hey, shut it you moron! She's right here!"
"She's not even conscious, see." I felt one of them tug on my head to pull it up and made sure to look unconscious.
"According to the last guys that came, she's being put through hell. I wouldn't expect a woman to be able to go through the stuff they described."
"But still, the Admiral said to be careful of her. If he says it then she must be a handful.
"Your right," I said before wrapping one of the guard's neck with my shackles and the other with my legs. Both fell unconscious so I let them go.
"I'm sorry but I can't go back into that cell." I took off the chains and ran down the halls to find Shanks.
He's alive! He's alive! I can't believe I was such an idiot! How couls I doubt that red bastard for a second? I need to help them!

I dodged Akainu once more and tried to get another punch in but he was fast and dodged. I backed away and we both glared at one another catching our breath.
"I have a question for you," Akainu said, "what do you want with Kazumi really? What do you have to gain by taking her with you?"
"If your thinking that I want her for ransom than remove that now. Kazumi is a treasure worth dying for. I started falling when she first smiled at me and fell harder when she saved us from Momonga's men. She's brave, smart, beautiful, something she definitely doesn't get from you." Akainu did a grunt/scoff at that.
"I don't care what she told you, Fleet Admiral, but I don't care. She's coming back with me and my crew. Call me selfish but the heart wants what it needs and thats her."
Akainu had an unreadable expression on his face, processing and thinking on my words.
"Bastard," Akainu said before glaring at me, "there is no way I'm letting you have my daughter." Akainu was fast in his attack but I dodged it and followed up with a punch that was blocked. We went on like that only getting a few punches in on each other. Suddenly his speed picked up and he punched faster than before, this time using his Magu Magu no Mi abilities.
Can't dodge fast enough! I prepared for the death blow but it never came. Instead I heard a beautifully wild voice yell out. Kazumi kicked away her father's arm and yelled out to him, "Don't you dare hurt my red bastard, dad!"
I only had one thought and one thought only.
Did she just call me hers?

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