An Ever After

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I opened my eyes and saw that I saw moving in someone's arm. Last thing I remember was attacking my moth- Harleen and then collapsing. My abdomen was still in pain but I could tell it was patched up. I loom up and see a determined Shanks looking forward. The scowl on his face was intimidating, I've never seen him like this before.
He's usually so jovial  and full of engery.
I look forward as well and saw the crew fighting off marines on Shank's ship. I wanted to help but my body felt heavy, as if someone had placed a lead coat on me. I closed my eyes once more, preparing to drift into sleep but Shanks called out for Ignus.
"Ignus, take her. I'll handle things out here," Shanks said but for some reason, before he could pass me to Ignus, I held fast to him. My body just moved on its own. I wanted to speak to him, to look at him, but I only had the strength to hold onto him.
"Kazumi," he said softly before pulling  me off of him.
"I'm counting on you, Ignus." I opened my eyes slightly and saw him walking away, power dripping with every step.
"Shanks," I said but my voice was too weak to reach his ear. I closed my eyes and let sleep finally hit me.

Before we left the cell areas I managed to patch up her wound as best I could with medical supplies they had but they still required attention. She was in bad shape, sweating and breathing heavily in pain. As I battled the marines, Sakazuki came to mind and I smiled.

"As a father, I realize now. You look at her the same way I looked at Salestien. Don't make me regret giving you my blessing, Shanks. I entrust you with my daughter. There are marines that will be on your ship waiting for you to ambush you. Kizaru might be there and let you go but then again he may not."
I've never been more greatful to Sakazuki. I won't disappoint him or her for that matter. Finally, Kazumi is with us again, and I'll be damned if I let her slip away. I trust that Ignus will take care of her. I know she'll be okay now.
After we finished clearing the ship of marines, we managed to escape the base. Nazami helped us by pulling us away before more men could show up. Not only that, but G-5 soldiers were present as well but were too late, thanks to the Sea King helping us.
Now were were all waiting for a word from Ignus about Kazumi's condition. Benn paced none stop, Yasopp leaned against the wall beside the door, Lucky Roo wasn't eating meat, which was highly out of character for him. The air was thick and tense. Even Nazami waited for an update. After what seemed like days, Ignus showed himself and he wore a grim expression.

I was in a place where there was two spaces, a space of light and a space of darkness. In the white space, my body shoning a bright light as it floated towards the darkness.
What is this? I'm not dead am I? I tried to speak aloud but no sound could be heard. As I floated, memories of my childhood played above me. I saw me and my father training when I was five, then me stuck in the woods when I was ten. My twelfth birthday cut short because of the rain, and me making breakfast for Harleen for her birthday. The last memory I had before going over to the darker place was of a woman I've never seen before. She had the longest blonde hair and soft brown eyes. Her smile was so bright that it warmed my entire body.
"Your the best thing to ever happen to me," She said.
Is this woman my- my thoughts were cut when all the light left and was replaced by the darkness. The only light I had was the light from my body. Suddenly, memories of my past punishments showed and I was no longer floating. Harleen locking me in a dark room for days, my father leaving me alone in the dark forest, memories of the punishments at Grandosa Island, everything. The slanderous words that Harleen spat out floated in the air and I covered my ears to block her but it was no use.
"Those pirates you were with are dead now! Isn't that great?"
"I'm not your mother you filthy woman!"
Stop it!
"Your real mother, Salestien Heartfall, was a filthy pirate. Just after she gave birth to you, Sakazuki killed her, right there while holding you."
Just shut up!
"I really wish that I could have seen it all in person. The look of the life draining from her eyes and the regret of not being able to keep you was something I would relish in."
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
I was sobbing now. A pain shot right to my chest.
Please! Its not true!
"Its true. Everything that she told you was true. Your mother was a pirate and I did kill her." I let out a scream but it couldn't be heard in this void. Everything overwelmed me completely and my mind was about to break. Suddenly I felt a hand on my head that made everything stop. The pain, the voices, my tears, they all stopped.
"What are you doing." I looked up and saw it was Shanks smiling down on me.
"Come on," Benn said from behind him with a smile, "quit being such a brat already."
Kazumi. Kazumi. Kazumi.
The red haired pirates all called out to me and the darkness slowly broke. Shanks held out his hand to me but I was hesitant to take it.
"Why are you so afraid," He asked, "I'm here aren't I?"
Those words shattered the darkness around us and a blue sky replaced it. I took his hand and he immediately pulled me into a kiss. When I opened my eyes, however, I realized that Shanks was kissing me for real.
I was shocked at first but kissed him back. He tried pulling away but I grabbed him by the shirt and kept him in place. When we did finally separate we just stared at each other.
"That was amazing," He said placing his forehead against mine.
"Why," I asked him softly.
"Huh?" I punched him in the head before speaking my mind.
"Why the hell did you come? Do you not realize that you could have died!"
"Not only did you risk your life but everyone else as well!"
"Kazumi let me-"
"And why the hell did Nazami tat me out! That wasn't-" Shanks cut me off with a tantalizing kiss that left me breathless.
"Now that I've got you attention." I folded my arms and looked into his eyes.
"We went after you because your our comrade now. I'd do this for any of my men, even though you're very special."
"I don't go around kissing my crew, now do I?" I turned away with a sly smile and he backed away a bit.
"Well you could have before I came and all ya know. Could have been on your spare time."
"What? Hey." I laughted but instantly regretted it when pain shot through my adbomen. I looked and saw it was wrapped up perfectly before flashes of memories came to me. Sadness washed over me as it dawned on me that I'll never be able to see my real mother and I've carelessly given Harleen her title. I felt so guilty for it, even though I know its not my fault.
"I'm going to go tell Ignus that your awake." I nodded in understanding then Shanks kissed my forehead.
"Stop being so hard on yourself. There's no way you could have known the truth."
"I know that but still..."
"No buts, Lady Heartfall wouldn't blame you at all."
"Did you know her? My mother?"
"Not personally. She'd always be in the news papers, though. She was a forced to be reckoned with."
"She was that powerful?"
"Lets just say if she were still active then the New World wouldn't have to have Teach as an emperor."
"I see."
Shanks turned to leave, giving me time to think on the information of my mother.
What did he mean by they wouldn't have Teach as an emperor? Did he mean that she would have taken his place or something else entirely?
The door opened and Ignus walked in with latex gloves on instead of his black ones. 
"Kazumi, how are you feeling," he asked as he approached me.
"I'm fine," he sent me a hard look and I shrank into the bed and pouted.
"It hurts a lot."
"Don't lie about this stuff," he scowled, "honestly, your a bigger pain than Benn."
"Don't compare me to him," I yelled out but instantly regretted it when pain shot through me, "besides, I'm still mad at him, at all of you."
"We figured you would be, but you have to understand you're one of us now. How you left us is something we wouldn't just let go."
"What if things went differently? You all could have gotten hurt."
"We know that and it didn't matter, it never will. We'd do the same for any crewmember."
"Kazumi, about your injury, there is more about it that I need to to tell you." He looked at me with a grim expression and I felt a dark pit beginning to form. The next words he uttered sent me to a dark space in my head.

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