Lost and Found

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I fought off another bandit and ran as I heard more coming.
"Catch me if you can you bastards," I screamed.
"Catch that little bitch," one cried. I kept running as fast as I could until I reached a dead end at a cliff. I tried to turn around but the mountain bandits I just stole from had me surrounded.
"Here you are, little piggy," one said. I glared at them and took steps back.
"I'll make you a deal, little pig. Give back the treasure and I'll kill you quickly. Believe it or not I keep my promises." I backed up again but almost fell off the edge.
"So what do you say, girly?" I looked back and noticed that the water looked rock free. I could probably make the jump if I dived far enough. I can't swim but drownimg is better than facing these fugly bastards. I looked back at the bandits with a smirk before jumping backwards off the edge.
"Bom Voyage, Suckers," I exclaimed as I fell down.
Hopefully I don't die on the way down. I thought as I began to lose consciousness.
Who knows, maybe I'll wash up on shore this time. Just as I was about to black out, I felt a pair of arms catch me. I was conscious long enough to see red hair and a killer smile.
"I've got ya," the stranger said before I finally gave to darkness.

I woke up with a stretch and yawned before rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I opened them to see two men sleeping, snoring rather loudly.
One had red hair and was sleeping in a chair next to the bed I was in, his head in my lap. The other had grey hair with a blue cloak on and he was in a chair on the far end of the room. It was a plan room with a dresser, two nightstands, a small dining table, the two chairs, and this bed. On the nightstand I saw water and a first aid kit and noticed the cuts I got from running were healed, along with the wounds on my wrist from the ropes the bandits used.
I looked back at the red haired man for a moment and instantly remembered everything, including my treasure. I panicked when I saw it was no where in the room and screamed. The grey haired man fell backwards in his chair and the red haired man sat up. I jumped out the bed and searched the room.
"Where is it? Where is my treasure? It has to be here!"
"Looks like shes awake, Captain." I turned to the two men and glared.
"Looks like," the red head said.
"Where did you put it," I asked lowly.
"Huh?" They gave each other confused looks before looking at me with same look.
"Where is my treasure!" With lightning speed I attacked the red head but he blocked me with a smirk.
"Your fast," he said. I tried to punch him and kick him but he blocked those with one hand only. I backed off and analyzed him. He's a lot stronger than me. I need to watch out for this guy. I was about to attack again but heard a click behind me.
"Thats enough of that, kid." I glared behind me and saw the other man with a gun aimed at my head. A shadow casted over my face and I balled my fist, ready to attack.
"Easy, friend," the red head said, "She's alright." The guy grunted and put his weapon away. I took that chance to punch him in the face.
"Thats for aiming you gun at me. Who do you take me for anyway you behemoth!"
"Damn it kid!"
The red head laughed loudly and I felt anger veins popping from my forehead.
"What so funny you red bastard!"
"I'm sorry," he said still amused, "forgive me but-" he burst out laughing once more and I growled in anger but sighed and calmed myself.
"What ever," I said before walking over to sit on the bed, "now, where is my treasure?" Shanks stopped laughing and thought for a minute before her bopped his hands together as if he remembered something.
"Oh, that big bag you had when you fell. Its in my quarters."
"Well can I have it back? I would really like to leave as soon as possible."
"Sorry to here that," he said standing.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Well you can't leave until we get to the next destination."
"The next destination?"
"I guess she's clueless," the grey haired man said.
I sat there confused, waiting for an answer.
"Well, your on my pirate ship. The names Shanks." When I heard that name, I froze in fear. "We got spotted by marines after I helped you out so we had to make a quick get away. They chased us pretty far out though."
The Red Haired Shanks? The captain of the Red Haired Pirates? Then that means... I let out an ear splitting scream, causing a glass of water break on the nightstand. Shanks looked scared and the other guy held his ears. The door burst opened and a hoard of men came inside of the room.
"Whats going on in here," A long nosed guy asked. My heart beat faster in my chest as I backed away. I fell of the bed but quickly curled myself into the corner with fear. I was afraid of pirates. My father is a marine and always told stories about pirates when he got home. These pirates in particular came up at dinner conversations everytime, alomg with stories of the White Beard pirates.
"Stay away from me," I said, feeling bad for the quiver in my voice, "please stay away! Don't hurt me!"
"Hurt you," one of the men asked.
"Alright guys, I'll handle this, wait outside for us, will ya?" I heard retreating footsteps and felt my body calm itself. When I hear nothing I felt relief but stiffened when I heard someone walking closer to me. The footsteps stopped in front of me. I looked up and saw Shanks with a warm smile that reached his eyes.
"No one on this ship is gonna hurt you, I give you my word." My heart skipped a beat when he reached his hand out to me, but I wasn't scare at all for some odd reason.
I took his hand and helped me up from the floor.
"Now then," Shanks walked around to the chair and patted the bed for me to sit down. I still had my doubts about the pirate but sat down on the bed anyways.
"Whats your name," He asked me gently.
"Its...umm... its Kizami."
"Kazami huh? Lovely name for a lovely woman." I blushed and looked away from him in embarrassment.
No one, except Kizaru, has ever complimented me before.
"So tell me, Kazumi." I looked back at him and saw a sly smirk on his face. "Whats the daughter of a fleet admiral doing away from home?"
"How did you-"
"I've seen you before, a while ago when I was on that same island."
"Don't tell my father about this," I begged, sitting on my knees and grabbing his shirt, "if he finds out about me stealing, I don't know what he'd-"
Shanks stopped me by ruffling my hair and standing.
"Relax," he told me, "I'm a pirate. I can't just walk over to a marine and hand his daughter to him like we were good friends."
"Your right," I said said and relaxed a bit, "sorry." I laughed nervously and scratched my head.
"Well, its your choice in the matter, do you want to eat with the crew or have lunch in here?"
"You were sleeping for hours."
"Well I'm not hungry." My stomach growled and I blushed madly, making him laugh.
"If you say so. Lunch will be waiting at your door; or better yet, I'll have someone bring it to you." With that he left from the room, giving me my thoughts to gather up. I stood and began pacing the room to think of a way to escape.
"Even though he's nice enough, I've heard plenty of stories from my father about him burning down towns of innocent people. There was even a rumor saying he was the one that destroyed an entire island from existence. I couldn't take him on myself or I'd suffer the consequences. If not from him then from his crew. I growled frustration as I tried to come up with a solution to my problems.
"Damn it! Of all the rotten luck I could have!" A knock sounded on the door before it opened, revealing the grey haired man.
"What do you want old man," I asked haughtily.
"The names Benn, I've brought you your food."
"Hmph," I said crossing my arms, "I don't want it."
"Well I'm under captains orders to stay here until all of your food has been eaten," he said. Benn took a seat and sat my food on the bed. I took one look at the platter and my stomach growled. I glared at the food, mentally cursing it for looking so good.
"Better hurry before it gets cold." My stomach growled again and the guy sighed before closing his eyes.
"I'll take a nap then. I'll wake up when your finished."

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