Past as a Marine

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We made it down to the lowest level and checked every cell for her. Every one that we opened turned up empty but I grew more worried looking at the state of the cells. They were dark and wet from the water dripping from the pipes. It was also cold so she could get sick.
"I can't find her, captain. I'm getting a bad feeling."
"We'll find her. She has to be down here."
"She is but your not taking her." Me nor Benn turned around because we know who the voices belong to.
"So you are here," I said before facing Akainu's wife.
"Akainu said you'd come here. I guess I gave you too much credit."
"I guess you did. Now, on to the important things. Where is Kazumi?"
"Deshushushu! You think I'd tell you, a pirate?"
"I was hoping that asking politely would work. I don't really see the point of fighting."
"Deshushushu! Deshushushu! Captain your too funny. Maybe Akainu will let me keep you to break you, like I've done with Kazumi." I tensed at this information and my stance grew more hostile.
"What have you done to Kazumi," Benn asked
"Deshushushu! Since I take pride in my work I'll tell you. I broke Kazumi's spirit." Benn growled in bubbling anger and I just stood and listened.
"It took a little longer than most but I did it never the less. If you wouldn't have shown up I could have made her a puppet like the rest. No worries, though," her expression turned dark and sinister in a blink so both me and Benn prepared ourselves, "I can still break her." As expected, she attacked but Benn managed to hold her off.
"Go get the brat, I'll handle her." I nodded and rushed to go find Kazumi.

I was in the chain room again. I was glaring down at my father who was just looking away from me. I was snapped out of my numb state when I heard someone had broken into the manor. The transponder snail had cut off before it said who but whoever it was gave me the chance to find escape. That woman said she would handle it herself since the guards and the Six Gates couldn't. I decided to get answers from my father while he was here.
"Is it true that you killed her? My real mother?" The question seemed to throw him off but he collected himself quickly.
"Your mother needs to keep her mouth shut," he said.
"If what she said is true then she's not my mother! My mother was a pirate, right? Salestien Heartfall." There was a pause. The silence in the room thickened the tension. It made me so nervous to the point where my hands shook in the shackles that bound me.
"Its true. Everything that she told you was true. Your mother was a pirate and I did kill her." That pain in my chest hit me again, but this time it was harder.
"I was going to kill you as well but thought you would become a marine instead. I should have know better when I took you with me that time that you wouldn't become a marine." I remember what memory he was speaking of. It was my fifteenth birthday and my dad decided to bring my with him to work to show me the life of a marine.
I skipped around my father, excited that I finally got to join him after years of begging. I wanted to see what marines do and why they were so great.
"I'm gonna see the marines! I'm gonna see the marines!" I kepted singing those words over and over again until my father picked me up.
"Alright, settle down. Your making me dizzy with all the circles," he said as he placed me on his shoulder. I looked up and saw a giant gate with a World Government sign on it.
"Captain Akainu, sir," Jakkan said.
"What is it?"
"We have to make a stop at Impel Down before continuing, sir. There is some type of riot happening."
"Can't they handle it themselves? We have better things to do."
"No sir, its an order."
"Alright, I guess it can't be helped." My father placed me on my feet and looked down at me with all seriousness.
"Kazumi, when we get to Impel Down you will stay by my side until I send Jakkan to get you, understand?"
"Yeah, sure!" He patted me on the head and looked out over the sea.

When we finally arrived to the prison I felt intimidated by it. It was said to be hell itself so I don't want to be here long. When we docked I went into the captains quarters and read a book that my mother gave me. We would be moving to the New World in a few years and I asked her to buy me lots of books before then.
I waited and waited for someone to retrieve me but hours passed and nothing. Finally, after four hours, Jakken came in with his usual smile.
"Alright, your father is waiting," he said. I ran over to him and followed him out. Once inside we had to go through a checking process before going into an elevator. I've never been inside of any marine bases but I knew where they were and heard the stories about some of them.
"Its going to be a long ways down so you can get comfortable," Jakken told me. I caught how much he changed since getting off the ship. He seemed anxious now, and sort of darker. I kept my guard up and sat in the corner where I could watch my surroundings. Jakken whistled the entire way down, and that is a long to. I was growing impatient but said nothing to him. After thirty minutes or so we reached the sixth floor, a floor I never knew they had. I stood but was hesitant when getting off the elevator. This floor was dark amd cold. It had a thick tension around it. That was almost suffocating.
Before I could possibly react, Jakken grabbed me by the hair and pulled so that I'd fall.
"I'm sorry, Kazumi," he said with that dark, creepy look, "but Akainu must pay." He dragged me towards the darker part of the room as I kicked and screamed for him to let me go.
"Your father has caused me a lot of trouble, kid." My eyes widened. This man wasn't Jakken! I looked up again and saw that the man now had black hair instead of blue. His voice was deeper than Jakken's and his body transformed as he dragged me.
"That bastard, Akainu will know pain," he said before throwing me inside of one of the cells, "and your gonna show it to him." This man was definitely not Jakken.
"Where is Jakken? What did you do to him you lumpy bastard," I yelled, riling up the prisoners even more.
"Is this her," someone said behind me. I turned around and fear hit me like a tidal wave. I couldn't move, talk, or blink. I just stared in fear.
"This is her boss." Before me stood a pirate that I prayed I'd never meet. Bacster Drun, a pirate from the North Blue that was taken control of by the Heartfall pirates before she died. The crew had the power of a buster call and its said that the captain could destroy an entire island. I know that Drun was vice captain aboard the ship but I didn't know he was captured.
"She doesn't look like those bastards much. Oh well." Bacster grabbed me by the throat and squeezed, cutting off my air.
"Sorry about this, kid, but I have a score to settle with your father. He took something important away from me so now I'm taking from him." I was thrown into a wall.
"Did you leave the trail, Hinora?"
"Yeah. They should be here right about...-" my father came in and glared around until he saw me sliding down the wall.
"Kazumi," he said sternly, "get up." I did as I was told and stood on my feet only to be punched back down. I tried to get up but a foot was pressing down on my head.
"Its been a while, Sakazuki. Lets catch up."
"Bacster, get away from her," dad said coldly.
"Don't be so serious, Sakazuki," he said before pressing his foot one my head worst than before, making me scream in pain, "we have a lot to talk about."
"There is nothing for us to discuss."
"I beg to differ. We need to talk about captain Heartfall. I know it was you that killed her and the baby. Its time for you to get whats coming to ya."
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I don't remember telling anyone that I killed a child."
"What?" My dad looked at me then back at Bacster. Suddenly the pirate lifted his foot and made me look at him. I glared at him and struggled to get away.
"No way. You can't be-"
"She is, now let her go." The pirate did as he was told and I ran over to my dad. I peeked from behind him and stuck out my tongue.
"I'll let this slide since I have places to be. Lets go Kazumi."

Flash forward  
After that we went to the marine headquarters, where I met Kuzan.  I've been afraid of pirates since then and told my father I never wanted to be a marine. Kuzan tried to talk me into it but I still refused.
Now thinking back I realized that they were talking about my mother back then.
"Just do it," I told him. I was tired now,  mentally, physically, and emotionally, "if your going to kill me then do it." My father looked away from me with a darkened expression, mimicking my facial expression.
"No, your still my daughter."
"Then listen closely, keep me chained up nice and tight. If you don't, I promise," I looked at him with a glare that could kill in an instant, "I will end you." My father sighed and stood to leave.
"It'll be years before you can kill me. You will be a marine, Kazumi. I can't let you roam free anymore."
"Remember what I told you dad. If I'm not kept locked away I will get you."
My father left from the room and I formed my plans of escape.

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