Loving Mr. Perfect of All Imp...

By amatif_zbad

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"I love you jagiya... And I will never be tired of loving you. I will never be tired of surprising you." The... More

Prologue: Park Eun Jae
Chapter 1: Sweetest Proposal
Chapter 2: Getting Married!
Chapter 3: Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Chapter 4: Stepfather and Ms. Cheri
Chapter 5: Eun Jae's Innocence
Chapter 6: Extra sweet ^^
Chapter 8: Just Another Fine Sweet Day
Chapter 9: Coz' You're My Tranquilizer
Chapter 10: Smile and Tears
Chapter 11: A Blessing?
Chapter 12: Gift; Pretentions; Who?
Chapter 13: The Beginning of Separation
Chapter 14: Giving up
Chapter 15: Unexpected Truth
Chapter 16: Indiscreet Concern
Chapter 17: A Chance?
Chapter 18: It's Another Misunderstanding
Chapter 19: Concern Out of Curiosity
Chapter 20: That One Moment of Sweetness
Chapter 21: My Lost...
Chapter 22: Little Angel is Born
Chapter 23: Cohabitation
Chapter 24: First Day in the Dorm
Chapter 25: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 26: He's Sorry, At Least...
Chapter 27: The Three of Us in Your Bedroom
Chapter 28: Tae Woo is...
Chapter 29: Worried Father
Chapter 30: The Two Sides of Him
Chapter 31: Surprise Wedding for You and Me
Chapter 32: The Worried and Jealous Him
Chapter 33: A Step Closer to You
Chapter 34: Fleeing Away
Chapter 35: Fetching Me, but I'm Not Listening to You
Chapter 36: He Who Wants to Revenge
Chapter 37: A Happy Family
Chapter 38: Almost Caught
Chapter 39: Reunited Him and Me
Chapter 40: Spending More Time With You
Chapter 41: Courting Again
Chapter 42: Caught in The Act
Chapter 43: Sorting Things Out
Chapter 44: One Last Stain
Chapter 45: A Pledge From Mr. Perfect of All Imperfections
Epilogue:Loving Mr. Perfect of All Imperfections Eternally

Chapter 7: Truth

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By amatif_zbad

"Jagiya?" I stop Jinki from dragging me by a sudden stop in following him.

He seems to be back in reality. "Omo... What have I done? Mianhe jagiya."

I look at him confusedly. "What's going on? Why are you so upset?"

He shakes his head. "Aniyo... Did she do something harmful to you?"

I shake my head. "Aniyo. She was nice to me."

"Nice? Jeongmal?"

"Why would I lie jagiya?"

He releases a breath. "That's good. What did you tell her about why you were there in our practice room?"

"I'm a SHINee fan. Wae? Is it wrong to befriend a trainee here?"

"Aniyo. From now on, stay away from her. I don't want her to do to you the same thing she did before."

"Wae? Who is Ha-Eun in your life then?" I flip his hand from holding my hand. I sigh as I look at him and ready myself.

He opens another door. "Let's get inside." It's the piano room.

We stare to each other's eyes after we get in. I cross my arms on my chest as I wait for him to answer me.

"Ha-Eun... She was the reason why I had a break up with my ex. She's her sister. I didn't know that she was telling lies behind her sister's back. She was already a trainee here at that time, so from time to time, I can see her. I didn't know too that she liked me since way back then. She set upped her sister for me to hate her. It was too late when I knew about the truth."

I walk towards him. "You made me worried a lot. Aishh... We just met today okay? There's no reason for me to widen it. So please, stop worrying."

He hugs me. "Arasseo. I don't want to lose you. Not you."

"Bwoya? Then I'll hold on to you even if you turn your back on me." I return his hug. "I'm scary right?"

He chuckles. "A bit."


"Kaja... Let's go back to our practice room."

I nod.


"Ohh, looks like you two are okay already?" The boys tease us.

"Why would we not?" I ask them back.

"Does she already know hyung?" Minho asks.

"Ne. I told her everything." Jinki looks at me.

"Aigoo, you should be careful to her noona. Good thing you didn't say that you are hyung's girlfriend... Ani... Fiancée. Else, she'll be mad." Taemin says it while pouting.

"Arasseo, I will take care. Gomawo." I smile to them.

We stop our chit chatting when their manager arrives. I was shy to their manager, but I manage to feel comfortableness when I found out that their manager is so funny.

"Thank you jagiya." Jinki smiles widely at me when I hand him his water. They are having a break.

I also hand the others with their water before I sit beside Jinki. I wipe his sweat. "Aigoo, you should not let your sweat dry to your body. You should wipe it always."

"Yaa... Didn't I tell you not to over publicize your affection? Aishh..." Jonghyun teases us.

Jinki merongs to his dongsaeng. "Envy dinosaur. Go get yourself a girlfriend too." Jinki throws him a towel.

"Jinjja... Just wait. We will get ourselves with good girlfriends like Eun Jae." Jonghyun laughs afterwards.

Jinki hands me his phone. "Aren't you feeling bored watching us repeating our steps?"

"Ani. I enjoyed it. Why giving me your phone?"

"Just in case you feel bored. Play with it. Pin is our anniversary date."

I try opening it using the pin that he said. I smile when it works and I see it's wallpaper. "Jinjja... Our first sweet photo together?"

"Ne. I just simply love how we display in our facial expressions the love we feel for each other."

"I agree with that."

"Omo... You do have a twitter and Instagram?"

"Yep. Look what I last twitted. It was when you agreed to be my fiancée."

I check on it. 나는사랑 Blessing & Respect. "Huh? What does that mean?"

"Hmm...나는사랑means I love... Right?" I nod as a reply. "Blessing comes from your name Eun while Respect comes from your name Jae."

I hiss. "Ya... It is indeed true that you keep on tweetting things that blow the mind of your followers. Aigoo."

"Ya, jagiya... I have an idea."


"Why don't you make a twitter and Instagram too? So that I can follow you back."

"It's unfair to your followers if you'll follow me while you don't follow them."

He pouts. "I wanna see your posts and like it and share it and..."

"Aigoo... This man. Let me think about it, arasseo?"

"Jeongmal? You will think over it? Gomawo."

"But no sharing. Or liking."

"Ne. Promise."

Our talk is cut when they are called again to resume their practice. I playfully used his phone to capture random photos. I took a selca when they had meeting after their practice.

"You'll go with him. He will drive my car in our meeting place. Take care hmm?" He kisses my forehead.

"Ne. You too." We separate ways because it is needed, or else, their fans will wonder why they go out with a girl.

As I follow the staff, I wonder why he shakes his head while seems like he's disappointed. "What happened?"

"Oh, oh... Seems like it is not yet safe for us to go out here."

"Waeyo?" I ask the staff who is assigned to convey me.

"Some fans from other group break in. I'll call the security first."

I nod nervously to him. I didn't bother to call Jinki.

I literally jump when my phone rings. It's him.

"Where are you? Why are you not still here?"

"Ahh... We are still here jagiya. Some fans break in. Jamka—"

My eyes widen when some of the girls notice me. I quickly hide from the corner. The girls are shouting while asking who am I. I feel relieve when the staff comes back with guards beside him.

"Jagiya? Jagiya?" I come back to reality when I hear Jinki's voice over the phone.

"Jagiya..." The only words I said when I see Ha-Eun looking at me. "Talk to you later." I turn off the call right away.

"Gwenchana miss Park?" The staff asks me when he notices me squatting at a corner.

I nod while observing Ha-Eun from the corner of my eyes. She looks like she is wondering and curious of something.

"Let's go. Onew-ssi might be looking for you already." The staff lends me a hand to assist in standing.

I bite my lower lips 'coz I know, Ha-Eun heard what the staff said. I am crossing my finger that she will not overthink about it. "Gomapsumnida." I bow while saying it to the staff.

I follow him silently while I keep my observation around. I feel relieve when I see Ha-Eun walks away from where she was standing.


"Jagiya... What happened?" Jinki looks at me with full worries. He looks at the staff who brings me and give him thanks.

I waited for us to transfer to Jinki's car before answering him. "There were fans who break in earlier... So we had to stop and wait for the place to be cleared... They saw me but..."

He holds my hand. "But what?"

"What makes me more worried is Ha-Eun. I think Ha-Eun has already an idea between us. Meolla... He heard the staff telling me that you are pobably waiting for me already."

He touches my cheek. "Aigoo... Gwenchana. Let's not think negatively, arasseo?"

I sigh and then nod. "Arasseo."

When he notices that I am still silent, he shows me his phone. "Look."

"Jagiya..." I narrow my eyes playfully as I look at him. "Why did you change your wallpaper with my selca?"

"Because it is so cute! I love it so much."

"What if people will see that?"

"Then I will say she's my fiancee."

I smile sweetly to him. "Why don't you have a selca too in my phone so that I can use it as my wallpaper?"

"Good idea!" He gets my phone and prepares for a selfie, but instead of doing it alone, he pulls me towards him and kisses me. "Wow! I think I am good in capturing surprises jagiya. Look."

"Ya! Lee Jinki!" I pout at him while looking at the photo. It is so cute because the natural emotion is captured by him. "Neomo kyeopta!"

"Of course." He turns on the engine. "By the way, how are you feeling now?" He glances at me.

I shyly bow and look away. "I—I'm fine."

"You don't feel sore anymore?"

"Why do you keep on asking me that jagiya?" I pout.

"I am just worried for my jagiya." He touches my face as he looks seriously to me.

I bite my lower lips. "Arasseo."

"Ya... You are not answering me."

I look away. "Just a little bit." I almost whisper it to him.

"Ya... Are you shy to talk about it?"

I stare at him. "I can't help it."

"Aigoo... Do not be shy about it. You really made me happier than any other man because you trusted me and gave me the most important jewel that a girl can give to her husband." He holds my hand with his free hand.

"Thanks for appreciating it."



"Are you sure you don't want to come to our—"

I pout to stop him from talking. "Majingki, go back to your dorm and rest well. You have to prepare yourself for tomorrow."

"Aishhh... Tomorrow means not seeing you for how many days will it be?"

"Aigoo... Don't worry, I'll patiently wait." I smile to him.

He sighs. "Arasseo." He looks so sad.

To appease him, I pull him for a deep long kiss. "I will miss you jagiya." A tear escapes from my eye.

He cups my face and wipes the tear. "Nado. Promise that you'll send me photos and you'll make an account on twitter or instagram, arasseo?"

"I'll promise to the first one, but not to the second."

"Aishhh... Then don't forget to attend our concert."

"Yes boss." I laugh.

But Jinki remains serious. "I love you jagiya... I love you so much." He still did not remove his hand from cupping my face.

I try to smile although I feel sad that we will not be seeing each other for quite some time again. "I love you too so much jagiya."

He nods. "Ka. I'll wait for you to get inside your house."

"Take care hmm?"

"I promise." He smiles at me.

I look and wave at him once more after I go out from his car. When I get inside our silent place, loneliness succumb me.

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