saving niall ➳ z.h + l.s ✔

By weirdox

144K 4.9K 3.4K

(completed) warning: contains self harm/self-loathing "Why do you keep hurting yourself like this?" "Becau... More

Character Ask
Dysfunction (New FanFiction)
Comment for a Sequel
Sequel Published


7.1K 264 158
By weirdox

Follow my best friend @louisdontletmego ! She made me a new cover and the trailer on the side:) I am so obsessed with her Narry story OBSESSED!  (;

Louis gave Harry another kiss, ready to head out the door.

"Babe, do you have to go?

"Yes, Haz. Now let go of my shirt." Louis pried his boyfriend's hands from his t-shirt.

"How did they even find out?"

"They saw us at the concert, they think it's a good idea." the shorter boy explained.

"The bastards, first they say we can be together then they give you a beard."  Harry spat.

"Harry calm down. It's better this way, it lowers suspicion." Harry dropped his head feeling tears prickle at his green eyes.

"Babe, look at me. I told you, I only have eyes for you." Louis kissed his love's lips softly. "You don't know how long I've waited to get to hold you in my arms and call you mine. I won't throw that all away for an old friend."

"I love you Louis. I don't want to lose you." A tear fell from Harry's eye.

"You'll never lose me, Haz." Louis whispered, "I have to go."

Harry nodded letting his boyfriend walk out the door.

Management had seen Louis and Eleanor kissing backstage. They had been notified by the boys that Louis was in a relationship with Harry. But, they thought they could use Eleanor to their advantage. Louis didn't need to date Eleanor, he just needed to be seen with her in order to let rumors rise. Eleanor gladly agreed, unaware of the contract forcing her and Louis together. She was under the impression that he was actually eager to hang out with her.

Louis was driven to the small café where Eleanor worked. He entered the café with a small smile on his face.

Eleanor spotted him, waving eagerly. She removed her apron and walked towards him. Her slim arms wrapped him into a hug.

"Morning, love." she kissed his cheek.

"Hi, El."  Louis grinned.

"Ready to go?" she questioned.

"I guess so." Louis shrugged.

Eleanor giggled linking arms with Louis as they made their way to the car.

"Where to?" Their driver asked.

"The shopping centre." Louis muttered. He couldn't keep Harry out of his head. He desperately wanted to forget about Harry's sad face. He wanted to be able to go out in public with Eleanor without feeling so guilty.

The rest of the car ride consisted of Eleanor and Louis catching up on what they've missed in each other's lives. Eleanor has liked Louis since high secondary school when she starred in the school's production of Grease with him.

"We're here." The driver announced as they all exited the vehicle.

Louis latched hands with Eleanor as they strutted into the shopping centre catching a few people's attention.  A few fans took pictures and asked who the mystery girl was. Louis only waved and continued walking with El.

"Who is she?" a fan shouted.

"My girlfriend," Louis shrugged when Eleanor wasn't listening.

"Let's look in here." Eleanor dragged Louis into a shop. Louis sent a text to his love before turning off his mobile.

"To: Lovely Hazza

Thinking of you. Love and kisses. I'll be home around eight, I can't wait to feel you babe."

Harry soon replied.

"From: Lovely Hazza

Love and miss you. I have a surprise for you when you get here. Hurry!" Louis chuckled as he shut off his phone.

The pair entered a clothing store. Eleanor grabbed random outfits from hangers and racks. She pulled Louis to the dressing rooms. The workers recognized Louis, allowing him to enter the woman's locker room considering they were young and foolish. Louis of course, waited outside the door as Eleanor changed. The door opened revealing the brunette in a white sun dress.

She twirled for Louis as his mouth fell open.

"How do I look?" she questioned.

Louis stopped gaping, "You look gorgeous." he mumbled.

She smiled shyly at him. "Thanks."

Louis blushed stepping towards her.

"Should I get it?" Eleanor asked him.

"I'll buy it for you."

"Louis you don't need to do that. I have money." she insisted.

"I want to buy it for you." Louis had no idea where all this was coming from. He was gay, he knew he liked boys. He'd never had thoughts for a girl before. Since he was young, he'd always been interested in boys just never told anyone.

"You can wear it to dinner tonight." Louis piped up, soon after regretting his own words.

"Dinner?" Louis nodded fearfully.

"Like a date?"

"Sure." Louis was shocked by his own answer. He didn't mean to ask her out on a date. He loved Harry, Harry and only Harry. Louis didn't want to hurt his boy friend, one measly date can't do too much harm, right?

At around seven o'clock, Louis and Eleanor were leaving the shops. Louis followed Eleanor into her flat where she was going to dress for their dinner. She stood in front of her mirror with a grin. She was wearing the white dress that Louis bought her which flowed above her knees as she twirled around. She had her hair in a half-up do and she wore two glistening diamonds on her abnormally large ears. One would say she looked beautiful. She stepped out of her bedroom and shook a sleeping Louis.


"Babe, wake up."

"Go away Harry. I'm tired."

"Harry?" Eleanor frowned continuing her attempt at waking up Louis.

"Babe, I'm not in the mood. I'll suck you off later." Louis groaned. He hadn't had much sleep and Eleanor had taken long so he took his chance to dose off.

"Suck me off?" the dense girl was confused, she hadn't caught on to anything Louis and Harry had said.

"Louis wake up dear. We're late for our date." Louis slowly rose from his sleep.

"Mm, babe. You smell like a girl."

"I am a girl." Eleanor groaned.

Louis' eyes shot open, realization of where he was finally hitting him.

"Oh, El. Sorry I was tired. You look great. Shall we go?" Louis rambled, jumping to his feet.

*<Skipping the date because I'm a hardcore Larry shipper and am incapable of writing Elounor fluff>* -The gist of it is that they lose track of time, have a laugh and the date is fun.

The pair exited the restaurant, hand in hand. Louis smiled at the girl he'd begun to admire.

"This was a lot of fun." Eleanor grinned.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it."

"Oh I hadn't noticed how late it got." Eleanor said checking her mobile.

"What time is it?" Louis questioned.

"It's ten-thirty." Eleanor leaned in for a kiss.

"Ten-thirty? Shit." Louis spoke frantically. He jumped into the car that escorted the boys everywhere. He told the driver to drive home. Eleanor stood shocked, he hadn't even glanced at her. He simply left her on the side of the road. That was enough to make her break into tears as she walked home in the dark.

Louis ran into the flat, sprinting into the living room wear he found a romantic view. Candles were aligned neatly around the room. The dining table was covered by a white table cloth, a gourmet dinner which was now cold sat uneaten. Louis felt his heart drop. He'd really messed up.

"Harry?" he called. No answer. The flat was dead silent, the other boys had been ordered out for the night. Harry had planned a nice date for him and his lover but Louis never showed. Niall and Zayn were staying with their mate Josh, as Liam stayed with Sophia.

Louis sprinted up the stairs rushing in to Harry's bedroom. Louis frowned, rose pedals scattered across the floor along with the scent of burning candles. Harry was lying on the bed wearing a dress shirt and black skinnies. His face was slick with tears he had shed hours before Louis arrived.

"Aw baby." Louis sat next to his sleeping boyfriend.

"Harry," Louis shook the younger awake. Harry frowned, getting up off the bed.

"Haz, I can explain." Louis sniffled.

"Save it." Harry was beginning to cry.

"Harry, I lost track of time."

"The shopping center closes at seven, Louis." Harry sobbed.

"El and I went to dinner." Louis felt guilt in the pit of his stomach.

"I can't do this. I can't wait here knowing your out there with her." Harry cried.

"Babe don't cry." Louis shed a tear.

"Louis! I can't make you love me. Your out with her all day, having fun kissing and laughing. I see the stuff you two did today. Fans are everywhere. I can't just wait for you to come home so we can have sex. Sorry but that isn't enough for me. That's not the relationship I wanted. I can't do this Louis. I'm done." Harry rushed out the room ignoring Louis' pleas. He couldn't do it, he thought he could but he couldn't. Louis didn't even say he was sorry. (Read the note at the bottom)

*******YOU MUST READ*******

I'm going to do a CHARACTER ASKS chapter. YAY. ok no haha.

You can ask a  character a question I will be posting this a chapter. I have seen this in a few stories but mine will be more similar to thatkidbex 's version because she inspired me. Example: "To: Zayn. What made you realize your feelings for Niall." And I'll answer as Zayn. Great! Put your questions in the comments!


10+ votes     .      5+ comments     = Next update

Published: March 1, 2014

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