Bad Boy Roomie {COMPLETE} [UN...

By Littl3R3d

139K 3.8K 488

Bad boy's are like vampires, they're alluring, powerful and dangerous... not to mention HOT! Who can resist b... More

Chapter 1- Introduction
Chapter 2- Moving In
Chapter 3- Roomies
Chapter 4- What?!
Chapter 5- Everything Is Changing
Chapter 6- Cade The Narcissist
Chapter 7- Misunderstandings
Chapter 8- Old Wounds & Jealousy
Chapter 9- Confusion
Chapter 10- Arrow Heart
Chapter 11- Jealous Party
Chapter 12 - I Need Time
Chapter 13 - Cade's Birthday
Chapter 14- War With Yourself
Chapter 15- Your Friendship is Important
Chapter 17- Accept Change & Then Give Up
Chapter 18- Drinking Doesn't Heal Wounds
Chapter 19- Kisses Can Heal.
Chapter 20- The Bad Boy Wants A Girlfriend
Chapter 21- Secret Relationship
Chapter 22- I Love You.
Chapter 23- If Love Is Strong Why Am I Weak?
Chapter 24- Give Me Love Not Drama
Chapter 25- Apart
Chapter 26- More Heartache
Chapter 27- Coming Up With A Plan
Chapter 28- Putting The Plan In Play.
Chapter 29- It Helps To Have Friends
Chapter 30- Is The Cat Out The Bag?
Chapter 31- Its Too Much.
Chapter 32- You're Not Done Yet.
Chapter 33- All Is Lost.
Chapter 34- Downward Spiral.
Chapter 35- Wedding Crisis
Chapter 36- Happily Ever After?
Chapter 37- The Future Awaits.
Chapter 38-Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 16 - Growing Bond

4.1K 118 2
By Littl3R3d

I'm awoken by loud knocks on the door as I turn in my bed Cade leaps out of his and opens the door.

A crying Abby comes in, "what's wrong?" He asks and she flings her arms around him and he eases her off to look at her.

"What's wrong?" Cade ask and I roll my eyes and turn back around in my bed. That girl is so annoying.

"Byron touched me... he put his hand...sobs...he put his hands under my skirt." She says and I wonder what the big deal is. Isn't she use to getting fondled by guys?

"You need to go to campus security and report it." Cade retorts and I can hear his barefeet as he walks across the room.

Haha he doesn't care.

"I don't want to do that. Could you beat him up and teach him a lesson?" She ask and I peek at him sitting on his bed looking at her.

"No." He says then takes out his phone.

"Why not! Do you not care that he will do that to someone else?"

"Cut the crap Abby." He makes a disgusted face and turns away from her.

"You don't care about anyone but your damn self."

"That's not true."

"Oh yeah? You know that I'm on thin ice and if I get into anymore trouble I'd get arrested and serve time. If I kick this guys ass that's trouble. If he was doing that to someone else you wouldn't care you only want me to beat him up because he touched YOU."

"If it was her you'd beat someone up for her!"

"What's this about now?" Cade asks and his voice sounds confused.

"Who have you known the longest Cade?"

"Where is the conversation even going?" Cade asks and I can't help but laugh quietly.

"I don't like your attitude."

"I don't like your clingy behavior and the annoyance you're causing me."

"You're disrespectful. Is this how you'd talk to your mother?" She asked and my eyes widen at her question. No no no, don't talk about his mother.

"Leave my mother out of this."

"She'd be so disappointed to see how you treat a lady."

"Lady my ass." Cade retorts and I cheer inwardly. Cade 10 Abby 0.

"Whatever Cade. Call me when you get tired of her."

She leaves and Cade lets out a heavy sigh. "I feel your pain." I said sitting up in my bed.

"Yeah? Sometimes I wish I could stop myself from doing certain things in life."

"You mean Abby?" I sarcastically asked and we both start laughing.

"Yeah." He snorts.

"Aww. I wish you didn't have to do her either. Its hurtful to see you suffer."

"If anyone else pitys me I'd tell them not to. But you're pity face is cute." He says and we both laugh, his phone rings and our laughing seize.

"Dad, what's up?" He answers and there is a knock on the door. Please don't be Abby again.

"Why aren't you dressed?" Elizabeth ask and I look at her confused.

"We have a presentation in about 5 minutes!"

"Shit! Just let me change my pj's!" I said panicking and rushing into my closet.

"Toby Casey is helping me dad." I hear Cade saying my name to his dad in a soft voice as if he didn't want me to hear.

I peek my head out of the closet and look at him furrowing my brows. What was I helping him with? He looks over at me and he flashes me a sheepish grin. What are you up to Cade?

"Toby!" Elizabeth shouts and I finish pulling up my pants.

"Coming!" I yank my sweater off the rack and grab my bag then I charged out of the room. Elizabeth and I walk quickly down the hall and as we are about to exit I realize that I left my phone.

"Liz I left my phone."

"So? Our grades are more important." She scolds and we both continue to walk.

"But it has some things that we'll need for the presentation on it."

"Well now is the time you use that brain that the good lord blessed yah with and improvise." She says and we both chuckle.

"Toby wake up." Elizabeth calls and I open my eyes.

"Are the rest of the presentations over?"

"Yes congratulations on sleeping out the entire thing at least you didn't get to suffer." She says and I start laughing.

"Looks like your phone just arrived."

I snap my head around and Cade was standing at the doorway and shaking my phone in his hand.

"Yes my baby is here!" I said in a low excited voice and Elizabeth looks at me with a smug look on her her face.

"I was talking about my phone." I said then rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah sure." She teases and I scowl at her then she laughs.

I walk over to Cade and flash him a toothy Colgate smile. "Took you long enough." I say then take my phone from his hand.

"You're welcome." He says and I unlock my phone. "I guess your ill mannered ways are rubbing off on me." I said looking up at him and he chuckles.

"Hey, what were you telling your dad about me earlier?" I asked folding my arms.

"He wanted to know why he wasn't getting called anymore to pay me out of stuff. Sooo I told him you were the reason." He said and smiled at me proudly and I give him a blushing grin.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" He asked shyly and I look at him surprised. Was he asking me out?

"I was going to hang out with the girls. Why?"

"Well me and some of my friends thought we'd go watch a movie tonight. Do you want to come with us?" Oh its a group thing.

"And ditch my friends? That's rude."

"Invite them to come along the more the merrier." He says holding up his hands to gesture more.

"Alright I'll tell em. If we don't show up then someone didn't want to come." I said and we laugh.

"Wait will Abby be there?"

"I don't think so last time I heard she was sick."

"Okay I guess I'll see you later then." I said and he nods then I retreat into the classroom.

"Are you up for the movies later?"

"I'm up for anything as long as it won't make me bored."

"Alright well we have to tell the girls."

The movie theatre is engulfed with laughter, we were watching a romantic comedy. How did we all end up here especially the guys? Well that was all as a result of not knowing what was playing that night.

We were all enjoying the movie and that was all that mattered. While I was watching the movie this guy at the front shot me an unpleasant glare and I looked at him confused then he turns back around.

Cade starts laughing and I turn around to look at him. Did I have something on my face?

"What's so funny?"

"That guy thinks you threw popcorn on him."

"Why would he think that?"

"Because I threw popcorn on him and because you were looking he thought it was you." He says then he starts chuckling.

"That's so childish of you." I tease and turn my attention back to the screen. As I continue to watch the movie I felt something small slap me in the face, when I looked down I saw popcorn rolling down into my lap.

"Oh so its like that?" I asked taking a hand full of popcorn in my hand.

"Don't do it Toby." He holds up his and to block the popcorn I haven't even thrown yet.

"Do what?" I asked as I took one from my hand then popping it in my mouth, he looked at me for awhile and then he turned around. Big mistake.

I throw the remainder of popcorn in my hand at him and he jumps kicking the seat of the guy that glared at me.

The guy snaps his head around and Cade and I both look at the movie like nothing happened. When the guy turns back around we both start laughing quietly.

The movie drags on and as it comes to an end, some romantic heartfelt things start happening and everyone seems to start getting in their feels.

The rest of Cade's friends were getting uncomfortable in their seats, well so they looked. The guys were on one side and the girls were on the other. I separated the girls from the guys and Cade separated the guys from the girls.

As the heartfelt scene dragged on Cade puts his hand on mine that was on the arm rest.

I sat keeping my eyes on the screen and he slowly moved his hand around my hand until our palms touched. I tried looking at him out of the corner of my eye and he was still looking at the screen.

Was he aware of what he was doing? It didn't seem like it because the entire time his eyes never left the screen.

I too turned my attention to the screen and basked in the hand embrace. It felt good, it felt like the very first date you have with a guy you like and he holds your hand. I was having butterflies.


The movie ends and we all exit the theatre and stand in the loby, Cade, that was beside me said, "hey guys Toby and I won't be coming back with you." I look up at him with the same expression that everyone had on their faces... Why weren't we going back with them?

"Why?" Jessy asked with a smile on her face and I blush a little.

"We are going to hang out in the town for awhile." He says then puts his hand in mine pulling me away before anyone else could ask anymore questions.

He pulls me threw the crowded theatre and I lag behind him like a child who was being pulled my their parents. Why was he in such a hurry? I was almost running to keep up.

"Cade slow down!" I yell and he ignores me. We finally make it outside and I take the time to catch my breath with my hands resting on my knees.

"This is just a sad sight." Cade says then laughs. "What is?" I straightened up turning my head to look.

"The fact that you're tired from speed walking a short distance. Sexy girl with grandma lungs." He says then laughs some more. I slap his arm and he continues.

"Hey that's not fair I had to be running to keep up with you."

"That's what you get for being short." He teases and I giggle.

"Lets go."

"Where are we going?"

"To a karaoke place."

"Can you sing?"

"I can do anything." He says flexing his muscles then he turns to walk off.

"Having toned arms won't help you sing better." I tease and he chuckles.

My eardrums felt like they were going to explode due to the horrible singing that was taking place. "Are you trying to burst my eardrums and fry my brain?!" I yeld covering my ears over the horrible voice of a woman singing Whitney Houston's I have nothing. What a way to ruin a good song, she wasn't even singing it the right way.

"Maybe." He says laughing. How was he able to listen to that without covering his ears? "Whatever I did I'm sorry. Please let the torture end." He laughs and then let out a loud "BOOOOO!" It didn't take long before the crowd joined in and the poor woman hanged her head in shame then she exited.

I was grateful and sorry... But I was more grateful so I was happy.

We've been in this place for about two hour and to be honest it was fun. Cade and I both laughed at a few people together and enjoyed some of the angelic voices that gives you goosebumps.

"Do you want to go up and sing a song?"

"I cannot sing."

"If you're nervous you can always pick a song so we can go up together."

"I'm not nervous. I can't sing."

"Are you really going to sit there and lie to me?"

"What? I'm not lying."

"Easy pinocchio your nose is starting to grow." He teases then laughs and I laugh back.

"How original."

"I've heard you sing in the shower." My eyes widen and I start blushing. Personally, I wasn't a really good singer but I'd rather sing where no one could hear me. That's where the shower comes in, I didn't know Cade was eavesdropping.

"Aha! I caught you." He says and I start laughing.

"I'll go pick a song then we can go up."

"I'm not singing Cade."

"Yes you are." He says then he stands up and starts walking away.

"Wait. If you are going to force me to sing a song don't you think I should know what you're picking so I can tell you if my voice can handle it or not?"


"What?! Why not?"

"Because the point of this is to have fun. Not to be perfect. Relax its an easy song." He says then grins and he leaves. Easy song? He obviously planned this. I was afraid of that grin it looked so mischievous and I know whatever he chose was going to be either embarassing or total hilarious.

"Hey tuts." A cute guy came up to me saying while sitting in Cade's seat. Seeing him I knew he was a douche, his eyes were locked on my chest and I wanted to slap him upside the head.

"Please leave." I growl and his eyes moved to mine, his eyes were brown and they looked so cute with the light shining in them.

No wonder he was a douche, cute face and beautiful eyes a long with great hair and dimples. I bet that all got into his head.

"So what's a hottie like you doing here alone?" He asked then flashed me a breath taking smile. I wasn't going to fall for it.

"I'm not here alone s-"

"Really? It looks like it though."

"Well I'm not and he will kick your ass for taking his seat." He laughs and I look at him with no expression.

"Yeah? He doesn't sound terrifying to me. Where is your little friend? I bet he will run away when he sees me." He says and I burst out laughing, Cade was taller than him and he had more muscle mass as well. What was he thinking? He was the one that would run away.

I stop laughing as I look up at Cade meeting a deadly glare. Crap. "I know I'm funny babe, how about you-"

Cade's hand claps down on his shoulder and he gets up fast swinging around. When he realizes that Cade towers over him he looks down on me and I grin then he looks at Cade. He bolts! I have never seen someone runaway that fast. I start laughing but Cade looks at me with a serious look on his face.

Why wasn't he laughing?

"We are leaving. Lets go."

"What?! No."

"Toby get up."

"No I'm not leaving so I suggest you take a seat and continue to enjoy what's happening in front of you." I said turning my attention to the guy singing on stage.

Cade grabs my arm and pulls me up out of the seat. I think I need to eat more.

"What is your problem?!"

"You are!" He yells and everyone starts looking at us even the guy on stage stops singing. I yanked out of his grip and pulled my chair to sit back down.

He grabs onto the chair and leans in close to me, "we are leaving now."

"You are leaving. I know my way back to campus." I don't know what his problem was but I wasn't going to travel in the same vehicle with him.

"You're embarrassing me."

"And you're not embarrassing me?"

"I wasn't the one flirting." He says and I start laughing. I shouldn't have because now he looked super pissed.

"I wasn't flirting with that idiot. He came over as you left and I tried to let him leave but he wouldn't." I explained. Wait why was he getting jealous. It's not like we were together.

"Okay. We are still leaving."

"That's a little shelfish isn't it?"

"Toby if you don't make any attempt to move by the time I count to three, I will carry your ass out of here." He says and I laugh in his face.


"I'm not a child Cade you-"

"Two." He says standing up to fold his arms and I fold mine too looking at him. You're counting doesn't scare me.

"Three." I proceed to laugh and I didn't get the chance to because I was interrupted. My feet were no longer touching the ground and everything was upside down.

"Put me down you arrogant pig."

"No." He grabs my jacket off the chair and begins exiting the building.

Once we are outside he takes his key from his pocket and unlockes the car. He walks over to the drivers side still with me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he opens the door and presses a button. He then walks to the back door opening it and throwing me in. I felt like I was being kidnapped.

He closes the door and goes to the drivers entrance and I try to unlock the door. "Are you serious? You turn the child's lock on?"

"Yes. Since you want to be childish I'll treat you like one." He says then laughs.

"I don't know why you thick this is funny. You flat out just kidnapped me!"

"I hope they don't put out an Amber alert." He says and then he laughs. He pulls out of the lot.

"Asshole." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that kiddo?"

"Fuck off."

"You have a dirty mouth, don't let me spank you." His eyes look up at me in the rear view mirror and I could tell he was smirking.

I start blushing, I like spanking I've only experienced it once and I enjoyed it. I started imagining getting spanked by Cade and the hair on my skin started standing up. I bite my lip at the thought.

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Nothing!" I yell and I responded way too fast.

"Well now you have my attention. Based off your response I could tell that there is something. So what is it?" I ignore his question and look outside into the dark night.

"Toby?" He calls my name and I ignore him. The car slows down and I thought it was as a result of traffic but I heard Cade open his door and I realize he pulled over. What is he up to now?

He opens the door and he reaches for my arm and I slide over in the seat. He sticks his head inside and I look at him as he closes the gap between us.

"Are you ignoring me again." I turn the back of my head in his face and he sniffs my hair. What a creep.

"Eww Toby you should really wash your hair." I snap my head around to say something but realize that he was attempting to make me speak. My hair didn't smell. I washed it before we left for the movie.

I smile at him to let him know that he failed and he looked down at my lips then back to my eyes and he smiles back.

"You're such a brat." He says and I giggle. "So there is hope for me yet." With every word his breath cascaded over my lips and it gave me goosebumps.

I put my hand to cover his face to push him away from me. His closeness is giving me all kind of feels. He starts laughing at my gesture and a cop car pulls up.

He pulls his head out to turn his attention to the cops and I start panicking. Crap if he were to get arrested it would be my fault, he's on thin ice.

"Is everything okay here sir?"

"Yes officer."

"Then why are you pulled over."

"Just messing around with my girlfriend. She's mad at me and I'm trying to fix things." Who's pinocchio now? The police officer laughs and Cade laughs with him.

"Okay. Just take it somewhere else. Out here isn't safe."

"Okay thank you."

"Alright take care. I'm rooting for you." The officer laughs then he drives off honking. Cade waves as he leaves and I sat watching as the car disappeared.

"Did you hear that? He's rooting for me." He says then grins, I roll my eyes and he laughs.

"Cute. Are you going to come up front or stay around here?" Ignores.

"Do you want me to pull you out and put you up front?"

"Do not touch me." I look at him and then my eyes widen.

"Ha! You spoke to me."

"Whatever. Are you forgetting out here is dangerous?" I ask and he closes the door and goes back in his seat.


"Hey. Wake up."

"We made it?" I said exiting the back of the car, as I step outside a cold wind hugs me whipping my hair up in the direction it blew. I look around and there are no buildings in sight neither were there vehicles. Oh God. Did he really kidnap me?

"Where the hell are we?" I said backing away from him and he looks at me with a raised brow.

"Did you really kidnap me? Are you going to kill me and dump my body in the ocean?" I said in a sorta panicked voice and he guffaws. I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You are so dramatic Lynn." He says and laughs some more and I giggle at the sight of him laughing.

"I may have done bad things but I've never killed anyone and I don't plan to." He says in a laugh like voice.

"Why are we here?" I asked walking back towards him.

"I'm showing you one of my favorite spots."

"You must think about a lot when you come here... its pretty empty, no distractions."

"Yup. But look at the view." He says and I look over at the view and it was beautiful. The city lights looked remarkable as they shine from their source and reflect on the still water.

"Wow." I said then looked over at him, when I turned around he was already looking at me as our gazes meet he looks at me and smiles and I blush at the sight. Here comes the butterfies again.

He walks closer to me and my heart rate accelerates. When he is where I am he places his hand on my cheek and I lean my head into his touch closing my eyes to let the tingling sensations in my cheek move to other parts of my body.

He places his other hand on my other cheek and he holds my head up, he then rest his forehead on mine and I feel my legs turn into jello. He was probably about to kiss me and there was no one here to stop it.



He takes his forehead off mine and cocks his head to the side looking at my lips. He leans in and I can already feel his lips on mine. I close my eyes and his soft warm lips plant on my cheek.

I open my eyes and giggle and he chuckles wrapping his arm around me and he begins facing the view. I join in. Why does he keep teasing me? I'm such a sucker.

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