Killer Bad Girl | COMPLETED

By aisha-ann

513K 15.1K 2.4K

She returned a different person, with a new mindset and a new outlook to match it. The girl that once cared t... More

chapter | zero
chapter | one
chapter | two
chapter | three
chapter | four
chapter | five
chapter | six
chapter | seven
chapter | eight
chapter | nine
chapter | ten
chapter | eleven
chapter | twelve
chapter | thirteen
chapter | fourteen
chapter | fifteen
chapter | sixteen
chapter | seventeen
chapter | eighteen
chapter | nineteen
chapter | twenty
chapter | twenty-one
chapter | twenty-two
chapter | twenty-three
chapter | twenty-four
chapter | twenty-five
chapter | twenty-six
Chapter 27: "The show-down Part 1"
chapter | twenty-eight
chapter | twenty-nine
chapter | thirty
chapter | thirty-one
chapter | thirty-two
chapter | thirty-three
chapter | thirty-four
chapter | thirty-five
chapter | thirty-six
Chapter 37: Waiting for you.
Chapter 39: {Rythmic beating} Part. 1
Chapter 40: {Rythmic beating} Part. 2
Chapter 41: {F*ck Phones}
Chapter 42: {Threats}
Chapter 43: {Heartless}
Chapter 43: Part 2 {Heartless}
Chapter 44: {Kidnapped}
Chapter 45 {Locked away}
Chapter 46: Sweetheart
Chapter 47 - Forgive
Chapter 48 - Fury
Chapter 49 - For Her
Chapter 50 - Epilogue

Chapter 38: Pranking Punk Kids

4.9K 146 20
By aisha-ann


Her new tattoo means Fighter in Chinese [I Think, I looked it up and this I what it came up with}

word count:  3515                 Song: Blue Skies- revoke remix 

Chapter 38

_REALLY UNEDITED_ so please point out mistakes if you find some. 

{Pranking Punk kids}

I allowed the tips of my fingers to trace the intricately, beautiful designs, just softly, though, my skin was still fragile and swollen. My tank top kept brushing the skin, I can assure you that is not a splendid feeling. 

It was hard to catch a glimpse of a tattoo on my own back but with the help of two strategically placed mirrors; I could see it. And I loved it.

"You have good taste in tattoos," Maverick admired my inked skin, while she leaned over her own chair to look at my back, I smiled and turned around to see what she got.

"Thanks, I like yours too, their cool."

Maverick had gotten, the words 'Goddess Of War' tattooed across her ribcage and a small half moon behind her ear. They both really suited her and her pink hair.

"Why thank you," Maverick chucked me a genuinely happy smile.

"What do we do now?" I asked her as we stood from our seats and bid our goodbyes to Mavericks friends that worked at the parlor. The night's darkness welcomed us and my eyebrows furrowed, jeez we must have been in there for a while.

"Something fun, I am feeling reckless," Maverick bobbed on her toes again, I grew to the conclusion that it was something she did every time she was bored or excited.

"Me too. Call the others?" I asked her and Maverick agreed, we jumped in her car both fishing our phone out of our pockets and calling our other friends.


"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Everest whispered under his breath, as his eyes grew large and panicked.

"No thanks, I am on track to be Valedictorian, so yeah, I am not doing that," Shakira gave us a; 'You're fucking insane and belong in a mental asylum look' while she grabbed Zach's arm and pulled him away from Maverick and me. He seemed very willing.

"As if you guys are babies, Emily and I are in!" James pulled unwilling Emily's arm and stood next to us; he was the only one out of the rest of the group that seemed to appreciate our master plan.

"Uh- James," Emily started, but of course he was quick to cut her off, "You want to." 

She glared playfully at him but continued.

" I didn't say that I wanted to participate," She said to us but only looked into James eyes, James rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around her shoulders casually, Emily froze up and her cheeks instantly flushed.

"You do," He whispered as he smiled down at her, she smiled back up at him, lost in a trance.

"Oh fine, but if we get caught, I am saying that you made me." She mumbled, James let go of Emily and jumped up and down. The rest of us awkwardly watched them as conversed in conversation.

"Yes! Yes! Agreed, I will take the blame!" He pulled her into a hug, and that's when Everest felt the need to open his mouth.

"Yuck, okay no, I am not good with PDA." He walked over and pulled them apart but didn't move back to Shakira and Zach's side. Which to me meant he was going to participate.

"Are you guys sure?" Emily asked Shakira and Zach, nodded together, creepily in-sink.

"Okay, you guys can be our getaway drivers, so leave the keys in the ignition of both cars and if you see us running open the car, understood?" I told them, while I walked around to the back and front of Shakira's truck and gently undid the screws of her number plate. 

Maverick had already pulled the number plates from her car.

I handed the number plates to Shakira and Zach, Zach seemed to just open and close his mouth like a fish, "I can't drive, I don't have a license." He finally managed to spit it out. 

"Who cares, can we just get this over and done with already," Everest spoke while he leaned up against Maverick, his body looking bored as ever, but It was pretty easy to sense the excited tone in his voice and the amused look hiding in his eyes.

"Okay let's do this," The five of us bolted towards the farthest fences of Red-Wood Highschool's security. It was a boarding school. Also, the most stuck up and douche bag kids went there. Plus, they were also versing Rock-Side-High two nights from now at a football game.

So yes, being the jokesters Maverick and I are, we mastered a plan to sneak into their private school and pay their jocks and cheerleaders a personal visit.

"Duck!" Everest whispered, but luckily we all heard him and had enough time to dive behind a bush before the security's flashlight could catch any of us.

"Shit!" The second whisper had the rest of us turning just in time to see James trip and fall to the ground, his ankle turning into some odd angle that definitely did not look natural. We all paused unsure of what the hell just happened.

"Does it hurt," Emily asked him instantly sitting down next to him and babying the teenage boy.

"Yeah, I think, I just sprained it," He tried to move it, but instantly froze, "Fuck! Yep, I can't move it."

"Dude keeps your voice down you will get us caught," Everest rolled his eyes, "Look you two stay here, call Zach and Shakira, get them to run a rescue mission."

"Oh, but I wanted to help," James mumbled his typically excited mood dropping, and Emily smiled sadly.

"You said it yourself you can't move, I can tell this won't be the only illegal thing we will ever do with Maverick and Sasha as friends, so next time; don't hurt your foot ten seconds in," Everest turned around and continued not waiting for anyone to say anything else.

"Eye-eye captain," Maverick silently saluted Everest and the three of us left our lovey-dovey friends behind and continued to creep closer and closer towards the entrance to the school. 

We couldn't just go through the doors, that would be stupid, how would we get in without being noticed?

"Quick question, how do we get in?" I asked them voicing my thoughts.

"There's a window, in the gym it's in the right corner, the lock on it is fucked, so it's always easy to get in through there." Everest and I shared confused looks at all of Mavericks random knowledge, another security flashlight shone in our direction, and we all ducked just in time.

"Another quick question, how do you know that?" Everest asked her when the light was gone.

"Never ask a magician how she does her tricks," Maverick mumbled before stopping suddenly and causing me to walk into her back. Her arm darted out before she grasped the back of Everest's shirt and pulled him backward.

"Hey, what th-" Everest started to complain but Maverick slapped her hand over his mouth, silencing him.

"Hey, Chris! Did you do the Chemistry homework?" Some skinny lanky boy ran across the bush we were hidden in a while screaming to his friend, drawing a lot of unwanted attention towards our direction.

"Malcome! Chris! Back to your rooms, it's past free hours!"

The boy's shuffled back inside the building while the security guy escorted them inside.

"Perfect," Maverick mumbled before letting go of Everest.

"Alright, we have to sprint across that open grass area, and we will be at the window, we have to hurry because we have less than a minute until that guard comes back," Maverick whisper urgently.

I spotted the window Maverick had been talking about it was hidden in the darkness, but it still had a little bit of light cast from the security lights. How did she know it was there?

"Ready. Set," Maverick mumbled, and I braced myself for the sprint, "Go!" We ran across thew grass area like three Cheetahs. We made it to the window in miliseconds, without a single soul spotting us. Maverick quickly pulled it open and jumped inside, not giving Everest and me enough time to react.

"What the hell? Maverick!" Everest called out, in a panicked, scared voice, sticking his head into the window, but quickly pulling his head straight back out. It was pitch black inside.

"Yeah, yeah, I am in here hurry up!" She whispers back, and I quickly pushed Everest aside and jumped through the window.

The feeling of pillows around my body engulfed me, and I sat up shocked, It felt my bed, I snuglled into the sheets and closed my eyes, "Sasha, move Everest still has to jump," I stood up and frowned. I miss my bed.

"Jump Everest quick!" Maverick whispered towards the window.

"G-guy's I can't," I groaned in frustration at the same time as Maverick.

"And why is that?" Maverick whispered up to Everest fustrated. 

"I'm scared of the d-dark..." Everest's voice was quiet and fragile. Maverick and I glanced at each other in the darkness.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Maverick mumbled, I quickly fished around my pocket looking for my phone, panic rose into my chest when I couldn't feel it.

Then my fingers brushed the familiar cold metal feeling of my phone; I breathed out happily, I didn't lose it. I quickly turned on the flashlight for Everest.

"Common Everest, go," He jumped down, and I immediately put the flashlight into the palm on my hand but left it on, so that It wasn't that bright, but there was light.

"Alright let's do this," Everest mumbled trying to pretend that he didnt just tell us his childish fear, Maverick giggled into the palm of her hand.


"We have officially finished our perfect masterpiece," I muttered stepping back, we broke the lock of every locker and placed a little itching powder through their football gear and cheerleading gear. But that wasn't all of our mission.

We crept through the school halls to their showing facilities and placed our magic formula inside each and every shampoo bottle.

"Okay, now let's get out of here." The three of us chuckled as we looked around the room once more, now we had to complete the hard part. 

Getting from the showers to where everyone was waiting in the parking lot, without, getting caught.

"Ready?" Everest asked as he turned to face us, a creepy clown like smile on his usually grumpy face.

"We have to go back through the dormitory halls right?" I questioned Maverick, and she nodded with a sigh, "We have to be careful because that's where the security lurk at this time of night."

Everest and I both opened our mouth's to ask her how the hell she know's all this; but she was quick to cut us off, again, "Never ask a magician how she does her magic tricks." She told us, once again.

"Okay whatever you weirdo," Everest said while he walked over to the door and peeked his head out, "Coast is clear common, let's leave through the main entrance I doubt anyone would be out there at this time, plus if anyone is, then we can just run."

The three of us stumbled out into the hallways we quickly walked , towards the entrance, so silent that you could hear the norse coming from the first room, two doors infront of us, "Be extra careful we are about to cross the dorms," Maverick whispered or mumbled I don't really know.

I stuck my thumbs up showing her that I heard her, but that isn't all my ears picked up on, the piercing sound of shoes thumping in rythem against the polished dormitory halls had the three of us instantly panicking. 

My eyes rapidly scanned the hall looking for a hiding place, "Shit there's nowhere to go!" I whispered to them although, with the thinking looks on their faces; I am sure they already realized that themselves. And that's when we heard it, the obnoxious and scarily calm voice, speak up from behind us.

"What do we have here?" I froze, Everest froze, and Maverick groaned. The person chuckled behind us and my eyebrows scruched together. 

"Maverick Johnsen, you never learn do you?" I had watched  Mavericks eyes role before she turned to face the voice. 

"It seems not Clay Mckinsey." Everest and I turned to face so-called Clay at the same time; he was a tall boy with perfectly styled blonde hair and dark brown hollow eyes, he looked stuck up, just like every other student in this High-school. Just to top off his look, his varsity Red-Wood High Football jacket clung to his shoulders like a second layer of oversized muscles. 

"Oh come on step-sis when are you gonna accept me?" He asked Maverick while he looked at me, she sighed and took the bridge of her nose between her fingers, Clay chucked a confident wink towards me. Causing Everest to make fake gagging sounds. Clay turned towards Everest and glared at him, finally acknowledging his presence. Everest sobered up from his gag fest and chucked Clay a grim, sarcastic smile. 

"I will except you as a human, when you and your father move out of my house," Maverick mumbled, but Clay heard her. He gasped as if it actually hurt him, but his mocking facial expression said otherwise. 

"You know what step sister? You just managed to wound me so badly; I think you and I both know what I have to do now," Clay and Maverick eyes both flashed in the direction of a large red button on the side of the hallway. 

"Don't you fucking dare Clay!" Without responding Clay smirked and took off sprinting towards the red button, Maverick froze. Clay's large hand slammed down on the red button, and Maverick gasped, her eyes widening.

"RUN!!" She screamed, while she listened to her own words and ran like a cheetah down the hallways. Everest was quick to snap out of his shocked state and took off straight after her. Both of their pairs of shoes slapping against the squeaky clean tiles, their jackets flying behind them like capes. The alarm began to howl through the school alerting all the students and teachers of the trespassers; Clay watched them run away with an amused and proud look on his face. 

My feet stayed planted as I glared at the side of his head, from the corner of my eyes I saw Maverick and Everest push the front school doors open and disappear into the dark camouflage the nighttime created for them. I probably should have followed them but I was mad, mad that Clay had screwed up a good night, mad that my brother was in the state that he is in and mad that Vesper hadn't showed up once.

And Clay seemed like a lovley contender to take my anger out on. 

Clay finally turned around and his eyes widened when they caught sight of me, he relaxed, and he let his eyes shamelessly scan my body from head to toe. The doors on each side of the hallways opened, and soon half asleep boys came pouring out, due to the screaming alarm. Whistles and hoots of approval circulated the halls as the teenage boys spotted Clay and me.

"Babe, snap out of it, I think this is the part where your supposed to run after my sister, but I mean if you want to stay and come back to my dorm then I am completely down with that," Clay took a step forward putting on a show for his friends, I smirked at him, walking forwards as well. I didn't stop myself until I was toe to toe with him. I had to tilt my head up so that I could make eyes contact with the tall jock. 

"Correct me if I am wrong, babe, but isn't this supposed to be the part when I break your fucking nose?" Clay's flinched, clearly not expecting me to say something like that, then he stupidly chuckled, his eyes scanning the other boys that had surrounded us, in a way the said; 'Are you not entertained?!' 

Clay opened his mouth to undoubtedly say something stupid, but I was quick to interrupt him by connecting the bony part of my fist with his soon to be a no longer perfect shaped nose. I brought my knee up and connected with his groin. Clay crippled over as his blood spilled from his broken nose onto the white school floors, his hands instantly going to cup his aching jewels. 

"Oh fuck yes about time someone did that!" 

"Who even is she? Does she go here?"

"Dear god, I think I am in love!"

I ignored them and leaned down to Clay's level since he was shorter now that he was leaning forward, I placed my face close to his and smirked at the redness spread over his skin and the veins popping from his forehead, he was speechless and now it was my turn to laugh, "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but how you treated Maverick just then, has landed you on my bad side and trust me that is not very magical place to be."

"WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE!" I quickly jumped up, standing straight, at the louder and older voice in the ground, I spun around only to be facing a man in a suit who was pushing through the crowd of boys. The man looked at Clay then at me, and I swear to you that I could literally see the smoke escaping his ears and nose. 

"SECURITY GET HER NOW!!" Before I had a chance to say anything or even react, my hands were pulled behind my back, by Clay and not security. 

I felt his hot breath pass across the back of my neck and Clay's voice pierced through my ears, "Looks like you just landed yourself on my father's bad side, babe, and I promise you that's not a very good place to be." He whispered and I pulled my hands from his grasp and turned around, within seconds I had grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled his face down to my own and glaring into his dark eyes. 

"I can't wait for you to find the special surprise I left for you, Clay Johnsen." He glared back at me, fingers wrapped around my wrists and pulled me away from Clay. This time it was actual security.           

"Take her to my Office now, the police are on their way," The security spun me around away from Clay and I was left facing at least one hundred boys all in their pajamas and their phones focused on me. 

"You have to be fucking kidding me," I mumbled glancing around the gathered crowd as security pushed me forward.

A loud whistle penetrated over all the bickering and voices of everyone else; my head snapped towards the noise looking for the source. 

"No fucking-"

"BW!!" Snake screamed as he pushed through the crowd, his tall tattoo covered self-looking extremely out of place next to all the preppy looking clean boys, when he was close enough he stupidly pushed the security off me and pulled me into a hug. 

"Archibald! Get off her!" Clay's dad yelled pulling his phone away from his ear. The other boys in the room instantly went into an even bigger frenzy of whispers and Clay raised an eyebrow in confusion and question. 

Security stepped back looking at Snake with wide eyes, intimidated by the teenage boy. 

"Archibald, holy fuck that name doesn't suit you at all," I laughed teasing him, as I hugged the pretty much stranger back.

He pulled away and security meekly pulled my hands back behind my back, once again, "Hey you never called me, I still want that rematch," He whispered and I nodded smiling at him.

The flashes of red and blue lights outside the school windows caught my attention and I finally realized how bad this is going to be. Damian. Mum. I didn't get in trouble at all for the last couple of months, just for it to all go to shit and be a waste now!

FUCK. How could I be so stupid!


OH MY GOSH! #638 in teen fiction, that's a big achievement for me!


🔝{Which are you?} 🔝

No, but seriously though thanks, you beautiful readers for getting my book into the top 1000! You're fucking awesome. This chapter dedication goes to....


Your just that little bit more awesome today! I know you're only up to the early Chapter's of my story but I still wanted to dedicate this chapter to you. 


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