
By AsexualMedusa

4.3K 110 10

Without looking back, I feel my huntresses retreat from the cave, and I am left alone with the Giant. He smi... More

Heed the Goddess of Fire
Males are Stupid, But When Have They Not Been?
Hera, Adonia, and Amphitrite Aren't as Bad as Mortals Think
The Old God of Light, Still Doesn't Look Old
I Guess Feelings Aren't Thaaaaaaaat Bad
Stupid Giants Ruining My Moments
No More Fear, No More Screams
Life and Death, I Don't Know Which I Want More
Love Spells and Kidnapping, Greaaaaaat Combination
Thank you!!!!
My Auntie is the Best
Oaths Being Broken, Best Thing Ever
Marriage, Who Thought A Virgin Goddess Even Knew That Word
Time to Flip the Fuck Out
Death to Immortals, Maybe Not a Good Idea
Story of My Liiiiiiiiiife *cue One Direction*
Apollo Gets an Ass Whooping
Thanatos Being Stupid, A Normal Occurance
Plan Making Time
Aren't Memories Just Sooooo Fun?
Time to do Some Soul Digging
A Peculair Woman Accompanied By a Peculiar Memory
Awkward Date and Remembering
Weird Sisters and Weird Circumstances
Death and Babies
Time to Take Some Potions and see what Happens
Congrats to Me!
Pregnancy, With a Free War Thrown In!
Scream and Shout! And Let Your Guts Spill Out!
Whelp, I Guess My Daughters Hate Me Now
Down, Down, Down, Down to the Land Of Death
This Will Hurt Me More Than It Will Ever Hurt You
Vampires, Fucking Perfect
Goddess of Luck My Ass
Is it Cold or is That Just Me?
Running Whilst Pregnant, I Don't Endorse It
Xiomada, the Vamp Champ
The Moment When Hope is All I Have Left
I Feel Like I'm Gonna Burst
Soap is Sounding Pretty Good Right Now
Who Knew Porphyrion Employed Demon Nymphs?
Labor! Labor! Who Wants Free Labor? No one?
Death Dreams Are Weird
I'm Sad, Don't Coddle Me
When I'm Heartbroken, I'm Super Heartbroken, like Teenage Mortal Heartbroken
Why Love At All?
I'll Get Better Someday, Maybe Even Get Pass The Heartbreak
End of Artemis, Book 1
Thank you!

Getting Thrown Up and Friends Help

333 7 0
By AsexualMedusa


That is when I began to feel him regurgitate me, and I felt my stomach drop, knowing what he will do to me when I get out.

I pass through his esophagus, and out of his mouth. When I come  out, I begin to sprint. That is when I feel his powers bind me and float me back to him. I am still floating in the air, covering my parts, when I reach him. He has shrunken down to mortal size, like me, and his deep ocean eyes begin  to roam my body. He uses his powers to remove my hands and pin them to my sides. I feel tears slip my eyes, and make myself stop. I look around the area we were in. We are located in a cave, what seems like somewhere in Eastern Europe. I look back to see him looking at my breasts and staring at them hungrily.
I rope in all my dignity and say, "Don't you dare touch me." He rolls  his eyes and says, "I am not going to touch you, yet. I have all of eternity with you. Why would I touch you at the very beginning, when I can preserve your innocence for longer. I will just look and stare and imagine for right now. I can imagine you screaming my name, and having myself inside you. I can imagine you pulling at my hair and moaning in pleasure. I can imagine how those breasts feel. How soft they are. How plump they are. How delicious you will taste. You know what? Why wait? I can do whatever I want."
He chuckles his deep chuckle as he moves closer to me. I struggle against my invisible bonds, desperate to get away. It is no use, for it only yields me being more tired. He reaches me and gropes my breasts. He moans  in delight, and pleasure at the feel of my breasts. I scream and yell at him to let me go, but he does not listen. He just keeps groping my breasts and moaning in pleasure. He puts his mouth on my left nipple, and I scream even louder as he moved his tongue around and suck on it. I begin to struggle again, and his magic relents the slightest bit as he is distracted. I am able to kick him in the groin and that stops him.
His magic falls, and I try to teleport myself away. It fails, so I sprint, and sprint. I got to the mouth of the cave when his magic grabs me again and whisks me back to my captor. Porphyrion chuckles when I am back again, and says to me, "You are feisty Artemis. I forgot that about you. I thought you had given up, but no. I must say I am impressed. No one has gotten that far in my presence. You taste as delicious as you look, sweetheart. Now you have behaved badly so I must punish you." He grows  to thirteen feet, and picks me up.
I struggle and say, "You are a bastard. You do not touch women like that without consent." He just chuckles and says, "I am a bastard, sweetheart. I can do anything I want to you, and you cannot do anything about it. Now, you will be punished accordingly for your little stunt." He puts me back down and puts me in a deep ocean blue dress, to 'match his eyes' and says , "Now you can experience your clothes get burned off again by my stomach acid and me seeing those perfect breasts of yours again." I sneer at him and say, "I will escape, and when I do you will be wishing I put you back in Tartarus. My family will come to my aid and we will defeat your little 'army' together." He just rolls his eyes, chuckles, and says, "Okay sweetheart. But, until then, you are all mine to do whatever I want with."
With that, he picks me up, and I get  to see what being swallowed is like this time around.
When I land in his stomach, again, I hear Hestia's voice in my head. "Oh, my sweet Artemis. What has this Giant down to you? He has violated you. My sweet Artemis. We will be there soon. The meeting has just finished. Zeus has calmed down, Hades has calmed down, Poseidon has calmed down, Apollo has brought the sun across the sky, Athena had come to her senses, and Ares is as calm as he ever is."
       I laugh at this statement. I ask her, "What of my huntresses? What of Adonia? What of Amphitrite? What of Hera? What of you? How have you been holding up?"
      I hear her sigh then say, "You, always putting others before yourself. Adonia, Amphitrite, and Hera are holding it together for their husbands' sakes. Your huntresses have fallen into despair and little Calipia has taken over leadership role. Alania has fallen into the deepest despair out of all of us. She blames herself for your capture and everything that will happen to you. And me? I feel close to cracking, honestly. Dionysus is even more drunk and difficult to handle, Hecate is holding it together for Athena, but I can see through her, she's dying inside. She feels like she should be able to use her magic to find you and Porphyrion. Her magic cannot pick him up. He's basically disappeared, you along with him. I just want you back, going on hunts, seeing you at my hearths, and seeing you happy. Seeing you joyful, even though you are burdened. Seeing those burdens not crush you. I miss you."
       I could feel her crying. I don't  know what to say so I just tell her sweet nothings until she has to go back to the meeting when she pulls herself together. When she leaves my mind, I break down sobbing. I feel another presence, a slimy one, slip into my mind. "Oh sweeeeeetheart. It's time for your baaaaaaaath." I recoil from the voice, only to feel the acid creep back up my legs again. I don't scream this time, instead I welcome  the pain, and let it make me feel stronger. I absorb the pain, heat, and sizzling, to get more power. To enhance my powers.
         It feels like three days when the acid sank away, and I look down to see my tan skin on display. My breasts fully out, and two burns on my ankles where the acid had stayed the longest. Porphyrion slid back into my head and said, "Time to come out and pleasure me, my darling." I shiver as I feel him get a boner already, from seeing me naked inside his stomach, waiting to regurgitate me. As soon as I feel the walls start to dry heave, I ready myself for the journey. I am taken out of the stomach, through the esophagus, and out of the mouth.
            As I land on the floor, I land on my feet this time. Immediately I feel his magic grip me, and hold me with my hands at my side. He looks at me hungrily, with a massive boner, and tells  me, "Grow into your taller form. Now!" I sneer at him and say, "No." He closes his eyes and says, "Fine. I'll do it then, you bitch." I struggle  in the grip, but it was futile. I feel myself growing taller. He is also growing taller too. When he stops  us, we are  both thirteen feet tall.
         He looks  at my breasts and says, "Much better. Now they are larger, and more luxurious. I learned that trick when I screwed Aphrodite all those eons ago. Now your breasts are 3 sizes larger. More room for me to lick and put my hands on." I look at him, disgusted, and try again to escape. It doesn't  work and he walks towards my hovering form.
       He reaches me and puts his mouth right on my left nipple, and begins to suck, and lightly bite it. I yell at him to let me go, but he does not listen. He moves his other hand down to my waist and starts to grope my butt. Then he uses his magic to make me run one hand through his hand and put the other one on his dick. I scream so loud, I felt as though the Gods and Goddesses had to have heard it. He makes me rub his dick and continue to run my other hand though his hair.
     He decides to switch breasts, as he put his mouth on the right one and begins to do the same thing to that one. He then decides to move my hand to stroke his dick faster, and he moves his hand so that he was groping my butt and lifting me onto his hips. He finally decides that he is done, as he let go of me, and pushes me off of him and binds me in mid air. He speaks in a raspy voice, "That was delicious. Was it not, my sweet?" I stare at him horrified, not able to speak for a minute. He chuckles at my speechlessness, and then I speak, "You will pay dearly for this Porphyrion. You will regret ever making me do this."
      He just rolls his eyes and shrinks me back down to mortal size. He then puts his pants back on and puts a forest green dress on me. He says, "I have control over you. Complete control. Can't you see that you're family is not coming for you?" He chuckles, then picks me up. I bite his top lip this time, so hard it drew blood, and he drops me. I land perfectly and teleport out of that cave. It worked this time! I teleport right into the throne room of Olympus.
       I land with a crash, as my legs were weak, and my dress falls off. I hear someone run to me, and look up to see Hestia. I choke back a sob as I stare into my friend's beautiful fire eyes. She holds me, and turns to everyone, covering me with a blanket she has conjured up. She says, "Artemis has escaped. I will take her to her room. No one is to bother her without her telling you. NO ONE!" I start to feel tears well up in my eyes, and Hestia takes us to my room.
      She lays me down on my bed, and puts me under my comforter. She says to me, "Artemis. I'm so sorry we didn't come sooner. We were about to leave since Porphyrion had stayed in one place for too long and Hecate picked him up. I needed to go sooner but we didn't know where you were. Everyone was starting to fall into despair again, then you showed up. May I give you a hug?" I nod and embrace my best friend. I cry and sob, like a young child who just has fallen off their bike. She cried  with me too, and we sit there for hours, just crying. Finally, our tears stop and I put on some clothes. I grab my bow and leave my room, going towards the throne room.
        When I arrive, Calipia sprints to me and jumps into my arms. I have a flashback of earlier, but I just hold onto her as my flashback plays. It won't  stop! I feel the tears roll down my face, and Calipia wipes them away. I look down to the girl in my arms, and see a determined young woman. Calipia whispers in my ear, "I missed you so much Artemis. I'm so sorry for leaving you there. We all are." I wipe her tear away and whispers back, "It is not your fault. Do not ever think that. I told you girls to retreat, and you followed my order. You would've been killed if you didn't leave. You might have survived, but I did not want to see you get taken and get subjected to what I was subjected to. It was not your fault, nor the rest of the huntresses, nor the Gods or the Goddesses. It was my fault for not heeding Hestia's warning better."
     I put her down and walk over to my dad. He pulls me into a hug, and I feel his tears fall into my hair. He pulls away, and lets  me go to address the other Gods and Goddesses present. "My daughter, Artemis is back. Our huntress, daughter, and leader is back. This does not mean we will not go to war, though. We will find Porphyrion and his army, and wipe them out. We will slay them for what he did to Artemis!" I look around and, for the first time, all of the Gods and Goddesses were in agreement about something. Even Até was in agreement. I brought them all together, but now they might get destroyed because of me.

AN: Hestia pictured above, except imagine her with fire red eyes.

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