Bad Boy Roomie {COMPLETE} [UN...

By Littl3R3d

139K 3.8K 488

Bad boy's are like vampires, they're alluring, powerful and dangerous... not to mention HOT! Who can resist b... More

Chapter 1- Introduction
Chapter 2- Moving In
Chapter 3- Roomies
Chapter 4- What?!
Chapter 5- Everything Is Changing
Chapter 6- Cade The Narcissist
Chapter 7- Misunderstandings
Chapter 8- Old Wounds & Jealousy
Chapter 9- Confusion
Chapter 10- Arrow Heart
Chapter 11- Jealous Party
Chapter 12 - I Need Time
Chapter 13 - Cade's Birthday
Chapter 15- Your Friendship is Important
Chapter 16 - Growing Bond
Chapter 17- Accept Change & Then Give Up
Chapter 18- Drinking Doesn't Heal Wounds
Chapter 19- Kisses Can Heal.
Chapter 20- The Bad Boy Wants A Girlfriend
Chapter 21- Secret Relationship
Chapter 22- I Love You.
Chapter 23- If Love Is Strong Why Am I Weak?
Chapter 24- Give Me Love Not Drama
Chapter 25- Apart
Chapter 26- More Heartache
Chapter 27- Coming Up With A Plan
Chapter 28- Putting The Plan In Play.
Chapter 29- It Helps To Have Friends
Chapter 30- Is The Cat Out The Bag?
Chapter 31- Its Too Much.
Chapter 32- You're Not Done Yet.
Chapter 33- All Is Lost.
Chapter 34- Downward Spiral.
Chapter 35- Wedding Crisis
Chapter 36- Happily Ever After?
Chapter 37- The Future Awaits.
Chapter 38-Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 14- War With Yourself

3.7K 105 13
By Littl3R3d

  "Toby, Cade wake up."

  "Guys, wake up. Our ride is here."


  I force my eyes open as my body shakes from side to side while someone calls my name.

  I feel a heavy weight on my body and my head throbs. "Who's bride is where?"  I said and there is laughter.

  "Toby wake up, you need to wake Cade and help me wake everyone else." I force my eyes open and I see Megan.  I start sitting up but I realize that I'm trapped and can't move.

  Cade is fast asleep with his head on my chest, one arm and a leg over me. How did I end up in this position? A tiny couch with me and Cade all snugged up. I look around the room and our other friends are asleep.

  "Where are we?"

  "Still at Chippers and its 8:00am."

  "Cade! Wake up!" I shouted shaking him awake.

  "Ham and cheese." He mumbles in his sleep and he places his hand on my boob.

  "Cade!" I shout pushing his hand off and his eye fly open.

   "Toby why are you so loud? My head."  He groans and holds his head.

  "Get up we have to go. Our ride is here."

We get up and begin waking up the others. Once we step outside there is a black bus with extremely dark tints waiting for us.

   "Please have a bed." I hoped and walk slowly to the bus. Sadly it had no beds but it had some seats they were big and comfy it was almost like a party bus... I think it was, anyways almost all of us start laying down. I think it took a minute for me to fall asleep.


  Laying on my stomach I have one arm hanging off the bed and the other on my pillow. My hair tie was no longer in my hair so it caused my hair to cover my face. How did I get in my room?

  With my hanging hand I lift it up and removed the hair from my face it was 1pm and my stomach was growling. I roll over in my bed and I see Cade in his. He's back, Yay!

  There is a knock at the door and I get up to open it. "Hey Toby!" Abby greets with a big smile and I flash her my fakest smile ever. "Hey guys." I said smiling at the rest of Cade's friends. They all say hey at once and I turn my attention back at Abby.

  "Cade's not awake yet." I said and Abby barged in and jumped on his bed then she climbed on to him.

  She rides him and shouts his name and then his eyes open. I roll my eyes and look at his friends to gesture them inside. They all have disapproval written over their faces.

  "We are going out to eat so get your sleepy ass up."

  "Get off me Abby."

  "Aww Cadey you break my heart." She says then she laughs crawling off him.. Cadey? Cheesy as fuck.

   "Do you want to come with us?" Cade asks and Abby's eyes plant on me. She was looking at me as if she wanted me to say no, I did the right thing.

  "Sure I'd love to! I'm starving." I said smiling at him and he grins at me.

  "Great, lets get ready."

   "Right when we are about to take our final piece of clothes off she yells penis!"
Christopher tells and laughter erupts around the table. "And I look at her with a confused look on my face, she yells it again and I started to wonder if she was drunk or insane." He continues and the laughter still builds up.

  Abby is laughing way too much and hitting Cade's arm, he wasn't even the one telling the joke. Everyone starts to notice and the mood is killed.

  "Abby is everything okay?"

  "Yes Chris everything is fine." She smiles and rubs her hand through Cade's hair as she looks at me. I wasn't even the one that asked the question. She stares at me with a stupid grin and I stare back with a blank facial expression.

  "So Toby have you ever had any weird sex encounters?" Everyone's attention is turned to me as Chris asks me the question of something I know nothing about. I blush and Abby laughs. I dart my eyes at her to find out what she found funny and she stops laughing as no one joins in with her.

  "No I have never. Call me lucky." I state and they all let off a chuckle except for Abby. She whispers something in Cade's ear and he looks around at her. It almost looked like he was about to kiss her but instead there was an angered look on his face. What the hell did she say?

  He whispers something back and she folds her arms looking at him with an expressionless face.

  "Hello?" I answer my phone that was vibrating in my lap. It was the girls.

  "I'm at the campus restaurant." I answered to my friends who wondered where I was and everyone turned to look at me. I got up to go outside taking my purse with me because I wasn't going to go back. Saved by a phone call.

  "Sure I'll get it for you guys. Its going to be a long wait because its almost across campus. Promise me you all won't starve to death."  I laugh and they start laughing.

  "What's almost across campus?" Cade ask almost scaring me to death.

  "Why are you always creeping up on me?"

  "I do?"

  "Yes, stop doing it."

  "What's almost across campus?"

  "The Burger Hut."

  "That's pretty far. Lets go." He says then he walks pass me.

  "You're leaving your friends?"

  "Yes, Abby is clinging on to me and its annoying. She won't stop." He sighs and unlocks the car.

  "Cade where yah going?" Abby ask and we both start lookimg at her.

  "Go back inside. Just tell the others I left... Toby come on." Abby angrily folds her arms and she flashes me a cold glare. Well okay then. I turn away from her and step into Cade's car where he was holding the door for me.

  He closes the door and walks over to the drivers side. I look out the window and Abby flashes me her middle finger. What was that for? Something is seriously wrong with that girl.

  "Are you sure you and Abby aren't dating?" I asked as he drove off.

  "Yes I'm sure. I don't even have sex with her anymore... ever since you moved in its like she's jealous so she starts acting weird." 

  "Oh. Why would she be jealous of me? I thought she didn't care about who you had in your room? Its not like we are even doing anything."

  "I don't know I don't understand women." He shrugs and I change the subject.

  "So how was your party?"

  "It was great! I got a dance from 'the baddest dancer in the building'." He states then he winks at me and laughs.

  "Uh okay, that's nice. Is that all you got?" I asked hoping that he wouldn't say he had sex with anyone.

  "No." He answers and I wonder why I asked that stupid question.

  "I also got this necklace from the baddest dancer." He says holding out the necklace and grinning.

  My eyes widen as I look at him in shock. "I danced with you?!"

  "Yes you did. You blew my mind with your performance." He starts laughing and I blush. Oh my gosh. Why do I not remember that?

  "Was I that drunk?" He stops laughing when he hears my statement.

  "What's that suppose to mean?" He asked raising an eyebrow as he parked in front of the Hut.

  "Whatever you want it to mean." I said winking at him then he chuckles.

  "I'm going to get my hungry friends food before they get all dramatic on me." I said before opening the door.

  "Wait. I really have to tell you something. I've been wanting to from that day I returned from getting arrested. Now that we are alone I can tell you."

  "Uh oh, you're scaring me buddy."

  "Just don't be mad okay?"

  "I don't promise you that."

  "Tell me you won't get mad."

   "I can't tell you that because I'm already getting mad. Stop drawing this out and just talk." He leans back in his seat putting his head back and then both his hands reach for the staring.

  "Cade, I'm waiting."

    "Okay. Here go-" he's cut off by my ringing phone. Seriously? Right now? I answered and it was the girls putting in extra orders, I got out of the car before I forgot all of what I was suppose to buy.

     The orders are ready and its a lot. I can't take these all by myself and then I remembered that Cade was still here.

  Toby: Help!!
  Cade: Are you dying?

  Toby: If I was then I would be because you chose to text me instead of running to my rescue.

  Cade: Ha. That's true.

   Toby: Please help me with these meals.

He doesn't respond but he came to help me instead. "Didn't you guys already eat?" Cade and I both snap our heads around and we see Abby. Is she stalking us?

  "Didn't you?" I asked giving her a smile with my head cocked to one side and she looks at me as if she wanted to yell shut up.

  "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're following us."  I said shamelessly and she starts laughing.

  "Obviously you don't. I was here to get one of the Shakes." She growls at me and I roll my eyes at her. "Lets go Cade." I said and he looks at me then at her and his jaw clenches. We both walk off and while I was passing her she knocked the bags of food out of my hand.

  "What the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid bitch?!" I yell then shove her, like the weak pathetic bitch she is she falls to the ground.

  "Hey don't push her!" Cade shouts and I look at him confused.

  "Did you not see what she just did? Why am I in the wrong?" He starts helping her off the ground and I look at them with folded arms. I think I'm going to be sick at the sight.

  "I'm not saying you're wrong. I saw what she did and that was wrong just don't push her." She comes to her feet and she brushes herself off.

  "Are you okay?" He asked and I roll my eyes.

  "I'm fine. Control your bitch." She says then glares at me.

  "What is your problem with me?"

  "I have no problem with you. You're the one who attacked me you wild animal."

I laugh at her stupid come back.

"Listen you wench! Whatever little war you have with me... I mean with yourself you need to fucking stop because I will destroy you. Don't think that Cade can save you from my wrath." I growled at her and she walks up to Cade for comfort leaning in she places her head on his chest and he looks at me as if he didn't expect any of what I just said to be said.

  "Don't look at me. This is your fault."

  "How is it my fault?" Is he serious?

  "You really have a way of bringing out the worst in people Cade. Your precious little example is standing right in front of you." I said and he looks at me dumbfounded.

  "You know what forget this. If being friends with you is going to put me through hell I rather not be friends with you at all." I said then I walked off.

  "Toby wait!"

  "I'm tired of the bullshit Cade. I really am. I didn't come to this school to be picked on by a psychotic cunt or go through any of this shit."

  "I know you didn't come here for that but please don't give up on me." He says and I fight the urge to turn around and look at him.

  "Then stop giving me reasons to." I said and walked away.



He calls my name and I continue to walk. I text my friends to tell them that I wouldn't be taking their foods and they called me when they realized I didn't respond to their "why?". I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone I just wanted to be alone.

  I'm so sick and tired of all this drama with Cade. Its annoying and it makes me want to murder Abby. They have history together and I get that but why the hell couldn't she get that Cade will make new friends...

  He wasn't placed on the earth for her or else he wouldn't be finding interest in other people.

  I understand that he is lost and that he has trouble finding his way but I can't help him if he won't sit Abby down and set her straight. He needed to let go of her too, he said they weren't together and they aren't together but something just doesn't seem right. Why was it so hard to let go of someone you are not romantically involved with?


"You're not planning on committing suicide are you?" I snap my head around to look who spoke.

  "Are you frigging kidding me? You do know I can have you arrested right?"

  "Calm down Toby I'm not here to do anything to you. You're friends are worried sick."

  "And they thought that coming to you was the best solution?"

  "I wonder the same thing too." Derek says placing his hands on his hips.

"What are you thinking about sitting on the edge of the roof?"

  "Knock knock."

  "Knock knock?... are you playing a game right now?"

  "Knock knock."

  "Uh.. Who's there?"

  "None a yah."

  "None a yah who?"

  "None a yah business. Now fuck off Derek."

  "Toby I'm really not the enemy here. I'm just trying to help. You're friends are worried because you've been gone all day, I'm sure they'd appreciate it if you could give them a call or something."

  "Thanks, but I don't need you're help. My friends may do but I don't."

  "That guy has changed you babe."

  "Don't babe me."

  "Alright but the Toby I know was never this bitter. Especially to me." He says and I guffaw.

"You don't get special treatment anymore. Goodbye Derek." I said looking over at the buildings in my view, there is silence and I hear nothing else but a door slam.

Good riddance.

  So many errors in my story! I do apologize for them. I really need to turn autocorrect off even tho it really helps but it still contributes to some of the errors :/.

Hope you guys are enjoying my story. :D

You must be if you've made it this for and with that I let out a heavy and appreciative THANK YOU! <3

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