Talk Dirty to Me (Taylor Cani...

By trayla

446K 6.4K 4.2K

read to find out (: More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Update :(
Update #2
Update after 2 years

Chapter 18

12K 148 22
By trayla

Taylor's POV~

I was laying in bed. I couldn't sleep. Even though I'm hella pissed at Brooklyn, I'm still worried about her. Of course, I still love her.

I was just thinking about us. Suddenly I saw the door creek open.

She walked in not saying a word.

"Brook." I whispered.

No answer.

"Brooklyn." I said.

No answer still.


She got up from getting her clothes and turned around slowly to me.

"What." She said with no emotion.

"Ok so you completely ran away without telling me where your going and all you can say is what?"

"I was at Chris' party. You know, your friend." She said back.

"Thats all you can say?" I said.

"Taylor, your suppose to be my boyfriend, not my dad."

"Guys basically throw themselves at you, HOW CAN YOU NOT EXPECT ME TO WORRY." I said.

"Are you calling me hot?" She said.


"FUCKING TRUST ME!" She yelled.

"yeah ok, says the girl who left to a party because she DIDNT TRUST her boyfriend." I said.

"Who's Kelly?"

"No one!" I said.

"BULLSHIT! " she yelled.

"I don't know if you're cheating on me or not , you always give me vague answers! And you don't trust me... what the hell kind of relationship is this?!" she screamed.

Jayden's POV~

"Do they not know that other people live in this house too?" I complained climbing into bed next to Shawn.

"I know they're not even attempting to lower their voices." he said.

"It's probably not even a real fight, watch them get it in tonight" I said.

Shawn started dying of laughter.

"Shawn why are you laughing so much" I asked giggling.

"Cause you're probably right" Shawn said in between laughs.

"BULL SHIT!" Brooklyn screamed.

I looked at Shawn with wide eyes.

"Okay hold up, it's about to go down...." I said, Shawn started laughing again.

There was more yelling.

"Seriously Shawn, I'm kind of scared, I've never heard them fight like this." I said nervously.

"It's probably just a little fight..." Shawn said.

He turned around facing the opposite side of the bed.

I jumped on him.

"What the hell jay?!" Shawn laughed.

"Physically abusing you is love" I said smiling.

"Then I guess this is love" Shawn said pushing me off the bed.

I hit the light brown hardwood floor.

"Okay you do that WAY too often" I said laughing again.

Brooklyn's POV~

"Its whatever Taylor ok." I said taking my stuff and moving to the living room.

"No stop. Ill move." He said.

I agreed and let him move. I wasn't going to fight him on this one.

"Good night. I love you." He said.

"Goodnight." I said.

He loves me. No matter what. He a sweetheart. But im still mad at him.

I woke up and went down stairs. I decided to make everyone breakfast. Even Taylor.

"Wait your making breakfast?" Jayden said.

"Yeah i just figured that it would be a way to apologize to you guys for last night..." I answered.

"Your making breakfast?" Taylor commented walking down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Why? You don't trust me with your food now?" I answered making sure to scramble his eggs a little more than he liked.

Taylor rolled his eyes and took a seat.

3 weeks later

Jayden's POV

"Its been 3 weeks, 3 fucking weeks" I told Shawn.

"I know" he sighed.

"Its only gotten worse" I said, "We have to help them"

"How are we supposed to help them, they won't even be in the same room as each other!" Shawn said putting his hands behind his head.

"Here's the plan, you take Taylor to the beach like in regular clothes, say there's a party there. Then I'll take Brook to the 'party' and we'll make them talk it out." I said.

"okay" Shawn answered.

"Brook! Let's go!" I yelled up stairs.

She came down the stairs wearing a short white dress, the bottom was flowy and the top was lace.

"I'm here" she said.

"I thought you said you were wearing a dress too?" she said a little pissed.

I was wearing shorts and a sleeveless top.

"Well, I'm not and you look amazing and you're not changing let's go" I said dragging her out the door.

We started to walk in the street and under the board walk to the beach.

I took off my flip-flops and looked over at Brook.

"Where's you're shoes?" I asked laughing.

"I forgot them cause you dragged me out of the house" she answered.

Brook's POV

We started walking down the beach and suddenly Shawn was in the distance.... What?...

He walked to the side more and there was Taylor.

We walked closer and closer. Once Taylor saw me, his jaw dropped.

I rolled my eyes.

"Why is he here? He just couldn't resist could he?" I said eying Taylor.

"What is that suppose to mean?" He said.

"You can not, not pay attention to me or my body..." I said.

"Maybe we should leave..." Jayden said.

"Yeah maybe we should." I said.

"This wasn't that great..." Shawn said.

We all headed back home. You could definitely feel the tension between me and Taylor.

Almost every guy I know focuses on my body and my appearance instead of actually me. I personally don't consider myself very pretty, I mean my body is pretty average. I have a toned stomach but that's about it.

We got in the house, we all stood in the living room.

"I can resist myself actually." Taylor said breaking the silence.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes you bit-"

He was interrupted by Shawn.

"Enough! you guys need to make-up, now!" he yelled.

"Why?" Taylor asked. "Why should I should I make up with a bitch like her"

"And why would I want to forgive a jackass like him?" I answered.

"You know what Taylor? If this is such a problem why haven't you fucking broken up with her yet?! There's hundreds of girls who want to go out with you. So why don't you just dump her right now?" Shawn said coldly.

Taylor looked down.

"And you!" Shawn said turning to me, "If he's such a jackass why are you still wearing that promise ring? huh? Why!?"

I looked down at my finger. I never took off the ring. I didn't want to..

"You two need to talk, We're playing strip Q&A and if you yell you have to take an item of clothing off." Jayden said.

"I'm not doing this" Taylor said.

"Shut up, yes you are" Jayden said.

"Okay so you start Brook, ask Taylor a question. Taylor, you have to answer the question"

"Are you cheating on me?" I asked bluntly.

"No" Taylor answered calmly.

"Taylor, now you ask Brook a question." Shawn said.

"What shampoo do you use?" he asked.

"You can't take anything seriously can you?" I said pissed.

"You didn't answer the question"

I looked at Jayden. She mouthed 'answer it!'

"I use Trèseme" I said giving him a fake smile.

"Who's kelly?" I asked.

"She was my first girlfriend, in 8th grade we dated for 5 months before I found out she was cheating on me. After that I kind of became a player.."

"Then why did Chris accidentally call me her?"

"Because 3 years later she came back to me, I pretended to like her led her on and then dumped her. That was the last time I saw Chris." He said.

"How did you even talk to Chris?" Taylor asked raising an eyebrow.


"You have to answer."


"I answered your phone." I bit my lip.

"YOU WENT THROUGH MY PHONE?!" Taylor yelled.

"Ehhhhh!" Shawn said making a beeping noise.

"One item of clothing off Taylor." Jayden demanded.

Taylor's jaw clenched but he took off his shirt.

Holy fuck. It's been awhile since I've seen Taylor without a shirt...God.

Taylor smirked.

"And I'm the one who can't resist?" he said smugly.

I gave him the death glare.

"Why can't you ever just focus on me, like the real me. You always look at my appearance, would you even be dating me if my appearance was different?" I asked.

Taylor was taken back by that question.

"I'm dating you because you're funny, really nice, innocent, and you're beautiful on the inside. It's just a plus that you're beautiful on the outside too... as soon as I saw you.. there was something about you... something different then the sluts I used to date" he said.

There was silence for a few moments.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Yes... Well.. Kind of... not really" I answered.

"Why not?"

"Taylor, come on, you have a history of being a player you-"

"But I'm not"

"Taylor you fucking kissed another girl while we were dating! RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" I yelled.

"Ehhh!" Shawn beeped again.

"Item of clothing off" Jayden said.

"But I'm wearing a dress" I said.

"Well you should've thought of that before you yelled."

"But then I'll only be in my bra and underwear" I said.

"Then don't yell again" Jayden said sweetly.

I stood up and slid the dress off.

Taylor refused to look at me.

"What the hell kind of game is this?" Taylor said avoiding looking at me and went back to the topic.

"You know she didn't mean anything to me." He said.

"I want to believe that. but I will always wonder, if there's someone else" I said choking on my words.

Taylor's eyes filled with tears, but he sniffed them away.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

"I don't trust the whole male population"

"But do you trust me?"

"No, not really. You could have any guy you want and leave me in an instant I don't even know why you're dating me.. There's so many other guys that are better for you, why? why did you choose me?"

"Do you believe in fate?" I asked.

"I didn't.... until I met you" he half smiled.

"Do you love me?" I asked.

"You can't ask two questions in a row" Taylor laughed.

"Fine it's your turn" I said.

"Do you love me?" he asked.

"You can't steal questions!" I said holding in my laugh.

"Answer it."

"Yes" I said admitting the truth.

"Do you love me?" I asked.

"Unconditionally" he answered.

He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back.

God I haven't kissed him in forever. He leaned back on the couch and I leaned over him.

We continued kissing his hands rested on my ass and then traveled up and down my back.

Sensation spread through out my body, after a few seconds. We pulled away.

"I'm so sorry Tay" I whispered.

"I'm sorry too" he said.

I was still leaning over him. he pushed my hair behind my ear.

"I missed you so much" he whispered.

"I missed you too" I answered.

I slid my dress back on and stood up.

Jayden and Shawn had left.

"I just wanted to say thanks" I said to them as I walked into their bedroom, they were watching TV.

Jayden smiled from ear to ear.

"You guys made up?!" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah! Wait weren't you there?" I asked confused.

"Yeah... but then we left cause we thought you guys we never gonna make up, and we came up here" Jayden responded.


I was interrupted by arms wrapping around my waist.

I turned and kissed him.

I pulled away and bit my lip.

"Thanks guys" Taylor said hugging me.

Shawn and Jayden smiled.

"Now we can finally SLEEP!" Shawn yelled pulling Jayden into him on the bed.

Taylor and I laughed.

"Goodnight!" I said.

"Goodnight!" Shawn and Jayden said in unison


This was a collab but it was a little more me then Kayla lmfao doesn't matter though

They finally made up!

-T & K


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