Finding Elphaba (Book 2 in En...

By Somesunshine1

15.7K 728 227

This is a Sequal to Memories of a Witch. This is Elphaba's struggle to remember who she is. I do not own any... More

Incident With A Stranger
Odd Happenings
Rainy Day News
A Walk in the Woods
What Happened in the Clearing
A Hint to the Past?
Animals Should Be Seen And Not Heard!
Pondering a Dream
Spin the Bottle
An Invitation For an Outing
A Day With Glinda and a Question Answered
First Time for Everything
To Feel Again
What Glinda Knows
Beginning to Realize
What Glinda Told Her Mother
What the Letters Reveal
What the Letters Reveal (Part 2)
Contemplating New Information
Being Nosy
The Final Letter
Changed For Good
Smoke, Water, and a Trap Door
Remembering a Night of Terror
In Her Own Words
Shattered Glass
Putting the Pieces Back Together
What the Glass Showed Bessie (Bessie's P.O.V.)
Faded Memories
Broken Again
Losing Elphaba Again?
Clearing the Air
Embracing Wicked

Annoying Wakeup

453 19 5
By Somesunshine1

"Elphaba!" I hear someone calling my name, but I'm so tired! I don't want to get up yet and so I just roll over. The person giggles. "Elphie, it's time to get up." She says again this time she yanks the blanket off me.

"Hey!" I growl sitting up in a huff. "What the Oz was that for!?" I growl as I try to focus on the person in front of me. She tries to look innocent and gives me a small smile. "Why Miss Elphaba, I do believe you have become quite lazy. There was a time you would have been up and already working on things."

"Well, I don't exactly have much of anything I do." I snap not really meaning to. I am just annoyed that this person has woken me up before I was ready to get up, and secondly they don't seem to care that I want to sleep.

"Elphie, please get up I would love to spend some time with you." She pouts and I glare at her. "Why should I? I don't know you." I snap, and she frowns. "Elphaba, it's me, Glinda."

Glinda? Did she just say Glinda? Sweet Oz she came back! I suddenly sit up a little wide eyed. "Glinda, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be rude. I honestly didn't mean to be. I-it's just that... that I didn't remember you at first. Please forgive me?" I beg. She gives a small chuckle. "Elphie dear, there is nothing to be sorry about. I am the one to blame after all." She smiles at me. "I mean, I should have waited to pester you until you woke up like Bessie said, but I couldn't wait to spend some time with you." She says giving me a dazzling smile.

"Bessie?" I ask confused. "Who is Bessie?"

"Doh!" Glinda says smacking her forehead. "I'm such an idiot! Bessie is my lady in waiting so to speak." I give her an amused look. "Lady in waiting? I'm surprised you have one. I mean you aren't royalty or a leader anymore." She rolls her eyes and snorts as she tosses her hair over her shoulder. "I use to be, and it just so happens Bessie chose to stay in my employment!"

"Okay, okay! Don't get your panties in a wad! Sheesh!" I growl. "I was just teasing. Now if you ever want me to get up then get out of my room!" I end up snapping at her. I didn't mean to, but I just wanted her out of my room by that point. She looks hurt, but gets up. "Fine! I'll go!" With that she storms out of my room, and in irritation I take out my diary.

Dear Diary,

Today is going to be a WONDERFUL day! (All sarcasm intended) Got the most rude awakening this morning. Apparently Lady Glinda has indeed come back to stay with her parents, and how might I know this? Well let's just say she was my "wake up call."

There I was sound asleep enjoying my dreams, and suddenly I am disturbed by someone trying to talk to me. I wasn't ready to get up so I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Does Glinda leave me alone? Noooo! She goes as beats me with a pillow! I mean how rude is that?!

It was obvious she wasn't going to leave me alone, and so I am now up. I have no intention of hanging out with her all day like she wants to, especially after she wakes me up like that! She can go jump in a lake for all I care!

~E.M. Thropp

I proceed to slam my journal shut before going to get ready for the day. I have no intention of leaving my room today. (stomach growls) I sigh. I suppose I will have to go find enough food to last me all day if I intend to camp out in my room, and so I reluctantly leave my room in search of something to silence my grumbling stomach.

I almost immediately regret leaving my room because the moment I try to sneak into the kitchen I hear a high pitched squeal. "ELPHIEEEEE!" I suddenly find myself being tackled. "Get off me!" I growl fighting to get out from under Glinda. "Sheesh! It wasn't enough that you woke me up, and so you thought you had to tackle me?" I pinch her in the side causing her to get off me in a hurry. "Ouch! Elphie!" She glares at me. "Well if you hadn't of tackled me I wouldn't have pinched you!" I say getting off the floor and straightening my dress. "Now if you don't mind I am going to find something to eat!"

Before she can respond I rush to the kitchen and grab a couple apples and a small jug of milk, and then race back to my room. I slam the door shut and lock it. There at least now I will have a little time to myself. Alright I know I wanted Glinda to come back, but now I am seriously beginning to regret that. 

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