A Clace Remake!

By my_secret_obsessions

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#themortalinstrumentsmovie #themortalinstruments #cityofbones #cityofashes #cityofglass #cityoffallenangels #... More

A Clace Remake!
A new beginning.
Raziel College
Beautiful Friendships
Tall Dark & Handsome
Ouch Times 2
Can't you see?
Will it set us free?
Blast from the past
Oh boy.
Grateful <3
What now?
Well well
Thumbs Up
Too long pt 1.
Sneak Peek!
Too long pt2
Finale pt1
Finale pt 2
The end.


3.7K 90 14
By my_secret_obsessions

Clarys POV
When jace reaches me, he tries to look at my hand but that's not important I quickly grab him and kiss him like it's the last time I'll see him. I don't care who is here and if there watching me... including Stefan and Bass, we'll actually I would feel weird if bass was looking at me. I forgot about everything else except jace. He pulled me close and i ran my fingers through his hair and traced his lips with my tongue and I wanted more.

I heard Aline say "what the fuc-"

I quickly pulled away from Jace and went back to her and said

"I swear on the angel if you ever talk to or even get within 5 inches of him.... I will personally hurt you!"

She rolled her eyes

"Ask, any of Sebastian's ex girlfriends.... I can handle my self... can you say the same?" I said rudely

Isabelle looked at Bass shocked.

"This isn't over! Jace belongs with me!" she yelled as she tried to run to him.

I started smiling... getting ready to prounce but bass looked at Jace and he grabbed me and lifted me up bridal style and left the room.

"Im telling my god father! this isn't over" Aline yelled behind us.

I looked back at her and smiled and I saw Stefan behind her looking mad. I felt really bad about hurting him...i will make it up to him someday I think.

I am pulled out of my thought by Jace asking

"Your room ... or mine?"

"Mine" I say smiling

"Perfect" he says reaching my room after a minute

We.... we'll he walks into my room still carrying me and then kicks the door closed and locks it.

He slowly puts me down on my bed and then lays on top of me... squishing me but in a good way.

He puts his weight on his elbows and I'm longer squished. He looks down at me and starts kissing me. We kiss until we both are panting and know if we don't stop... there will be no going back... and that was definitely too soon for them.

Jace layed down next to me and put his hand around my waist and said

"So want to explain everything to me?"

"It's a really long story" I say smiling

"It's a good thing I have a lot of time" he said back

"Fine, it all became clear when I was on my date with Stefan...

I felt jace tense a little

And the date was really nice and then he kissed me...

Jace full on tensed and I felt his hand on my waist turn into a ball...

" It gets better I swear" I say give him a tap kiss before going back to the story and he relaxes

"We'll he kissed me. I was on this perfect date, with an amazingly beautiful view and with a really good guy and I thought that when he kissed me I would fall for him or feel sparks.... but instead I felt nothing.... my heart practically flat lined... that's when I knew..."

"Knew what?" he said

"That the reason i felt nothing was because he wasn't you... and I realized my heart belonged to you"

Jaces lips crashed to mine, but I pull away so I can finish

"So I started crying, while Stefan kissed me and then I pushed him off of me and I told him that I had to leave and I ran here.... I was a mess... I was crying and ready to break someone's face, when Isabelle and Sebastian got here and I told them everything."

"Everything?" he said surprised

"Yes everything?"

"Damm" he said


"Your brothers not going to like me now, I almost got someone pregnant he's going to forbid you from seeing me"

I burst out laughing. jace looked at me like I was nuts... tears we're falling down my face from laughing so hard.

"Sebastian is my brother... not my father. He can't forbid me from anything... and he actually helped with the plan"

"Good because I don't like undercover relationships" he said

"Relationship?" I ask

"Yes Garroway... your mine and I want the world to know!!"

"Whatever you say Herondale"

He smiled and said "go on"

"So I talked to izzy and bass about it. I was ready to give up but Isabelle gave me hope and then I came up with the plan...to use a truth rune on Aline-"

"Where did you find a truth rune?" he asked

"I made it, since one doesn't exist"

"You made a rune clary? are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine... I am a gifted shadowhunter jace.... one of my "talents" is drawing and creating new runes

"So you can make new rune... just like that " he said snapping his finger

"Yes" I say

"Show me" he says smiling

"I can't just do it on the spot, but I'll try... but you have to help me think of a something that doenst have a rune"

"Yea no... runes are not my thing" he said

"So that's why were partnered up but okay let me think"

My stomach growled.. I shouldn't have skipped breakfast and dinner last night.

"Are you hungry" he asks


"Let's get something eat"

"No, hold on"

I get up and grab my stele... I quickly draw a rune on my leg and I instantly fell fed and healthy.

"What's it do?"he asked

"It's a hungry rune"

His eyes opened wide and he was looking a clary in pure awe.

"Put one on me" he says smiling

"Don't believe me?" I say as I draw it on his shoulder.

"I do but I want to see if it works, good thing I'm always hungry" he said smiling


"By the angel it worked" he said laughing

"I told you" I said teasing him

"Now we never have to leave this room" he said

"Haha for today maybe"

I layed back on my bed on my back and he layed next to me on his side looking at me. We talked all day, he told me about his childhood bestfriend and how he misses him, because jace moved away when they were 10, but they still stay in touch and wished he was here to meet me. I told him about mom and Luke and a little bit about life.

"Does Sebastian, have any "gifts"? " he asked.

"Yes bass is gifted... his isn't like mine, it isn't strangely unique..."

"So what can he do?"

"I can't say" I said pretending to pout

"Why not?"

"Because it's not my secret to tell, he would never give my secret up to anyone... so I can't tell you, but you'll notice it soon"

"Fine... but let this be the only thing you keep from me" he says tickling me

I shriek "ahhhhh noo!!!!" and start laughing as he tickled me

I kiss him gently and he stops tickling me and I pull back and say "I win!" he smiled and went to kiss me back but we were interrupted by our phones ringing

Bass was calling me and Isabelle was calling jace.

We looked at each other and answered.

"Hello?" we said in unison

"The dean wants to talk to us in his office, in ten minutes" they both said

"Aline's slut ass, went to her godfather" Isabelle laughed

"Clar, just hurry up will meet you there... oh an bring Isabelle a hoodie"

"I don't need a hoodie" I heard her scream.

"Yes you do, and clary dress appropriate... no hoochie mama ness"

I died.... I started laughing and crying... I heard Isabelle laughing too!

"Were on our way" jace said and hung up both of our phones

He pulled me up and kissed me and un zippered his sweater and put it on me, since I was just in my tank top now.

I laughed and smiled and said "thanks for the sweater" and zippered it up and rolled the sleeves since it was too big for me I grabbed my sweater from the bed and then grabbed his hand and we walked hand in hand to the deans office.

Once we were there I gave my hoodie to Isabelle and she looked at it and said "this won't fit me"... oh we'll I guess I can't wear it.

Bass yelled..." Isabelle's for the love of the angel put the damn hoodie on"

We were all shocked

"It really won't fit me" she said

"I'm sorry I figured it would since were the same size... but I forgot your taller than me" I said

Bass started rubbing his temples and came over to me and unzipped my hoodie and took it off of me...

"Heyyy" I yelled

"Clary, please... this is serious"

Isabelle threw me my hoodie and I put it on and she put on jaces hoodie.

"I want it back, when were done" I said

Jace looked at me smiling... I smiled back.

Adam and Aline came down the hall and then Dean Hugh walked out of his office and called us all in together.

We walked in to a conference room since we wouldn't of all fit in his office.

Sitting at the table was Sutton & Craig... they glared at us.

I sat between Jace and Bass, Isabelle sat next to Jace because she saw Aline trying to.... and that would have been less then 5 inches away from Jace..We knew that wouldn't end well.

"So, I gathered you all here to talk about an incident that was brought to my attention"

We were all quiet

"Look Mr. Hugh, with all respect... these are our finer students and I'm sure this is a miss understanding" Craig said

"No there isnt, that little thing attacked me" Aline said

Craig defended me, "your exact words... that little girl... and you are all shadowhunters... I'm sure you are fine"


"Enough" Mr. Hugh said

"Someone just tell us what happened" sutton said

"We were practicing runes, and Adam drew one on my back and then this one attacked me while I was talking to my best friend" Aline said and turned around to show them the rune

"Shit" I thought in my head

All three of them stood up and looked at the new rune... shocked

"Who drew it?" sutton demanded

"Adam" Aline said

"Adam what is that rune for? and where did you see it?"

I felt bass tense.... crap crap crap

"I was trying to draw one from the board but I got distracted and I messed it up" Adam covered for us

"Aline what did you feel when the rune was on?" Craig asked

"Nothing really, just me telling my best friend something private"

"Hmmm, so why did you attack her clary" sutton said

"Uhhhhhhh" I didn't know what to say

"She did it beacause she was trying to defend me" jace said

"And why is that?" Mr.Hugh said

"Beacause I did something messed up... and I'm sorry, and I lied she didn't really attack me like that" Aline interrupted before I could tell them

I raised my eyebrow up at her... she looked at me with begging eyes. " someone wanted to keep up a good girl act" I thought

Craig was the first to say something "so it settled then?"

"Yes, for now... I'll be keeping an eye on all of you... please don't make me regret accepting your applications" he said and we all just looked at him

"Now shoo" he said and we all got up and left

In the hall way Aline stopped us and said " thanks for not telling him, my parents would have killed me and probably jace"

"Mmmmhhhmmmm" I said

"I'm sorry" she said

"Thanks" Isabelle said

"We can work on our friendship in the future but were all going to need a while" Jace said

"Okay" Aline said

We all walked away... " it's still early let's do something?" Isabelle said

"Like what" Jace said

"I have an idea" I said smiling

"What?" they all said

"Can we pwettttty pwease go shopping" she said in a kid voice to jace and bass and they groaned

Isabelle shrieked "yes lets go!"

"Fine... under one condition" jace said

I raised my eyebrow... afraid of what he would say

"We get to go to the arcade for at least half an hour" he said pointing to bass and him

"Nice" bass said giving jace a high five.

"Fine lets go" Isabelle said and they started making there way to the front entrance.

Suttons POV
"We have to figure out what that rune does! I know it's meant for something" I said

"How can you be so sure?" Mr.Hugh asked

"Didn't you see they way they were panicking? Especially Sebastian and Clarissa"

"But Adam said..." Craig said

"He lied.." and I know how to make him tell the truth" i said

"How?" They both said

"Were bumping him down, since he is too "unskilled with runes" " i said smiling.

"That's not fair sutton" Craig said

"Oh Craig, please your so innocent" i said.

"Is there anyone in the lower level who can replace his spot?" mr. Hugh asked

"Not a chance" said Craig

"Atta boy" i said in a baby voice

"Enough you two.... you guys are to work together... like you did when you were students here!" Mr.Hugh said

"I'll never forgive Maggie for pairing me with you" i sneered

"Out... both of you.... I'll pick someone from the waiting list at random and I'll have them here Monday"

"Thanks sir" Craig said and left

"Sir, I know who we can use as an informant" i said with a devilish smile

"Who?" Mr.Hugh asked

"Stefan Hallowscar" i said smiling.

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