Love's Recipe ~Choji~

By FunnyGaaraGirl

24.5K 1.1K 141

The fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Alsono wasn't looking to get to Choji's heart, she w... More

Love's Recipe ~Choji~
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

657 35 3
By FunnyGaaraGirl

We had been walking for almost an hour, our bags over our shoulders. The trip was all planned and we had our rooms booked by the beach. We were almost to our destination and the excitement running between myself and Ino was almost enough to bottle and sell. I had pulled my swimming top out of bag to show her as we walked along the path. I could smell the salt already.

"Ooh, cute!" She gushed.

"It was the last one on the clearance rack, my size, just meant to be."

"I love it when that happens."

The boys behind us were quiet except for the occasional sigh from Shikamaru. Choji was munching away on some chips. He seemed quite pleased. Until the ocean came into view, that is.

I saw out of the corner of my eye as he slowed his happy munching and seemed to droop. Shikamaru gave him a little encouraging pat on the back. What is it with him? Does he not know how to swim? Is he worried about the fish?


Ino's voice brought me back to real life. "What? What'd I miss?"

"Jeez, space out much."

"Sorry, sorry. But our hotel is right up there!"

We made our way up to the hotel and proceeded to check in. Ino and I were in one room, Shikamaru and Choji in the other. Ino made her intent to get to the beach as soon as possible known quite clear. We agreed to get changed and meet in the hall to go right away.

"The sun, the water, it's going to be great! Oh, I have to get a tan. Look at this." She showed her stomach as she changed. "This is just sad."

I laughed a little and started to change into my own suit. But the way Choji had been acting since I brought up the trip has me concerned. I haven't known him that long, so we are still trying to understand each other and figure out how to read each other. I want to know what has him like this, but he brushed it off when I asked him initially. Maybe, someone who has known him longer would understand better.

"Hey, Ino, how close would you say you are to Choji?"

"Not as close as Shikamaru is, that's for sure."

"Well, yeah, but I mean, you know what bothers him and stuff right?" She looked to me with a questioning gaze. "It just seems like this trip is bothering him. But he wouldn't tell me why when I asked."

"Yeah, I noticed that. But I have no idea. The three of us have gone to the beach together before and he didn't act like that."

So it's not the beach per say... Then what is it? Stuff like this really bothers me! I dislike run arounds. Maybe it's because I can tend to be a little too honest at times, but I have no idea what to do when people are not open with me about what they are feeling. And I know sometimes it's hard for people to talk about their feelings. I over think this kind of stuff way too much...

After getting changed, Ino and I stepped out into the hallway to meet with the boys and get some beach fun on! This is the one time that I feel fine with showing my legs and arms. Shikamaru and Choji were both talking in the hallway, Shikamaru seeming to try to explain something by the thoughtful expression he wore. Both had their swimming trunks and t-shirts on, ready to go.

Ino looked so confident, like it was just any other day. But I was suddenly self-conscious walking toward the boys. I tried to pull at my cover-up some to help... cover-up....

On the beach, we were one of maybe five groups. It was easy to find our own little spot. I had made us a beach snack for later and placed it in the middle of our towels. "Alright, lets hit the water!" Ino cheered.

"Well that didn't take long." Shikamaru sighed as he removed his t-shirt and began to follow her.

But... Choji stood and did a quick stretch, looking a little reluctant to follow. I still gripped my cover-up, finding it difficult to take the leap. One breath, two, three- do it! "I'll go get us some drinks first!" You chicken! You absolute scardy cat little chicken! Why are you such a wuss!

My inner self had a nice cry session while I collected a few drinks from the near-by concession stand. It was self serve, so I just got some cans of soda and two large water bottles for us to share. All the drinks were collected in my arms, and I turned with a self deprecating sigh.

"Hey there." Oh God damn it... How cliché... Four men have surrounded me are looking at me with hungry and lecherous eyes. Fantastic.

"Excuse me. My friends are waiting." But one pushed back on my shoulder as I tried to make an escape.

"Not so fast. Don't you know it's against the rules to cover up such a fantastic body?"

"We're gonna have to teach you how things work around here."

Oh... oh no. This isn't like shoulder guy. I can't just kick one and run. I'm horribly out numbered and cornered... I'm scared. One grabbed my cover-up and I jerked away, dropping one of the cans. But then the other three all started grabbing too, ripping my cover-up open. I screamed. I screamed loud. And there was only one thing I could think to scream. "Choji!"

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