Golden Days {Springtrap X Gol...

By CrazyMofo_x3

34.1K 1.1K 293

Ever since then I hadn't seen him anywhere, it was as if he had disappeared. His phone was off and I couldn't... More

☼ Prologue ☼
☼ O N E ~ M E M O R I E S ☼
☼ T W O ~ H O U S E ☼
☼ T H R E E ~ S H O P P I N G ☼
☼ F O U R ~ T A L L M A N ☼
☼ F I V E ~ F R E D D Y ☼
☼ S I X ~ C H A I N S ☼
☼ S E V E N ~ L O S T ☼
☼ E I G H T ~ L O S T A N D F O U N D ☼
☼ N I N E ~ M U M ☼
☼ T E N ~ E S C A L A T I O N ☼
☼ E L E V E N ~ R E A L I T Y ☼
☼ T W E L V E ~ P L A N S ☼
☼ T H I R T E E N ~ D E C O R A T I O N ☼
☼ F O U R T E E N ~ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ☼
☼ F I F T E E N ~ C H R I S T M A S ☼
☼ S I X T E E N ~ C O N F E S S I O N ☼
☼ S E N V E N T E E N ~ M O V I N G ☼
☼ E I G H T E E N ~ F E E L I N G S ☼
☼ N I N E T E E N ~ B A B Y ☼
☼ T W E N T Y ~ F I N D I N G O U T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y O N E ~ R E S T A U R A N T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T W O ~ T H E F I R S T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T H R E E ~ H E A R D A N D B A C K ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F O U R ~ J E A L O U S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F I V E ~ P H O N E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S I X ~ C L Y D E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S E V E N ~ C H A N G E S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y E I G H T ~ S A V E M E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y ~ L O N G T I M E N O S E E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y O N E ~ T R U T H O U T ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T W O ~ R E D ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T H R E E ~ T I M E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F O U R ~ C A L L ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F I V E ~ P A R K ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S I X ~ N E W B E G I N N I N G ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S E V E N ~ T W O ☼

☼ T W E N T Y N I N E ~ M E E T I N G ☼

581 20 1
By CrazyMofo_x3

Goldie held Spring's jumping leg and smiled, "It'll be fine, I'm sure she's nice. You remember her once you see her."

Spring nodded and held Goldie's hand softly, kissing his cheek. Goldie blushed shyly and rested on his side, "You're so brave, you know?"


"Spring?", A tall lady called, dressed in a blue dress shirt and a pink, long shirt. Her hair was curled and it had a red-brown tint to it. Spring got up instantly, leaving Goldie's hand go and hurried over to her cautiously, "Come with me, dear."

All Spring could do was follow anxiously, watching as she led to a small room that he remembered vaguely.

"So, how have you been?", The psychiatrist smiled at Spring as he sat down slowly.

"I've been...Okay..."

"How's your head? I know you may not remember me but I'm your old psychiatrist...", She told Spring, leaning on her desk casually.

"Well, I remember some things...Sadly, I don't remember you well at all," He mumbled awkwardly.

"That's okay," She nodded sweetly, staring at him, "Would you like me to bring back some bad memories or should I not?"

Spring thought for a minute, bad memories? What could they be? Now she had brought it up, he was curious, "Um...Please...?"

"Alright," He breathed heavily, pulling out a booklet full of sheets, "Here's some things I've had, even the sheets from when you was young."

"Right, okay," Spring sighed heavily, playing with his hands anxiously.

"Your family, you know your parents, right?", She asked, observing Spring's movements.

"U-Uh...Not very well, no," Spring sighed, leaning forward.

"Right, well. From what you told me, you don't have good relations. You've called your mother a few things and your father recently hasn't been well at all. You love him more as your mother, or at least that's what you said. You've said you don't feel much towards your mum but...Well, I don't believe that..."

"This isn't bringing back anything," Spring sighed, watching the floor wearily.

"Hm....", She mumbled, "How do you feel about your parents right now?"

"I'm not sure..."

"We'll come back to that."

Spring nodded and moved around in his seat as the psychiatrist cleared her throat, "So who were you just with? Is he looking after you?"

"He is, he took me in. I've been friendly with him for years," Spring spoke up, "He's good to me, always has been."

"I think I remember you talking about him, Goldie, right?", She asked, looking down at the papers she held in her hand firmly.

"Yes," Spring nodded, "He's um...Well, now, he's my boyfriend."

She looked a little taken back, collecting a slight gasp within her mouth, "O-Oh? Congratulations!", She told Spring, making it seem like some sort of surprise when in all reality, someone like Spring, being gay, that was quite a shock. Not that Spring was against gay people or anything but his father didn't exactly like the way they acted and he didn't act...Like a stereotypical gay.


"How long have you two been dating?"

"About...One month, a few days and it'll be two?", He shrugged, not really keeping count and feeling a little bad for it.

"Oh, that's great," She nodded, "How about your brother?"

"Oh, I- I found him," He shrugged, achieving a large smile from his psychiatrist.

"That's amazing! You haven't seen him in years! How did you find him?!", She questioned excitedly, making Spring feel slightly uncomfortable.

"U-Uh...I...Found him with his new boyfriend, my old friend," Spring shrugged, acting like Nightmare was less of a deal than he was.

"Oh, how is his boyfriend?"

"He's...A good person, a bit possessive and his moods are never easy to tell...", Spring explained, "He still has a slight obsession with me apparently, at least, that's what Goldie said...Except in more exaggerated tone," He laughed a little.

"Oh, is he younger or older?"

"He's...twenty-five I think? Plush always went for older men anyway, he has issues in all reality," Spring smirked, "Guess I go for guys too, though, never expected it myself. Maybe that's why I haven't been into anything until now."

"I think it's nice that you've found someone to support you," The lady smiled, "Anyway, are you keeping in touch with your family?"

"Yeah- I-I saw them a couple of weeks ago but my mum just...I don't remember her at all...She looked like she didn't care...", Spring murmured, his voice cracking slightly with hurt.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. Here, I'll tell you what I know...?", She suggested, getting out her papers.

"Uh...Yes...Yes, please...", Spring agreed.

"As far as I know, she's bipolar, that runs in the family," She began.

"Goldie's bipolar," Spring butted in, not finding it a reason for her to be so...Emotionless about her son having amnesia and being in an another accident.

"Right- Um...She's a drug addict," She sighed, Spring lifting up his head.

"Of course! I knew it!", Spring shouted aloud, "She was acting whacked up as soon as I got there!"

The women softened her expression, "Oh, I'm sorry, Spring," She sympathised.

"That's okay," He sighed, "I kinda just wanted to confirm it."

"At least you know," She replied kindly, "How've the scars been since the accident...?"

"Oh, they- They've been hurting...And burning...But Goldie helps," Spring beamed, liking the thought of just Goldie in general. He was a nice thought.

"That's good, how's your eating habits? I'm only asking as they sometimes develop over accidents like these...", She told him, being cautious of her words.

"Oh, mine are good. Different can be said about Goldie's but they've always been shit but I can't say that he's not healthy," He shrugged, "Sure, we could both get out more but that's fine."

"Also, very good. Have any plans for today?"

"We plan to go to Goldie's brother's and see him and his boyfriend," Spring answered, "Another gay couple," He chuckled a little.

"Ah, okay. I hope I didn't keep you too long," She told Spring, making him shake his head.

"Of course not, thanks for talking, when's the next meeting?"

"Wednesday after next," She told him, jumping to her feet and leading him towards the door.

"Excuse me but I didn't catch your name?", Spring noted politely.

"Oh, of course, silly me. I'm Sharon," She greeted, holding out her hand and shaking Spring's as she led him back to the waiting room.

"Spring!", Goldie called, racing up to him and holding his hands, "You okay?"

"I-I'm fine?", He smiled with a little chuckle at the back of his voice.

The psychiatrist smiled before she left, leaving the two to exit the gargantuan hospital. Goldie was swinging his hands and smiling happily.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too," Spring grinned, letting go of his hand and slipping it into his pocket. Goldie blushed and giggled femininely.

Goldie kissed his cheek, "Slow down, please."

"Ah- Sorry," He smiled, slowing down for him.

"I should really exercise more," Goldie pouted, reaching the car and opening the door, "And I honestly need to go on a diet. You could swear I'm pregnant," He whined, getting into the car. Spring hopped in and stared at him.

"You...Aren't though, right?"

"Trust me- I've taken three tests. I'm just fat and lazy," He laughed, leaning back in the driver's seat.

"Pretty sexy for someone who's fat and lazy," Spring huffed, flicking him in the head.

"I'm pretty sure that my metabolism is dying," He sighed, "Haven't you even noticed?"

"No, I don't see...Any change?", Spring tilted his head questionably.

"Um...try touching me up-!", Goldie suggested, pushing his body onto Spring's from over the other side of the car.

Spring just nodded and continued to let his hands travel to his hips which were, as he said, softer. Nothing major, if anything, it was a more feminine feel.

"H-Huh...It's...It feels quite feminine...", Spring mumbled, lifting his hands up his shirt, all over his body next. His arms, his hips, his chest, his stomach.

"A-Ah!", Goldie moaned, falling under Spring's touch, Spring instantly pulled away and blushed.

"Fuck, sorry, are you okay? I got carried away...", Spring mumbled, letting Goldie pull down his shirt while blushing, "But seriously, you don't feel...that bad? I mean, you were always pretty feminine but if anything it was baby fat before and this is more of the...Feminine type? I guess you're lucky. Your weight distributes nicely," Spring commented.

"O-Oh? T-Thank you!", He smiled, "Now- Let's go see Freddy?"


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