Survive: Book 1

By Hell_Froze_Over2000

121 0 1

Cadi Lake is 16, and she has devoted from when she was 13 to training for the military. When she gets there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 8

3 0 0
By Hell_Froze_Over2000

Cadi's POV

It has been a week since we got to the new camp. I didn't mind it here, although the guys were complete perves.

I did lots of workouts, and drills with Vi, and he seemed to be getting better at keeping up, not perfect thought. Today we were playing with guns. We went into the small building, and chose a couple guns, then went and set up our stations.

He was terrible with them.

When he looked at me when he wasn't holding it right, he pointed it at me, and I out of instinct disarmed him and pressed the barrel of the gun to his forehead. "Don't, EVER point a gun at someone."

He nods, his eyes full of terror. I look at the gun, and click something, then twirl it around, handing him the gun. "You're lucky it was on safety," I mutter.

He watches as I expertly use three bullets, and hit every target exactly in the middle. He stares, when I do it with the few guns I did choose. Every time, I hit the exact same spot on the target. When I go to put away the first three, and go to grab another three, he just stares.

I walk up to him, and trail my fingers up his chest. I intended to lead him on.

"Oh, please don't tempt me, Ms. Lakes."

I press myself closer to him. Oh I intended to do that, and this was a form of restraint. So, he gets to show off how 'restrained' he is.

I brush my hand over the stubble that has formed over the last week, and he groans.

I could just do something, and he's regret what he did next. I pressed my self chest to chest with him, and he grabs my ass. NOPE!

I slap him, straight across the face. "Come on, you cant be working with me if you cant learn restraint."


"You need to learn restraint," I say with a shrug. He glares at me, long and hard. I smirk up at him, "I'm serious, learn restraint. Now, let me see you do your damned target practice before I hit you again."

He grumbles, then goes to stand. He had good posture, but could use a little work. I let it slide. He raised the gun, and then shot, closing his eyes, and almost falling back. I shook my head.

"You are never gonna shoot if you close your eyes before pulling the trigger," I say, walking up behind him, with a different shotgun, and standing in proper posture. "Well come on, follow my movements."

He stands straight, looking straight ahead. I lift the gun, away from my body, pointing it at what I want to target at. I secretly click the safety latch on.

He does the same thing, but his hands aren't placed properly. I move his hands and wrap them around the gun properly. I then retake my position, and look at him.

"On three. 1... 2... 3!" We both shoot, my safety being on, so I didn't actually shoot anything. I watch as his bullet soars through the air, right into the second ring of the target before the middle.

"Good, it takes practice."

"That wasn't me," he grumbles. I smirk at him.

"Come on, I cant make a sh-"

"You did, I had safety on."

He stares at me, awestruck. I smirk at him, and then leave him to the rest of the guns. I watched from the background, and every once in a while stepped in.

After we were done, we trudged through the mud, down to the gym. We had nothing better to do, so we went to beat the shit out of a few punching bags. I held it for him, and soon enough, he started doing kicks.

I finally decided that he might be some fun to fight with. We found an open mat, and took our positions. I smirk at him, and he looks at me, worried.

"I'll go easy on you," I say. He just stares at me.

He tries throwing a punch, and I just have to move out of the way. Pathetic.

He tries to kick me, and I catch his leg, making him lose his balance and fall. But as fast as he was on the ground, he was back up again, throwing another punch. I just get out of the way, and then move to his back.

I elbow him in the middle of the spine, making him arch his back, clearly in pain. I walk around him, and he quickly reclaims his composure. He just isn't gonna stop..

He goes to throw a punch, but I predicted it, and caught it.

Vi's POV

I'M SCREWED! I try to hit her, but she either dodges it, or catches it. She isn't predictable, or easy to read at all, and she ain't giving me anything to guess off of when it comes to emotions.

She smirks at me. People were starting to walk over to us. She looked so innocent, like she didn't know anything, but when you looked into her eyes, you saw fire, agony, pain, anger, sorrow, sadness, depression. It was fucking scary.

I go to throw another punch, and when she catches it, I kick her in the back. She looks at me with that, "you're kidding, right?" look.

I give her a smirk, and she just glares. I thought I had done something that helped me, but I don't think I did when she grabs my fist, and twists, twisting me with it. I growl in pain. How the hell was she so good at this!?

There was now a group around us, and they were all watching in awe.

I try to kick her, yet she catches my leg again, she yanks me towards her, making me fall flat on my face. DAMMIT!

I try to get up, but when I'm on my knees, she lifts my chin with her index finger, and just looks at me. "You know, I thought you learned something, but this proves otherwise."

She goes to punch me, but I dodge it. She looks at me awestruck. I jump up, and aim for her throat. I was done with this bitch. I go to punch, hitting something softer then her throat, but it doesn't effect her. What the fuck!?

She grabs the collar of my shirt, and pulls me towards her.

Ohhhhhhh I'm dead.

I look her straight in the eyes, and then she punches me. I land on the floor, coughing up blood. I get on all fours, and start coughing hysterically.

When I look up at her, she's blushing. What the hell did I...

"Touch my boob again I'll be sure to kill you," she grumbles. She walks away, not bothering to help me up. Oh shit, I screwed up...


OMFG Best part is right here! Comment if you think so xD

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