By Brink_of_pure_awe

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I woke up at six at night to a loud alarm I went to the computer and it flashed PLEASE EXIT THE BUILDING IN T... More

Chapter One Brey: A life changed
Chapter Two Nick: My Parents' wishes
Chapter Three Haleigh: Mission 1
Chapter four Justin: Fast forward
Chapter five Victoria: the return
Chapter Six Daniel: Surprise
Chapter Seven Chloe: Austin Smith
Chapter Eight Chloe: Dating
Chapter Nine Chloe: Lies
Chapter Ten Chloe: the TRUTH
Chapter Eleven Emily: Exit Stage Right
Chapter Tweleve Nick: Payment
Chapter Fourteen Justin: Assistance
Chapter Fifteen Tori: the unknown
Chapter Sixteen Daniel: well then
Chapter Seventeen Danny: FML
Chapter Eighteen Daniel: Like it's my Last
Chapter Nineteen Chloe: Normal not Boring
Chapter Twenty Emily: Sonnet 71

Chapter Thirdteen Haleigh: Changes and Betrayal

36 3 0
By Brink_of_pure_awe

I don't know what happened two days ago, everything was going smoothly we made our plan to get the weapon and get the hell out of here, but none of us would have ever thought that Danny would do this to us. Thankfully, Hunter could get the others and the weapon out in time, but I'm still trapped in this dam house. I really hope that Hunter isn't going to blame himself for not seeing that Danny would ever become the traitor that he is. I keep trying to think about the two positives that I have Danny hasn't sold me out and that they don't have the weapon. I completed the mission and that's all that matters, but the second I see Danny I'm going to punch him. The fact that he was so easily bought hurts I thought we were at least friends and now not only is he following their orders, but he seems to be happy even proud about what he did to us.

I'm stuck here in my cute bikini serving them their drinks and being forced to act like I'm giving the nasty men that come in my room a night something other than a laced drink and the pleasure of waking up next to me. I hate this place that sole purpose is to objectify women as toys and I'm pissed at the fact that all Danny wanted was two million dollars and a pass to come to this place went ever he wants. I can't wait until one of them realizes that he was one of us and kills him because of it. I need to find a way of getting out of here before AG finds out that Danny works for them now knowing what little he does about the group we work for. He thinks it's an excellent idea to do whatever they say just because they pay him, but doesn't realize how expendable he is making himself after he destroys all their enemies.

Now I need to focus on a way to break out of here before AG sends a missile or something. A week after Hunter escaped with Justin and Emily there have been these two guards that seem familiar to me they are twins and about seventeen. I can't see their faces all I can tell is they seem kind of muscular and are blonds. I wanted to bring it up but didn't at the same time since they are probably on a mission which could be to rescue me. They seemed protective of me not that I minded having someone helping me since I was running low on drugs. After shift was over I was still on my own one of the guys I knocked out had his phone on him and I called AG who told me that I was going to be evacuated and that Brey and Nick had been Ordered to take care of Danny.

When I heard the alarm, I knew it was Brey and Nick. Then the two guards outside the door pushed me against the wall and injected me with something and I passed out. My mind went back to one of the summers I spent with my parents in Wisconsin. I'm the middle child of five my two older sisters Carrie and Amanda, me then my two younger brothers Max and Aaron. I barely remember Amanda and Carrie since we only met a few times, but Max, Aaron, and I were all dropped off at the same time and shared a room. I haven't talked to them since I took the admissions test which was three years ago, and I feel guilty about it. I remember me promising that I would try to keep up with them, but sadly I didn't and I'm starting to regret it. When I returned to Earth I was laying in the backseat of a car. The sun was warming my face I tried to open my eyes, but it felt like the sun was inches from my face. I rolled on to my back trying to ease the extreme headache I had, and my pounding heartbeat didn't help, but I realized it wasn't just my headache.

The first time I asked to stop blaring whatever it was that they were playing my loving brothers turned it even louder, but after kicking the back of Max's chair a few times he finally turned it off. "So" Max started "how have things been going" I laughed and said "okay." I asked them what I had missed then Max unloaded the past three years of events in around three minutes, and all I could catch was that Max became a spy, Aaron became an assassin, their original teams are all dead, something about kangaroos, Aaron was kick threw a window, and that AG sent them. I really didn't want to ask anything else except I had no idea where I was and where we were going so I asked, and they said that they were following Nick and Brey which didn't make me feel better. Then I started hearing the screaming from the trunk and all they did was turn back on the music I would've been mad but I loved the song that was playing.

When we finally stopped to get something to eat Nick knocked Danny back out and tossed a bag of chips back there. Then we stopped at this diner for lunch or breakfast or whatever meal it was. Aaron was being oddly quiet I was about to say something when Brey said something to him. I don't know what she said to him, but it made him a lot more sociable almost like his normal self. After a few more hours of driving we got on a helicopter and flew to LA, and took Danny to AG. I was feeling bad for him until he said that I was a complete idiot for risking my life for nothing. I won't know what he means by nothing, but I've risked my life shutting down sex trafficking rings, stealing weapons technologies that could kill millions, and demolishing crime rings.

After we arrived at AG's office she looked at him with so much hatred as if she wasn't the one smiling at him and telling him that he was doing great. She had Nick and Brey drag him into another room and lock the door. She walked over to a large chair and sat down, and Max, Aaron, and I sat on the sofa across from her. "First off I would like to say that you handled everything extremely well" she started "in light of Mr. Paul's disloyalty we are to investigate to see if the rest of you have been compromised." We heard Danny start screaming and then stop suddenly "I don't handle betrayal very well" she said with a smile. Nick and Brey walked out of the room each with a cloth wiping off their hands both smiling, so when AG asked them if they left Danny alive Brey answered "yes" trying not to laugh while Nick said, "he just in excruciating pain" sarcastically.

"Also" AG started "your time in conditional housing is over meaning that it's time for you to move out. You will be given an office space and a personal paycheck for you to spend as you wish. This has nothing to do with the actions of Daniel and these changes will be after the investigation." When she finished telling us everything I only had three questions where are we moving to, when this investigation is going to start and end, and what are Aaron and Max going to be doing. AG said that Aaron and Max had another assignment to get on then shoved us out of her office and onto a flight home. The people AG sent to interrogate us were incredibly thorough and asked all of us a lot of questions, and it was hard for me to sit in an interrogation room and tell the truth. They talked to Justin for longer than anyone else then asked him to try to remember all of Danny's ex-girlfriends, flings, and one night stands let's just say that he couldn't. When they talked to Chloe I could tell that Nick was nervous, but then they were done talking to her she was perfectly fine. They took all of Danny's things then left, and after they were gone it felt like Danny never existed. After AG gave us the all clear we all started looking for a place and coincidently five apartments had just become vacant nearby.

Emily and I decided to be roommates, Chloe and Nick obviously moved in together, and so did Hunter and Tori. Justin wanted a place to himself and Brey didn't oppose, so they each got their own places. Our office is in the Timmons building downtown on the eighth floor, suite A. As it turns out the organization we work for owns the building and the other three teams on our floor and very loose about the definition of classified. Our office has three smaller offices and a room for meetings Brey and Nick share one, Tori and Justin share another, and we spies share the last. AG doesn't just pop up and more she tells us to go to the office then gives us our mission like a normal boss. The best part about all of these changes is the necessary shopping. When AG issued us our first pay check I was ecstatic after getting our apartment we had to get future and other house stuff. Then we needed to buy new clothes for the office and to fill up the empty space in my closet. Then I needed to buy a car and the dealer was very happy to help me out with that I ended up settling on a cute red convertible and Emily got a purple one. For the next two weeks or so we got used to our new normal then we got our next mission then they kept coming Jakarta, Auckland, Edinburgh, Wellington, Petra, Melbourne, Luxor, Manila, Lima, Santiago, Bogotá, Amsterdam. 

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