One Direction One Shots

By CaramelLova

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One Shots for all those lovely people out there! I AM WARNING YOU, MY ONE SHOTS MAY (Actually never...) NOT B... More

One Direction One Shots
Elizabeth And Zayn
Jane and Liam
Andrea and Niall
Kaylyn and Harry :)
Nicki and Louis
Maddy and Niall
Hannah and Louis
Bel and Niall

Munaza and Zayn

212 5 2
By CaramelLova

"Let go of me!" Munaza squealed as Zayn spin her around.

"Err... Sorry Mun Mun, not possible," Zayn apologised "Because if I do, you would fall into the lake." Zayn pretended to drop her and Munaza squeezed her eyes shut. Zayn didn't like seeing her scared so he pulled her in into a tight hug.

"I'd never let you down if I had the choice," he mumbled into her smooth black hair "but I have to go for the shooting." Munaza pouted in disappointment, she hated not having enough time with Zayn, he would always disappeared within an hour after spending time with her. Zayn let go of her and she stood beside him on the rocky road, looking into his hazel eyes, caught in the moment, but snapped back when she received a text.

Go on twitter, I told you this wasn't going to work. :( - Delilah

Munaza fiddled with her phone and got to her profile page, scared. Her hands were shaking but Zayn didn't notice because he was packing away the things he bought with him for the lake side picnic. Munaza  stared at the tweets in horror.


Watch wen u brake up. He only did this cuz he hasnt had a gal in ages. He waz desparate. Hot guys like dat dont date ugly cows like you. 


Munaza couldn't read on as tears trickled down her plum cheeks. She didn't know what to do and tweets kept on coming from unknown people all around the world, bombarding her twitter page. Delilah was right. She never should've dated him, it would've be too hard for her to take it in, specially with her sensitive self. Zayn swiveled around, frozen at the state of is girlfriend. She noticed Zayn staring at her with a worried face and hecticly wiped away her tears pretending nothing happened and smiled at him weakly.

"What happened, bebz?" Zayn asked with a soothing tone. Tears started falling down her cheeks again and Munaza gave him the phone.

Zayn's eyes widened and started tapping away at her phone, she leaned forward to see Zayn logging into his twitter account.

"What are you doing?" Munaza said with a hoarse voice.

"Telling everyone to back off!" Zayn replied.

Munaza snatched her phone back, worried about him ruining his career. She viontly shook  her head and Zayn grabbed her cheeks, kissing her forhead gently and pulling her into the tightest hug possible.

"I love you," he whispered, "They have no idea what they are talking about... You're the best person in the world, and no many amount of haters are going to change that."

"I love you too," Munaza smiled, "And you really are sweet, and suffocating me..."

Zayn pulled away from the short black haired girl laughing and pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"What now?!" Munaza groaned. 

"I'm texting the boys," he grinned, "Today, I will be spending time with the most beautiful girl in the world rather than going to the beach to film a music video."

He kissed her round cheeks and grabbed her waist, spinning her around simultaniously.

"STOP!" EVERYTIME ZAYN!" She screamed.

"I love you too!" Zayn screamed back.

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